Chinese Horse Painting

Galloping - Chinese Horse Painting
Galloping - Chinese Horse Painting

Typical Gallery Price: $310.00


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You will need a picture frame to properly display this artwork.

Framing is not included!

A silk brocade border is included, as shown. This border will save you a lot of money if you use that traditional border instead of matting when you have this framed.

See Larger Image of this Painting

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 98.6cm x 52.1cm ≈ 38¾" x 20½"

Silk/Brocade Border: 118.6cm x 62.1cm ≈ 46¾" x 24½"

Information about how this Asian painting is mounted

Galloping Horses

The Chinese title is a proverb which says, "You only know how good a horse is after a long ride".

After the title, the other characters include the year and season painted (Spring, 2007), and the artist's signature.

The artist's name is Chen Wen-Bin, from near Guilin, China. He is a good friend of artist Ou-Yang Guo-De's sister.

This is painted on tan xuan paper (often incorrectly called "rice paper") and mounted with a silk border at our workshop.

This item was listed or modified
Nov 16th, 2009

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Typical Gallery Price: $310.00


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