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There are 4436 total results for your The Old Way - Old School search. I have created 45 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
èr chū
    er4 chu1
erh ch`u
    erh chu
The two modes of escape from mortality, 堅出 the long way called the 聖道門 or 自力敎, i.e. working out one's own salvation; and 橫出 the across or short way of the Pure-land sect or 他力敎 faith in or invocation of another, i.e. Amitābha.



see styles
èr yuán
    er4 yuan2
erh yüan
The two perfect doctrines, a term of the Tiantai School, called 今圓 (also 開顯圓 and 絶待圓) and 昔圓 (also 相待圓 ). 今圓 is the present really perfect 一實 doctrine arising from the Lotus Sūtra; 昔圓 is the older, or 相待 comparatively speaking perfect doctrine of the pre-Lotus teaching, that of the 藏, 通, and 別 schools; but the older was for limited salvation and not universal like the 今圓; these two are also termed 部圓 and 教圓 . The Huayan school has a division of the two perfections into 漸圓 gradual perfection and 頓圓 immediate perfection.


see styles
èr zōng
    er4 zong1
erh tsung
 nisou / niso
(surname) Nisou
Two theories or schools stated by the Huayan (Kegon) school as 法相宗 and 法性宗 q.v., known also as 相宗 and 性宗. There are ten point of difference between them. Another division is the 空宗 and 性宗 q. v.


see styles
èr jiào
    er4 jiao4
erh chiao
Dual division of the Buddha's teaching. There are various definitions: (1) Tiantai has (a) 顯教 exoteric or public teaching to the visible audience, and (b) 密教 at the same time esoteric teaching to an audience invisible to the other assembly. (2) The 眞言 Shingon School by "exoteric" means all the Buddha's preaching, save that of the 大日經 which it counts esoteric. (3) (a) 漸教 and (b) 頓教 graduated and immediate teaching, terms with various uses, e.g. salvation by works Hīnayāna, and by faith, Mahāyāna, etc.; they are applied to the Buddha's method, to the receptivity of hearers and to the teaching itself. (4) Tiantai has (a) 界内教 and (b) 界外教 teachings relating to the 三界 or realms of mortality and teachings relating to immortal realms. (5) (a) 半字教 and (b) 滿字教 Terms used in the Nirvāṇa sūtra, meaning incomplete word, or letter, teaching and complete word teaching, i.e. partial and complete, likened to Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna. (6) (a) 捃收教 and (b) 扶律談常教 of the Nirvāṇa sūtra, (a) completing those who failed to hear the Lotus; (b) "supporting the law, while discoursing on immortality," i.e. that the keeping of the law is also necessary to salvation. (7) Tiantai's division of (a) 偏教 and (b) 圓教 the partial teaching of the 藏, 通, and schools as contrasted with the perfect teaching of the 圓 school. (8) Tiantai's division of (a) 構教 and (6) 實教 temporary and permanent, similar to the last two. (9) (a) 世間教 The ordinary teaching of a moral life here; (b) 出世間教 the teaching of Buddha-truth of other-worldly happiness in escape from mortality. (10) (a) 了義教 the Mahāyāna perfect or complete teaching, and (b) 不了義教 Hīnayāna incompleteness. (11) The Huayan division of (a) 屈曲教 indirect or uneven teaching as in the Lotus and Nirvāṇa sūtras, and (b) 平道教 direct or levelled up teaching as in the Huayan sūtra. (12) The Huayan division of (a) 化教 all the Buddha's teaching for conversion and general instruction, and (b) 制教 his rules and commandments for the control and development of his order.


see styles
èr zhì
    er4 zhi4
erh chih
The two kinds of wisdom; there are various pairs. The Huayan school uses 如理智 and 如量智; the Faxiang (法相) uses 根本智 and 後得智; the Tiantai uses 權智 and 實智. (1) (a) 如理智 or 根本智, 無分別智, 正體智, 眞智, 實智 is Buddha-wisdom, or Bodhisattva real wisdom; (b) 如量智 or 後得智, the same wisdom in its limitation and relation to ordinary human affairs. (2) (a) 實智 Absolute wisdom and (b) 權智 or 方便智 | relative or temporal wisdom. (3) (a) 一切智 wisdom of the all, (b) 一切種智 wisdom of all the particulars.


see styles
èr liú
    er4 liu2
erh liu
 niryuu / niryu
second-rate; second-tier
(noun - becomes adjective with の) second-rate; inferior
The two ways in the current of transmigration: 順流 to flow with it in continual re-incarnation; 逆流 resist it and seek a way of escape by getting rid of life's delusions, as in the case of the saints.


see styles
èr zǔ
    er4 zu3
erh tsu
The second patriarch of the Chan school, Huike 慧可.



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èr dùn
    er4 dun4
erh tun
The two immediate or direct ways to perfection, as defined by Jingxi 荊溪 of the Huayan school; the gradual direct way of the Lotus; the direct way of the Huayan sutra, which is called the 頓頓頓圓, while that of the Lotus is called the 漸頓漸圓.



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hù yì
    hu4 yi4
hu i
two-way translation


see styles
wǔ huǐ
    wu3 hui3
wu hui
The five stages in a penitential service. Tiantai gives: (1) confession of past sins and forbidding them for the future; (2) appeal to the universal Buddhas to keep the law-wheel rolling; (3) rejoicing over the good in self and others; (4) 廻向 offering all one's goodness to all the living and to the Buddha-way; (5) resolve, or vows, i. e. the 四弘誓. The Shingon sect 眞言宗 divides the ten great vows of Samantabhadra 普賢 into five 悔, the first three vows being included under 歸命 or submission; the fourth is repentance; the fifth rejoicing; the sixth, seventh, and eighth appeal to the Buddhas; the ninth and tenth, bestowal of acquired merit.


see styles
wǔ jiào
    wu3 jiao4
wu chiao
The five division of Buddhism according to the Huayan School, of which there are two That of 杜順 Dushun down to 賢首 Xianshou is (1) 小乘教 Hīnayāna which interprets nirvana as annihilation; (2) 大乘始教 the primary stage of Mahāyāna, with two sections the 相始教 and 空 始教 or realistic and idealistic, (3) 大乘終教 Mahāyāna in its final stage, teaching the 眞如 and universal Buddhahood; (4) 頓教 the immediate, direct, or intuitive school, e. g. by right concentration of thought, or faith, apart from 'works'; (5) 圓教 the complete or perfect teaching of the Huayan, combining all the rest into one all-embracing vehicle. The five are now differentiated into 十宗 ten schools. The other division, by 圭峯 Guifeng of the same school, is (1) 人天教 rebirth as human beings for those who keep the five commandments and as devas those who keep the 十善 as 相始教 above; (4) 大乘破相教 as 空始教 above; and (5) 一乘顯性教 the one vehicle which reveals the universal Buddha-nature; it includes (3), (4), and (5) of the first group. See also 五時教.



see styles
wǔ shí
    wu3 shi2
wu shih
(五時教) The five periods or divisions of Śākyamuni's teaching. According to Tiantai they are (1) 華嚴時 the Avataṃsaka or first period in three divisions each of seven days, after his enlightenment, when he preached the content, of this sutra; (2) 鹿苑時 the twelve years of his preaching the Āgamas 阿含 in the Deer Park; (3) 方等時 the eight years of preaching Mahāyāna-cum-Hīnayāna doctrines, the vaipulya period; (4) 般若時 the twenty-two years of his preaching the prajñā or wisdom sutras; (5) 法華涅槃時 the eight years of his preaching the Lotus Sutra and, in a day and a night, the Nirvana Sutra. According to the Nirvana School (now part of the Tiantai) they are (1) 三乘別教 the period when the differentiated teaching began and the distinction of the three vehicles, as represented by the 四諦 Four Noble Truths for śrāvakas, the 十二因緣 Twelve Nidānas for pratyekabuddhas, and the 六度 Six Pāramitās for bodhisattvas; (2) 三乘通教 the teaching common to all three vehicles, as seen in the 般若經; (3) 抑揚教 the teaching of the 維摩經, the 思益梵天所問經, and other sutras olling the bodhisattva teaching at the expense of that for śrāvakas; (4) 同歸教 the common objective teaching calling all three vehicles, through the Lotus, to union in the one vehicle; (5) 常住教 the teaehmg of eternal life i. e. the revelation through the Nirvana sutra of the eternity of Buddhahood; these five are also called 有相; 無相; 抑揚; 曾三歸—; and 圓常. According to 劉虬 Liu Chiu of the 晉 Chin dynasty, the teaching is divided into 頓 immediate and 漸 gradual attainment, the latter having five divisions called 五時教 similar to those of the Tiantai group. According to 法寶 Fabao of the Tang dynasty the five are (1) 小乘; (2) 般着 or 大乘; (3) 深密 or 三乘; (4) 法華 or 一乘; (5) 涅槃 or 佛性教.


see styles
wǔ zhì
    wu3 zhi4
wu chih
(place-name, surname) Gochi
The five kinds of wisdom of the 眞言宗 Shingon School. Of the six elements 六大 earth, water, fire, air (or wind), ether (or space) 曇空, and consciousness (or mind 識 ), the first five form the phenomenal world, or Garbhadhātu, the womb of all things 胎藏界, the sixth is the conscious, or perceptive, or wisdom world, the Vajradhātu 金剛界, sometimes called the Diamond realm. The two realms are not originally apart, but one, and there is no consciousness without the other five elements. The sixth element, vijñāna, is further subdivided into five called the 五智 Five Wisdoms: (1) 法界體性智 dharmadhātu-prakṛti-jñāna, derived from the amala-vijñāna, or pure 識; it is the wisdom of the embodied nature of the dharmadhātu, defined as the six elements, and is associated with Vairocana 大日, in the centre, who abides in this samādhi; it also corresponds to the ether 空 element. (2) 大圓鏡智 adarśana-jñāna, the great round mirror wisdom, derived from the ālaya-vijñāna, reflecting all things; corresponds to earth, and is associated with Akṣobhya and the east. (3) 平等性智 samatā-jñāna, derived from mano-vijñāna, wisdom in regard to all things equally and universally; corresponds to fire, and is associated with Ratnasaṃbhava and the south. (4) 妙觀察智 pratyavekṣaṇa-jñāna, derived from 意識, wisdom of profound insight, or discrimination, for exposition and doubt-destruction; corresponds to water, and is associated with Amitābha and the west. (5) 成所作智 kṛtyānuṣṭhāna-jñāna, derived from the five senses, the wisdom of perfecting the double work of self-welfare and the welfare of others; corresponds to air 風 and is associated with Amoghasiddhi and the north. These five Dhyāni-Buddhas are the 五智如來. The five kinds of wisdom are the four belonging to every Buddha, of the exoteric cult, to which the esoteric cult adds the first, pure, all-refecting, universal, all-discerning, and all-perfecting.


see styles
wǔ píng
    wu3 ping2
wu p`ing
    wu ping
The five vases used by the esoteric school for offering flowers to their Buddha, the flowers are stuck in a mixture of the five precious things, the five grains and the five medicines mingled with scented water.



see styles
wǔ guān
    wu3 guan1
wu kuan
The five meditations referred to in the Lotus Sutra 25: (1) 眞 on the true, idem 空觀, to meditate on the reality of the void or infinite, in order to be rid of illusion in views and thoughts; (2) 淸淨觀 on purity, to be rid of any remains of impurity connected with the temporal, idem 假觀; (3) 廣大智慧觀 on the wider and greater wisdom, idem 中觀, by study of the 'middle' way; (4) 悲觀 on pitifulness, or the pitiable condition of the living, and by the above three to meditate on their salvation; (5) 慈觀 on mercy and the extension of the first three meditations to the carrying of joy to all the living.


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 aryuu / aryu
(1) (inferior) imitator; epigone; poor imitation; copycat; (2) follower; adherent; person belonging to the same school (e.g. of thought); (female given name) Aru



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rén mén
    ren2 men2
jen men
entry way for humans



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rén shù
    ren2 shu4
jen shu
kindness; benevolence; to govern in humanitarian way
benevolent act; healing act


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jīn jiā
    jin1 jia1
chin chia
(surname) Imaie
The present school, i. e. my school or sect.


see styles
method; way


see styles
way; method; means; resource; course


see styles
way; method; means; resource; course


see styles
 shiyou / shiyo
(1) way; method; means; resource; remedy; (2) (technical) specification


see styles
 shiyou / shiyo
(out-dated kanji) (1) way; method; means; resource; remedy; (2) (technical) specification


see styles
tā fāng
    ta1 fang1
t`a fang
    ta fang
 tahou / taho
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party; (conjunction) (2) (See 一方・いっぽう・2) on the other hand
other lands


see styles
 takou / tako
(See 他・た) another school; other schools


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 taryuu / taryu
another style; another school (of thought, karate, etc.)


see styles
fù fāng
    fu4 fang1
fu fang
credit side (of a balance sheet), as opposed to 收方[shou1 fang1]
(1) way of affixing something; (2) way of recording something (to a logbook, etc.)



see styles
yǐ zī
    yi3 zi1
i tzu
by way of; to serve as


see styles
(irregular kanji usage) (adv,adj-na) (1) (kana only) very; considerably; easily; readily; fairly; quite; highly; rather; (adverb) (2) (kana only) by no means (with negative verb); not readily; (3) middle; half-way point; (can be adjective with の) (4) (kana only) excellent; wonderful; very good



see styles
yī mó
    yi1 mo2
i mo
in that way...


