Golden Dragon Plays with a Pearl of Lightning - Wall Scroll

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 41.9cm x 63.9cm  ≈  16½" x 25¼"

Silk/Brocade: 50.9cm x 120cm  ≈  20" x 47¼"

Width at Wooden Knobs: 59.9cm  ≈  23½"

Golden Dragon Plays with a Pearl of Lightning - Wall Scroll close up view

Close up view of the dragon artwork mounted to this silk brocade wall scroll


Golden Dragon Plays with a Pearl of Lightning

The title means "The auspicious dragon shoots a pearl from its mouth". It's suggested that it is a ball of lightning (often called a pearl in Chinese).

After the title, the inscription is 丁酉年文君畫 which includes the year painted (2017) in a special ancient way along with "Wen Jun painted" which is the artist's signature (like saying "painted by Wen Jun").