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 myou / myo

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Clever / Superb / Wonderful
clever; wonderful
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) strange; weird; odd; curious; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) wonder; mystery; miracle; excellence; (noun or adjectival noun) (3) cleverness; adroitness; knack; skill; (surname) Myō
su, sat, mañju, sūkṣma. Wonderful, beautiful, mystic, supernatural, profound, subtle, mysterious. su means good, excellent, surpassing, beautiful, fine, easy. sat means existing, real, good. mañju means beautiful, lovely, charming. Intp. in Chinese as 不可思議 beyond thought or discussion; 絕待 special, outstanding; 無比 incomparable; 精微深遠 subtle and profound.

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Zen / Chan / Meditation
to abdicate
(out-dated kanji) (1) (Buddhist term) dhyana (profound meditation); (2) (abbreviation) Zen (Buddhism); (surname) Yuzuri
To level a place for an altar, to sacrifice to the hills and fountains; to abdicate. Adopted by Buddhists for dhyāna, 禪 or 禪那, i.e. meditation, abstraction, trance. dhyāna is 'meditation, thought, reflection, especially profound and abstract religious contemplation'. M.W. It was intp. as 'getting rid of evil', etc., later as 靜慮 quiet meditation. It is a form of 定, but that word is more closely allied with samādhi, cf. 禪定. The term also connotes Buddhism and Buddhist things in general, but has special application to the 禪宗 q.v. It is one of the six pāramitās, cf. 波. There are numerous methods and subjects of meditation. The eighteen brahmalokas are divided into four dhyāna regions 'corresponding to certain frames of mind where individuals might be reborn in strict accordance with their spiritual state'. The first three are the first dhyāna, the second three the second dhyāna, the third three the third dhyāna, and the remaining nine the fourth dhyāna. See Eitel. According to Childers' Pali Dictionary, 'The four jhānas are four stages of mystic meditation, whereby the believer's mind is purged from all earthly emotions, and detached as it were from his body, which remains plunged in a profound trance.' Seated cross-legged, the practiser 'concentrates his mind upon a single thought. Gradually his soul becomes filled with a supernatural ecstasy and serenity', his mind still reasoning: this is the first jhāna. Concentrating his mind on the same subject, he frees it from reasoning, the ecstasy and serenity remaining, which is the second jhāna. Then he divests himself of ecstasy, reaching the third stage of serenity. Lastly, in the fourth stage the mind becomes indifferent to all emotions, being exalted above them and purified. There are differences in the Mahāyāna methods, but similarity of aim.


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zhōng dào
    zhong1 dao4
chung tao

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The Middle Way
road through the middle; middle road; (place-name, surname) Nakamichi
The 'mean' has various interpretations. In general it denotes the mean between two extremes, and has special reference to the mean between realism and nihilism, or eternal substantial existence and annihilation; this 'mean' is found in a third principle between the two, suggesting the idea of a realm of mind or spirit beyond the terminology of 有 or 無, substance or nothing, or, that which has form, and is therefore measurable and ponderable, and its opposite of total non-existence. See 中論. The following four Schools define the term according to their several scriptures: the 法相 School describes it as the 唯識, v. 唯識中道; the 三論 School as the 八不 eight negations, v. 三論; the Tiantai as 實相 the true reality; and the Huayan as the 法界 dharmadhātu. Four forms of the Mean are given by the 三論玄義.


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shí jiè
    shi2 jie4
shih chieh

