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There are 1455 total results for your Inner Beauty - Beauty of Spirit search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
(1) stomach; breadbasket; inner man; (2) dietary needs


see styles
guts; pluck; nerve; spirit


see styles
xiōng yì
    xiong1 yi4
hsiung i
 kyouoku / kyooku
inner feelings; what is deep in one's heart
one's inmost thoughts (feelings)



see styles
mài mén
    mai4 men2
mai men
inner side of the wrist, where the pulse is felt



see styles
zàng fǔ
    zang4 fu3
tsang fu
inner organs



see styles
lín hé
    lin2 he2
lin ho
 rin ka
Linhe district of Bayan Nur city 巴彥淖爾市|巴彦淖尔市[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3 shi4], Inner Mongolia
approaches the river


see styles
zì xìng
    zi4 xing4
tzu hsing
 jishou / jisho
{Buddh} intrinsic nature; one’s own distinct nature
Own nature; of (its) own nature. As an intp. of pradhāna (and resembling 冥性) in the Sāṅkhya philosophy it is 'prakṛti, the Originant, primary or original matter or rather the primary germ out of which all material appearances are evolved, the first evolver or source of the material world (hence in a general acceptation 'nature' or rather 'matter' as opposed to purusha, or 'spirit')'. M. W. As 莎發斡 svabhāva, it is 'own state, essential or inherent property, innate or peculiar disposition, natural state or constitution, nature'. M. W. The self-substance, self-nature, or unchanging character of anything.



see styles
zì zhèng
    zi4 zheng4
tzu cheng
The witness within, inner assurance.



see styles
xīng hé
    xing1 he2
hsing ho
 kouwa / kowa
Xinghe county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia
(place-name, surname) Kōwa



see styles
xīng ān
    xing1 an1
hsing an
Xing'an county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi; Hinggan league, a prefecture level subdivision of Inner Mongolia; Xing'an district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang
(personal name) Okiyasu


see styles
shè lè
    she4 le4
she le
śāṭaka, 舍吒迦; 舍那 (or 奢那) An inner garment, a skirt.


see styles
sè mó
    se4 mo2
se mo
sex fiend; molester; sex attacker; sex demon (a spirit that enters people's souls and makes them desire sex)
sex maniac; seducer; libertine; Lothario; rake; (surname) Shikama


see styles
god of flowers; flower spirit; (female given name) Furo-ra


see styles
 jakkyuu / jakkyu
(obsolete) (See 老朽) being young yet unambitious; being young but lacking spirit


see styles
kǔ xìng
    ku3 xing4
k`u hsing
    ku hsing
The nature of misery; a sorrowful spirit.



see styles
yīng líng
    ying1 ling2
ying ling
spirit of a martyr; spirit of the brave departed; (literary) person of remarkable talent


see styles
 eikon / ekon
departed spirit



see styles
chá tāng
    cha2 tang1
ch`a t`ang
    cha tang
 chatou / chato
(1) an offering of tea and hot water made to Buddha or the spirit of the deceased; (2) a tea infusion; tea and hot water; (3) (See 茶の湯) tea ceremony
Tea and hot water, used as offerings to the spirits. 茶毘 v. 荼.


see styles
 aratama; aramitama
    あらたま; あらみたま
{Shinto} wild spirit (one of the aspects of the soul of a kami)



see styles
huá mán
    hua2 man2
hua man
{Buddh} Buddhist decoration engraved with various motifs, often made from gilt copper (e.g. for adorning the inner shrine of a temple)
kusuma-māla, a wreath, or chaplet of flowers.


see styles
(v2t-k,vi) (1) (archaism) to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); (2) (archaism) to be omitted; to be missing; (3) (archaism) to crash; to degenerate; to degrade; to fall behind; (4) (archaism) to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list); (5) (archaism) to fall (into someone's hands); to become someone's possession; (6) (archaism) to fall; to be defeated; to surrender


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (v1,vi) (1) to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); to be used in a certain place (e.g. money); (2) to be omitted; to be missing; (3) to decrease; to sink; (4) to fail (e.g. exam or class); to lose (contest, election, etc.); (5) to crash; to degenerate; to degrade; to fall behind; (6) to become indecent (of a conversation); (7) to be ruined; to go under; (8) to fade; to come out (e.g. a stain); to come off (e.g. makeup); to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list); (9) to fall (into someone's hands); to become someone's possession; (10) to fall (into a trap); to fall (for a trick); (11) to give in; to give up; to confess; to flee; (12) to fall; to be defeated; to surrender; (13) to come to (in the end); to end in; (14) to fall (in love, asleep, etc.); (15) to swoon (judo); (16) to consent; to understand; (17) (computer terminology) to crash; to freeze; (18) to die; (19) to move to the depths



see styles
gài shì
    gai4 shi4
kai shih
 gaisei; kaisei / gaise; kaise
    がいせい; かいせい
unrivalled; matchless
(adj-no,n) (form) matchless (heroism, spirit, resolve, etc.); peerless; overwhelming; world-dominating


see styles
bì lì
    bi4 li4
pi li
(薜茘多) cf. 閉 preta, intp. as an ancestral spirit, but chiefly as a hungry ghost who is also harmful.


see styles
zàng xiàng
    zang4 xiang4
tsang hsiang
hidden inner properties and their external manifestations (TCM)



see styles
sū mù
    su1 mu4
su mu
sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan), used in Chinese medicine; administrative subdivision of banner 旗 (county) in Inner Mongolia (Mongol: arrow)
(See 花蘇芳) dried Chinese redbud (as used in Chinese medicine); (surname) Sonogi


see styles
 unnou; unou / unno; uno
    うんのう; うんおう
inner mysteries (of a field of study); secrets



see styles
yùn mó
    yun4 mo2
yün mo
The evil spirit (or spirits) that works (or work) through the five skandhas.



see styles
xū sǔn
    xu1 sun3
hsü sun
(TCM) consumptive disease, chronic deficiency disorder due to impaired function of inner organs, deficiency of qi, blood, yin and yang; asomethingenia


see styles
xuè jì
    xue4 ji4
hsüeh chi
blood sacrifice; animal sacrifice (to a God or ancestral spirit)



see styles
biǎo lǐ
    biao3 li3
piao li
the outside and the inside; one's outward show and inner thoughts; exterior and interior


see styles
 chuujou / chujo
true heart; inner feelings


see styles
inner affection


see styles
 urajiro; urajiro
    うらじろ; ウラジロ
(1) (kana only) Gleichenia japonica (species of fern with white-backed leaves); (2) (orig. meaning) white underside; white bottom; white inner


see styles
(1) back and front; inside and outside; both sides; (2) inside out (e.g. clothing); (3) (See 表裏・2) double-dealing; two faces (cf. two-faced); (4) outward appearance and actual condition; inner workings



see styles
lǐ dài
    li3 dai4
li tai
inner tube (of tire)



see styles
lǐ yuàn
    li3 yuan4
li yüan
inner courtyard (in a courtyard house)


see styles
(one's) inner thoughts; feelings


see styles
(1) spirit; drive; vigour; vigor; (2) ambition; aspiration



see styles
guī chéng
    gui1 cheng2
kuei ch`eng
    kuei cheng
 kitei / kite
rules; regulations
official regulations; inner rules



see styles
jué líng
    jue2 ling2
chüeh ling
awakened spirit



see styles
jì dū
    ji4 du1
chi tu
 keito / keto
concept from Vedic astronomy (Sanskrit Ketu), the opposite point to 羅睺|罗睺[luo2 hou2]; imaginary star presaging disaster
Keito; mythological celestial body and-or evil spirit (asura) said to cause eclipses; (female given name) Keito
計部; 鷄都 or 兜 ketu, any bright appearance, comet, ensign, eminent, discernment, etc.; the name of two constellations to the left and right of Aquila.



see styles
fēng tái
    feng1 tai2
feng t`ai
    feng tai
Fengtai, an inner district of southwest Beijing



see styles
fēng zhèn
    feng1 zhen4
feng chen
Fengzhen city in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia



see styles
háo shì
    hao2 shi4
hao shih
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) luxury; magnificence; extravagance; (2) great; large; big (e.g. storm)
domineering spirit


see styles
(adj-na,adj-no) (1) great; grand; (2) (archaism) obstinate; stubborn; (noun or adjectival noun) sturdy spirit; bold; daring; brave; valiant; undaunted; stouthearted; (adj-na,adj-no) great; grand; (personal name) Hideoki



see styles
sài hǎn
    sai4 han3
sai han
Saihan District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4], Inner Mongolia


see styles
chì fēng
    chi4 feng1
ch`ih feng
    chih feng
Chifeng prefecture-level city in Inner Mongolia
(surname) Sekimine


see styles
shēn shén
    shen1 shen2
shen shen
(noun - becomes adjective with の) mind and body; (place-name) Mikami
body and spirit


see styles
jìn chén
    jin4 chen2
chin ch`en
    chin chen
member of a monarch's inner ministerial circle (old)
vassal; attendant


see styles
jiā mó
    jia1 mo2
chia mo
kāma, desire, love, wish. A hungry spirit.


see styles
mí lù
    mi2 lu4
mi lu
 meiro / mero
to lose the way; lost; labyrinth; labyrinthus vestibularis (of the inner ear)
(1) maze; labyrinth; (2) (See 内耳) inner ear



see styles
tōng liáo
    tong1 liao2
t`ung liao
    tung liao
Tongliao, prefecture-level city in Inner Mongolia



see styles
dá mó
    da2 mo2
ta mo
 daruma(p); daruma
    だるま(P); ダルマ
(1) (kana only) daruma; tumbling doll; round, red-painted good-luck doll in the shape of Bodhidharma, with a blank eye to be completed when a person's wish is granted; (2) (kana only) Bodhidharma; (3) prostitute; (personal name) Daruma
dharma; also 達摩; 達麼; 達而麻耶; 曇摩; 馱摩 tr. by 法. dharma is from dhara, holding, bearing, possessing, etc.; and means 'that which is to be held fast or kept, ordinance, statute, law, usage, practice'; 'anything right.' M.W. It may be variously intp. as (1) characteristic, attribute, predicate; (2) the bearer, the transcendent substratum of single elements of conscious life; (3) element, i.e. a part of conscious life; (4) nirvāṇa, i.e. the Dharma par excellence, the object of Buddhist teaching; (5) the absolute, the real; (6) the teaching or religion of Buddha; (7) thing, object, appearance. Also, Damo, or Bodhidharma, the twenty-eighth Indian and first Chinese patriarch, who arrived in China A.D. 520, the reputed founder of the Chan or Intuitional School in China. He is described as son of a king in southern India; originally called Bodhitara. He arrived at Guangdong, bringing it is said the sacred begging-bowl, and settled in Luoyang, where he engaged in silent meditation for nine years, whence he received the title of wall-gazing Brahman 壁觀婆羅門, though he was a kṣatriya. His doctrine and practice were those of the 'inner light', independent of the written word, but to 慧可 Huike, his successor, he commended the Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra as nearest to his views. There are many names with Dharma as initial: Dharmapāla, Dharmagupta, Dharmayaśas, Dharmaruci, Dharmarakṣa, Dharmatrāta, Dharmavardhana, etc.


see styles
(1) errand; mission; going as envoy; (2) messenger; bearer; errand boy; errand girl; (3) familiar spirit; (n-suf,n-pref) (4) use; usage; user; trainer; tamer; charmer


see styles
(n,vs,vi) (1) relocation of the emperor, an abdicated emperor or the empress dowager; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {Shinto} relocation of a shrine, divine spirit or object of worship



see styles
liáo hé
    liao2 he2
liao ho
 ryouga / ryoga
Liao River of northeast China, passing through Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Jilin and Liaoning
(personal name) Ryōga


see styles
xié suì
    xie2 sui4
hsieh sui
evil spirit


see styles
xié guǐ
    xie2 gui3
hsieh kuei
devil; imp; evil spirit
evil spirits


see styles
xié mó
    xie2 mo2
hsieh mo
evil spirit
(n,adj-na,vs,vt) (1) hindrance; obstacle; nuisance; disturbance; interruption; interference; (vs,vi) (2) (as お〜) (See お邪魔します) to visit (someone's home); (3) {Buddh} (orig. meaning) demon who hinders Buddhist training; demon who obstructs sentient beings from maintaining moral behaviour; (given name) Jama
Evil demons and spirits, māras.


see styles
 sakamushi; sakemushi; shuchuu / sakamushi; sakemushi; shuchu
    さかむし; さけむし; しゅちゅう
(from 'Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio', 1740) mythical spirit residing in a person's body that generates a desire to drink (also said to turn water into alcohol)


see styles
 kinjou / kinjo
(1) impregnable castle; (2) inner castle citadel; (3) golden castle (nickname for Nagoya Castle); (surname) Konjō



see styles
ruì qì
    rui4 qi4
jui ch`i
    jui chi
acute spirit; dash; drive



see styles
guō dǐ
    guo1 di3
kuo ti
the bottom of a pot or pan; hotpot broth
(inner) bottom of a pot; lingering recession



see styles
dèng gǔ
    deng4 gu3
teng ku
 toukotsu / tokotsu
stapes or stirrup bone of middle ear, passing sound vibration to the inner ear
(noun - becomes adjective with の) stirrup (bone of the ear); stapes



see styles
kāi lǔ
    kai1 lu3
k`ai lu
    kai lu
Kailu county in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia


see styles
 touki / toki
fighting spirit


see styles
 sosou / soso
(noun/participle) loss of spirit; dejection


see styles
ā shàn
    a1 shan4
a shan
anātman, 阿檀; 阿捺摩, i.e. 無我 without an ego, impersonality, different from soul or spirit.


see styles
ā méng
    a1 meng2
a meng
Alxa League, a prefecture-level subdivision of Inner Mongolia (abbr. for 阿拉善盟[A1 la1 shan4 Meng2])



see styles
fù tǐ
    fu4 ti3
fu t`i
    fu ti
(of a spirit or deity) to possess sb


see styles
jiàng shén
    jiang4 shen2
chiang shen
 koushin / koshin
spiritualism; spiritism
The descent of Buddha's spirit into Māyā's womb; also to bring down spirits as does a spiritualistic medium.



see styles
yīn shān
    yin1 shan1
yin shan
Yin mountains in Inner Mongolia
(surname) Hiyama


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) (ant: 陽気・1) gloomy; dismal; miserable; melancholy; (2) (See 陽気・ようき・3) spirit of yin



see styles
yīn hún
    yin1 hun2
yin hun
ghost; spirit


see styles
 youki / yoki
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) (ant: 陰気・1) cheerful; jovial; merry; lively; (2) weather; season; (3) (See 陰気・いんき・2) spirit of yang



see styles
jí níng
    ji2 ning2
chi ning
Jining district or Zhining raion of Ulaanchab city 烏蘭察布市|乌兰察布市[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4 shi4], Inner Mongolia



see styles
lí wēi
    li2 wei1
li wei
Apart from all the phenomenal; li is intp. as spirit, wei as its subtle, mysterious functioning; li is also intp. as nirvana in character, wei as prajñā , or intelligence, knowledge, discrimination.


see styles
yuki-onna (spirit in Japanese folklore); snow woman; (female given name) Yume


see styles
 reizen / rezen
before the spirit of the deceased


see styles
 reibai / rebai
spirit medium


see styles
 reiji / reji
(1) (See 御霊代) something worshiped as a symbol for the spirit of the dead; (2) (See 御璽) imperial seal


see styles
 reikon / rekon
soul; spirit



see styles
líng xiàng
    ling2 xiang4
ling hsiang
Spirit-image, that of a Buddha or a god.



see styles
líng méi
    ling2 mei2
ling mei
spirit medium



see styles
líng shān
    ling2 shan1
ling shan
 Ryō zen
Lingshan county in Qinzhou 欽州|钦州[Qin1 zhou1], Guangxi
靈嶽; 靈驚山 The Spirit Vulture Peak, Gṛdhrakūṭa, v. 耆 10 and 驚 23.



see styles
líng guài
    ling2 guai4
ling kuai
a goblin; a spirit



see styles
líng pái
    ling2 pai2
ling p`ai
    ling pai
spirit tablet; memorial tablet
spirit tablet



see styles
líng shén
    ling2 shen2
ling shen
The spirit, soul; an efficacious spirit.



see styles
líng cí
    ling2 ci2
ling tz`u
    ling tzu
Spirit-temple, a monastery.



see styles
líng gǔ
    ling2 gu3
ling ku
Spirit-bones, Buddha-relics.



see styles
líng hún
    ling2 hun2
ling hun
soul; spirit
A spirit, soul.


see styles
(1) (See 管狐・1) izuna; pipe fox; fox-like spirit kept inside a bamboo tube and used by its master to perform divinations and curses; (2) (abbreviation) (See 飯綱使い) keeper of an izuna; (surname) Iizuna


see styles
 shunou / shuno
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) head; leader; leading spirit; (2) (archaism) important part


see styles
xiāng shén
    xiang1 shen2
hsiang shen
香音神 The gods of fragrance (and music), i.e. the Gandharvas who live on Gandhamādana; the musicians of Indra, with Dhṛtarāṣṭra as their ruler.


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) bone marrow; medulla; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) true spirit; one's mind



see styles
dòu zhì
    dou4 zhi4
tou chih
will to fight; fighting spirit


see styles
guǐ huǒ
    gui3 huo3
kuei huo
will-o'-the-wisp; jack-o'-lantern
will-o'-the-wisp; ignis fatuus
Spirit lights, ignis fatūs.


see styles
guǐ shén
    gui3 shen2
kuei shen
 kishin(p); kijin(p); onigami
    きしん(P); きじん(P); おにがみ
supernatural beings
fierce god; (surname) Onikami
Ghosts and spirits, a general term which includes the spirits of the dead, together with demons and the eight classes of spirits, such as devas, etc. 鬼 is intp. as 威 causing fear, 神 as 能 potent, powerful.


see styles
guǐ suì
    gui3 sui4
kuei sui
evil spirit; sneaky; secretive

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Inner Beauty - Beauty of Spirit" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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