Approximate Measurements
Artwork Panel: 28.2cm x 45.3cm ≈ 11" x 17¾"
Silk/Brocade: 37.3cm x 107.5cm ≈ 14¾" x 42¼"
Width at Wooden Knobs: 46.3cm ≈ 18¼"
Close up view of the dragon artwork mounted to this silk brocade wall scroll
I really liked this image, so I bought the rights to reproduce it. I printed it on a sheet of handmade grass-fiber leather paper and had it mounted as a nice handmade wall scroll (in my signature style of ivory and copper silk with accent lines). The result is refined Dragon artwork, Asian simplicity, and beautiful earth tones.
This artwork was giclee printed on very special handmade "grass-leather paper". It has fibers and husks purposely pressed into the finished paper. The paper is quite expensive compared to typical Asian art papers, but the results are worth it.