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Ten Commandments
the ten commandments (religion)
(1) (Buddhist term) the 10 precepts; (2) Ten Commandments; Decalogue; Decalog; (surname) Jukkai
Śikṣāpada. The ten prohibitions (in Pāli form) consist of five commandments for the layman: (1) not to destroy life 不殺生 pāṇātipātāveramaṇi; (2) not to steal 不倫盜 adinnādānāver; (3) not to commit adultery 不婬慾 abrahmacaryaver.; (4) not to lie 不妄語musāvādāver.; (5) not to take intoxicating liquor 不飮酒 suramereyya-majjapamādaṭṭhānāver. Eight special commandments for laymen consist of the preceding five plus: (6) not to eat food out of regulated hours 不非時食 vikāla-bhojanāver.; (7) not to use garlands or perfumes 不著華鬘好香塗身 mālā- gandha-vilepana-dhāraṇa-maṇḍana-vibhūṣanaṭṭhānā; (8) not to sleep on high or broad beds (chastity) 不坐高廣大牀 uccāsayanā-mahāsayanā. The ten commandments for the monk are the preceding eight plus: (9) not to take part in singing, dancing, musical or theatrical performances, not to see or listen to such 不歌舞倡伎不往觀聽 nacca-gīta-vādita-visūkadassanāver.; (10) to refrain from acquiring uncoined or coined gold, or silver, or jewels 不得捉錢金銀寶物 jātarūpa-rajata-paṭīggahaṇāver. Under the Māhayāna these ten commands for the monk were changed, to accord with the new environment of the monk, to the following: not to kill, not to steal, to avoid all unchastity, not to lie, not to slander, not to insult, not to chatter, not to covet, not to give way to anger, to harbour no scepticism.



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zhuān yòng
    zhuan1 yong4
chuan yung

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special; dedicated


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ēn diǎn
    en1 dian3
en tien

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Grace / Favor
favor; grace
favour; favor; act of grace; special privilege



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ēn chǒng
    en1 chong3
en ch`ung
    en chung
 onchou / oncho

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Grace / Favor
special favor from a ruler; Emperor's generosity towards a favorite
grace; favour; favor


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gé wài
    ge2 wai4
ko wai

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Special / Extraordinary
especially; particularly
(adj-na,adj-no,n) nonstandard; extraordinary; special


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 paaku / paku
{vidg} perk; special ability; (personal name) Park; Parke; Perk



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mǐ xiē ěr
    mi3 xie1 er3
mi hsieh erh

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Michel or Mitchell (name); George Mitchell (1933-), US Democratic party politician and diplomat, influential in brokering Northern Ireland peace deal in 1990s, US Middle East special envoy from 2009



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fēi hǔ duì
    fei1 hu3 dui4
fei hu tui

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Flying Tigers AVG
Flying Tigers, US airmen in China during World War Two; Hong Kong nickname for police special duties unit



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sì wú liàng xīn
    si4 wu2 liang4 xin1
ssu wu liang hsin
 shi muryōshin
catvāri apramāṇāni; the four immeasurables, or infinite Buddha-states of mind, also styled 四等 the four equalities, or universals, and 四梵行 noble acts or characteristics; i. e. four of the twelve 禪 dhyānas: 慈無量心 boundless kindness, maitrī, or bestowing of joy or happiness; 悲無量心 boundless pity, karuṇā, to save from suffering; 喜無量心 boundless joy, muditā, on seeing others rescued from suffering; 捨無量心 limitless indifference, upekṣā, i. e. rising above these emotions, or giving up all things, e. g. distinctions of friend and enemy, love and hate, etc. The esoteric sect has a special definition of its own, connecting each of the four with 普賢; 虛 空 藏; 觀自在; or 盧 空 庫.


see styles
tè rèn
    te4 ren4
t`e jen
    te jen
special appointment
(can act as adjective) specially appointed; appointed temporarily for a specific task


see styles
tè shǐ
    te4 shi3
t`e shih
    te shih
special envoy; special ambassador
special envoy


see styles
tè lì
    te4 li4
t`e li
    te li
 tokurei / tokure
special case; isolated example
special case; exception


see styles
tè miǎn
    te4 mian3
t`e mien
    te mien
special exemption
(noun/participle) special exemption; dispensation



see styles
tè bié
    te4 bie2
t`e pieh
    te pieh
unusual; special; very; especially; particularly; expressly; for a specific purpose; (often followed by 是[shi4]) in particular
(adj-na,adj-no,adv,n) special; particular; extraordinary; exceptional; especial