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 kyuugaku / kyugaku
(noun/participle) temporary absence from school


see styles
 kyuukou / kyuko
(n,vs,vi) (temporary) closure of school


see styles
 kyuugyou / kyugyo
(n,vs,vi) suspension of business; temporary closure (of a store, school, etc.); shutdown; holiday


see styles
zhù xiào
    zhu4 xiao4
chu hsiao
to board at school



see styles
zhù dú
    zhu4 du2
chu tu
to attend boarding school


see styles
 nanjou / nanjo
(1) what article (of a legal document, etc.); what clause; what section; (2) (of streets ending in 条) which street; (adverb) (3) (archaism) how can (one possibly do ...); cannot possibly ...; there is no way ...; (personal name) Nanjō


see styles
fó shèng
    fo2 sheng4
fo sheng
The Buddha conveyance or vehicle, Buddhism as the vehicle of salvation for all beings; the doctrine of the 華嚴 Huayan (Kegon) School that all may become Buddha, which is called 一乘 the One Vehicle, the followers of this school calling it the 圓教 complete or perfect doctrine; this doctrine is also styled in the Lotus Sutra 一佛乘 the One Buddha-Vehicle.


see styles
fó dì
    fo2 di4
fo ti
buddha-bhūmi. The Buddha stage, being the tenth stage of the 通 or intermediate school, when the bodhisattva has arrived at the point of highest enlightenment and is just about to become a Buddha.


see styles
fó jiā
    fo2 jia1
fo chia
Buddhism; Buddhist
The school or family of Buddhism; the Pure Land, where is the family of Buddha. Also all Buddhists from the srota-āpanna stage upwards.



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fó míng
    fo2 ming2
fo ming
Buddhaghoṣa, the famous commentator and writer of the Hīnayāna School and of the Pali canon. He was "born near the Bo Tree, at Buddha Gayā, and came to Ceylon about A.D. 430". "Almost all the commentaries now existing (in Pali) are ascribed to him". Rhys Davids.


see styles
zuò jiā
    zuo4 jia1
tso chia
author; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
author; writer; novelist; artist; (surname) Sakuka
Leader, founder, head of sect, a term used by the 禪 Chan (Zen) or Intuitive school.



see styles
zuò yè
    zuo4 ye4
tso yeh
 sagyou / sagyo
school assignment; homework; work; task; operation; CL:個|个[ge4]; to operate
(n,vs,vi) work; operation; task
Karma produced, i.e. by the action of body, words, and thought, which educe the kernel of the next rebirth.


see styles
zuò fǎ
    zuo4 fa3
tso fa
 sahou(p); sakuhou / saho(p); sakuho
    さほう(P); さくほう
course of action; method of doing something; practice; modus operandi
(1) (さほう only) manners; etiquette; propriety; (2) manner of production (esp. of prose, poetry, etc.); way of making
Karma, which results from action, i.e. the "deeds" of body or mouth; to perform ceremonies.



see styles
zuò fēng
    zuo4 feng1
tso feng
 sakufuu / sakufu
style; style of work; way
style (of a work, author, artist, etc.); characteristics


see styles
 heisetsu / hesetsu
(noun, transitive verb) (See 併置・へいち) joint establishment (esp. schools of different levels or different courses of study); establishment as an annex (e.g. of a school); juxtaposition; placing side by side


see styles
 heigan / hegan
(noun, transitive verb) applying to enter more than one school


see styles
purpose for which money is spent; the way money is spent; how goods are used


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 reino / reno
(pre-noun adjective) (1) the usual; as it always is; (pre-noun adjective) (2) said; that (previously-mentioned person or object); aforementioned; you-know-(who, what, etc.); (adverb) (3) (archaism) in the usual way


see styles
biàn shì
    bian4 shi4
pien shih
(emphasizes that something is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as


see styles
bǎo jiàn
    bao3 jian4
pao chien
health protection; health care; to maintain in good health
(1) preservation of health; hygiene; sanitation; (2) health education (school subject)


see styles
bǎo mǔ
    bao3 mu3
pao mu
nanny; housekeeper
day-care worker in a kindergarten, nursery school, etc.


