There are 1799 total results for your Qian search. I have created 18 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
前方 see styles |
qián fāng qian2 fang1 ch`ien fang chien fang maekata まえかた |
ahead; the front (adv,n) (1) (dated) before; previously; (2) (dated) front; ahead; (adjectival noun) (3) (dated) immature; unsophisticated; (surname) Maekata |
前日 see styles |
qián rì qian2 ri4 ch`ien jih chien jih zenjitsu(p); maebi ぜんじつ(P); まえび |
day before yesterday (n,adv) (esp. 〜の前日) previous day; day before; eve; prior day; preceding day |
前時 前时 see styles |
qián shí qian2 shi2 ch`ien shih chien shih maetoki まえとき |
(surname) Maetoki a prior time |
前晌 see styles |
qián shǎng qian2 shang3 ch`ien shang chien shang |
(dialect) morning; forenoon |
前景 see styles |
qián jǐng qian2 jing3 ch`ien ching chien ching zenkei / zenke ぜんけい |
foreground; vista; (future) prospects; perspective foreground |
前朝 see styles |
qián cháo qian2 chao2 ch`ien ch`ao chien chao |
the previous dynasty |
前期 see styles |
qián qī qian2 qi1 ch`ien ch`i chien chi zenki ぜんき |
preceding period; early stage (n,adj-no,adv) (ant: 後期) first term; first half-year; preceding period; early period |
前桅 see styles |
qián wéi qian2 wei2 ch`ien wei chien wei |
foremast |
前橋 前桥 see styles |
qián qiáo qian2 qiao2 ch`ien ch`iao chien chiao maebashi まえばし |
Maebashi (surname or place name) Maebashi (city in Gunma); (place-name, surname) Maebashi |
前此 see styles |
qián cǐ qian2 ci3 ch`ien tz`u chien tzu |
before today |
前段 see styles |
qián duàn qian2 duan4 ch`ien tuan chien tuan maedan まえだん |
front part (of an object); first part (of an event); previous paragraph preceding paragraph; first part; (surname) Maedan |
前沿 see styles |
qián yán qian2 yan2 ch`ien yen chien yen |
(military) forward position; frontier; cutting-edge; forefront |
前涼 前凉 see styles |
qián liáng qian2 liang2 ch`ien liang chien liang |
Former Liang, one of the Sixteen Kingdoms (314-376) |
前漢 前汉 see styles |
qián hàn qian2 han4 ch`ien han chien han zenkan ぜんかん |
Former Han dynasty (206 BC-8 AD), also called 西漢|西汉[Xi1 Han4], Western Han dynasty (hist) Former Han dynasty (of China; 206 BCE-9 CE); Western Han dynasty; (place-name) Zenkan the former Han |
前燈 前灯 see styles |
qián dēng qian2 deng1 ch`ien teng chien teng |
headlight See: 前灯 |
前燕 see styles |
qián yān qian2 yan1 ch`ien yen chien yen |
Former Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (337-370) |
前生 see styles |
qián shēng qian2 sheng1 ch`ien sheng chien sheng zenshou / zensho ぜんしょう |
previous life; previous incarnation {Buddh} (See 後生・ごしょう・1,今生・こんじょう) previous existence previous lifetime |
前田 see styles |
qián tián qian2 tian2 ch`ien t`ien chien tien maheda まへだ |
Maeda (Japanese surname) (surname) Maheda |
前番 see styles |
qián fān qian2 fan1 ch`ien fan chien fan zen ban |
primary role |
前瞻 see styles |
qián zhān qian2 zhan1 ch`ien chan chien chan |
forward-looking; prescient; foresight; forethought; outlook |
前科 see styles |
qián kē qian2 ke1 ch`ien k`o chien ko zenka ぜんか |
criminal record; previous convictions previous conviction; criminal record; previous offense; previous offence |
前秦 see styles |
qián qín qian2 qin2 ch`ien ch`in chien chin Zen Shin |
Former Qin of the Sixteen Kingdoms (351-395) the former Qín |
前程 see styles |
qián chéng qian2 cheng2 ch`ien ch`eng chien cheng zentei / zente ぜんてい |
future (career etc) prospects the journey before one; distance one has to travel |
前空 see styles |
qián kōng qian2 kong1 ch`ien k`ung chien kung maezora まえぞら |
(place-name) Maezora the prior emptiness |
前端 see styles |
qián duān qian2 duan1 ch`ien tuan chien tuan maehashi まえはし |
front; front end; forward part of something front end; (surname) Maehashi |
前綴 前缀 see styles |
qián zhuì qian2 zhui4 ch`ien chui chien chui |
prefix (linguistics) |
前線 前线 see styles |
qián xiàn qian2 xian4 ch`ien hsien chien hsien zensen ぜんせん |
front line; military front; workface; cutting edge (1) {met} (weather) front; (2) {mil} front line; the front; battlefront; forward area |
前緣 前缘 see styles |
qián yuán qian2 yuan2 ch`ien yüan chien yüan zenen |
affinities from previous lifetimes |
前置 see styles |
qián zhì qian2 zhi4 ch`ien chih chien chih zenchi ぜんち |
to place before; frontal; leading; pre- (noun - becomes adjective with の) preface; introduction |
前翅 see styles |
qián chì qian2 chi4 ch`ien ch`ih chien chih zenshi ぜんし |
front wing (of insect) fore-wing (of insect) |
前者 see styles |
qián zhě qian2 zhe3 ch`ien che chien che zensha ぜんしゃ |
the former (See 後者・1) the former; the first in time past |
前肢 see styles |
qián zhī qian2 zhi1 ch`ien chih chien chih maeashi まえあし zenshi ぜんし |
forelimb; foreleg forefoot; forefeet; foreleg; forelimb |
前胃 see styles |
qián wèi qian2 wei4 ch`ien wei chien wei |
proventriculus; forestomach |
前胸 see styles |
qián xiōng qian2 xiong1 ch`ien hsiung chien hsiung |
human chest; breast |
前腳 前脚 see styles |
qián jiǎo qian2 jiao3 ch`ien chiao chien chiao |
one moment ..., (the next ...); leading foot (in walking) See: 前脚 |
前腿 see styles |
qián tuǐ qian2 tui3 ch`ien t`ui chien tui |
forelegs |
前臂 see styles |
qián bì qian2 bi4 ch`ien pi chien pi |
forearm |
前臺 前台 see styles |
qián tái qian2 tai2 ch`ien t`ai chien tai |
stage; proscenium; foreground in politics etc (sometimes derog.); front desk; reception desk; (computing) front-end; foreground See: 前台 |
前艙 前舱 see styles |
qián cāng qian2 cang1 ch`ien ts`ang chien tsang |
fore hold (on ship); bow cabin |
前茅 see styles |
qián máo qian2 mao2 ch`ien mao chien mao |
forward patrol (military) (old); (fig.) the top ranks |
前菜 see styles |
qián cài qian2 cai4 ch`ien ts`ai chien tsai zensai ぜんさい |
appetizer; starter; hors d'oeuvre hors d'oeuvre; appetizer; appetiser; starter |
前行 see styles |
qián xíng qian2 xing2 ch`ien hsing chien hsing zengyou / zengyo ぜんぎょう |
(literary) to go forward former conduct; (place-name) Zengyou a predecessor |
前言 see styles |
qián yán qian2 yan2 ch`ien yen chien yen zengen ぜんげん |
preface; foreword; introduction; preamble; earlier remarks; earlier words; (literary) words of the ancient thinkers (noun/participle) previous remarks |
前說 前说 see styles |
qián shuō qian2 shuo1 ch`ien shuo chien shuo zensetsu |
explained above |
前調 前调 see styles |
qián diào qian2 diao4 ch`ien tiao chien tiao |
(perfumery) top note |
前起 see styles |
qián qǐ qian2 qi3 ch`ien ch`i chien chi zenki |
born first or earlier |
前趙 前赵 see styles |
qián zhào qian2 zhao4 ch`ien chao chien chao |
Former Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms (304-329) |
前路 see styles |
qián lù qian2 lu4 ch`ien lu chien lu |
the road ahead |
前身 see styles |
qián shēn qian2 shen1 ch`ien shen chien shen zenshin ぜんしん |
forerunner; predecessor; precursor; previous incarnation (Buddhism); jacket front antecedents; ancestor; previous position; previous existence; predecessor organization; predecessor organisation The previous body, or incarnation. |
前輩 前辈 see styles |
qián bèi qian2 bei4 ch`ien pei chien pei |
senior; older generation; precursor |
前輪 前轮 see styles |
qián lún qian2 lun2 ch`ien lun chien lun zenrin; maewa ぜんりん; まえわ |
front wheel (1) front wheel; (2) (まえわ only) saddle fork |
前述 see styles |
qián shù qian2 shu4 ch`ien shu chien shu zenjutsu ぜんじゅつ |
aforestated; stated above; the preceding statement (adj-no,n,vs,vt) aforementioned; above-mentioned |
前途 see styles |
qián tú qian2 tu2 ch`ien t`u chien tu zento ぜんと |
prospects; future outlook; journey (1) future; prospects; outlook; (2) journey ahead; distance yet to cover |
前進 前进 see styles |
qián jìn qian2 jin4 ch`ien chin chien chin zenshin ぜんしん |
to go forward; to forge ahead; to advance; onward (n,vs,vi) (ant: 後進・2,後退・1) advance; moving forward; progress |
前過 前过 see styles |
qián guò qian2 guo4 ch`ien kuo chien kuo zenka |
past mistakes |
前邊 前边 see styles |
qián bian qian2 bian5 ch`ien pien chien pien |
front; the front side; in front of |
前部 see styles |
qián bù qian2 bu4 ch`ien pu chien pu maebe まえべ |
front part; front section (noun - becomes adjective with の) front part; fore; front; (surname) Maebe |
前釋 前释 see styles |
qián shì qian2 shi4 ch`ien shih chien shih zenshaku |
explained previously |
前金 see styles |
qián jīn qian2 jin1 ch`ien chin chien chin maekane まえかね |
Qianjin or Chienchin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan (noun - becomes adjective with の) advance payment; money paid in advance; (surname) Maekane |
前鋒 前锋 see styles |
qián fēng qian2 feng1 ch`ien feng chien feng |
vanguard; front line; a forward (sports) |
前鎮 前镇 see styles |
qián zhèn qian2 zhen4 ch`ien chen chien chen |
Qianzhen or Chienchen district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan |
前門 前门 see styles |
qián mén qian2 men2 ch`ien men chien men maekado まえかど |
front door; main entrance; honest and upright approach (as opposed to 後門|后门, back-door or under the counter) front gate; (surname) Maekado |
前院 see styles |
qián yuàn qian2 yuan4 ch`ien yüan chien yüan |
front courtyard; front yard |
前陳 前陈 see styles |
qián chén qian2 chen2 ch`ien ch`en chien chen zenchin ぜんちん |
(rare) (See 前述) previous mention; mentioning previously subject |
前際 前际 see styles |
qián jì qian2 ji4 ch`ien chi chien chi zensai |
past time |
前非 see styles |
qián fēi qian2 fei1 ch`ien fei chien fei zenpi ぜんぴ |
past misdeed; past error; past folly; past sin one's prior mistake(s) or error(s) |
前面 see styles |
qián miàn qian2 mian4 ch`ien mien chien mien zenmen ぜんめん |
ahead; in front; preceding; above; also pr. [qian2 mian5] (1) front part; frontage; facade; (2) initial pledge (e.g. election); opening slogan |
前頭 前头 see styles |
qián tou qian2 tou5 ch`ien t`ou chien tou maegashira まえがしら |
in front; at the head; ahead; above (noun - becomes adjective with の) {sumo} rank-and-file wrestlers in the highest division; (surname) Maegashira |
前額 前额 see styles |
qián é qian2 e2 ch`ien o chien o zengaku ぜんがく |
forehead (noun - becomes adjective with の) forehead |
前驅 前驱 see styles |
qián qū qian2 qu1 ch`ien ch`ü chien chü |
precursor; pioneer |
前體 前体 see styles |
qián tǐ qian2 ti3 ch`ien t`i chien ti |
precursor |
剩錢 剩钱 see styles |
shèng qián sheng4 qian2 sheng ch`ien sheng chien |
to have money left; remaining money |
劍河 剑河 see styles |
jiàn hé jian4 he2 chien ho |
Jianhe county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou |
力錢 力钱 see styles |
lì qián li4 qian2 li ch`ien li chien |
payment to a porter |
加錢 加钱 see styles |
jiā qián jia1 qian2 chia ch`ien chia chien |
to pay extra; to pay more |
勾芡 see styles |
gōu qiàn gou1 qian4 kou ch`ien kou chien |
to thicken with cornstarch |
化前 see styles |
huà qián hua4 qian2 hua ch`ien hua chien kezen |
In the Amitābha cult the term means before its first sutra, the 觀無量壽經, just as 爾前 in the Lotus School means 'before the Lotus.' |
十千 see styles |
shí qiān shi2 qian1 shih ch`ien shih chien jūsen |
ten thousand |
千代 see styles |
qiān dài qian1 dai4 ch`ien tai chien tai yukiyo ゆきよ |
(1) thousand years; (2) very long period; forever; (female given name) Yukiyo a thousand generations |
千伏 see styles |
qiān fú qian1 fu2 ch`ien fu chien fu |
kilovolt |
千位 see styles |
qiān wèi qian1 wei4 ch`ien wei chien wei |
the thousands place (or column) in the decimal system |
千佛 see styles |
qiān fó qian1 fo2 ch`ien fo chien fo senbutsu |
The thousand Buddhas. Each of the past, present, and future kalpas has a thousand Buddhas; Śākyamuni is the "fourth" Buddha in the present kalpa. |
千倍 see styles |
qiān bèi qian1 bei4 ch`ien pei chien pei senbai せんばい |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) thousand-fold thousandfold |
千億 千亿 see styles |
qiān yì qian1 yi4 ch`ien i chien i senoku せんおく |
myriads; hundred billion (numeric) (1) 100,000,000,000; hundred billion; (2) many a thousand koṭīs |
千兆 see styles |
qiān zhào qian1 zhao4 ch`ien chao chien chao |
giga-; (computer networking) gigabits per second; 1000Base-T |
千克 see styles |
qiān kè qian1 ke4 ch`ien k`o chien ko |
kilogram |
千劫 see styles |
qiān jié qian1 jie2 ch`ien chieh chien chieh sen kō |
one thousand kalpas |
千化 see styles |
qiān huà qian1 hua4 ch`ien hua chien hua senke |
The thousand-petalled lotus on which sits Locana Buddha, each petal a transformation of Śākyamuni; Locana represents also the Saṃgha, as Vairocana represents the Dharma. |
千卡 see styles |
qiān kǎ qian1 ka3 ch`ien k`a chien ka |
kilocalorie (Kcal) |
千古 see styles |
qiān gǔ qian1 gu3 ch`ien ku chien ku chifuru ちふる |
for all eternity; throughout all ages; eternity (used in an elegiac couplet, wreath etc dedicated to the dead) (n,adv) all ages; great antiquity; eternity; (given name) Chifuru great antiquity |
千周 see styles |
qiān zhōu qian1 zhou1 ch`ien chou chien chou |
kilocycle (KC), equals to 1,000 Hz |
千噸 千吨 see styles |
qiān dūn qian1 dun1 ch`ien tun chien tun |
kiloton |
千夫 see styles |
qiān fū qian1 fu1 ch`ien fu chien fu |
a lot of people (literary) |
千如 see styles |
qiān rú qian1 ru2 ch`ien ju chien ju sennyo |
a thousand thusnesses |
千峯 see styles |
qiān fēng qian1 feng1 ch`ien feng chien feng Senbō |
Cheonbong |
千差 see styles |
qiān chā qian1 cha1 ch`ien ch`a chien cha sensa |
innumerable differences |
千帕 see styles |
qiān pà qian1 pa4 ch`ien p`a chien pa |
kilopascal (kPa, unit of pressure) |
千年 see styles |
qiān nián qian1 nian2 ch`ien nien chien nien chine ちね |
millennium (noun - becomes adjective with の) millennium; one thousand years; long time; (female given name) Chine a thousand years |
千手 see styles |
qiān shǒu qian1 shou3 ch`ien shou chien shou chihira ちひら |
(female given name) Chihira (千手千眼); 千手千眼大慈大悲觀音菩薩 The thousand-hand Guanyin, see below. There are various sutras associated with this title, e.g. 千手經 an abbreviation of 手千眼觀世音菩薩大廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼經; also 千手軌 or 軌經 an abbreviation of 金剛頂瑜伽千手千眼觀自在菩薩修行儀軌經; it is also called 千手陀羅尼 and 千手千眼儀軌經; there are many others, e.g. 千手千眼觀世音菩藤姥陀羅尼身經 and 千手千眼廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼經 both idem 千手千臂陀羅尼神咒 which is the Avalokiteśvara-padma-jāla-mūla-tantra‐nāma-dhāraṇī. |
千歲 千岁 see styles |
qiān suì qian1 sui4 ch`ien sui chien sui sen sai |
a thousand years |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "Qian" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.