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There are 1454 total results for your Honorable Death - No Surrender search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


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xiǎo shèng
    xiao3 sheng4
hsiao sheng
Hinayana, the Lesser Vehicle; Buddhism in India before the Mayahana sutras; also pr. [Xiao3 cheng2]
Hīnayāna 希那衍. The small, or inferior wain, or vehicle; the form of Buddhism which developed after Śākyamuni's death to about the beginning of the Christian era, when Mahāyāna doctrines were introduced. It is the orthodox school and more in direct line with the Buddhist succession than Mahāyānism which developed on lines fundamentally different. The Buddha was a spiritual doctor, less interested in philosophy than in the remedy for human misery and perpetual transmigration. He "turned aside from idle metaphysical speculations; if he held views on such topics, he deemed them valueless for the purposes of salvation, which was his goal" (Keith). Metaphysical speculations arose after his death, and naturally developed into a variety of Hīnayāna schools before and after the separation of a distinct school of Mahāyāna. Hīnayāna remains the form in Ceylon, Burma, and Siam, hence is known as Southern Buddhism in contrast with Northern Buddhism or Mahāyāna, the form chiefly prevalent from Nepal to Japan. Another rough division is that of Pali and Sanskrit, Pali being the general literary language of the surviving form of Hīnayāna, Sanskrit of Mahāyāna. The term Hīnayāna is of Mahāyānist origination to emphasize the universalism and altruism of Mahāyāna over the narrower personal salvation of its rival. According to Mahāyāna teaching its own aim is universal Buddhahood, which means the utmost development of wisdom and the perfect transformation of all the living in the future state; it declares that Hīnayāna, aiming at arhatship and pratyekabuddhahood, seeks the destruction of body and mind and extinction in nirvāṇa. For arhatship the 四諦Four Noble Truths are the foundation teaching, for pratyekabuddhahood the 十二因緣 twelve-nidānas, and these two are therefore sometimes styled the two vehicles 二乘. Tiantai sometimes calls them the (Hīnayāna) Tripiṭaka school. Three of the eighteen Hīnayāna schools were transported to China: 倶舍 (Abhidharma) Kośa; 成實 Satya-siddhi; and the school of Harivarman, the律 Vinaya school. These are described by Mahāyānists as the Buddha's adaptable way of meeting the questions and capacity of his hearers, though his own mind is spoken of as always being in the absolute Mahāyāna all-embracing realm. Such is the Mahāyāna view of Hīnayāna, and if the Vaipulya sūtras and special scriptures of their school, which are repudiated by Hīnayāna, are apocryphal, of which there seems no doubt, then Mahāyāna in condemning Hīnayāna must find other support for its claim to orthodoxy. The sūtras on which it chiefly relies, as regards the Buddha, have no authenticity; while those of Hīnayāna cannot be accepted as his veritable teaching in the absence of fundamental research. Hīnayāna is said to have first been divided into minority and majority sections immediately after the death of Śākyamuni, when the sthāvira, or older disciples, remained in what is spoken of as "the cave", some place at Rājagṛha, to settle the future of the order, and the general body of disciples remained outside; these two are the first 上坐部 and 大衆部 q. v. The first doctrinal division is reported to have taken place under the leadership of the monk 大天 Mahādeva (q.v.) a hundred years after the Buddha's nirvāṇa and during the reign of Aśoka; his reign, however, has been placed later than this by historians. Mahādeva's sect became the Mahāsāṅghikā, the other the Sthāvira. In time the two are said to have divided into eighteen, which with the two originals are the so-called "twenty sects" of Hīnayāna. Another division of four sects, referred to by Yijing, is that of the 大衆部 (Arya) Mahāsaṅghanikāya, 上座部 Āryasthavirāḥ, 根本說一切有部 Mūlasarvāstivādaḥ, and 正量部 Saṃmatīyāḥ. There is still another division of five sects, 五部律. For the eighteen Hīnayāna sects see 小乘十八部.


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(1) cut end; edge (of a page, etc.); (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (ant: 大口・おおぐち・3) small amount; small quantity; small sum; (3) beginning; clue; (4) (See 虎口) tiger's den; jaws of death; dangerous place; (place-name, surname) Koguchi


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 shoushou / shosho
(abbreviation) (See 小祥忌・しょうしょうき) first anniversary of a person's death


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qū fú
    qu1 fu2
ch`ü fu
    chü fu
(noun/participle) yielding; submission; surrender; giving way; succumbing
to submit



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qū náo
    qu1 nao2
ch`ü nao
    chü nao
 kuttou / kutto
to surrender; to yield; to flex
(rare) bending


see styles
qū fú
    qu1 fu2
ch`ü fu
    chü fu
to surrender; to succumb; to yield; (as a transitive verb) to defeat; to prevail over
(noun/participle) yielding; submission; surrender; giving way; succumbing


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 hougyo / hogyo
(n,vs,vi) (honorific or respectful language) death (of an emperor); demise


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(noun/participle) submission; surrender


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(n,vs,vi) (See 召天) death of a Christian (in Catholicism)


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 kiyuu / kiyu
{Shinto} death


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(noun/participle) submission; surrender


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(See 年忌) death anniversary; Buddhist anniversary service


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nián jì
    nian2 ji4
nien chi
death anniversary; Buddhist anniversary service
Anniversary of a death, and the ceremonies associated with it.


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nòng sǐ
    nong4 si3
nung ssu
to kill; to put to death


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(See 式年祭) year in which an imperial memorial ceremony is held (the 3rd, 5th, 10th 20th, 50th and 100th years after death and every 100 years thereafter); (male given name) Noritoshi


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 chouji / choji
(ant: 慶事) unhappy event (e.g. death); funeral


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 choushou / chosho
funeral bell; death knell


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wǎng shēng
    wang3 sheng1
wang sheng
 oujou / ojo
to be reborn; to live in paradise (Buddhism); to die; (after) one's death
(n,vs,vi) (1) {Buddh} passing on to the next life; (n,vs,vi) (2) death; (n,vs,vi) (3) giving up a struggle; submission; (n,vs,vi) (4) being at one's wits' end; being flummoxed; (5) (rare) (See 圧状・2) coercion
The future life, the life to which anyone is going; to go to be born in the Pure Land of Amitābha. (1) 往相囘向 To transfer one's merits to all beings that they may attain the Pure Land of Amitābha. (2) 還相囘向 Having been born in the Pure Land to return to mortality and by one's merits to bring mortals to the Pure Land.



see styles
dài bì
    dai4 bi4
tai pi
to await death; to be a sitting duck



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hòu shì
    hou4 shi4
hou shih
later generations
{Buddh} the next world; afterlife; life after death
The 1ife after this; later generations or ages.



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hòu shì
    hou4 shi4
hou shih
 kouji / koji
future events; and what happened next... (in fiction); funeral arrangements
future affairs; affairs after one's death


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{Buddh} (See 弥勒,前仏・2) Maitreya (buddha appearing 5.67 billion years after the death of Gautama)


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(adj-na,adj-no) (1) frantic; frenetic; desperate; (2) inevitable death; (3) {shogi} (See 必至・2) brinkmate (inevitable checkmate)


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(noun - becomes adjective with の) bringing certain death; deadly; knockout (blow)


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jì rì
    ji4 ri4
chi jih
 kinichi; kijitsu
    きにち; きじつ
anniversary of a death; inauspicious day
(1) (See 命日・めいにち) anniversary of a person's death (on which Buddhist commemorative rites, etc. are performed); (2) (See 七七日) 49th day after a person's death, on which Buddhist rituals are performed
諱日 The tabu day, i.e. the anniversary of the death of a parent or prince, when all thoughts are directed to him, and other things avoided.


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jì chén
    ji4 chen2
chi ch`en
    chi chen
anniversary of a death


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niàn sǐ
    nian4 si3
nien ssu
mindfulness of [the inevitability of] death


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 kyuushi / kyushi
(n,vs,vi) sudden death


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 kyuusei / kyuse
(n,vs,vi) (form) (See 急死) sudden death; unexpected death


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(n,vs,vi) mysterious death



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bēi bào
    bei1 bao4
pei pao
 hihou / hiho
sad news; bad news
(1) sad news; (2) news of a death; death notice


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bēi dào
    bei1 dao4
pei tao
to mourn; to grieve over sb's death


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(n,vs,vi) death in agony


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(n,vs,vi) tragic death; violent death



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cǎn sǐ
    can3 si3
ts`an ssu
    tsan ssu
to die tragically; to meet with a violent death
See: 惨死



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cǎn zāo
    can3 zao1
ts`an tsao
    tsan tsao
to suffer (defeat, death etc)


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(n,vs,vi) death in battle


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(noun/participle) death in battle; killed in action


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(noun/participle) death in battle; killed in action


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 ougibara / ogibara
(hist) (See 切腹・1) fan seppuku; death penalty for samurai in which the condemned performs a symbolic disembowelment with a fan before being decapitated


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dǎ sǐ
    da3 si3
ta ssu
to kill; to beat to death


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zhǎo sǐ
    zhao3 si3
chao ssu
to court death; to take a big risk


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tóu àn
    tou2 an4
t`ou an
    tou an
to surrender to the authorities; to turn oneself in (for a crime)



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tóu jī
    tou2 ji1
t`ou chi
    tou chi
 touki / toki
congenial; agreeable; to speculate; to profiteer
speculation; venture; stockjobbing; gambling (on stocks)
To avail oneself of an opportunity; to surrender oneself to the principles of the Buddha in the search for perfect enlightenment.



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tóu chéng
    tou2 cheng2
t`ou ch`eng
    tou cheng
to defect; to surrender; to capitulate


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tóu shēn
    tou2 shen1
t`ou shen
    tou shen
 toushin / toshin
to throw oneself into something
(n,vs,vi) (See 投身自殺) throwing oneself to one's death; precipitating oneself to one's death; leaping to one's death
To cast away, or surrender, one's body, or oneself.


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tóu xiáng
    tou2 xiang2
t`ou hsiang
    tou hsiang
 toukou / toko
to surrender
(n,vs,vi) surrender



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zhāo fǔ
    zhao1 fu3
chao fu
to enlist enemy or rebel soldiers by offering amnesty; to bring to negotiated surrender


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zhāo xiáng
    zhao1 xiang2
chao hsiang
to ask for sb's surrender


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(archaism) bulletin board displaying the name, age, offence, etc. of a criminal sentenced to death (Edo period)


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qiā sǐ
    qia1 si3
ch`ia ssu
    chia ssu
to throttle; to choke to death


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yǎn sè
    yan3 se4
yen se
To cover the form, or face, i.e. the death of the Buddha, or a noted monk, referring to the covering, of the face.


see styles
zòu sǐ
    zou4 si3
tsou ssu
to beat to death


see styles
shuāi sǐ
    shuai1 si3
shuai ssu
to fall to one's death; to kill by throwing to the ground



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pū shā
    pu1 sha1
p`u sha
    pu sha
to kill; to cull
(noun, transitive verb) beat to death


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feigning death; playing possum; tonic immobility; thanatosis; apparent death


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gōng xiàn
    gong1 xian4
kung hsien
to overcome; to take (a fortress); to fall (to an attack); to surrender


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gù qù
    gu4 qu4
ku ch`ü
    ku chü
to die; death


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(archaism) (See 決死) preparing for death; preparedness for death


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(v5r,vi) (1) to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves); (v5r,vi) (2) to scatter; to be dispersed; (v5r,vi) (3) to disappear; to dissolve; to break up; (v5r,vi) (4) to spread; to run; to blur; (v5r,vi) (5) to die a noble death



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sàn huā
    san4 hua1
san hua
(noun/participle) falling as flowers do; dying a glorious death
to strew flowers



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bì mìng
    bi4 ming4
pi ming
to meet violent death; to get killed


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) (rare) trying of a crime; conviction; (noun/participle) (2) condemnation to death by beheading


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 shinbotoke; arabotoke; niibotoke / shinbotoke; arabotoke; nibotoke
    しんぼとけ; あらぼとけ; にいぼとけ
(1) (See 御盆・1) spirit of someone on the first Obon after their death; (2) the recently departed (and buried or cremated, etc.); (surname) Shinbutsu


see styles
 niibon; arabon; shinbon / nibon; arabon; shinbon
    にいぼん; あらぼん; しんぼん
first Obon following someone's death



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duàn cháng
    duan4 chang2
tuan ch`ang
    tuan chang
End or continuance, annihilation or permanence, death or immortality.



see styles
duàn jiàn
    duan4 jian4
tuan chien
ucchedadarśana; the view that death ends life, in contrast with 常見 that body and soul are eternal—both views being heterodox; also world-extinction and the end of causation.



see styles
zú miè
    zu2 mie4
tsu mieh
to execute all of sb's relatives (as punishment) (old)
(noun/participle) putting an entire family to death


see styles
(noun/participle) dying young; early death; (female given name) Hayase


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zǎo wáng
    zao3 wang2
tsao wang
premature death


see styles
zǎo shì
    zao3 shi4
tsao shih
 sousei / sose
early demise; untimely death
(noun/participle) dying young; early death


see styles
shēng tiān
    sheng1 tian1
sheng t`ien
    sheng tien
 shouten / shoten
(n,vs,vi) (1) {Christn} ascension (into heaven); the Ascension; (n,vs,vi) (2) {Christn} death; (n,vs,vi) (3) rising to heaven
ascend to heaven


see styles
(honorific or respectful language) (rare) the death of a scholar


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 sharekoube / sharekobe
    sharikoube / sharikobe
    sarekoube / sarekobe
(kana only) skull (esp. weatherbeaten, used as symbol of death); death's head; cranium; criminal's head on public display; displaying a beheaded head; beheaded head



see styles
zuì hòu
    zui4 hou4
tsui hou
final; last; finally; ultimate
(1) end; conclusion; (can be adjective with の) (2) last; final; latest; most recent; (expression) (3) (after -tara form or -ta form followed by "ga") no sooner than; once; right after (often having negative consequences); (4) (archaism) (See 最期) one's final moments
(最末後) The last of all, ultimate; final, finally, at death.


see styles
(n,adv) one's last moment; one's death; one's end


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mò qī
    mo4 qi1
mo ch`i
    mo chi
end (of a period); last part; final phase
hour of death; one's last moments; end of one's life


see styles
wǎng sǐ
    wang3 si3
wang ssu
to die in tragic circumstances
Wrongly done to death.


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 eishoku / eshoku
honorable post; honourable post



see styles
qì shì
    qi4 shi4
ch`i shih
    chi shih
 kisei / kise
to leave this world; to die
To leave the world; to die.



see styles
qì shǒu
    qi4 shou3
ch`i shou
    chi shou
to give up defending; to yield; to surrender



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bàng shā
    bang4 sha1
pang sha
to bludgeon to death; (fig.) to defeat sb by publicly criticizing them


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(noun/participle) autopsy; inquest; investigation of death


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(noun, transitive verb) {law} (external) examination of a body to determine the time and cause of death (carried out by a doctor)


see styles
(noun/participle) autopsy; inquest; investigation of death



see styles
jí xíng
    ji2 xing2
chi hsing
 kyokkei / kyokke
supreme penalty; execution
capital punishment; death penalty; maximum penalty; ultimate punishment



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jí sǐ
    ji2 si3
chi ssu
complete death



see styles
róng yù
    rong2 yu4
jung yü
 eiyo / eyo
honor; credit; glory; (honorable) reputation; honorary
(personal name) Eiyo


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 oushi / oshi
(n,vs,vi) violent (tragic or accidental) death; dog's death


see styles
yù sǐ
    yu4 si3
yü ssu
to desire death



see styles
zhèng jīng
    zheng4 jing1
cheng ching
 shō kyō
decent; honorable; proper; serious; according to standards
an orthodox scripture



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guī shùn
    gui1 shun4
kuei shun
to surrender and pay allegiance to


see styles
(1) (ant: 生き・1) dying; death; (prefix noun) (2) dead; useless; (prefix) (3) damned


see styles
sǐ wáng
    si3 wang2
ssu wang
 shibou / shibo
to die; death
(n,vs,vi) death; dying; mortality
Dead and gone (or lost).


see styles
sǐ rén
    si3 ren2
ssu jen
 shinin(p); shibito
    しにん(P); しびと
dead person; (coll.) to die; (of a death) to happen
corpse; dead person


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sǐ xìn
    si3 xin4
ssu hsin
lost letter; letter containing news of sb's death


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place of death; place to die


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death (and entering the hereafter)


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sǐ dāo
    si3 dao1
ssu tao
The (sharp) sword of death.


see styles
sǐ xíng
    si3 xing2
ssu hsing
 shikei / shike
death penalty; capital punishment
death penalty; capital punishment; (female given name) Shikei

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Honorable Death - No Surrender" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

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