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There are 3613 total results for your Ichi-Dan First Degree search. I have created 37 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
zú ěr xīn
    zu2 er3 xin1
tsu erh hsin
immediate or instantaneous, the first impression


see styles
 hakasegou; hakushigou / hakasego; hakushigo
    はかせごう; はくしごう
doctor's degree; doctorate; PhD


see styles
 kikensei / kikense
(degree of) risk; riskiness; danger


see styles
(slang) (vulgar) (abbreviation) (abbr. of 即ハメボンバー) woman one wants to have sex with at first sight



see styles
yuán dòng lì
    yuan2 dong4 li4
yüan tung li
 gendouryoku / gendoryoku
motive force; prime mover; first cause; agent
motive power; driving force


see styles
(1) opening (of a bottle); broaching; (2) beginning; opening; commencement (e.g. of sales); first sale


see styles
(1) opening (of a bottle); broaching; (2) beginning; opening; commencement (e.g. of sales); first sale


see styles
kě xìn dù
    ke3 xin4 du4
k`o hsin tu
    ko hsin tu
degree of credibility; reliability


see styles
 shijouhatsu / shijohatsu
(adj-no,n) first in history



see styles
sī mǎ yán
    si1 ma3 yan2
ssu ma yen
Sima Yan (236-290), founder and first emperor (265-290) of the Western Jin dynasty 西晉|西晋[Xi1 Jin4], posomethingumous name 晉武帝|晋武帝[Jin4 Wu3di4]



see styles
hé wéi yī
    he2 wei2 yi1
ho wei i
 gō i ichi
combined into one term


see styles
tóng shēng tiān
    tong2 sheng1 tian1
t`ung sheng t`ien
    tung sheng tien
 dōshō ten
同生神; 同名天 The first two of these terms are intp. as the guardian deva, or spirit, who is sahaja, i. e. born or produced simultaneously with the person he protects; the last is the deva who has the same name as the one he protects.


see styles
(1) name; full name; (2) given name; first name



see styles
lǚ bù wéi
    lu:3 bu4 wei2
lü pu wei
 riyupuuuei / riyupuue
Lü Buwei (?291-235 BC), merchant and politician of the State of Qin 秦國|秦国[Qin2 guo2], subsequent Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qin2 dai4] Chancellor, allegedly the father of Ying Zheng 嬴政[Ying2 Zheng4], who subsequently became the first emperor Qin Shihuang 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2]
(person) Lü Buwei (?-235 BCE), Chinese politician


see styles
zhōu wén wáng
    zhou1 wen2 wang2
chou wen wang
King Wen of Zhou state (c. 1152-1056 BC), reigned c. 1099-1056 BC as king of Zhou state, leading figure in building the subsequent Western Zhou dynasty, father of King Wu of Zhou 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2] the first Zhou dynasty king


see styles
zhōu wǔ wáng
    zhou1 wu3 wang2
chou wu wang
King Wu of Zhou (-1043), personal name Ji Fa 姬發|姬发, reigned 1046-1043 BC as first king of Western Zhou dynasty 1046-1043 BC


see styles
táng āi dì
    tang2 ai1 di4
t`ang ai ti
    tang ai ti
Emperor Aidi of Tang, reign name of twenty-first and last Tang emperor Li Zhu 李祝[Li3 Zhu4] (892-908), reigned 904-907


see styles
táng gāo zǔ
    tang2 gao1 zu3
t`ang kao tsu
    tang kao tsu
Emperor Gaozu of Tang, reign name of first Tang emperor Li Yuan 李淵|李渊[Li3 Yuan1] (566-635), reigned 618-626


see styles
sì wèi dì
    si4 wei4 di4
ssu wei ti
 shi ichi
four entrenchments



see styles
sì fēn lì
    si4 fen1 li4
ssu fen li
"quarter remainder" calendar, the first calculated Chinese calendar, in use from the Warring States period until the early years of the Han dynasty


see styles
sì shàn gēn
    si4 shan4 gen1
ssu shan ken
 shi zenkon
catuṣ-kuśala-mūla, the four good roots, or sources from which spring good fruiy or development. In Hīnayāna they form the stage after 總相念住 as represented by the 倶舍 and 成實; in Mahāyāna it is the final stage of the 十廻向 as represented by the 法相宗. There are also four similar stages connected with śrāvaka, pratyekabuddha, and Buddha, styled 三品四善根. The four of the 倶舍宗 are 煗法, 頂法, 忍法, and 世第一法. The four of the 成實宗 are the same, but are applied differently. The 法相宗 retains the same four terms, but connects them with the four dhyāna stages of the 眞唯識觀 in its four first 加行 developments.


see styles
sì mèng yuè
    si4 meng4 yue4
ssu meng yüeh
 shi mōgetsu
The four senior or prime months, i. e. the first of each season, first, fourth, seventh, and tenth.



see styles
sì xún jié
    si4 xun2 jie2
ssu hsün chieh
First Sunday of Lent


see styles
sì kōng dìng
    si4 kong1 ding4
ssu k`ung ting
    ssu kung ting
 shi kūjō
四無色定 The last four of the twelve dhyānas; the auto-hypnotic, or ecstatic entry into the four states represented by the four dhyāna heavens, i. e. 四 空 處 supra. In the first, the mind becomes void and vast like space; in the second, the powers of perception and understanding are unlimited; in the third, the discriminative powers of mind are subdued; in the fourth, the realm of consciousness or knowledge) without thought is reached, e. g. intuitive wisdom. These four are considered both as states of dhyāna, and as heavens into which one who practices these forms of dhyāna may be born.



see styles
sì kōng chù
    si4 kong1 chu4
ssu k`ung ch`u
    ssu kung chu
 shi kūsho
(or四空天) catur-ārūpya brahmalokas; also 四無色界 and see 四空定. The four immaterial or formless heavens, arūpa-dhātu, above the eighteen brahmalokas: (1) 空無邊處 ākāśānantyāyatana, also termed 虛空 處 the state or heaven of boundless space; (2) 識無邊處 vijñānanāntyāyatana, of boundless knowledge; (3) 無所有處 ākiñcanyāyatana, of nothing, or nonexistence; (4) 非想非非想處 naivasanjñānasañjnāyatana, also styled 非有想非無想 the state of neither thinking nor not thinking (which may resemble a state of intuition). Existence in the first state lasts 20, 000 great kalpas, increasing respectively to 40, 000, 60, 000 and 80, 000 in the other three.


see styles
(adverb) (1) (kana only) from the beginning; from the first; all along; originally; (2) (kana only) of course



see styles
dì dòng yí
    di4 dong4 yi2
ti tung i
the world's first seismograph invented by Zhang Heng 張衡|张衡[Zhang1 Heng2] in 132; abbr. for 候風地動儀|候风地动仪[hou4 feng1 di4 dong4 yi2]


see styles
(noun/participle) undercoating; underpainting; first coating



see styles
dì miàn céng
    di4 mian4 ceng2
ti mien ts`eng
    ti mien tseng
ground floor; first floor


see styles
(person) Shiro Jun'ichi


see styles
(person) Hori Jun'ichi (1926.10.6-)


see styles
(person) Tsutsumi Shin'ichi (1977.10.11-)


see styles
(person) Tsutsumi Shin'ichi (1964.7.7-)


see styles
kān rěn dì
    kan1 ren3 di4
k`an jen ti
    kan jen ti
 kannin ji
The stage of endurance, the first of the ten bodhisattva stages.


see styles
 ainoushou / ainosho
(work) Ainosho (dictionary of Buddhism, first published in 1446)



see styles
shì xué wèi
    shi4 xue2 wei4
shih hsüeh wei
bachelor's degree


see styles
 hendouritsu / hendoritsu
volatility; degree of variability; rate of fluctuation; regulation



see styles
dà shèng jīng
    da4 sheng4 jing1
ta sheng ching
 daijō kyō
Mahāyāna sutras, the sūtra-piṭaka. Discourses ascribed to the Buddha, presumed to be written in India and translated into Chinese. These are divided into five classes corresponding to the Mahāyāna theory of the Buddha's life: (1) Avataṃsaka, 華嚴 the sermons first preached by Śākyamuni after enlightenment; (2) Vaipulya, 方等; (3) Prajñā Pāramitā, 般若; (4) Saddharma Puṇḍarīka, 法華; and last (5) Mahāparinirvāṇa, 涅槃. Another list of Mahāyāna sutras is 般若; 寳積; 大集; 華嚴 and 涅槃. The sutras of Hīnayāna are given as the Agamas 阿含, etc.


see styles
 daijoue / daijoe
(See 大嘗祭) banquet on the occasion of the first ceremonial offering of rice by the newly-enthroned emperor


see styles
 daijousai; oonienomatsuri; oonamematsuri / daijosai; oonienomatsuri; oonamematsuri
    だいじょうさい; おおにえのまつり; おおなめまつり
(See 新嘗祭) first ceremonial offering of rice by newly-enthroned Emperor



see styles
dà ài dào
    da4 ai4 dao4
ta ai tao
 Daiai dō
Mahā prajāpatī, 摩訶波闍波提 Gautama's aunt and foster-mother, also styled Gotami or Gautami, the first woman received into the order. There are sutras known by her name. 大愛 is also a name for the sea-god.


see styles
dà fāng děng
    da4 fang1 deng3
ta fang teng
 dai hōdō
Mahāvaipulya or vaipulya 大方廣; 毗佛畧. They are called 無量義經 sutras of infinite meaning, or of the infinite; first introduced into China by Dharmarakṣa (A.D.266―317). The name is common to Hīnayāna and Mahayana, but chiefly claimed by the latter for its special sutras as extending and universalizing the Buddha's earlier preliminary teaching. v. 大方廣 and 方等.



see styles
dà rì jīng
    da4 ri4 jing1
ta jih ching
 Dainichi kyō
The Vairocana sutra, styled in full 毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經, tr. in the Tang dynasty by Śubhākarasiṃha 善無畏 in 7 chuan, of which the first six are the text and the seventh instructions for worship. It is one of the three sutras of the esoteric school. Its teaching pairs with that of the 金剛頂經. There are two versions of notes and comments on the text, the 大日經疏 20 chuan, and 大日經義疏 14 chuan; and other works, e.g. 大日經義釋; 大日經不思議疏; 大日經義軌 in four versions with different titles.


see styles
tea prepared for the New Year with the first water of the year


see styles
dà fàn tiān
    da4 fan4 tian1
ta fan t`ien
    ta fan tien
 Daibon ten
Mahābrahman; Brahma; 跋羅吸摩; 波羅賀磨; 梵覽摩; 梵天王; 梵王; 梵. Eitel says: "The first person of the Brahminical Trimūrti, adopted by Buddhism, but placed in an inferior position, being looked upon not as Creator, but as a transitory devatā whom every Buddhistic saint surpasses on obtaining bodhi. Notwithstanding this, the Saddharma-puṇḍarīka calls Brahma 'the father of all living beings'" 一切衆生之父. Mahābrahman is the unborn or uncreated ruler over all, especially according to Buddhism over all the heavens of form, i.e. of mortality. He rules over these heavens, which are of threefold form: (a) Brahma (lord), (b) Brahma-purohitas (ministers), and (c) Brahma-pāriṣadyāh (people). His heavens are also known as the middle dhyāna heavens, i.e. between the first and second dhyānas. He is often represented on the right of the Buddha. According to Chinese accounts the Hindus speak of him (1) as born of Nārāyaṇa, from Brahma's mouth sprang the brahmans, from his arms the kṣatriyas, from his thighs the vaiśyas, and from his feet the śūdras; (2) as born from Viṣṇu; (3) as a trimūrti, evidently that of Brahma, Viṣṇu, and Śiva, but Buddhists define Mahābrahma's dharmakāya as Maheśvara (Śiva), his saṃbhogakāya as Nārāyaṇa, and his nirmāṇakāya as Brahmā. He is depicted as riding on a swan, or drawn by swans.


see styles
first-rate sword


see styles
 ooshougatsu / ooshogatsu
(See 小正月) first seven days of the year


see styles
dà shēng zhǔ
    da4 sheng1 zhu3
ta sheng chu
Mahāprajāpatī 摩訶波闍婆提, great "lady of the living", the older translation being 大愛道 the great way (or exemplar) of love; also 衆主 head of the community (of nuns), i.e. Gautami the aunt and nurse of Śākyamuni, the first nun. She is to be reborn as a Buddha named Sarvasattvapriyadarśanā.


see styles
first session (trading day) of the year


see styles
dà xiāng kàn
    da4 xiang1 kan4
ta hsiang k`an
    ta hsiang kan
 dai shōken
The reception by an abbot of all his monks on the first day of the tenth moon.


see styles
(1) billboard; large signboard; (2) first-rate influential performer (theatre, film, etc.); leading star; draw; attraction


see styles
tea prepared for the New Year with the first water of the year



see styles
dà zhòng bù
    da4 zhong4 bu4
ta chung pu
(See 上座部) Mahasamghika (early Buddhist movement)
摩調僧祇部 Mahāsāṅghikāḥ, the school of the community, or majority; one of the chief early divisions, cf. 上坐部 Mahāsthavirāḥ or Sthavirāḥ, i.e. the elders. There are two usages of the term, first, when the sthavira, or older disciples assembled in the cave after the Buddha's death, and the others, the 大衆, assembled outside. As sects, the principal division was that which took place later. The Chinese attribute this division to the influence of 大天 Mahādeva, a century after the Nirvāṇa, and its subsequent five subdivisions are also associated with his name: they are Pūrvasailāḥ, Avaraśailāḥ, Haimavatāḥ, Lokottara-vādinaḥ, and Prajñapti-vādinaḥ; v. 小乘.


see styles
dà yǐn guāng
    da4 yin3 guang1
ta yin kuang
Mahākāśyapa q. v., he who "drank in light" (with his mother's milk), she having become radiant with golden-colored pearl, a relic of Vipaśyin, the first of the seven former Buddhas; it is a false etymology.


see styles
tiān chuān rì
    tian1 chuan1 ri4
t`ien ch`uan jih
    tien chuan jih
a Hakka festival held on the 20th day of the first lunar month


see styles
 tarouzuki / tarozuki
(See 睦月・1) first lunar month



see styles
jiā shēng fàn
    jia1 sheng1 fan4
chia sheng fan
half-cooked rice; (fig.) half-finished job that is difficult to complete because it was not done properly in the first instance; Taiwan pr. [jia4 sheng5 fan4]


see styles
(colloquialism) degree to which one likes someone (or something)



see styles
rú lái zàng
    ru2 lai2 zang4
ju lai tsang
 nyorai zō
tathāgata-garbha, the Tathāgata womb or store, defined as (1) the 眞如 zhenru, q. v. in the midst of 煩惱 the delusion of passions and desires; (2) sutras of the Buddha's uttering. The first especially refers to the zhenru as the source of all things: whether compatibles or incompatibles, whether forces of purity or impurity, good or bad, all created things are in the Tathāgatagarbha, which is the womb that gives birth to them all. The second is the storehouse of the Buddha's teaching.


see styles
(adv,adj-no) (1) for the first time; (adverb) (2) only after ... is it ...; only when ... do you ...


see styles
(expression) (1) first; firstly; first of all; to begin with; in the beginning; at the beginning; (2) (kana only) Introduction; Preface


see styles
(expression) at first; in the beginning; originally


see styles
 shikyuushiki / shikyushiki
{baseb} ceremonial first pitch


see styles
 shikoutei / shikote
(person) Qin Shi Huang (259 BCE-210 BCE), first emperor of unified China; Shihuangdi


see styles
jiāng shí nián
    jiang1 shi2 nian2
chiang shih nien
Jiang Shinian (c. 2000 BC), birth name of Shennong 神農|神农[Sheng2 nong2] Farmer God, first of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] and creator of agriculture in China


see styles
(1) eating the first meal of soft rice (himeii) after the traditional hard rice of New Year (kowaii); (2) first intercourse of the New Year; (3) (slang) loss of virginity; loss of maidenhead


see styles
(1) eating the first meal of soft rice (himeii) after the traditional hard rice of New Year (kowaii); (2) first intercourse of the New Year; (3) (slang) loss of virginity; loss of maidenhead



see styles
pó shī bō
    po2 shi1 bo1
p`o shih po
    po shih po
Vāṣpa, Bāṣpa; one of the first five disciples, Daśabala-Kāśyapa, identified with Mahākāśyapa; also 婆師婆 (or 婆濕婆) 婆沙波.


see styles
(archaism) (euph. used during the first three days of the year) mouse


see styles
 nenohi; nenobi
    ねのひ; ねのび
(exp,n) (1) day of the Rat (esp. the first day of the Rat in the New Year); (exp,n) (2) (abbreviation) (archaism) (See 子の日の遊び) collecting herbs and pulling out young pine trees by the roots; (exp,n) (3) (archaism) (See 子の日の松) pine shoot pulled out by the roots


see styles
 neimi / nemi
(obscure) collecting herbs and pulling out young pine trees by the roots (annual event held on the first Day of the Rat of the New Year)


see styles
 gakushigou / gakushigo
baccalaureate; bachelor's degree



see styles
sūn zhōng shān
    sun1 zhong1 shan1
sun chung shan
Dr Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), first president of the Republic of China and co-founder of the Guomintang 國民黨|国民党; same as 孫逸仙|孙逸仙



see styles
sūn yì xiān
    sun1 yi4 xian1
sun i hsien
Dr Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), first president of the Republic of China and co-founder of the Kuomintang; same as 孫中山|孙中山
(person) Sun Yat-sen; Sun Yixian (1866-1925)



see styles
xué wú xué
    xue2 wu2 xue2
hsüeh wu hsüeh
 gaku mugaku
One who is still learning, and one who has attained; 學 is to study religion order to get rid of illusion; 無學 begins when illusion is cast off. In Hīnayāna the first three stages, v. 四果, belong to the period of 學; the arhat to the 無學. In the Mahāyāna, the ten stages of the bodhisattva belong to 學; the stage of Buddha to 無學.


see styles
sòng chǔ yú
    song4 chu3 yu2
sung ch`u yü
    sung chu yü
James Soong (1942-), Taiwanese politician expelled from Guomindang in 2000 when he founded People First Party 親民黨|亲民党


see styles
 kanseido / kansedo
degree of perfection; level of completion; degree of completion



see styles
dìng chǎng bái
    ding4 chang3 bai2
ting ch`ang pai
    ting chang pai
first soliloquy (introducing opera character)



see styles
dìng chǎng shī
    ding4 chang3 shi1
ting ch`ang shih
    ting chang shih
first soliloquy text (introducing opera character)


see styles
(n,vs,vi) (1) {Shinto} miyamairi; newborn child's first visit to a shrine (within about 30 days of being born); (n,vs,vi) (2) {Shinto} visiting a shrine


see styles
(archaism) holiday granted to servants on the 16th of the first and seventh months


see styles
(hist) (See 和同開珎) fuhonsen; Japan's first coinage dating to 683 CE, but perhaps never in circulation


see styles
 fuukiri / fukiri
(noun/participle) premiere; first showing; release (film)


see styles
 senkouka / senkoka
non-degree course for graduates



see styles
duì bǐ dù
    dui4 bi3 du4
tui pi tu
contrast (balance of black and white in TV screen setup); degree of contrast


see styles
 chiisai / chisai
(adjective) (1) small; little; tiny; (adjective) (2) slight; below average (in degree, amount, etc.); minor; small; (adjective) (3) low (e.g. sound); soft (e.g. voice); (adjective) (4) unimportant; petty; insignificant; trifling; trivial; (adjective) (5) young; juvenile


see styles
(See 大屋根) small roof (e.g. over the first storey of a building, a window, an attached shed or veranda, etc.); overhang; (surname) Koyane


see styles
xiǎo xiáng jì
    xiao3 xiang2 ji4
hsiao hsiang chi
 shoushouki / shoshoki
(See 大祥忌) first anniversary of a person's death
An anniversary (sacrifice).


see styles
shǎo guāng tiān
    shao3 guang1 tian1
shao kuang t`ien
    shao kuang tien
 shōkō ten
(少光); 廅天 parīttābhās; the fourth Brahmaloka, i. e. the first region of the second dhyāna heavens, also called 有光壽.



see styles
shǎo jìng tiān
    shao3 jing4 tian1
shao ching t`ien
    shao ching tien
 shōjō ten
(少淨) Parīttaśubhas. The first and smallest heaven (brahmaloka) in the third dhyāna region of form.


see styles
(1) falling on one's backside (behind, bottom); pratfall; (2) mochi used to celebrate a child's first birthday; mochi tied to a baby's back if he starts walking before his first birthday in order to cause him to fall on his backside


see styles
ní yè mó
    ni2 ye4 mo2
ni yeh mo
niyama, restraint, vow; determination, resolve; a degree of Bodhisattva progress, i. e. never turning back.


see styles
ní sàn yuè
    ni2 san4 yue4
ni san yüeh
Nisan, the first month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar



see styles
ní hè lǔ
    ni2 he4 lu3
ni ho lu
Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964), Indian politician, first prime minister 1947-1964


see styles
(person) Shima Shin'ichi


see styles
yǐ zhī gēn
    yi3 zhi1 gen1
i chih ken
 ichi kon
ājñendriya. The second of the 三無漏根 q. v. One who already knows the indriya or roots that arise from the practical stage associated with the Four Dogmas, i. e. purpose, joy, pleasure, renunciation, faith, zeal, memory, abstract meditation, wisdom.



see styles
bā bù ěr
    ba1 bu4 er3
pa pu erh
Zaheeruddin Babur (1483-1530), first ruler of Mughal dynasty of India



see styles
bù sà hù
    bu4 sa4 hu4
pu sa hu
is a term for the lay observance of the first eight commandments on fast days, and it is used as a name for those commands.



see styles
shī zǐ guó
    shi1 zi3 guo2
shih tzu kuo
Siṃhala, Ceylon, the kingdom reputed to be founded by Siṃha, first an Indian merchant, later king of the country, who overcame the 'demons' of Ceylon and conquered the island.


see styles
(expression) after an interval of ... years; for the first time in ... years

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Ichi-Dan First Degree" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary