Beautiful Golden Pheasant and Peony Flowers Painting

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 64.6cm x 63.6cm  ≈  25½" x 25"

Silk/Brocade Border: 73.5cm x 72.5cm  ≈  29" x 28½"


Splendid Blooming Flowers

This painting features a golden pheasant along with beautiful pink flowers.

The Chinese title is 錦綉花開 or "Jǐn tòu huā kāi". The first two characters can be translated directly "splendid" or "beautiful". The last two characters mean "Flowers Blooming" or "Flowers Opening".

The characters after that read 歲在丁酉年夏月 which is an ancient way to indicate this was painted in the summer of 2017. The artist signed it, 袁野畫, or "Yuan Ye Painted" (畫 is a character that in this context means, "painted by").

Materials used are watercolors on handmade xuan paper. The painting was then mounted with a copper-brown-colored silk brocade matting/border.

About the Artist:

This was hand painted by 袁野 (Yuan Ye) who lives near Guilin in Southern China. Most of his paintings feature fish which are his specialty.