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bǎo mǔ
    bao3 mu3
pao mu
variant of 保姆[bao3 mu3]
day-care worker in a kindergarten, nursery school, etc.; (surname) Yasubo


see styles
(dated) (See 保育士) male carer (at a nursery school, children's home, etc.); childcare worker


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bǎo sòng
    bao3 song4
pao sung
to recommend (for admission to school)


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 shuuryo / shuryo
(abbreviation) (colloquialism) (See 修学旅行・しゅうがくりょこう) excursion; field trip; school trip



see styles
xiū yè
    xiu1 ye4
hsiu yeh
 shuugyou(p); shugyou / shugyo(p); shugyo
    しゅうぎょう(P); しゅぎょう
to study at school
(n,vs,vt,vi) pursuit of knowledge; studying; learning; training; completing a course; (surname) Shiyugyou
practice; cultivation


see styles
xiū dào
    xiu1 dao4
hsiu tao
 shuudou / shudo
to practice Daoism
(n,vs,vi) learning; studying the fine arts; (given name) Nagamichi
To cultivate the way of religion; be religious; the way of self-cultivation. In the Hīnayāna the stage from anāgāmin to arhat; in Mahāyāna one of the bodhisattva stages.


see styles
 oreryuu / oreryu
(masculine speech) one's own way of thinking; one's independent approach


see styles
jiè fāng
    jie4 fang1
chieh fang
borrower; debit side (of a balance sheet)
(1) debtor; debit; (2) way of borrowing



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jiè dú
    jie4 du2
chieh tu
to attend school on a temporary basis



see styles
chàng dǎo
    chang4 dao3
ch`ang tao
    chang tao
to advocate; to initiate; to propose; to be a proponent of (an idea or school of thought)



see styles
jià tiáo
    jia4 tiao2
chia t`iao
    chia tiao
leave of absence request (from work or school); excuse note; CL:張|张[zhang1]


see styles
jiǎ dào
    jia3 dao4
chia tao
via; by way of



see styles
piān láo
    pian1 lao2
p`ien lao
    pien lao
undue trouble; Thank you for having gone out of your way to help me.



see styles
piān yuán
    pian1 yuan2
p`ien yüan
    pien yüan
 hen en
Partial and all-embracing, relative and complete, e. g. Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna, also the intermediate schools (between Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna) and the perfect school of Tiantai.



see styles
piān zhù
    pian1 zhu4
p`ien chu
    pien chu
to stress in a prejudiced way; to emphasize something unduly


see styles
piān zhòng
    pian1 zhong4
p`ien chung
    pien chung
 henchou(p); henjuu(ok) / hencho(p); henju(ok)
    へんちょう(P); へんじゅう(ok)
to stress in a prejudiced way; to emphasize something unduly
(noun, transitive verb) attaching too much importance to; placing disproportionate emphasis on; making too much of


see styles
zuò fǎ
    zuo4 fa3
tso fa
way of handling something; method for making; work method; recipe; practice; CL:個|个[ge4]


see styles
zuò pài
    zuo4 pai4
tso p`ai
    tso pai
way of doing something; behavior; to act in an affected manner; mannerism; gestures in opera


see styles
 teigaku / tegaku
suspension from school



see styles
tíng kè
    ting2 ke4
t`ing k`o
    ting ko
to stop classes; to close (of school)



see styles
bèi qǔ
    bei4 qu3
pei ch`ü
    pei chü
to be on the waiting list (for admission to a school)



see styles
bèi zhì
    bei4 zhi4
pei chih
to the utmost; in every possible way



see styles
chuán xīn
    chuan2 xin1
ch`uan hsin
    chuan hsin
To pass from mind to mind, to pass by narration or tradition, to transmit the mind of Buddha as in the Intuitional school, mental transmission.


see styles
sēng kě
    seng1 ke3
seng k`o
    seng ko
Name of 慧可 Huike, second patriarch of the Intuitive School.



see styles
pì chǔ
    pi4 chu3
p`i ch`u
    pi chu
to be located in (a remote place); to be hidden away in (an out-of-the-way area)


see styles
pì lù
    pi4 lu4
p`i lu
    pi lu
wrong way


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rú jiā
    ru2 jia1
ju chia
Confucian school, founded by Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3] (551-479 BC) and Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3] (c. 372-c. 289 BC)


see styles
profitable job; way to make a fast buck; (surname) Mabuguchi


see styles
yuán zhào
    yuan2 zhao4
yüan chao
(given name) Mototeru
Name of 湛然 Chan-jan, the seventh head of the Tiantai School; he died 1116.


see styles
yuán zǔ
    yuan2 zu3
yüan tsu
(1) originator; pioneer; inventor; founder; (2) progenitor; primogenitor; founder of a family line
The original patriarch, or founder of a sect or school; sometimes applied to the Buddha as the founder of virtue.



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yuán lóng
    yuan2 long2
yüan lung
one that has achieved the way; emperor



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xiān dǎo
    xian1 dao3
hsien tao
 sendou / sendo
to lead the way; guide; forerunner; pioneer
(noun, transitive verb) guidance; leadership; leading the way


see styles
xiān biān
    xian1 bian1
hsien pien
to be the first; to lead the way
initiative; pioneering


see styles
 nyuujuku / nyujuku
(n,vs,vi) (See 塾) enrolling at a cram school


see styles
 nyuugaku / nyugaku
(n,vs,vi) admission (to a school or university); entrance; enrolment; enrollment; matriculation; (surname) Niyūgaku



see styles
rù xué
    ru4 xue2
ju hsüeh
 niyuugaku / niyugaku
to enter a school or college; to go to school for the first time as a child
(surname) Niyūgaku


see styles
 nyuusho / nyusho
(n,vs,vi) (1) admission (to an institute, nursery school, facility, etc.); entrance; (n,vs,vi) (2) imprisonment; incarceration; internment; confinement


see styles
 nyuukou / nyuko
(n,vs,vi) (See 入学) admission (to a school); entrance; enrolment; enrollment


see styles
rù dào
    ru4 dao4
ju tao
 nyuudou / nyudo
to enter the Way; to become a Daoist
(1) {Buddh} entering the priesthood; priest; monk; (2) man with a shaven head; (3) bald-headed monster; (given name) Nyūdō
To become a monk, 出家入道; to leave home and enter the Way.



see styles
nèi zōng
    nei4 zong1
nei tsung
our school


see styles
quán xiū
    quan2 xiu1
ch`üan hsiu
    chüan hsiu
 zenkyuu / zenkyu
complete rest (after an illness)
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) taking the whole day (week, period, etc.) off; being off work (school, etc.) the whole period; (n,vs,vi) (2) suspension of all (transportation) services (e.g. trains, flights)


see styles
 zenkou / zenko
(1) the whole school; (2) all the schools


see styles
bā bù
    ba1 bu4
pa pu
The eight negations of Nagarjuna, founder of the Mādhyamika or Middle School 三論宗. The four pairs are "neither birth nor death, neither end nor permanence, neither identity nor difference, neither coming nor going." These are the eight negations; add "neither cause nor effect"and there are the 十不 ten negations; v. 八迷.



see styles
bā yuán
    ba1 yuan2
pa yüan
Eight fundamental characteristics of a 圓教 complete or perfect school of teaching, which must perfectly express 教, 理, 智, 斷, 行, 位, 因, and 果.



see styles
bā lùn
    ba1 lun4
pa lun
The eight śāstras ; there are three lists of eight; one non-Buddhist; one by 無着 Asaṅga, founder of the Yoga School; a third by 陳那 Jina Dinnāga. Details are given in the 寄歸傳 4 and 解纜鈔 4.



see styles
bā dì
    ba1 di4
pa ti
The eight truths, postulates, or judgments of the 法相 Dharmalakṣana school, i.e. four common or mundane, and four of higher meaning. The first four are (1) common postulates on reality, considering the nominal as real, e.g. a pot; (2) common doctrinal postulates, e.g. the five skandhas; (3) abstract postulates, e.g. the four noble truths 四諦; and (4) temporal postulates in regard to the spiritual in the material. The second abstract or philosophical four are (5) postulates on constitution and function, e.g. of the skandhas; (6) on cause and effect, e.g. the 四諦; (7) on the void, the immaterial, or reality; and (8) on the pure inexpressible ultimate or absolute.



see styles
gōng xué
    gong1 xue2
kung hsüeh
elite fee-charging independent school in England or Wales (e.g. Eton College)


see styles
gōng lì
    gong1 li4
kung li
 kouritsu / koritsu
public (e.g. school, hospital)
public (institution)

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "The Old Way - Old School" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary