Birds and Plum Blossom Snowy Winter Moon Light Painting

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 68.2cm x 44.3cm  ≈  26¾" x 17½"

Silk/Brocade Border: 77.2cm x 53.3cm  ≈  30¼" x 21"


Subtle Fragrance

Àn Xiāng

This painting features birds on a plum tree branch with a moonlit background. The plum blossoms represent early spring and the beauty of a woman in Chinese culture.

The artist's title for this piece is 暗香 or "Àn Xiāng" which translates as "Subtle Fragrance". This refers to the scent of a flower floating about in the air or the lingering scent of a flower as darkness falls.

By artist 水超 (Shuǐ Chāo). In the inscription between the title and the artist's signature, 丁酉年 indicates this was painted in 2017.