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Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 3613 total results for your Ichi-Dan First Degree search. I have created 37 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) (usu. in positive sentences) (a) sleep; (a) nap; (2) first sleep of silkworms


see styles
(irregular kanji usage) (noun/participle) (1) (usu. in positive sentences) (a) sleep; (a) nap; (2) first sleep of silkworms


see styles
 ittousotsu / ittosotsu
private first-class


see styles
 ittoukoku / ittokoku
first-class power


see styles
 ittousei / ittose
first-magnitude star



see styles
yī děng jiǎng
    yi1 deng3 jiang3
i teng chiang
first prize


see styles
 ittoushin / ittoshin
first-degree relative; member of one's immediate family


see styles
 ittoushou / ittosho
first place prize; blue ribbon


see styles
 ittousha / ittosha
first-class carriage (coach)


see styles
 ikkyuuhin / ikkyuhin
first-class goods



see styles
yī jí bàng
    yi1 ji2 bang4
i chi pang
first-rate; excellent (loanword from Japanese 一番, ichiban)



see styles
yī jí tóu
    yi1 ji2 tou2
i chi t`ou
    i chi tou
first stage (diving)


see styles
 issenkyuu / issenkyu
(can be adjective with の) top notch; first rate; top-of-the-line; leading


see styles
customer one has never met before; first-time customer


see styles
 isshintou / isshinto
first degree of kinship



see styles
yī jiě tuō
    yi1 jie3 tuo1
i chieh t`o
    i chieh to
 ichi gedatsu
one liberation


see styles
first period (e.g. first class in school day)



see styles
dīng wěi liáng
    ding1 wei3 liang2
ting wei liang
William A.P. Martin (1827-1916), American missionary who lived 62 years in China between 1850 and 1916, and helped found many Chinese colleges, first president of Peking University



see styles
qī shě yán
    qi1 she3 yan2
ch`i she yen
    chi she yen
 shichiyō gan
The crag at Rājagṛha on which the "seven-leaf tree" grew in the cave beneath which the first "synod" is said to have been held after the Buddha's death, to recall and determine his teaching.


see styles
first three days of the New Year (January 1st to 3rd)


see styles
sān mò duō
    san1 mo4 duo1
san mo to
sammata, intp. as 共許 'unanimously accorded'; i. e. name of the first king (elected) at the beginning of each world-kalpa.


see styles
 santoushin / santoshin
third degree of kinship


see styles
first three days of the New Year (January 1st to 3rd)


see styles
 sanshintou / sanshinto
kinsman of the third degree (of consanguinity)



see styles
sān lún jiào
    san1 lun2 jiao4
san lun chiao
 sanrin kyō
The three periods of the Buddha's teaching as defined by Paramārtha: (a) 轉法輪 the first rolling onwards of the Law-wheel, the first seven years' teaching of Hīnayāna, i.e. the 四諦 four axioms and 空 unreality; (b) 照法輪 illuminating or explaining the law-wheel, the thirty years' teaching of the 般若 prajñā or wisdom sūtras, illuminating 空 and by 空 illuminating 有 reality; (c) 持法輪 maintaining the law-wheel, i.e. the remaining years of teaching of the deeper truths of 空有 both unreality and reality. Also the three-fold group of the Lotus School: (a) 根本法輪 radical, or fundamental, as found in the 華嚴經 sūtra; (b) 枝末法輪 branch and leaf, i.e. all other teaching; until (c) 攝末歸本法輪 branches and leaves are reunited with the root in the Lotus Sutra, 法華經.


see styles
(exp,n) first part of a poem or verse


see styles
 jougekan / jogekan
first and second volume (e.g. of a book); volume one and volume two; book one and book two


see styles
shàng zhōng xià
    shang4 zhong1 xia4
shang chung hsia
 jouchuuge / jochuge
(1) excellent-good-poor; first-second-third (class); (2) (in) three volumes (a literary work)
greatest, middling, and least


see styles
shàng bàn yè
    shang4 ban4 ye4
shang pan yeh
first half of the night; time before midnight


see styles
shàng bàn nián
    shang4 ban4 nian2
shang pan nien
first half (of a year)


see styles
(See 下半期) first half of the year; first half of the fiscal year



see styles
shàng bàn yè
    shang4 ban4 ye4
shang pan yeh
the first half (of a period)


see styles
shàng zuò bù
    shang4 zuo4 bu4
shang tso pu
 jouzabu / jozabu
Theravada school of Buddhism
Sthaviravada (early Buddhist movement)
他毘梨典部; 他鞞羅部 Sthavirāḥ; Sthaviranikāya; or Āryasthāvirāḥ. The school of the presiding elder, or elders. The two earliest sections of Buddhism were this (which developed into the Mahāsthavirāḥ) and the Mahāsānghikāḥ or 大衆部. At first they were not considered to be different schools, the 上座部 merely representing the intimate and older disciples of Śākyamuni and the 大衆 being the rest. It is said that a century later under Mahādeva 大天 a difference of opinion arose on certain doctrines. Three divisions are named as resulting, viz. Mahāvihāravāsinaḥ, Jetavanīyāḥ, and Abhayagiri-vāsinaḥ. These were in Ceylon. In course of time the eighteen Hīnayāna sects were developed. From the time of Aśoka four principal schools are counted as prevailing: Mahāsāṅghika, Sthavira, Mūlasarvāstivda, and Saṁmitīya. The following is a list of the eleven sects reckoned as of the 上座部: 說一切有部; 雪山; 犢子; 法上; 賢冑; 正量; 密林山; 化地; 法藏; 飮光; and 經量部. The Sthaviravādin is reputed as nearest to early Buddhism in its tenets, though it is said to have changed the basis of Buddhism from an agnostic system to a realistic philosophy.


see styles
shàng xián yuè
    shang4 xian2 yue4
shang hsien yüeh
first quarter moon


see styles
shàng děng bīng
    shang4 deng3 bing1
shang teng ping
 joutouhei / jotohe
private first class (army rank)
{mil} private first-class (army); airman first class (air force); lance corporal (US Marines; Commonwealth military); seaman (navy)


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 joutouhin / jotohin
first-class article


see styles
extent of decrease; degree of reduction


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(transitive verb) (1) to take down (e.g. flag); to launch (e.g. boat); to drop; to lower (e.g. ladder); to let (a person) off; to unload; to discharge; (2) to drop off (a passenger from a vehicle); to let (a person) off; (3) to withdraw money from an account; (4) to wear (clothing) for the first time; (5) to fillet (e.g. a fish)


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) undercoat; first coating


see styles
undercoat; first coat



see styles
bù dòng fó
    bu4 dong4 fo2
pu tung fo
 Fudō Butsu
不動如來; 阿閦鞞 or 阿閦婆, Akṣobhya, one of the 五智如來 Five Wisdom, or Dhyāni-Buddhas, viz., Vairocana, Akṣobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitābha, and Amoghasiddhi. He is especially worshipped by the Shingon sect, as a disciple of Vairocana. As Amitābha is Buddha in the western heavens, so Akṣobhya is Buddha in the eastern heaven of Abhirati, the realm of joy, hence he is styled 善快 or 妙喜, also 無瞋恚 free from anger. His cult has existed since the Han dynasty, see the Akṣobhya-Tathāgatasya-vyūha. He is first mentioned in the prajnapāramitā sutra, then in the Lotus, where he is the first of the sixteen sons of Mahābhijñā-jñānabhibhu. His dhyāni-bodhisattva is Vajrapāṇi. His appearance is variously described, but he generally sits on a lotus, feet crossed, soles upward, left hand closed holding robe, right hand fingers extended touching ground calling it as color is pale gold, some say blue a vajra is before him. His esoteric word is Hum; his element the air, his human form Kanakamuni, v. 拘. Jap. Ashuku, Fudo, and Mudo; Tib. mi-bskyod-pa, mi-'khrugs-pa (mintug-pa); Mong. Ülü küdelükci. v. 不動明王.



see styles
bù kě qì
    bu4 ke3 qi4
pu k`o ch`i
    pu ko chi
Not to be cast away— said to be the name of the founder of the Mahīśāsakah, or 化地 school, cast into a well at birth by his mother, saved by his father, at first brahman, afterwards a Buddhist; v. 文殊問經, but probably apocryphal.



see styles
bù shā shēng
    bu4 sha1 sheng1
pu sha sheng
 fusesshou / fusessho
{Buddh} (See アヒンサー) ahimsa; abstinence from taking life; principle of non-violence in Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.
prāṇātipātād vairamaṇī (virati). The first commandment, Thou shalt not kill the living.


see styles
bù tuì dì
    bu4 tui4 di4
pu t`ui ti
    pu tui ti
 futai ji
The first of a bodhisattva's 十地; it is also interpreted by right action and right thought.


see styles
(adj-no,n) world's first; first in the world


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shì dì yī
    shi4 di4 yi1
shih ti i
 se daiichi
best (highest, first, most) in the world



see styles
shì jiān fǎ
    shi4 jian1 fa3
shih chien fa
 seken bō
The world law, or law of this world, especially of birth-and-death; in this respect it is associated with the first two of the four dogmas, i, e. 苦 suffering, and 集 its accumulated consequences in karma.



see styles
shì jiān jīng
    shi4 jian1 jing1
shih chien ching
 Seken kyō
A sutra discussing causality in regard to the first three of the Four Dogmas 苦諦, 集諦 and 滅諦 in the 阿含經 34.


see styles
 dabururiichi / dabururichi
(mahj) (kana only) declaring that one is one tile away from winning on one's first discard and before any tiles have been called or kongs declared


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) intermission during a performance (e.g. variety show, play, sumo, etc.); (2) temporary departure of an actor (between the first and second halves of a noh or kyogen performance, during which time they change costumes, etc.)



see styles
jiǔ zhāi rì
    jiu3 zhai1 ri4
chiu chai jih
 ku sainichi
the nine kinds of days of abstinence on which no food is eaten after twelve o'clock: noon and the commands are observed. They are: Every day of the first month, of the fifth month, of the ninth month, and the following six days of each month, 8th, 14th, 15th, 23rd, 29th, and 30th. On these days Indra and the four deva-kings investigate the conduct of men.



see styles
gān huì dì
    gan1 hui4 di4
kan hui ti
 kan'e chi
The dry or unfertilized stage of wisdom, the first of the ten stage.


see styles
service in the first reserve


see styles
 yoshintei / yoshinte
court of first instance


see styles
 nitoushin / nitoshin
second-degree relative


see styles
èr bō rě
    er4 bo1 re3
erh po je
 ni hannya
Two kinds of prajñā, or wisdom. (1) (a) 共般若 The prajñā of the three stages of śrāvaka, pratyekabuddha, and imperfect Bodhisattva schools; (b) 不共般若 the prajñā of the perfect Bodhisattva teaching—a Tiantai division. (2) (a) 世間般若 temporal prajñā; (b) 出世間般若 supernatural. (3) (a) 實相般若 The first part of the Prajñāpāramitā; (b) 觀照般若 the second part.


see styles
 nishintou / nishinto
relation in the second degree


see styles
wǔ fó xìng
    wu3 fo2 xing4
wu fo hsing
 go busshō
The five characteristics of a Buddha' s nature: the first three are the 三因佛性 q. v., the fourth is 果佛性 the fruition of perfect enlightenment, and the fifth 果果佛性 the fruition of that fruition, or the revelation of parinirvāṇa. The first three are natural attributes, the two last are acquired.



see styles
wǔ jù lún
    wu3 ju4 lun2
wu chü lun
 go gurin
The five comrades, i. e. Śākyamuni's five old companions in asceticism and first converts, v. 五比丘. Also 五拘鄰.


see styles
 gomoji; itsumoji
    ごもじ; いつもじ
(1) five characters; five letters; (2) (See 和歌,連歌) five-syllable verse of a waka, haiku, renga, etc.; (3) first five syllables of a waka, haiku, renga, etc.


see styles
wǔ bǐ qiū
    wu3 bi3 qiu1
wu pi ch`iu
    wu pi chiu
 go biku
The first five of Buddha's converts, also called 五佛子, Ājñāta-Kauṇḍinya 憍陳如, Aśvajit 額鞞, Bhadrika 拔提, Daśabala-Kāśyapa 十力迦葉, and Mahānāma-Kulika 摩男拘利, i. e. but there are numerous other forms of their names.



see styles
wǔ zhǒng líng
    wu3 zhong3 ling2
wu chung ling
 goshu ryō
The five kinds of bells used by the Shingon sect in Japan, also called 金剛鈴, i. e. 五鈷鈴, 賣鈴, 一鈷. 三鈷鈴, 塔鈴; the different names are derived from their handles; the four first named, beginning with the five-pronged one, are placed each at a corner of the altar, the last in the middle.


see styles
wǔ bù lǜ
    wu3 bu4 lv4
wu pu lü
 gobu ritsu
The first five Hīnayāna sects— Dharmagupta, Sarvāstivāda, Mahīśāsaka, Kāśyapīya, and Vātsīputrīya; see 五師.


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 koujunsha / kojunsha
(place-name) Kōjunsha; first social club established in Japan (1880)


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 jinseihatsu / jinsehatsu
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (for the) first time in one's life


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(person) Kon Kan'ichi (1909.12.8-1983.3.1)


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (for the) first time this year


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) resuming work after the New Year's vacation; first time that one works in the year


see styles
 karihoutai / karihotai
first-aid dressing


see styles
 teigakunen / tegakunen
(See 高学年,中学年) lower grades of primary school (first, second, and sometimes third grades)


see styles
degree of dependence; dependency rate; reliance


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 hoonsei / hoonse
ability to retain heat (of clothing, etc.); (degree of) thermal insulation; heat-insulating property


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 shuushigou / shushigo
master's degree



see styles
xiū duō luó
    xiu1 duo1 luo2
hsiu to lo
(place-name) Sutara
Sutra; from siv, to sew, to thread, to string together, intp. as 綖, i.e. 線 thread, string; strung together as a garland of flowers. Sutras or addresses attributed to the Buddha, usually introduced by 如是我聞 thus have I heard, Evam mayā śrutam It is intp. by 經 a warp, i.e. the threads on which a piece is woven; it is the sūtra-piṭaka, or first portion of the Tripiṭaka; but is sometimes applied to the whole canon. It is also intp. 契 or契經 scriptures. Also 修單羅; 修妬路; 修多闌; 修單蘭多; 素呾纜 (or 素怛纜); 蘇多羅 (or 蘇呾羅). A clasp on the seven-piece robe of the 眞宗 Shin sect.


see styles
(manga slang) young woman who uses the first person pronoun "ore"


see styles
(manga slang) young woman who uses the first person pronoun "ore"



see styles
jù liú sūn
    ju4 liu2 sun1
chü liu sun
Krakkucchanda, fourth of the seven ancient buddhas, first of the buddhas of the present age. Cf. 拘.


see styles
(manga slang) young woman who uses the first person pronoun "boku"


see styles
(manga slang) young woman who uses the first person pronoun "boku"


see styles
 yuusendo / yusendo
{comp} degree of relative priority


see styles
 yuushousha / yushosha
champion; (first-prize) winner; victor; titleholder



see styles
yōu pó sē
    you1 po2 se1
yu p`o se
    yu po se
{Buddh} upasaka (devout male lay follower of Buddhism)
upāsaka, 優婆娑柯; 優波娑迦; 鄔波塞 (鄔波塞伽); 鄔波索迦 (or 鄔波素迦); 伊蒲塞. Originally meaning a servant, one of low caste, it became the name for a Buddhist layman who engages to observe the first five commandments, a follower, disciple, devotee.



see styles
yōu pó yí
    you1 po2 yi2
yu p`o i
    yu po i
{Buddh} upasika (devout female lay follower of Buddhism)
upāsikā. 優波夷; 優婆斯; 優婆私柯; 優波賜迦; 鄔婆斯迦 (or 鄔波斯迦) Female lay disciples who engage to observe the first five commandments.



see styles
yōu pó lí
    you1 po2 li2
yu p`o li
    yu po li
Upāli 優婆利; 優波利 (or 優波離); 鄔波離 A barber of śūdra caste, who became a disciple of Śākyamuni, was one of the three sthaviras of the first Synod, and reputed as the principal compiler of the Vinaya, hence his title 持戒 Keeper of the Laws. There was another Upāli, a Nirgrantha ascetic.


see styles
(adverb) (1) (kana only) from the beginning; from the first; all along; originally; (2) (kana only) of course


see styles
yuán shì zǔ
    yuan2 shi4 zu3
yüan shih tsu
lit. progenitor of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), title of Khubilai Khan (1215-1294), first Yuan dynasty emperor, reigned 1260-1294



see styles
yuán xiāo jié
    yuan2 xiao1 jie2
yüan hsiao chieh
 genshousetsu / genshosetsu
Lantern Festival, the final event of the Spring Festival 春節|春节, on 15th of first month of the lunar calendar
(See 小正月,元宵) lantern festival, held on the night of the 15th day of the first month in the lunar calendar


see styles
first fertilizing; first fertilising


see styles
(adverb) (1) (kana only) (more emphatic than まず) (See まず・1) first of all; to begin with; before anything else; (adverb) (2) (kana only) probably; most likely; almost certainly; virtually; (adverb) (3) (kana only) more or less (satisfactory); on the whole; reasonably; (adverb) (4) (kana only) anyway; at any rate; for now (at least); for the time being


see styles
xiān bù xiān
    xian1 bu4 xian1
hsien pu hsien
(dialect) first of all; in the first place


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (adverb) (kana only) first of all; in the first place


see styles
 sakiire / sakire
(expression) first in


see styles
(expression) first out


see styles
 senseiten / senseten
{sports} first goal; first point


see styles
(See 先取点を挙げる) first goal; first point


see styles
{baseb} (See 先攻) batting first


see styles
order of arrival; first-come-first-served basis


see styles
right of first refusal; (right of) preemption; purchase option


see styles
(v5r,vi) to act first; to act precipitously; to be rash; to get ahead of oneself; to jump the gun


see styles
(noun/participle) charging ahead of others; the first to charge; pioneer; forerunner; harbinger

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Ichi-Dan First Degree" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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Japanese Kanji Dictionary

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Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

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Japanese Chinese Dictionary