There are 1333 total results for your 計 search. I have created 14 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1011121314>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
コード設計 see styles |
koodosekkei / koodosekke コードせっけい |
{comp} code design |
スピード計 see styles |
supiidokei / supidoke スピードけい |
(See スピードメーター) speedometer |
ベイズ統計 see styles |
beizutoukei / bezutoke ベイズとうけい |
{math} Bayesian statistics |
上賀茂石計 see styles |
kamigamoishikazu かみがもいしかず |
(place-name) Kamigamoishikazu |
乾球温度計 see styles |
kankyuuondokei / kankyuondoke かんきゅうおんどけい |
dry-bulb thermometer |
人口統計学 see styles |
jinkoutoukeigaku / jinkotokegaku じんこうとうけいがく |
(See 人口学) demography |
人口統計學 人口统计学 see styles |
rén kǒu tǒng jì xué ren2 kou3 tong3 ji4 xue2 jen k`ou t`ung chi hsüeh jen kou tung chi hsüeh |
population studies; population statistics |
仮想計算機 see styles |
kasoukeisanki / kasokesanki かそうけいさんき |
{comp} Virtual Machine; VM |
会計四半期 see styles |
kaikeishihanki / kaikeshihanki かいけいしはんき |
fiscal quarter; FQ |
会計検査官 see styles |
kaikeikensakan / kaikekensakan かいけいけんさかん |
auditor |
会計検査院 see styles |
kaikeikensain / kaikekensain かいけいけんさいん |
Board of Audit |
会計監査人 see styles |
kaikeikansanin / kaikekansanin かいけいかんさにん |
{finc} auditor |
保険計理人 see styles |
hokenkeirinin / hokenkerinin ほけんけいりにん |
actuary |
俵山雨量計 see styles |
tawarayamauryoukei / tawarayamauryoke たわらやまうりょうけい |
(place-name) Tawarayamauryōkei |
個人線量計 see styles |
kojinsenryoukei / kojinsenryoke こじんせんりょうけい |
personal dosimeter |
偏計所執法 偏计所执法 see styles |
piān jì suǒ zhí fǎ pian1 ji4 suo3 zhi2 fa3 p`ien chi so chih fa pien chi so chih fa henge shoshū no hō |
pervasively imagined phenomena |
停車計時器 停车计时器 see styles |
tíng chē jì shí qì ting2 che1 ji4 shi2 qi4 t`ing ch`e chi shih ch`i ting che chi shih chi |
parking meter |
公認会計士 see styles |
kouninkaikeishi / koninkaikeshi こうにんかいけいし |
certified public accountant |
分光光度計 see styles |
bunkoukoudokei / bunkokodoke ぶんこうこうどけい |
spectrophotometer |
加計呂麻島 see styles |
kakeromajima かけろまじま |
(place-name) Kakeromajima (island approximately 200 kilometers NE of Okinawa) |
動的計画法 see styles |
doutekikeikakuhou / dotekikekakuho どうてきけいかくほう |
{comp} dynamic programming; DP |
化學劑量計 化学剂量计 see styles |
huà xué jì liàng jì hua4 xue2 ji4 liang4 ji4 hua hsüeh chi liang chi |
chemical dosimeter |
十分統計量 see styles |
juubuntoukeiryou / jubuntokeryo じゅうぶんとうけいりょう |
sufficient statistic |
卓上計算器 see styles |
takujoukeisanki / takujokesanki たくじょうけいさんき |
{comp} desk-top calculator |
反時計回り see styles |
hantokeimawari / hantokemawari はんとけいまわり |
(adj-no,n) (ant: 時計回り) counterclockwise; anti-clockwise |
取り計らい see styles |
torihakarai とりはからい |
arrangement |
取り計らう see styles |
torihakarau とりはからう |
(transitive verb) to manage; to settle; to dispose of; to deal with; to arrange |
古騰堡計劃 古腾堡计划 see styles |
gǔ téng bǎo jì huà gu3 teng2 bao3 ji4 hua4 ku t`eng pao chi hua ku teng pao chi hua |
Project Gutenberg |
可逆計数器 see styles |
kagyakukeisuuki / kagyakukesuki かぎゃくけいすうき |
{comp} reversible counter |
合計穿孔機 see styles |
goukeisenkouki / gokesenkoki ごうけいせんこうき |
{comp} summary punch |
回転速度計 see styles |
kaitensokudokei / kaitensokudoke かいてんそくどけい |
(See タコメーター) tachometer; revolution counter |
國家統計局 国家统计局 see styles |
guó jiā tǒng jì jú guo2 jia1 tong3 ji4 ju2 kuo chia t`ung chi chü kuo chia tung chi chü |
(China) National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) |
太陽神計劃 太阳神计划 see styles |
tài yáng shén jì huà tai4 yang2 shen2 ji4 hua4 t`ai yang shen chi hua tai yang shen chi hua |
the Apollo project |
奥田計用町 see styles |
okudakeiyouchou / okudakeyocho おくだけいようちょう |
(place-name) Okudakeiyouchō |
実験計画法 see styles |
jikkenkeikakuhou / jikkenkekakuho じっけんけいかくほう |
experimental design; design of experiments |
家計の助け see styles |
kakeinotasuke / kakenotasuke かけいのたすけ |
(expression) assistance in supporting a family |
家計の扶け see styles |
kakeinotasuke / kakenotasuke かけいのたすけ |
(expression) assistance in supporting a family |
岡本多計彦 see styles |
okamototakehiko おかもとたけひこ |
(person) Okamoto Takehiko (1940.9-) |
徧計所執性 徧计所执性 see styles |
biàn jì suǒ zhí xìng bian4 ji4 suo3 zhi2 xing4 pien chi so chih hsing henge shoshū shō |
The nature of the unenlightened, holding to the tenet that everything is calculable or reliable, i.e. is what it appears to be. |
心理統計學 心理统计学 see styles |
xīn lǐ tǒng jì xué xin1 li3 tong3 ji4 xue2 hsin li t`ung chi hsüeh hsin li tung chi hsüeh |
psychometrics; quantitative psychology |
志計志麻呂 see styles |
shikeshimaro しけしまろ |
(personal name) Shikeshimaro |
志計札辺山 see styles |
shipekereyama しぺけれやま |
(place-name) Shipekereyama |
志計礼辺山 see styles |
shikerepeyama しけれぺやま |
(personal name) Shikerepeyama |
振り子時計 see styles |
furikodokei / furikodoke ふりこどけい |
pendulum clock |
推測統計学 see styles |
suisokutoukeigaku / suisokutokegaku すいそくとうけいがく |
inferential statistics |
損益計算書 see styles |
sonekikeisansho / sonekikesansho そんえきけいさんしょ |
profit and loss statement |
放射性計時 放射性计时 see styles |
fàng shè xìng jì shí fang4 she4 xing4 ji4 shi2 fang she hsing chi shih |
radiometric dating |
放射線量計 see styles |
houshasenryoukei / hoshasenryoke ほうしゃせんりょうけい |
(See 線量計) radiation dosimeter |
数理統計学 see styles |
suuritoukeigaku / suritokegaku すうりとうけいがく |
mathematical statistics |
整数計画法 see styles |
seisuukeikakuhou / sesukekakuho せいすうけいかくほう |
{comp} integer programming |
日計り商い see styles |
hibakariakinai ひばかりあきない |
{stockm} (See デイトレード) day trading |
時計仕掛け see styles |
tokeijikake / tokejikake とけいじかけ |
clockwork |
時計遺伝子 see styles |
tokeiidenshi / tokedenshi とけいいでんし |
CLOCK gene; Circadian Locomotor Output Cycles Kaput gene |
最低温度計 see styles |
saiteiondokei / saiteondoke さいていおんどけい |
minimum thermometer |
果物時計草 see styles |
kudamonotokeisou; kudamonotokeisou / kudamonotokeso; kudamonotokeso くだものとけいそう; クダモノトケイソウ |
(kana only) (See パッションフルーツ) passion fruit (Passiflora edulis); passionfruit |
核開発計画 see styles |
kakukaihatsukeikaku / kakukaihatsukekaku かくかいはつけいかく |
nuclear development program; nuclear program |
検定統計量 see styles |
kenteitoukeiryou / kentetokeryo けんていとうけいりょう |
{math} test statistic |
水銀気圧計 see styles |
suiginkiatsukei / suiginkiatsuke すいぎんきあつけい |
mercury barometer |
水銀温度計 see styles |
suiginondokei / suiginondoke すいぎんおんどけい |
mercury thermometer |
法廷会計学 see styles |
houteikaikeigaku / hotekaikegaku ほうていかいけいがく |
legal accounting |
波美比重計 波美比重计 see styles |
bō měi bǐ zhòng jì bo1 mei3 bi3 zhong4 ji4 po mei pi chung chi |
Baume hydrometer |
滴漏計時器 滴漏计时器 see styles |
dī lòu jì shí qì di1 lou4 ji4 shi2 qi4 ti lou chi shih ch`i ti lou chi shih chi |
hourglass; water clock; clepsydra |
烏婆計設尼 乌婆计设尼 see styles |
wū pó jì shè ní wu1 po2 ji4 she4 ni2 wu p`o chi she ni wu po chi she ni Ubakeiseni |
Upakeśinī |
煮蛋計時器 煮蛋计时器 see styles |
zhǔ dàn jì shí qì zhu3 dan4 ji4 shi2 qi4 chu tan chi shih ch`i chu tan chi shih chi |
egg timer |
熱設計電力 see styles |
netsusekkeidenryoku / netsusekkedenryoku ねつせっけいでんりょく |
{comp} thermal design power |
環状計数器 see styles |
kanjoukeisuuki / kanjokesuki かんじょうけいすうき |
{comp} ring counter |
生物統計学 see styles |
seibutsutoukeigaku / sebutsutokegaku せいぶつとうけいがく |
biostatistics |
生計維持者 see styles |
seikeiijisha / sekejisha せいけいいじしゃ |
provider of living expenses; financial provider |
生計費指数 see styles |
seikeihishisuu / sekehishisu せいけいひしすう |
cost of living index |
生販在計画 see styles |
seihanzaikeikaku / sehanzaikekaku せいはんざいけいかく |
sales, inventory and production planning; SIPP |
登山計画書 see styles |
tozankeikakusho / tozankekakusho とざんけいかくしょ |
hiking notification form (registered with the police, etc. before undertaking a hike) |
百ます計算 see styles |
hyakumasukeisan / hyakumasukesan ひゃくますけいさん |
method of learning through repetition conceived by Kageyama Hideo, which involves multiplying and other calculations carried out on a 10-by-10 grid of numbers |
目覚し時計 see styles |
mezamashidokei / mezamashidoke めざましどけい mezamashitokei / mezamashitoke めざましとけい |
alarm clock |
砂時計経済 see styles |
sunadokeikeizai / sunadokekezai すなどけいけいざい |
hourglass economy; economy having large upper and lower classes and a small middle class |
積算電力計 see styles |
sekisandenryokukei / sekisandenryokuke せきさんでんりょくけい |
watt-hour meter |
空盒気圧計 see styles |
kuugoukiatsukei / kugokiatsuke くうごうきあつけい |
(See アネロイド気圧計) aneroid barometer |
空間計算量 see styles |
kuukankeisanryou / kukankesanryo くうかんけいさんりょう |
{comp} space complexity |
累計メモリ see styles |
ruikeimemori / ruikememori るいけいメモリ |
{comp} sigma memory |
絡繰り時計 see styles |
karakuridokei / karakuridoke からくりどけい karakuritokei / karakuritoke からくりとけい |
automaton clock; marionette clock |
統計的仮説 see styles |
toukeitekikasetsu / toketekikasetsu とうけいてきかせつ |
statistical hypothesis |
絶縁抵抗計 see styles |
zetsuenteikoukei / zetsuentekoke ぜつえんていこうけい |
insulation resistance tester |
緑地化計画 see styles |
ryokuchikakeikaku / ryokuchikakekaku りょくちかけいかく |
forestation plan |
線形計画法 see styles |
senkeikeikakuhou / senkekekakuho せんけいけいかくほう |
{math} linear programming |
自動再計算 see styles |
jidousaikeisan / jidosaikesan じどうさいけいさん |
{comp} auto recalculation |
自記気圧計 see styles |
jikikiatsukei / jikikiatsuke じききあつけい |
barograph |
自記温度計 see styles |
jikiondokei / jikiondoke じきおんどけい |
self-registering thermometer |
自記湿度計 see styles |
jikishitsudokei / jikishitsudoke じきしつどけい |
self-registering hygrometer |
蓋革計數器 盖革计数器 see styles |
gài gé jì shù qì gai4 ge2 ji4 shu4 qi4 kai ko chi shu ch`i kai ko chi shu chi |
Geiger counter |
衝撃検流計 see styles |
shougekikenryuukei / shogekikenryuke しょうげきけんりゅうけい |
ballistic galvanometer |
裏辺計札山 see styles |
urabekereyama うらべけれやま |
(place-name) Urabekereyama |
記述統計学 see styles |
kijutsutoukeigaku / kijutsutokegaku きじゅつとうけいがく |
descriptive statistics |
設計明細書 see styles |
sekkeimeisaisho / sekkemesaisho せっけいめいさいしょ |
project specifications; specs |
註冊會計師 注册会计师 see styles |
zhù cè kuài jì shī zhu4 ce4 kuai4 ji4 shi1 chu ts`e k`uai chi shih chu tse kuai chi shih |
certified public accountant |
試験計画書 see styles |
shikenkeikakusho / shikenkekakusho しけんけいかくしょ |
{comp} test plan; system test and evaluation plan |
語彙統計学 see styles |
goitoukeigaku / goitokegaku ごいとうけいがく |
lexicostatistics |
豪州統計局 see styles |
goushuutoukeikyoku / goshutokekyoku ごうしゅうとうけいきょく |
(org) Australian Bureau of Statistics; ABS; (o) Australian Bureau of Statistics; ABS |
走行距離計 see styles |
soukoukyorikei / sokokyorike そうこうきょりけい |
(See オドメーター) odometer |
超級計算機 超级计算机 see styles |
chāo jí jì suàn jī chao1 ji2 ji4 suan4 ji1 ch`ao chi chi suan chi chao chi chi suan chi |
supercomputer |
遍計所執境 遍计所执境 see styles |
biàn jì suǒ zhí jìng bian4 ji4 suo3 zhi2 jing4 pien chi so chih ching henge shoshū kyō |
pervasively discriminated objects |
遍計所執性 遍计所执性 see styles |
biàn jì suǒ zhí xìng bian4 ji4 suo3 zhi2 xing4 pien chi so chih hsing henge shoshū shō |
The nature that maintains the seeming to be real. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "計" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.