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tè wu
    te4 wu5
t`e wu
    te wu
special assignment (military); special agent; operative; spy
special duty


see styles
tè dìng
    te4 ding4
t`e ting
    te ting
 tokutei / tokute
special; specific; designated; particular
(can be adjective with の) (1) specific; particular; designated; special; (noun, transitive verb) (2) specifying; designating; identifying; pinpointing


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tè jì
    te4 ji4
t`e chi
    te chi
special effect; stunt
special skill


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tè shū
    te4 shu1
t`e shu
    te shu
special; particular; unusual; extraordinary
(adj-na,adj-no,n) (ant: 一般・2,普遍) special; particular; peculiar; unique


see styles
tè pài
    te4 pai4
t`e p`ai
    te pai
special appointment; special correspondent; task force; sb dispatched on a mission
(noun, transitive verb) send specially; special envoy



see styles
tè zhǒng
    te4 zhong3
t`e chung
    te chung
particular kind; special type
special kind


see styles
tè děng
    te4 deng3
t`e teng
    te teng
 tokutou / tokuto
special grade; top quality
(n,n-pref) special quality, class or grade



see styles
tè yuē
    te4 yue1
t`e yüeh
    te yüeh
specially engaged; employed or commissioned for a special task
(noun, transitive verb) special contract; special agreement; rider (insurance)



see styles
tè jí
    te4 ji2
t`e chi
    te chi
 tokkyuu / tokkyu
special grade; top quality
high grade; special grade; classy



see styles
tè zhì
    te4 zhi4
t`e chih
    te chih
 tokusei / tokuse
specially made; custom-made
(n,vs,vt,adj-no) special make; deluxe



see styles
tè shè
    te4 she4
t`e she
    te she
ad hoc; to set up specially
(n,vs,vt,adj-no) setting up specially; special installation



see styles
tè zhì
    te4 zhi4
t`e chih
    te chih
characteristic; special quality
characteristic; feature; special quality


see styles
tè shè
    te4 she4
t`e she
    te she
to grant a special pardon
(noun, transitive verb) special pardon; (general) amnesty



see styles
tè jí
    te4 ji2
t`e chi
    te chi
 tokushuu / tokushu
special collection; special issue; album
(noun/participle) feature (e.g. newspaper); special edition; report


see styles
tè xū
    te4 xu1
t`e hsü
    te hsü
special need; particular requirement
emergency demands; special procurement (particularly in time of war)



see styles
tè pài yuán
    te4 pai4 yuan2
t`e p`ai yüan
    te pai yüan
special correspondent; sb dispatched on a mission; special commissioner
(1) (special) correspondent (e.g. for a newspaper); (2) representative; delegate



see styles
tè bié dài yù
    te4 bie2 dai4 yu4
t`e pieh tai yü
    te pieh tai yü
 tokubetsutaiguu / tokubetsutaigu
special treatment
special treatment


see styles
tè shū jiào yù
    te4 shu1 jiao4 yu4
t`e shu chiao yü
    te shu chiao yü
 tokushukyouiku / tokushukyoiku
special education; special-needs education
(See 特別支援教育) special education; special-needs education

see styles
to print; to publish; publication; periodical; to peel with a knife; to carve; to amend
(suffix) publication; edition (e.g. morning, evening, special); published in (year); publication frequency (e.g. daily, monthly)
to cut

see styles
to leave; to part (from); (literary) to differentiate; to distinguish; (bound form) other; another; different; don't ...!; to fasten with a pin or clip; to stick in; to insert (in order to hinder movement); (noun suffix) category (e.g. 性別|性别[xing4 bie2], 派別|派别[pai4 bie2])
(archaism) (See 姓・かばね) lord (hereditary title for imperial descendants in outlying regions); (personal name) Wake
Separate, divide, part from, other, different, differentiate, special.

see styles
for a particular person, occasion, purpose; focused on one thing; special; expert; particular (to something); concentrated; specialized
Single; special; solely.

see styles
branch; stem; stalk; CL:根[gen1]; to block; to hinder; (neologism that evolved from 哏[gen2], initially in Taiwan, during the first decade of the 21st century) memorable creative idea (joke, catchphrase, meme, neologism, witty remark etc); prominent feature of a creative work (punchline of a joke, trope in a drama, special ingredient in a dish, riff in a pop song etc)

see styles
different; unique; special; very; (classical) to behead; to die; to cut off; to separate; to surpass
(n,adj-na,n-pref) (1) (archaism) difference (from one another); different thing; other; (adjectival noun) (2) unusual; extraordinary; (adjectival noun) unusual; extraordinary
To kill, exterminate; different; very.

see styles

special; unique; distinguished; especially; unusual; very; abbr. for 特克斯[te4 ke4 si1], tex
A bull, stallion; outstanding, special, alone.

see styles
(bound form) supervisor; supervisory office (in imperial China)
(n,n-suf) (1) (archaism) special Nara-period administrative division for areas containing a detached palace (Yoshino and Izumi); (2) (archaism) (See 大宰府) secretary; third highest-ranking officials in the Dazaifu; (surname) Kanzaki
To survey, examine; a palace-eunuch; the Academy; to superintend, oversee; warden of a jail, warder, jail.


see styles
 esu pii; esupii(sk) / esu pi; esupi(sk)
    エス・ピー; エスピー(sk)
(1) security police; special police; (2) (See スペシャル・2) special; TV special; (3) 78-rpm record; (4) standard play (VHS recording speed); SP; (5) shore patrol; (6) (See セールスプロモーション) sales promotion; (7) {baseb} (See セーブポイント) save point; (8) {figskt} (See ショートプログラム) short program; (9) {comp} (See 構造化プログラミング) structured programming; (10) (See スマートフォン) smartphone


see styles
 esukyuu / esukyu
(n-pref,adj-no,n) superior; special class; higher than A class; extraordinary


see styles
{comp} SIG; special interest group; (personal name) Gigou


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{mahj} dora; special tile that increases the han value of a hand; (personal name) Dora; Dorat


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 sanshou / sansho
{sumo} (See 殊勲賞・2,敢闘賞,技能賞) three special awards for wrestlers at the end of a tournament



see styles
bù dòng
    bu4 dong4
pu tung
 fudou / fudo
(adj-no,n) (1) immovable; motionless; firm; unwavering; unshakable; steadfast; (2) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 不動明王) Acala (Wisdom King); Fudō; fierce Buddhist deity; (place-name, surname) Fudou
acala; niścala; dhruva. The unmoved, immobile, or motionless; also 無動 the term is used for the unvarying or unchanging, for the pole-star, for fearlessness, for indifference to passion or temptation. It is a special term of Shingon 異言 applied to its most important Bodhisattva, the 不動明王 q. v.



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wǔ zhuān
    wu3 zhuan1
wu chuan
The five special things, or five devotions, observance of any one of which, according to the Japanese 眞宗 Shin sect, ensures rebirth in the Pure Land; they are 專禮, 專讀, 專觀, 專名, or 專讚嘆 either worship, reading, meditation, invocation, or praise.


see styles
wǔ míng
    wu3 ming2
wu ming
 gomyou / gomyo
(hist) the five sciences of ancient India (grammar and composition, arts and mathematics, medicine, logic, and philosophy); (surname) Gomei
pañca-vidyā, the five sciences or studies of India: (1) śabda, grammar and composition; śilpakarmasthāna, the arts and mathematics; cikitsā, medicine; hetu, logic; adhyātma, philosophy, which Monier Williams says is the 'knoowledge of the supreme spirit, or of ātman', the basis of the four Vedas; the Buddhists reckon the Tripiṭṭaka and the 十二部教 as their 内明, i. e. their inner or special philosophy.


see styles
 fukuryuu / fukuryu
suicide divers (part of the Japanese Special Attack Units during WWII)


see styles
 fukuryuu / fukuryu
suicide divers (part of the Japanese Special Attack Units during WWII)



see styles
fó jīng
    fo2 jing1
fo ching
Buddhist texts; Buddhist scripture
Buddhist canonical literature; also Buddha's image and sutras, with special reference to those purporting to have been introduced under Han Mingdi; sutras probably existed in China before that reign, but evidence is lacking. The first work, generally attributed to Mingdi's reign, is known as The Sutra of Forty-two Sections 四十二章經 but Maspero in B.E.F.E.O. ascribes it to the second century A.D.



see styles
lái yíng
    lai2 ying2
lai ying
 raikou / raiko
(surname) Raikou
The coming of Buddhas to meet the dying believer and bid welcome to the Pure Land; the three special welcomers are Amitābha, Avalokiteśvara, and Mahāsthāmaprāpta.


see styles
pián yi
    pian2 yi5
p`ien i
    pien i
 bengi(p); bingi(ok)
    べんぎ(P); びんぎ(ok)
cheap; inexpensive; a petty advantage; to let sb off lightly
convenience; accommodation; advantage; benefit; expediency
special opportunity



see styles
gè àn
    ge4 an4
ko an
individual case; special case


see styles
piān hào
    pian1 hao4
p`ien hao
    pien hao
 henkou / henko
to have a special liking (for something)
partiality (to something); liking


see styles
special event


see styles
 yuushou / yusho
(form) high praise; hearty applause; cordial commendation; special reward; grand prize


see styles
bā jiào
    ba1 jiao4
pa chiao
The eight Tiantai classifications of Śākyamuni's teaching, from the Avataṁsaka to the Lotus and Nirvāṇa sūtras, divided into the two sections (1) 化法四教 his four kinds of teaching of the content of the Truth accommodated to the capacity of his disciples; (2) 化儀四教 his four modes of instruction. (1) The four 化法教 are: (a) 三藏教 The Tripiṭaka or Hīnayāna teaching, for śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas, the bodhisattva doctrine being subordinate; it also included the primitive śūnya doctrine as developed in the Satyasiddhi śāstra. (b) 教通His later "intermediate" teaching which contained Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna doctrine for śrāvaka, pratyekabuddha, and bodhisattva, to which are attributed the doctrines of the Dharmalakṣaṇa or Yogācārya and Mādhyamika schools. (c) 別教 His differentiated , or separated, bodhisattva teaching, definitely Mahāyāna. (d) 圓教 His final, perfect, bodhisattva, universal teaching as preached, e.g. in the Lotus and Nirvāṇa sūtras. (2) The four methods of instruction 化儀 are: (a) 頓教 Direct teaching without reserve of the whole truth, e.g. the 華嚴 sūtra. (b) 漸教 Gradual or graded, e.g. the 阿含, 方等, and 般若 sūtras; all the four 化法 are also included under this heading. (c) 祕密教 Esoteric teaching, only understood by special members of the assembly. (d) 不定教 General or indeterminate teaching, from which each hearer would derive benefit according to his interpretation.


see styles
fèn wài
    fen4 wai4
fen wai
exceptionally; not one's responsibility or job
(noun or adjectival noun) not within proper limits; excessive; unmerited; special
to be beyond one's limitations


see styles
special messenger; another messenger


see styles
another affair; special matter


see styles
 betsumei / betsume
(1) another order; different order; (2) special mission


see styles
(1) (kana only) beautiful woman; beauty; pretty girl; (2) high-quality goods; special article


see styles
(1) separate room; another room; (2) special room; (3) (archaism) (See 側室) concubine (of a noble)


see styles
(1) another seat; different seat; special seat; (2) another room; separate room



see styles
bié shí
    bie2 shi2
pieh shih
another time; time of separation
special times



see styles
bié yǒu
    bie2 you3
pieh yu
to have other...; to have a special ...
to exist separately


see styles
additional; extraordinary; outside the norms; special case


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) special; extraordinary



see styles
bié yàng
    bie2 yang4
pieh yang
different kind of; another sort of; special; unusual


see styles
 betsudan; bechidan(ok)
    べつだん; べちだん(ok)
(adj-no,n) (1) particular; special; (adverb) (2) (usu. before a verb in negative form) (not) particularly; (not) especially; (surname) Betsudan


see styles
 becchuu / becchu
(noun, transitive verb) special order; custom order


see styles
another thing; exception; special case


see styles
special course; another course



see styles
bié fú
    bie2 fu2
pieh fu
special binding



see styles
bié yì
    bie2 yi4
pieh i
special meaning


see styles
 bessei / besse
special make



see styles
bié shuō
    bie2 shuo1
pieh shuo
to say nothing of; not to mention; let alone
special explanation



see styles
bié qǐng
    bie2 qing3
pieh ch`ing
    pieh ching
Special deference paid by singling out or inviting one member of the community; which procedure is against monastic rules.


see styles
(adj-no,adj-na,n) (1) separate; special; another; (n,adv) (2) separately


see styles
separate room; special room


see styles
 bekkou / bekko
(noun - becomes adjective with の) special heading; separate paragraph



see styles
bié yuàn
    bie2 yuan4
pieh yüan
Special vows, as the forty-eight of Amitābha, or the twelve of 藥師佛 Yao Shih Fo (Bhaiṣajya), as contrasted with general vows taken by all Bodhisattvas.


see styles
jiā yì
    jia1 yi4
chia i
paying special care; with particular attention


see styles
 kouka / koka
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) effect; effectiveness; efficacy; result; (2) (See 音響効果・おんきょうこうか・1) effects (e.g. sound effects, visual effects, special effects)


see styles
 kudou / kudo
ward road; special ward road


see styles
tái nán
    tai2 nan2
t`ai nan
    tai nan
Tainan, a city and special municipality in southwest Taiwan
(place-name) Tainan (Taiwan)



see styles
gè bié
    ge4 bie2
ko pieh
distinct; different; separately; individually; unusual; novel; (pejorative) eccentric; bizarre
(out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) particular; special; exceptional; especial; (adverb) (2) particularly; especially; exceptionally
separately distinguished


see styles
 meibutsu / mebutsu
famous product; special product; speciality; specialty


see styles
main attraction; special feature; big draw


see styles
(abbreviation) (See 在留特別許可) Special Permission to Stay in Japan; residence status that can be granted to illegal immigrants or overstayers


see styles
 zoukan / zokan
(noun, transitive verb) special issue (of a magazine, etc.); issuing an extra number



see styles
wài guà
    wai4 gua4
wai kua
attached externally (e.g. fuel tank); plug-in; add-on; special software used to cheat in an online game
(sumo) outside leg trip


see styles
(on street signs) large special-purpose vehicle


see styles
tiān mó
    tian1 mo2
t`ien mo
    tien mo
demonic; devil
{Buddh} (See 四魔) demon of the sixth heaven in the realm of desire who tries to prevent people from doing good
deva-māra, 魔羅 one of the four Māras, who dwells in the sixth heaven. Paranirmita-vaśa-vartin, at the top of the Kāmadhātu, with his innumerable host, whence he constantly obstructs the Buddha-truth and its followers. He is also styled 殺者 the slayer; also 波旬 explained by 惡愛 sinful love or desire, as he sends his daughters to seduce the saints; also 波卑 (波卑夜) Papiyan, the evil one. He is the special Māra of the Śākyamuni period; other Buddhas suffer from other Māras; v. 魔.


see styles
qí tè
    qi2 te4
ch`i t`e
    chi te
 kitoku; kidoku
    きとく; きどく
peculiar; unusual; queer
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) praiseworthy; commendable; laudable; (adjectival noun) (2) (colloquialism) (non-standard usage) strange (person); weird; odd
Wonderful, rare, special, the three incomparable kinds of 神通奇特 power to convert all beings, 慧心奇特 Buddha-wisdom, and 攝受奇特Buddha-power to attract and save all beings.


see styles
(See 水石) rare stone; special stone; strange stone; (given name) Kiseki


see styles
qí néng
    qi2 neng2
ch`i neng
    chi neng
 kinou / kino
special ability
(surname) Kinou

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Special" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary