Huge Angel Fish Painting

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 128.2cm x 64cm  ≈  50½" x 25¼"

Silk/Brocade Border: 148.2cm x 74cm  ≈  58¼" x 29"


Angel Fish Painting

This is a cool painting that I bought on a trip in 2008 or 2009. I actually picked it up for myself, but I am out of wall space, so I guess it's time to let it go. If you like aquarium fish, this painting is for you. The quality is very good (remember, I picked it out for myself).

The title, 清江鱼乐 means "Clear river, happy fish".
Note: Those characters are written on the painting from right-to-left, which is traditional.
The other characters, 戊子年 indicate it was painted in 2008. After that, it says early summer.

The artist's name is 何儒 which romanizes as He Ru (the surname "He" is not like the English word, sounds more like "Huh").