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Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) containing within (it); inclusion; (noun/participle) (2) {logic} (See 含意・2) (material) implication; material conditional


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 naiou / naio
(n,vs,vi) secret understanding; collusion; betrayal


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 uchizei / uchize
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (See 外税・1) tax-inclusive pricing; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (See 外税・2) tax included in a price


see styles
 naitsuu / naitsu
(n,vs,vi) (1) secret communication (with the enemy); collusion; betrayal; (n,vs,vi) (2) adultery; (extramarital) affair



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chū chén
    chu1 chen2
ch`u ch`en
    chu chen
 shutsu jin
To leave the dusty world of passion and delusion.



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chū chù
    chu1 chu4
ch`u ch`u
    chu chu
source (esp. of quotation or literary allusion); origin; where something comes from


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break; pause; gap; end; rift; interruption; cut; section; notch; incision; end (of a task); (1) cut; notch; (2) end; conclusion; (place-name, surname) Kirime


see styles
chū guǒ
    chu1 guo3
ch`u kuo
    chu kuo
(female given name) Motoka
The initial fruit, or achievement, the stage of srota-āpanna, illusion being discarded and the stream of enlightenment entered.


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(noun, transitive verb) (1) judgment; judgement; decision; conclusion; adjudication; (noun, transitive verb) (2) divination; (3) {math} judgement



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bié huò
    bie2 huo4
pieh huo
別見 Delusions arising from differentiation, mistaking the seeming for the real; these delusions according to the 別教 are gradually eradicated by the Bodhisattva during his first stage.


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lì shǐ
    li4 shi3
li shih
The sharp or clever envoy, i.e. the chief illusion of regarding the ego and its experiences and ideas as real, one of the five chief illusions.


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(noun, transitive verb) (1) seasoning; flavoring; flavouring; (noun, transitive verb) (2) addition; inclusion; taking into account; (surname, female given name) Kami



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gōu lián
    gou1 lian2
kou lien
to be linked together; to be involved with; to collude; interconnection; involvement; collusion



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bāo jià
    bao1 jia4
pao chia
package; all-inclusive deal


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bāo hán
    bao1 han2
pao han
 hougan / hogan
to contain; to embody; to include
(noun, transitive verb) inclusion; comprehension; implication; containing; covering


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bāo róng
    bao1 rong2
pao jung
 houyou / hoyo
to pardon; to forgive; to show tolerance; to contain; to hold; inclusive
(noun, transitive verb) (1) tolerance; magnanimity; comprehension; (noun, transitive verb) (2) inclusion; encompassing


see styles
bāo kuò
    bao1 kuo4
pao k`uo
    pao kuo
 houkatsu / hokatsu
to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of
(noun, transitive verb) inclusion; complete coverage; comprehensiveness


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 housetsu / hosetsu
(noun, transitive verb) (1) inclusion; encompassing; connotation; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {logic} subsumption


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 houyuu / hoyu
(noun, transitive verb) inclusion; containing



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bāo xiāo
    bao1 xiao1
pao hsiao
to have exclusive selling rights; to be the sole agent for a production unit or firm


see styles
huà chéng
    hua4 cheng2
hua ch`eng
    hua cheng
 kejou / kejo
{Buddh} castle magically created by the Buddha
The magic, or illusion city, in the Lotus Sutra; it typifies temporary or incomplete nirvana, i. e. the imperfect nirvana of Hīnayāna.



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huà zhuǎn
    hua4 zhuan3
hua chuan
To transform, convert (from evil to good, delusion to deliverance).


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shí xìn
    shi2 xin4
shih hsin
The ten grades of bodhisattva faith, i.e. the first ten 位 in the fifty-two bodhisattva positions: (1) 信 faith (which destroys illusion and results in); (2) 念 remembrance, or unforgetfulness; (3) 精進 zealous progress; (4) 慧 wisdom; (5) 定 settled firmness in concentration; (6) 不退 non-retrogression; (7) 護法 protection of the Truth; (8) 廻向 reflexive powers, e.g. for reflecting the Truth; (9) 戒 the nirvāṇa mind in 無為 effortlessness; (10) 願 action at will in anything and everywhere.


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shí lì
    shi2 li4
shih li
Daśabala. The ten powers of Buddha, giving complete knowledge of: (1) what is right or wrong in every condition; (2) what is the karma of every being, past, present, and future; (3) all stages of dhyāna liberation, and samādhi; (4) the powers and faculties of all beings; (5) the desires, or moral direction of every being; (6) the actual condition of every individual; (7) the direction and consequence of all laws; (8) all causes of mortality and of good and evil in their reality; (9) the end of all beings and nirvāṇa; (10) the destruction of all illusion of every kind. See the 智度論 25 and the 倶舍論 29.


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shí dì
    shi2 di4
shih ti
 juuji / juji
{Buddh} dasabhumi (forty-first to fiftieth stages in the development of a bodhisattva); (place-name) Jūji
daśabhūmi; v. 十住. The "ten stages" in the fifty-two sections of the development of a bodhisattva into a Buddha. After completing the十四向 he proceeds to the 十地. There are several groups. I. The ten stages common to the Three Vehicles 三乘 are: (1) 乾慧地 dry wisdom stage, i. e. unfertilized by Buddha-truth, worldly wisdom; (2) 性地 the embryo-stage of the nature of Buddha-truth, the 四善根; (3) 八人地 (八忍地), the stage of the eight patient endurances; (4) 見地 of freedom from wrong views; (5) 薄地 of freedom from the first six of the nine delusions in practice; (6) 離欲地 of freedom from the remaining three; (7) 巳辨地 complete discrimination in regard to wrong views and thoughts, the stage of an arhat; (8) 辟支佛地 pratyeka-buddhahood, only the dead ashes of the past left to sift; (9) 菩薩地 bodhisattvahood; (10) 佛地 Buddhahood. v. 智度論 78. II. 大乘菩薩十地 The ten stages of Mahāyāna bodhisattva development are: (1) 歡喜地 Pramuditā, joy at having overcome the former difficulties and now entering on the path to Buddhahood; (2) 離垢地 Vimalā, freedom from all possible defilement, the stage of purity; (3) 發光地 Prabhākarī, stage of further enlightenment; (4) 焰慧地 Arciṣmatī, of glowing wisdom; (5) 極難勝地 Sudurjayā, mastery of utmost or final difficulties; (6) 現前地 Abhimukhī, the open way of wisdom above definitions of impurity and purity; (7) 遠行地 Dūraṁgamā, proceeding afar, getting above ideas of self in order to save others; (8) 不動地 Acalā, attainment of calm unperturbedness; (9) 善慧地 Sādhumatī, of the finest discriminatory wisdom, knowing where and how to save, and possessed of the 十力 ten powers; (10) 法雲地 Dharmamegha, attaining to the fertilizing powers of the law-cloud. Each of the ten stages is connected with each of the ten pāramitās, v. 波. Each of the 四乘 or four vehicles has a division of ten. III. The 聲聞乘十地 ten Śrāvaka stages are: (1) 受三歸地 initiation as a disciple by receiving the three refuges, in the Buddha, Dharma, and Saṅgha; (2) 信地 belief, or the faith-root; (3) 信法地 belief in the four truths; (4) 内凡夫地 ordinary disciples who observe the 五停心觀, etc.; (5) 學信戒 those who pursue the 三學 three studies; (6) 八人忍地 the stage of 見道 seeing the true Way; (7) 須陀洹地 śrota-āpanna, now definitely in the stream and assured of nirvāṇa; (8) 斯陀含地 sakrdāgāmin, only one more rebirth; (9) 阿那含地 anāgāmin, no rebirth; and (10) 阿羅漢地 arhatship. IV. The ten stages of the pratyekabuddha 緣覺乘十地 are (1) perfect asceticism; (2) mastery of the twelve links of causation; (3) of the four noble truths; (4) of the deeper knowledge; (5) of the eightfold noble path; (6) of the three realms 三法界; (7) of the nirvāṇa state; (8) of the six supernatural powers; (9) arrival at the intuitive stage; (10) mastery of the remaining influence of former habits. V. 佛乘十地 The ten stages, or characteristics of a Buddha, are those of the sovereign or perfect attainment of wisdom, exposition, discrimination, māra-subjugation, suppression of evil, the six transcendent faculties, manifestation of all bodhisattva enlightenment, powers of prediction, of adaptability, of powers to reveal the bodhisattva Truth. VI. The Shingon has its own elaborate ten stages, and also a group 十地十心, see 十心; and there are other groups.


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shí jìng
    shi2 jing4
shih ching
Ten objects of or stages in meditation觀 in the Tiantai school, i.e. 陰境 the five skandhas; 煩惱境 life's distresses and delusion; 病患境 sickness, or duḥkha, its cause and cure; 業相境 age-long karmaic influences; 魔事境 Māra affairs, how to overthrow their rule; 禪定境 the conditions of dhyāna and samādhi; 諸見境 various views and doubts that arise; 慢境 pride in progress and the delusion that one has attained nirvāṇa; 二乘境 temptation to be content with the lower nirvāṇa, instead of going on to the greater reward; 菩薩境 bodhisattvahood; see the 止觀 5.


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shí zōng
    shi2 zong1
shih tsung
The ten schools of Chinese Buddhism: I. The (1) 律宗 Vinaya-discipline, or 南山|; (2) 倶舍 Kośa, Abhidharma, or Reality (Sarvāstivādin) 有宗; (3) 成實宗 Satyasiddhi sect founded on this śāstra by Harivarman; (4) 三論宗 Mādhyamika or 性空宗; (5) 法華宗 Lotus, "Law-flower" or Tiantai 天台宗; (6) 華嚴Huayan or法性 or賢首宗; ( 7) 法相宗 Dharmalakṣana or 慈恩宗 founded on the唯識論 (8) 心宗 Ch'an or Zen, mind-only or intuitive, v. 禪宗 ; (9) 眞言宗 (Jap. Shingon) or esoteric 密宗 ; (10) 蓮宗 Amitābha-lotus or Pure Land (Jap. Jōdo) 淨士宗. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 9th are found in Japan rather than in China, where they have ceased to be of importance. II. The Hua-yen has also ten divisions into ten schools of thought: (1) 我法倶有 the reality of self (or soul) and things, e.g. mind and matter; (2) 法有我無 the reality of things but not of soul; (3) 法無去來 things have neither creation nor destruction; (4) 現通假實 present things are both apparent and real; (5) 俗妄眞實 common or phenomenal ideas are wrong, fundamental reality is the only truth; (6) things are merely names; (7) all things are unreal 空; (8) the bhūtatathatā is not unreal; (9) phenomena and their perception are to be got rid of; (10) the perfect, all-inclusive, and complete teaching of the One Vehicle. III. There are two old Japanese divisions: 大乘律宗, 倶舎宗 , 成實 宗 , 法和宗 , 三論宗 , 天台宗 , 華嚴宗 , 眞言宗 , 小乘律宗 , and 淨土宗 ; the second list adds 禪宗 and omits 大乘律宗. They are the Ritsu, Kusha, Jōjitsu, Hossō, Sanron, Tendai, Kegon, Shingon, (Hīnayāna) Ritsu, and Jōdo; the addition being Zen.


see styles
shí zhàng
    shi2 zhang4
shih chang
Ten hindrances; bodhisattvas in the stage of 十地 overcome these ten hindrances and realize the十眞如 q.v. The hindrances are: (1) 異生性障 the hindrance of the common illusions of the unenlightened, taking the seeming for real; (2) 邪行障 the hindrance of common unenlightened conduct; (3) 暗鈍障 the hindrance of ignorant and dull ideas; (4) 細惑現行障 the hindrance of the illusion that things are real and have independent existence; (5)下乘涅槃障 the hindrance of the lower ideals in Hīnayāna of nirvāṇa; (6) 細相現行障 the hindrance of the ordinary ideas of the pure and impure; (7) 細相現行障 the hindrance of the idea of reincarnation; (8) 無相加行障 the hindrance of the continuance of activity even in the formless world; (9) 不欲行障 the hindrance of no desire to act for the salvation of others; (10) 法未自在障 the hindrance of non- attainment of complete mastery of all things. v. 唯識論 10.


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(noun, transitive verb) (See 占領・2) occupation; taking and maintaining exclusive control (of a location)


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 senyou / senyo
(noun, transitive verb) exclusive use; private use; monopolization


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 shuusoku / shusoku
(n,vs,adj-no) (1) conclusion; resolution; firming up (plans, etc.); coming together; returning to normal; (n,vs,adj-no) (2) gathering and bundling; (n,vs,adj-no) (3) {math} (ant: 発散・4) convergence; (n,vs,adj-no) (4) (See 集束) focusing (e.g. light); convergence


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qǔ suì
    qu3 sui4
ch`ü sui
    chü sui
To receive, or add, a year to his monastic age, on the conclusion of the summer's retreat.


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qǔ xiàng
    qu3 xiang4
ch`ü hsiang
    chü hsiang
 shu sō
The state of holding to the illusions of life as realities.


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míng xiàng
    ming2 xiang4
ming hsiang
famous prime minister (in ancient China); names and appearances (Buddhism)
Name and appearance; everything has a name, e. g. sound, or has appearance, i. e. the visible, v. 名色; both are unreal and give rise to delusion. The name under which Subhūti will be reborn as Buddha.


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implication; hidden meaning; latitude; atmosphere; tone; sentiment; inclusion



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hán shuì
    han2 shui4
han shui
tax inclusive


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 kyuuzou / kyuzo
(noun/participle) {chem} occlusion; absorption (of a gas)


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yǎo hé
    yao3 he2
yao ho
 kougou / kogo
(of uneven surfaces) to fit together; (of gear wheels) to mesh; (dentistry) occlusion; bite
occlusion (dentistry)



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dān lìng
    dan1 ling4
tan ling
separately and exclusively; specially


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sì qǔ
    si4 qu3
ssu ch`ü
    ssu chü
catuḥ-parāmarśa, the four attachments, i. e. desire, (unenlightened) views, (fakir) morals, and ideas arising from the conception of the self. Also, the possible delusions of the 四住地. Also, seeking fame in the four quarters.


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sì yuàn
    si4 yuan4
ssu yüan
The four enemies— the passions-and-delusion māras, death māra, the five-skandhas māras, and the supreme māra-king.


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sì jiè
    si4 jie4
ssu chieh
Four stages in moral development: that of release, or deliverance from the world on becoming a monk; that arising from the four meditations on the realms of form; that above the stage of 見道 q. v.; that in which all moral evil is ended and delusion ceases.



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sì shě
    si4 she3
ssu she
The four givings, i. e. of goods of the Truth, of courage (or fearlessness), and the giving up of the passions and delusions; cf. dāna-pāramitā, 捨.


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sì liú
    si4 liu2
ssu liu
The four currents (that carry the unthinking along): i. e. the illusions of 見 seeing things as they seem, not as they really are; 欲 desires; 有 existence, life; 無明 ignorance, or an unenlightened condition.


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sì dào
    si4 dao4
ssu tao
(surname) Shimichi
The Dao or road means the nirvana road; the 'four' are rather modes of progress, or stages in it: (1) 加行道 discipline or effort, i. e. progress from the 三賢 and 四善根 stages to that of the 三學位, i. e. morality, meditation, and understanding; (2) 無間道 uninterrupted progress to the stage in which all delusion is banished; (3) 解脫道 liberaton, or freedom, reaching the state of assurance or proof and knowledge of the truth; and (4) 勝進道 surpassing progress in dhyāni-wisdom. Those four stages are also associated with those of srota-āpanna, sakṛdāgāmin, anāgāmin, and arhat.



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wéi chǎng
    wei2 chang3
wei ch`ang
    wei chang
enclosure; pig pen; hunting ground exclusively kept for emperor or nobility (in former times)



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yuán hé
    yuan2 he2
yüan ho
All-embracing, all inclusive.



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yuán jiào
    yuan2 jiao4
yüan chiao
The complete, perfect, or comprehensive doctrine; the school or sect of Mahāyāna which represents it. The term has had three references. The first was by 光統 Guangtong of the Later Wei, sixth century, who defined three schools, 漸 gradual, 頓 immediate, and 圓 inclusive or complete. The Tiantai called its fourth section the inclusive, complete, or perfect teaching 圓, the other three being 三藏 Hīnayāna, 通 Mahāyāna-cum-Hīnayāna, 別 Mahāyāna. The Huayan so called its fifth section, i.e. 小乘; 大乘始; 大乘終; 頓 and 圓. It is the Tiantai version that is in general acceptance, defined as a perfect whole and as complete in its parts; for the whole is the absolute and its parts are therefore the absolute; the two may be called noumenon and phenomenon, or 空 and 假 (or 俗), but in reality they are one, i.e. the 中 medial condition. To conceive these three as a whole is the Tiantai inclusive or 'perfect' doctrine. The Huayan 'perfect' doctrine also taught that unity and differentiation, or absolute and relative, were one, a similar doctrine to that of the identity of contraries. In Tiantai teaching the harmony is due to its underlying unity; its completeness to the permeation of this unity in all phenomena; these two are united in the medial 中 principle; to comprehend these three principles at one and the same time is the complete, all-containing, or 'perfect' doctrine of Tiantai. There are other definitions of the all-inclusive doctrine, e.g. the eight complete things, complete in teaching, principles, knowledge, etc. 圓教四門 v. 四門.



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yuán duàn
    yuan2 duan4
yüan tuan
The Tiantai doctrine of the complete cutting off, at one remove, of the three illusions, i.e. 見思 associated with 空; 塵沙 with 假; and 無明 with 中; q. v.



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yuán jí
    yuan2 ji2
yüan chi
Inclusive to the uttermost; absolute perfection.


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(noun/participle) {med} exclusion; retraction; displacement


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gòu rǎn
    gou4 ran3
kou jan
Taint of earthly things, or illusion.


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gòu hàn
    gou4 han4
kou han
Defilement (of the physical as type of mental illusion).



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gòu jié
    gou4 jie2
kou chieh
The bond of the defiling, i.e. the material, and of reincarnation; illusion.



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zhí jiàn
    zhi2 jian4
chih chien
(surname) Azami
Views obstinately held, with consequent delusion; bigoted.



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bào zhàng
    bao4 zhang4
pao chang
The veil of delusion which accompanies retribution.



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chén shā
    chen2 sha1
ch`en sha
    chen sha
Dust and sand, i.e. numberless as the atoms. Tiantai uses the term as one of the three illusions, i.e. the trial of the bodhisattva in facing the vast amount of detail in knowledge and operation required for his task of saving the world.


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 sotozei / sotoze
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (See 内税・うちぜい・1) tax-exclusive pricing; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (See 内税・うちぜい・2) tax added to a price



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mèng huàn
    meng4 huan4
meng huan
 mugen(p); yumemaboroshi
    むげん(P); ゆめまぼろし
dream; illusion; reverie
dreams; fantasy; visions; (personal name) Mugen
Dream and illusion, the characteristics of all phenomena.



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mèng huà
    meng4 hua4
meng hua
talking in one's sleep; words spoken during sleep; fig. speech bearing no relation to reality; delusions


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dà shì
    da4 shi4
ta shih
major event; major political event (war or change of regime); major social event (wedding or funeral); (do something) in a big way; CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1]
(adjectival noun) (1) important; serious; crucial; (adjectival noun) (2) valuable; precious; (3) (See 大事・おおごと) serious matter; major incident; matter of grave concern; crisis; (4) great undertaking; great enterprise; great thing; (adjectival noun) (5) (Tochigi dialect) (See だいじょうぶ・1) safe; OK
(因緣) For the sake of a great cause, or because of a great matter―the Buddha appeared, i.e. for changing illusion into enlightenment. The Lotus interprets it as enlightenment; the Nirvana as the Buddha-nature; the 無量壽經 as the joy of Paradise.


see styles
end; conclusion; finale; (surname) Daio


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nǚ sè
    nu:3 se4
nü se
 joshoku; nyoshoku; joshiki
    じょしょく; にょしょく; じょしき
female charms; femininity
woman's beauty or charms; love affair with a woman; lust for women
Female beauty— is a chain, a serious delusion, a grievous calamity. The 智度論 14 says it is better to burn out the eyes with a red-hot iron than behold woman with unsteady heart.


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rú huàn
    ru2 huan4
ju huan
(given name) Nyogen
as an illusion, or illusory.



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wàng zhí
    wang4 zhi2
wang chih
(Buddhist term) deep-rooted delusion; firm conviction (based on incorrect beliefs)
False tenets, holding on to false views.


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wàng xiǎng
    wang4 xiang3
wang hsiang
to attempt vainly; a vain attempt; delusion
(noun/participle) wild idea; delusion
Erroneous thinking.



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wàng duàn
    wang4 duan4
wang tuan
to jump to an unfounded conclusion
See: 妄断



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wàng yún
    wang4 yun2
wang yün
Clouds of falsity, i. e. delusion.


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pó chéng
    po2 cheng2
p`o ch`eng
    po cheng
A gandharva city, a mirage, an illusion city, v. 乾沓婆.


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zǐ guǒ
    zi3 guo3
tzu kuo
Seed and fruit; seed-produced fruit is 子果, fruit-produced seed is 果子. The fruit produced by illusion in former incarnation is 子果, which the Hīnayāna arhat has not yet finally cut off. It is necessary to enter Nirvāṇa without remnant of mortality to be free from its "fruit", or karma.



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zǐ fú
    zi3 fu2
tzu fu
The seed bond, or delusion of the mind, which keeps men in bondage.


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gū pì
    gu1 pi4
ku p`i
    ku pi
antisocial; reclusive; eccentric


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(abbreviation) (See 完全母乳) exclusive breastfeeding; EBF



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wán jié
    wan2 jie2
wan chieh
to finish; to conclude; completed
(n,vs,vi) conclusion; completion


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dìng jú
    ding4 ju2
ting chü
foregone conclusion; to be settled conclusively



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dìng lùn
    ding4 lun4
ting lun
 teiron / teron
final conclusion; accepted argument
established theory
a settled argument



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kè chén
    ke4 chen2
k`o ch`en
    ko chen
āgantu-kleśa, the foreign atom, or intruding element, which enters the mind and causes distress and delusion; the mind is naturally pure or innocent till the evil element enters; v. 煩惱.


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jí dìng
    ji2 ding4
chi ting
Tranquil concentration; contemplation in which disturbing illusion is eliminated.



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mì jīng
    mi4 jing1
mi ching
The foundation texts of the esoteric school, i.e. the 大日經 and 金剛頂經 and various sutras, especially but not exclusively those with mantras; another group is the first two and the 蘇悉地經.


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hán xīn
    han2 xin1
han hsin
disillusioned; bitterly disappointed; terrified
(n,vs,vi) deplorable; alarming



see styles
shěn jié
    shen3 jie2
shen chieh
(law) to try (a criminal case) and reach a conclusion


see styles
 moppara(p); mohara(ok)
    もっぱら(P); もはら(ok)
(adv,adj-no) (1) (kana only) wholly; solely; entirely; exclusively; devotedly; fixedly; (adv,adj-no) (2) (kana only) principally; mostly; chiefly; mainly


see styles
 senichi; senitsu
    せんいち; せんいつ
(noun or adjectival noun) exclusively; (taking) best care; (given name) Sen'ichi


see styles
(n,vs,vt,adj-no) monopoly; monopolization; exclusive sales rights


see styles
(n,vs,vi) exclusive; attached to; specialist


see styles
 senjuu / senju
(n,vs,vi) working exclusively for; working full-time (for); (surname) Senjuu


see styles
 senyuu / senyu
(noun, transitive verb) exclusive possession; sole ownership; monopoly


see styles
 senyou / senyo
(n,vs,vt,n-suf,adj-no) (1) (one's) exclusive use; private use; personal use; (n,n-suf,adj-no) (2) dedicated use; use for a particular purpose; (noun, transitive verb) (3) exclusive use (of particular products); using only (e.g. a certain brand); using solely


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) exclusive jurisdiction



see styles
zhuān shǔ
    zhuan1 shu3
chuan shu
to belong or be dedicated exclusively to; proprietary; private; personal



see styles
zhuān kòng
    zhuan1 kong4
chuan k`ung
    chuan kung
exclusive control



see styles
zhuān yǒu
    zhuan1 you3
chuan yu
exclusive; proprietary



see styles
zhuān mài
    zhuan1 mai4
chuan mai
monopoly; exclusive right to trade



see styles
dǎo chū
    dao3 chu1
tao ch`u
    tao chu
 doushutsu / doshutsu
to derive; derived; derivation; to entail; to induce; to export (data)
(noun, transitive verb) derivation; drawing (a conclusion)


see styles
(n,vs,vi) (1) return; arriving home; (n,vs,vi) (2) conclusion; (n,vs,vi) (3) {math;comp} reduction


see styles
(n,vs,vi) (1) consequence; result; conclusion; (2) {gramm} apodosis


see styles
huàn rén
    huan4 ren2
huan jen
witchcraft user; magician
or幻士 An illusionist, a conjurer.


see styles
huàn huà
    huan4 hua4
huan hua
to be transformed; to metamorphose; transformation; metamorphosis
Illusion and transformation, or illusory transformation.


see styles
huàn gòu
    huan4 gou4
huan kou
Illusory and defiled, i. e. body and mind are alike illusion and unclean.



see styles
huàn mèng
    huan4 meng4
huan meng
fantasy; illusion; dream
dreams; visions; phantasms
illusion and a dream

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Lusi" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary