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Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
huàn shī
    huan4 shi1
huan shih
 gen shi
An illusionist, a conjurer.


see styles
huàn yǐng
    huan4 ying3
huan ying
 genei / gene
phantom; mirage
(noun - becomes adjective with の) phantom; vision; illusion
illusion and shadows


see styles
huàn xīn
    huan4 xin1
huan hsin
The illusion mind, or mind is unreal.


see styles
huàn jǐng
    huan4 jing3
huan ching
illusion; mirage


see styles
huàn fǎ
    huan4 fa3
huan fa
Conjuring tricks, illusion, methods of Bodhisattva transformation.



see styles
huàn miè
    huan4 mie4
huan mieh
(of dreams, hopes etc) to vanish; to evaporate; (of a person) to become disillusioned; disillusionment
(n,vs,vi) disillusionment; (personal name) Genmetsu


see styles
huàn xiàng
    huan4 xiang4
huan hsiang
Illusion, illusory appearance.


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huàn zhě
    huan4 zhe3
huan che
The illusory; anything that is an illusion; all things, for they are illusion.


see styles
(1) magic; sorcery; wizardry; witchcraft; (2) magic (illusion); conjuring


see styles
hallucination; illusion



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huàn jué
    huan4 jue2
huan chüeh
illusion; hallucination; figment of one's imagination


see styles
huàn xiàng
    huan4 xiang4
huan hsiang


see styles
huàn shēn
    huan4 shen1
huan shen
The illusion-body, i. e. this body is not real but an illusion.


see styles
huàn yě
    huan4 ye3
huan yeh
The wilderness of illusion, i. e. mortal life.



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huàn mén
    huan4 men2
huan men
The ways or methods of illusion, or of bodhisattva transformation.


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 yuukyo / yukyo
(noun/participle) hermitage; retreat; retirement; seclusion


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yōu àn
    you1 an4
yu an
 yuuan / yuan
(noun or adjectival noun) gloom; darkness; seclusion


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 yuusei / yuse
(noun/participle) living a quiet life in seclusion away from the masses


see styles
 yuusei / yuse
(noun/participle) living a quiet life in seclusion away from the masses


see styles
 yuuan / yuan
(noun or adjectival noun) gloom; darkness; seclusion


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yǐn yú
    yin3 yu2
yin yü
to draw upon a metaphor


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dé chū
    de2 chu1
te ch`u
    te chu
 toku shutsu
to obtain (a result); to arrive at (a conclusion)


see styles
xīn gòu
    xin1 gou4
hsin kou
The impurities of the mind, i. e. 煩惱 passion and delusion; the two phrases are used as synonyms.


see styles
xīn xìng
    xin1 xing4
hsin hsing
 shinsei / shinse
one's nature; temperament
mind; disposition; nature
Immutable mind-corpus, or mind-nature, the self-existing fundamental pure mind, the all, the Tathāgata-garbha, or 如來藏心; 自性淸淨心; also described in the 起信論 Awakening of Faith as immortal 不生不滅. Another definition identifies 心 with 性 saying 性卽是心, 心卽是佛 the nature is the mind, and mind is Buddha; another, that mind and nature are the same when 悟 awake and understanding, but differ when 迷 in illusion; and further, in reply to the statement that the Buddha-nature is eternal but the mind not eternal, it is said, the nature is like water, the mind like ice, illusion turns nature to mental ice form, awakening melts it back to its proper nature.



see styles
xīn huái
    xin1 huai2
hsin huai
to harbor (thoughts); to cherish; to entertain (illusions)
to harbor in one's mind


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niàn lòu
    nian4 lou4
nien lou
The leakages; or stream of delusive memory.



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niàn zhāo
    nian4 zhao1
nien chao
Through perverted memory to cling to illusion.


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sī jiǎ
    si1 jia3
ssu chia
Thought or its content as illusion.


see styles
sī huò
    si1 huo4
ssu huo
{Buddh} perceptive mental disturbances
The illusion of thought.


see styles
xìng dì
    xing4 di4
hsing ti
innate quality; natural disposition
Spiritual nature, the second of the ten stages as defined by the 通教 Intermediate School, in which the illusion produced by 見思 seeing and thinking is subdued and the mind obtains a glimmer of the immateriality of things. Cf. 十地.


see styles
xī tán
    xi1 tan2
hsi t`an
    hsi tan
悉談 siddhānta, an established conclusion, proved fact, axiom, dogma, at text or authoritative work, cf. M.W.; intp. as 成就 complete, and incorrectly as the Buddha's unstinted gift of the 四法 q.v.


see styles
delusion; illusion; infatuation; bewilderment; perplexity


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huò rǎn
    huo4 ran3
huo jan
The taint of delusion, the contamination of illusion.



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huò zhāo
    huo4 zhao1
huo chao
The bond of illusion, the delusive bondage of desire to its environment.


see styles
huò qù
    huo4 qu4
huo ch`ü
    huo chü
The way or direction of illusion, delusive objective, intp. as deluded in fundamental principles.


see styles
huò zhàng
    huo4 zhang4
huo chang
The hindrance, or obstruction of the delusive passions to entry into truth.



see styles
è chā
    e4 cha1
o ch`a
    o cha
akṣa, 'a seed of which rosaries are made (in compound words, like Indrāksha, Rudrāksha); a shrub producing that seed (Eleocarpus ganitrus).' M. W. It is called the 惡叉聚 because its seeds are said to be formed in triplets, and illustrate the simultaneous character of 惑行苦 illusion, action, and suffering; another version is that the seeds fall in clusters, and illustrate numbers, or numerous; they are also known as 金剛子.


see styles
yì sān
    yi4 san1
i san
 shinzou / shinzo
(personal name) Shinzou
The three evils which belong to intellect — lobha, dveṣa, moha, i.e. desire, dislike, delusion.


see styles
yú huò
    yu2 huo4
yü huo
Deluded by ignorance, the delusion of ignorance.



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ài huò
    ai4 huo4
ai huo
The illusion of love, or desire.



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ài rùn
    ai4 run4
ai jun
(female given name) Auru
The fertilizing of desire; i.e. when dying the illusion of attachment fertilizes the seed of future karma, producing the fruit of further suffering.


see styles
màn huò
    man4 huo4
man huo
One of the ten great delusions, that of pride.



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huì jiàn
    hui4 jian4
hui chien
The sword of wisdom which cuts away illusion.


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huì huàn
    hui4 huan4
hui huan
Wisdom-illusion, wisdom-conjuring; the kaleidoscope of wisdom.


see styles
(noun/participle) jumping to hasty conclusions; conjecture


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chéng lì
    cheng2 li4
ch`eng li
    cheng li
 seiritsu / seritsu
to establish; to set up; to be tenable; to hold water
(noun/participle) (1) formation; establishment; materialization; coming into existence; (noun/participle) (2) conclusion (e.g. of a deal); reaching (e.g. an agreement); approval; completion; closing; enacting; arrangement; (noun/participle) (3) being valid (of a theory, argument, etc.); holding; applying; (personal name) Shigetatsu
to consist of


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 seiyaku / seyaku
(n,vs,vi) conclusion of a contract


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wǒ dào
    wo3 dao4
wo tao
The illusion of an ego, one of the four inverted or upside-down ideas.


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wǒ yú
    wo3 yu2
wo yü
Ego ignorance, holding to the illusion of the reality of the ego.


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wǒ yǒu
    wo3 you3
wo yu
(surname) Gau
The illusion that the ego has real existence.


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wǒ kōng
    wo3 kong1
wo k`ung
    wo kung
生空 (衆生空); 人空 Illusion of the concept of the reality of the ego, man being composed of elements and disintegrated when these are dissolved.


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magic (illusion); conjuring; magic trick; conjuring trick; sleight of hand


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(1) knot; tying; (2) bundle; lumping; (3) conclusion; ending


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 choubi; toubi; takubi(ik) / chobi; tobi; takubi(ik)
    ちょうび; とうび; たくび(ik)
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) final effort; final spurt; (2) end; close; conclusion


see styles
pái tā
    pai2 ta1
p`ai t`a
    pai ta
exclusive; excluding
exclusion; (personal name) Haita


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(adjectival noun) {stat} mutually exclusive


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pái chú
    pai2 chu2
p`ai ch`u
    pai chu
to eliminate; to remove; to exclude; to rule out
(noun, transitive verb) exclusion; removal; elimination; clearing away; getting rid of



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tuī lùn
    tui1 lun4
t`ui lun
    tui lun
to infer; inference; corollary; reasoned conclusion
(n,vs,vt,adj-no) inference; deduction; induction; reasoning


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(adj-t,adv-to) firm; determined; resolute; conclusive


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(adj-t,adv-to) firm; determined; resolute; conclusive


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 dantei / dante
(noun/participle) (1) conclusion; decision; judgement; declaration; (2) {ling} affirmative


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conclusion; decision



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duàn dé
    duan4 de2
tuan te
The power or virtue of bringing to an end all passion and illusion—one of the three powers of a buddha.



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duàn huò
    duan4 huo4
tuan huo
To bring delusion to an end.



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duàn yǔ
    duan4 yu3
tuan yü
conclusion; judgment; verdict



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duàn dào
    duan4 dao4
tuan tao
The stage in development when illusion is cut off.



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yú dì
    yu2 di4
yü ti
All Buddha's teaching is 'based upon the dogmas' that all things are unreal, and that the world is illusion; a 三論 phrase.


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míng dé
    ming2 de2
ming te
 meidoku / medoku
(personal name) Meidoku
(明定) A samādhi in the Bodhisattva's 四加行 in which there are the bright beginnings of release from illusion.



see styles
míng dá
    ming2 da2
ming ta
 meitatsu / metatsu
reasonable; of good judgment
(noun or adjectival noun) wisdom; (given name) Myōtatsu
Enlightenment 明in the case of the saint includes knowledge of future incarnations of self others, of the past incarnation of self and others, and that the present incarnation will end illusion. In the case of the Buddha such knowledge is called 達 thorough or perfect enlightenment.



see styles
chūn mèng
    chun1 meng4
ch`un meng
    chun meng
spring dream; short-lived illusion; erotic dream
(personal name) Haruyume



see styles
yàn jià
    yan4 jia4
yen chia
to die (exclusively of the Emperor)


see styles
zhì huò
    zhi4 huo4
chih huo
Wisdom and delusion.



see styles
zuì hòu
    zui4 hou4
tsui hou
final; last; finally; ultimate
(1) end; conclusion; (can be adjective with の) (2) last; final; latest; most recent; (expression) (3) (after -tara form or -ta form followed by "ga") no sooner than; once; right after (often having negative consequences); (4) (archaism) (See 最期) one's final moments
(最末後) The last of all, ultimate; final, finally, at death.


see styles
yǒu liú
    you3 liu2
yu liu
 uryuu / uryu
(given name) Uryū
The mortal stream of existence with its karma and delusion. Cf. 見流.


see styles
yǒu lòu
    you3 lou4
yu lou
āsrava, means 'outflow, discharge'; 'distress, pain, affliction'; it is intp. by 煩惱 kleśa, the passions, distress, trouble, which in turn is intp. as 惑 delusion. Whatever has kleśa, i. e. distress or trouble, is 有漏; all things are of this nature, hence it means whatever is in the stream of births-and-deaths, and also means mortal life or births-and-deaths, i. e. mortality as contrasted with 無漏, which is nirvāṇa.


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běn huò
    ben3 huo4
pen huo
The root or origin of delusion; also 根本惑; 根本煩惱.



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běn jué
    ben3 jue2
pen chüeh
Original bodhi, i. e. 'enlightenment', awareness, knowledge, or wisdom, as contrasted with 始覺 initial knowledge, that is 'enlightenment a priori is contrasted with enlightenment a posteriori'. Suzuki, Awakening of Faith, P. 62. The reference is to universal mind 衆生之心體, which is conceived as pure and intelligent, with 始覺 as active intelligence. It is considered as the Buddha-dharmakāya, or as it might perhaps be termed, the fundamental mind. Nevertheless in action from the first it was influenced by its antithesis 無明 ignorance, the opposite of awareness, or true knowledge. See 起信論 and 仁王經,中. There are two kinds of 本覺, one which is unconditioned, and never sullied by ignorance and delusion, the other which is conditioned and subject to ignorance. In original enlightenment is implied potential enlightenment in each being.



see styles
rǎn yuán
    ran3 yuan2
jan yüan
The nidāna or link of pollution, which connects illusion with the karmaic miseries of reincarnation. From the 'water' of the bhūtatathatā, affected by the 'waves' of this nidāna-pollution, arise the waves of reincarnation.



see styles
gēn mén
    gen1 men2
ken men
(surname) Nemon
The senses as doors (through which illusion enters).



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fàn tán
    fan4 tan2
fan t`an
    fan tan
or 梵怛 brahmadaṇda, brahma-staff 梵杖, the brahma (i.e. religious) punishment (stick), but the derivation is uncertain; the explanation is "to send to Coventry" a recalcitrant monk, the forbidding of any conversation with him, called also 默擯 exclusion to silence.


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) rule; regulation; (2) settlement; conclusion; end; agreement; arrangement; (3) habit; custom; habitual way; (4) countenance in front of another person; face; (5) (archaism) love relationship between a customer and a prostitute


see styles
 ketsubou / ketsubo
(noun/participle) disappointment; disillusion; resentment


see styles
yù liú
    yu4 liu2
yü liu
The stream of the passions, i.e. the illusions of cupidity, anger, etc., which keep the individual in the realm of desire; the stream of transmigration, which results from desire.



see styles
zhǐ guān
    zhi3 guan1
chih kuan
奢摩他毗婆舍那 (or 奢摩他毗鉢舍那) śamatha-vipaśyanā, which Sanskrit words are intp. by 止觀; 定慧; 寂照; and 明靜; for their respective meanings see 止 and 觀. When the physical organism is at rest it is called 止 zhi, when the mind is seeing clearly it is called 觀 guan. The term and form of meditation is specially connected with its chief exponent, the founder of the Tiantai school, which school is styled 止觀宗 Zhiguan Zong, its chief object being concentration of the mind by special methods for the purpose of clear insight into truth, and to be rid of illusion. The Tiantai work gives ten fields of mediation, or concentration: (1) the 五陰, 十八界, and 十二入; (2) passion and delusion; (3) sickness; (4) karma forms; (5) māra-deeds; (6) dhyāna; (7) (wrong) theories; (8) arrogance; (9) the two Vehicles; (10) bodhisattvahood.



see styles
guī jié
    gui1 jie2
kuei chieh
to sum up; to conclude; to put in a nutshell; conclusion; end (of a story etc)



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guī yǐn
    gui1 yin3
kuei yin
to go back to one's native place and live in seclusion


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sǐ xīn
    si3 xin1
ssu hsin
to give up; to admit failure; to drop the matter; to reconcile oneself to loss; to have no more illusions about


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duàn luò
    duan4 luo4
tuan lo
phase; time interval; paragraph; (written) passage
(1) paragraph; (2) end; stopping place; conclusion


see styles
dú jiàn
    du2 jian4
tu chien
Poison arrow, i. e. illusion.


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bǐ qiū
    bi3 qiu1
pi ch`iu
    pi chiu
Buddhist monk (loanword from Sanskrit "bhiksu")
bhikkhu (fully ordained Buddhist monk) (san: bhiksu)
比呼; 苾芻; 煏芻 bhikṣu, a religious mendicant, an almsman, one who has left home, been fully ordained, and depends on alms for a living. Some are styled 乞士 mendicant scholars, all are 釋種 Śākya-seed, offspring of Buddha. The Chinese characters are clearly used as a phonetic equivalent, but many attempts have been made to give meanings to the two words, e. g. 比 as 破 and 丘 as 煩惱, hence one who destroys the passions and delusions, also 悕能 able to overawe Māra and his minions; also 除饉 to get rid of dearth, moral and spiritual. Two kinds 内乞 and 外乞; both indicate self-control, the first by internal mental or spiritual methods, the second by externals such as strict diet. 苾芻 is a fragrant plant, emblem of the monastic life.



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pí dì
    pi2 di4
p`i ti
    pi ti
vidyā, 毘底牙 knowledge, learning, philosophy, science; incantation; intp. 明呪 an incantation to get rid of all delusion. The Vidyādharapiṭaka is a section of incantations, etc., added to the Tripiṭaka.


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(1) (See 気脈を通じる) tacit understanding; connection (of thoughts); collusion; (2) (rare) (See 血管) blood vessel


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(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) rule; regulation; (2) settlement; conclusion; end; agreement; arrangement; (3) habit; custom; habitual way; (4) countenance in front of another person; face; (5) (archaism) love relationship between a customer and a prostitute


see styles
(noun/participle) conclusion; decision; end; settlement



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mò jié
    mo4 jie2
mo chieh
moha, delusion, bewilderment, infatuation, tr. by 愚 foolishness; cf. 謨.



see styles
fǎ jiàn
    fa3 jian4
fa chien
The sword of Buddha-truth, able to cut off the functioning of illusion.


see styles
fǎ rěn
    fa3 ren3
fa jen
 hounin / honin
(surname, given name) Hounin
Patience attained through dharma, to the overcoming of illusion; also ability to bear patiently external hardships.


see styles
fǎ xìng
    fa3 xing4
fa hsing
 hosshou; houshou / hossho; hosho
    ほっしょう; ほうしょう
{Buddh} (See 法相・ほっそう・1) dharmata (dharma nature, the true nature of all manifest phenomena); (personal name) Hosshou
dharmatā. Dharma-nature, the nature underlying all thing, the bhūtatathatā, a Mahāyāna philosophical concept unknown in Hīnayāna, v. 眞如 and its various definitions in the 法相, 三論 (or法性), 華嚴, and 天台 Schools. It is discussed both in its absolute and relative senses, or static and dynamic. In the Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra and various śāstras the term has numerous alternative forms, which may be taken as definitions, i. e. 法定 inherent dharma, or Buddha-nature; 法住 abiding dharma-nature; 法界 dharmakṣetra, realm of dharma; 法身 dharmakāya, embodiment of dharma; 實際 region of reality; 實相 reality; 空性 nature of the Void, i. e. immaterial nature; 佛性 Buddha-nature; 無相 appearance of nothingness, or immateriality; 眞如 bhūtatathatā; 如來藏 tathāgatagarbha; 平等性 universal nature; 離生性 immortal nature; 無我性 impersonal nature; 虛定界: realm of abstraction; 不虛妄性 nature of no illusion; 不變異性 immutable nature; 不思議界 realm beyond thought; 自性淸淨心 mind of absolute purity, or unsulliedness, etc. Of these the terms 眞如, 法性, and 實際 are most used by the Prajñāpāramitā sūtras.


see styles
fǎ shuǐ
    fa3 shui3
fa shui
 housui / hosui
(given name) Housui
Buddha-truth likened to water able to wash away the stains of illusion; 法河 to a deep river; 法海 to a vast deep ocean.


see styles
fǎ jiè
    fa3 jie4
fa chieh
 hokkai; houkai / hokkai; hokai
    ほっかい; ほうかい
(1) {Buddh} universe; (2) {Buddh} realm of thought; (3) {Buddh} underlying principle of reality; manifestation of true thusness; (4) (ほうかい only) (abbreviation) (See 法界悋気) being jealous of things that have nothing to do with one; being jealous of others who are in love with each other
dharmadhātu, 法性; 實相; 達磨馱都 Dharma-element, -factor, or-realm. (1) A name for "things" in general, noumenal or phenomenal; for the physical universe, or any portion or phase of it. (2) The unifying underlying spiritual reality regarded as the ground or cause of all things, the absolute from which all proceeds. It is one of the eighteen dhātus. These are categories of three, four, five, and ten dharmadhātus; the first three are combinations of 事 and 理 or active and passive, dynamic and static; the ten are: Buddha-realm, Bodhisattva-realm, pratyekabuddha-realm, śrāvaka, deva, Human, asura, Demon, Animal, and Hades realms-a Huayan category. Tiantai has ten for meditaton, i.e. the realms of the eighteen media of perception (the six organs, six objects, and six sense-data or sensations), of illusion, sickness, karma, māra, samādhi, (false) views, pride, the two lower Vehicles, and the Bodhisattva Vehicle.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Lusi" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary