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There are 998 total results for your Lusi search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


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(transitive verb) to draw (conclusion); to deduce; to derive


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 kishoubui / kishobui
exclusive cut (of meat); rare cut


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 maboroshioou / maboroshioo
(exp,v5u) to pursue an illusion; to pursue a fantasy; to pursue phantoms


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 enchousenjou / enchosenjo
extension of a straight line; (conclusion) following as an extension of (an argument)


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 otogirisouka / otogirisoka
Clusiaceae; Guttiferae; family of plants including St. John's worts and mangosteens


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wǒ rén sì xiàng
    wo3 ren2 si4 xiang4
wo jen ssu hsiang
 ga nin shisō
The four ejects of the ego in the Diamond Sutra: (1) 我相 the illusion that in the five skandhas there is a real ego; (2) 人相 that this ego is a man, and different from beings of the other paths; (3) 衆生相 that all beings have an ego born of the five skandhas; (4) 壽相 that the ego has age, i.e. a determined or fated period of existence.


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 nukineta; nukineta
    ぬきネタ; ヌキネタ
(See 特ダネ・とくダネ) scoop; exclusive news


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zhuō mō bù dìng
    zhuo1 mo1 bu4 ding4
cho mo pu ting
unpredictable; elusive; hard to pin down


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(noun - becomes adjective with の) exclusivism; exclusionism


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 haitaseigyo / haitasegyo
{comp} exclusive control


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{physics} exclusion principle


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{comp} exclusion; NOT-IF-THEN operation


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antiforeignism; exclusionism; exclusivism; chauvinism


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 haigaishisou / haigaishiso
anti-foreign sentiment; xenophobia; exclusionism; exclusivism



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pái huá fǎ àn
    pai2 hua2 fa3 an4
p`ai hua fa an
    pai hua fa an
Chinese Exclusion Act, a US law restricting Chinese immigration from 1882-1943


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exclusionism; exclusivism


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 haijoyouso / haijoyoso
{comp} exclusions



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mó hē mó yé
    mo2 he1 mo2 ye2
mo ho mo yeh
mahāmāyā, intp. by M.W. as 'great deceit or illusion worldly illusion, the divine power of illusion (which makes the material universe appear as if really existing and renders it cognizable by the senses), the Great Illusion (the illusory nature of worldly objects personified and identified with Durgā)'. Mahāmāyā was the wife of Śuddhodana, and mother of Śākyamuni. He, Siddhārtha, was born 'from her right side', and she died seven days later, her sister Mahāprajāpati becoming his foster mother. Also called 摩訶第脾 Mahādevī; 摩訶夫人 Lady Māyā, etc.


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 seijibanare / sejibanare
disillusionment with politics


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 ryoukenchigai / ryokenchigai
wrong idea; delusion; indiscretion; false step; misstep


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(n,vs,vt,vi) jumping to a wrong conclusion


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 soukiteiketsu / sokiteketsu
prompt conclusion; early conclusion


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 saishuuketsuron / saishuketsuron
final conclusion; end product


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yǒu lòu shì jiè
    you3 lou4 shi4 jie4
yu lou shih chieh
 uro sekai
(or 三界) The world, or worlds, of distress and illusion.


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 yuushuunobi / yushunobi
(exp,n) (bringing to a) perfect end; (rounding off with a) crowning achievement; successful conclusion; triumphant finish



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yǒu yú niè pán
    you3 yu2 nie4 pan2
yu yü nieh p`an
    yu yü nieh pan
 uyo nehan
有餘依 (有餘依涅槃) Incomplete nirvāṇa. Hīnayāna holds that the arhat after his last term of mortal existence enters into nirvāṇa, while alive here he is in the state of sopādhiśeṣa-nirvāṇa, limited, or modified, nirvāṇa, as contrasted with 無餘涅槃 nirupadhiśeṣa-nirvāṇa. Mahāyāna holds that when the cause 因 of reincarnation is ended the state is that of 有餘涅槃 incomplete nirvāṇa; when the effect 果 is ended, and 得佛之常身 the eternal Buddha-body has been obtained, then there is 無餘涅槃 complete nirvāṇa. Mahāyāna writers say that in the Hīnayāna 無餘涅槃 'remainderless' nirvāṇa for the arhat there are still remains of illusion, karma, and suffering, and it is therefore 有餘涅槃; in Mahāyāna 無餘涅槃 these remains of illusion, etc., are ended.


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wàng méi zhǐ kě
    wang4 mei2 zhi3 ke3
wang mei chih k`o
    wang mei chih ko
lit. to quench one's thirst by thinking of plums (idiom); fig. to console oneself with illusions


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zhěn shí shù liú
    zhen3 shi2 shu4 liu2
chen shih shu liu
to live a hermit's life (in seclusion); a frugal life (idiom)


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(exp,adj-i) hasty; rash; impatient; restless; quick (to draw conclusions, make decisions, etc.)


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(exp,adj-i) (See 気が早い) hasty; rash; impatient; restless; quick (to draw conclusions, make decisions, etc.)


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(expression) (See 気迷い) delusion; trick of the imagination



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qiú tián wèn shè
    qiu2 tian2 wen4 she4
ch`iu t`ien wen she
    chiu tien wen she
lit. to be interested exclusively in the acquisition of estate (idiom); fig. to have no lofty aspirations in life



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hàng xiè yī qì
    hang4 xie4 yi1 qi4
hang hsieh i ch`i
    hang hsieh i chi
to act in collusion (idiom); in cahoots with; villains will look after one another



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fǎ xìng suí wàng
    fa3 xing4 sui2 wang4
fa hsing sui wang
 hosshō zuimō
The dharma-nature in the sphere of delusion; i. e. 法性隨緣; 眞如隨緣 the dharma-nature, or bhūtatathatā, in its phenomenal character; the dharma-nature may be static or dynamic; when dynamic it may by environment either become sullied, producing the world of illusion, or remain unsullied, resulting in nirvāṇa. Static, it is likened to a smooth sea; dynamic, to its waves.



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fǎ shēn pú sà
    fa3 shen1 pu2 sa4
fa shen p`u sa
    fa shen pu sa
 hōsshin bosatsu
法身大士 dharmakāyamahāsattva, one who has freed himself from illusion and attained the six spiritual powers 六神通; he is above the 初地, or, according to Tiantai, above the 初住.


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 tenkayouso / tenkayoso
{comp} inclusions



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qīng fēng míng yuè
    qing1 feng1 ming2 yue4
ch`ing feng ming yüeh
    ching feng ming yüeh
 seifuumeigetsu / sefumegetsu
lit. cool breeze and bright moon (idiom); fig. peaceful and clear night; (allusively) living a solitary and quiet life
(yoji) refreshing breeze and the bright moon; a beautiful nocturnal scene with a full moon



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wú xiàng pú tí
    wu2 xiang4 pu2 ti2
wu hsiang p`u t`i
    wu hsiang pu ti
 musō bodai
The enlightenment of seclusion, obtained by oneself, or of nirvāṇa, or nothingness, or immateriality.


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(transitive verb) (1) to boil down; to concentrate (soup, milk, stock, etc.); (2) to reach a conclusion; to conclude a discussion


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(v5r,vi) (1) to be boiled down; (2) to approach a conclusion (of a discussion, investigation, etc.); (3) (colloquialism) to come to a standstill; to reach an impasse


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(transitive verb) (1) to boil down; to concentrate (soup, milk, stock, etc.); (2) to reach a conclusion; to conclude a discussion


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(noun/participle) rash assumption; hasty conclusion


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exclusive interview


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exclusive distribution (of a TV series, etc.)


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 danshikinsei / danshikinse
exclusion of males; (being) closed to men


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bath for one's exclusive use



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huà bǐng chōng jī
    hua4 bing3 chong1 ji1
hua ping ch`ung chi
    hua ping chung chi
lit. to allay one's hunger using a picture of a cake; to feed on illusions (idiom)


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chī xīn wàng xiǎng
    chi1 xin1 wang4 xiang3
ch`ih hsin wang hsiang
    chih hsin wang hsiang
to be carried away by one's wishful thinking (idiom); to labor under a delusion; wishful thinking


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tendency to form collusive ties; predisposition to generate cozy (collusive) relationships


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 yuchakukankei / yuchakukanke
extremely close relationship; collusive relationship



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bǎi bā fán nǎo
    bai3 ba1 fan2 nao3
pai pa fan nao
 hyakuhachi bonnō
The 108 passions and delusions, also called 百八結業 the 108 karmaic bonds.


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 sougohaita / sogohaita
(noun - becomes adjective with の) mutual exclusion


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 sougohaijo / sogohaijo
{comp} mutual exclusion



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kān pò hóng chén
    kan1 po4 hong2 chen2
k`an p`o hung ch`en
    kan po hung chen
to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Buddhist monk); disillusioned with human society; to reject the world for a monastic life


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zhēn wàng èr xīn
    zhen1 wang4 er4 xin1
chen wang erh hsin
 shinmō nishin
The true and false minds i.e. (1) The true bhūtatathatā mind, defined as the ninth or amalavijñāna. (2) The false or illusion mind as represented by the eight vijñānas, 八識.



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zhēn píng shí jù
    zhen1 ping2 shi2 ju4
chen p`ing shih chü
    chen ping shih chü
reliable evidence (idiom); conclusive proof; definitive evidence



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shén chū guǐ mò
    shen2 chu1 gui3 mo4
shen ch`u kuei mo
    shen chu kuei mo
lit. to appear and disappear unpredictably like a spirit or a ghost (idiom); fig. elusive
See: 神出鬼没


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(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) appearing in unexpected places and at unexpected moments; elusive; phantom


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 kinseigenri / kinsegenri
{physics} (See パウリの原理) Pauli exclusion principle


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 kuusokuzeshiki / kusokuzeshiki
(yoji) {Buddh} (See 色即是空) emptiness is form; illusion of the reality of matter



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zhōng nán jié jìng
    zhong1 nan2 jie2 jing4
chung nan chieh ching
lit. the Mount Zhongnan shortcut (idiom); fig. shortcut to a high-flying career; easy route to success (an allusion to the Tang Dynasty story of 盧藏用|卢藏用[Lu2 Cang4 yong4], who lived like a hermit on Mt. Zhongnan in order to gain a reputation for wisdom, which he then used to gain a position in the Imperial Court)


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(noun/participle) (1) cut-in (printing); insertion; inclusion; (can act as adjective) (2) built-in; predefined; embedded (e.g. software)


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 sougakuhyouji / sogakuhyoji
(displaying the) gross price; showing the price including tax; tax-inclusive pricing


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conclusion; end; completion; summing up; supervision



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yuán lǐ duàn jiǔ
    yuan2 li3 duan4 jiu3
yüan li tuan chiu
 enri danku
By the consideration of the tenth realm only, i.e. the Buddha-realm, to cut off the illusion of the nine other realms of time and sense.



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pú sà shèng zhòng
    pu2 sa4 sheng4 zhong4
p`u sa sheng chung
    pu sa sheng chung
 bosatsu shōshu
The bodhisattva saints who have overcome illusion, from the first stage upwards, as contrasted with ordinary bodhisattvas.


see styles
 kaerukagenshou / kaerukagensho
(1) (from Grimm's The Frog Prince) frogification phenomenon; developing an aversion to someone one had feelings for once that person reciprocates those feelings; (2) (colloquialism) disillusionment upon noticing negative qualities in a romantic partner


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(exp,adj-i) being settled quickly; reaching a quick conclusion; no need to say any more; no problem


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(exp,adj-i) (See 話が早い) being settled quickly; reaching a quick conclusion; no need to say any more; no problem


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 kodaimousou / kodaimoso
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) megalomania; delusions of grandeur


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 dangounyuusatsu / dangonyusatsu
(noun/participle) (See 入札談合) prearranged bidding; collusive bidding


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 kaheisakkaku / kahesakkaku
money illusion


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with meals; meals inclusive


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 kishoutenketsu / kishotenketsu
(1) (yoji) introduction, development, turn and conclusion (quadripartite structure of certain Chinese poetry); (2) story composition and development



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zhuǎn mí kāi wù
    zhuan3 mi2 kai1 wu4
chuan mi k`ai wu
    chuan mi kai wu
 tenmei kaigo
To reject the illusion of the transmigrational worlds and enter into nirvana-enlightenment.


see styles
mí wù yīn guǒ
    mi2 wu4 yin1 guo3
mi wu yin kuo
 meigo inga
In the four axioms, that of 'accumulation' is caused by illusion, with suffering as effect; that of 'the way' is caused by enlightenment, with extinction (of suffering) as effect.


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 tsuisekimousou / tsuisekimoso
{psyanal} persecutory delusion; delusion of pursuit


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 tonseiseikatsu / tonsesekatsu
living in seclusion; retired from the world


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 tekiyoujogai / tekiyojogai
(noun - becomes adjective with の) exemption (e.g. from application of a law); exclusion



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zhèng rén mǎi lǚ
    zheng4 ren2 mai3 lu:3
cheng jen mai lü
lit. the person from Zheng 鄭|郑[Zheng4] who wanted to buy shoes (an allusion to an ancient story about somebody who, when buying a pair of shoes, preferred to rely on their foot measurements rather than just trying them on) (idiom); fig. disregarding the sensible approach in favor of adherence to a fixed idea


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 kinyuuhousetsu / kinyuhosetsu
financial inclusion; availability and equality of opportunities to access financial services



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ā luó hàn xiàng
    a1 luo2 han4 xiang4
a lo han hsiang
 arakan kō
The direction leading to arhatship, by cutting off all illusion in the realms of form and beyond form.



see styles
yīn wàng yī niàn
    yin1 wang4 yi1 nian4
yin wang i nien
 onmō no ichinen
The illusion of the skandhas like a passing thought.



see styles
zhàng jìn jiě tuō
    zhang4 jin4 jie3 tuo1
chang chin chieh t`o
    chang chin chieh to
 shōjin gedatsu
Salvation through the complete removal of the obstruction of illusion.


see styles
 intonseikatsu / intonsekatsu
a reclusive life; living secluded from the world; leading a sequestered life



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yǐn jū lóng zhōng
    yin3 ju1 long2 zhong1
yin chü lung chung
to live in seclusion



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nán yǐ zhuō mō
    nan2 yi3 zhuo1 mo1
nan i cho mo
elusive; hard to pin down; enigmatic



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fēi nǐ mò shǔ
    fei1 ni3 mo4 shu3
fei ni mo shu
it's yours exclusively (idiom); you are the one; only you deserve it; only you can do it


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xuē zi luò dì
    xue1 zi5 luo4 di4
hsüeh tzu lo ti
lit. the boot hits the floor (idiom); fig. a much-anticipated, impactful development has finally occurred (an allusion to a joke from the 1950s in which a young man would take off a boot and throw it onto the floor, waking the old man sleeping downstairs, who could then not get back to sleep until he had heard the second boot hit the floor)


see styles
diān dào wàng xiǎng
    dian1 dao4 wang4 xiang3
tien tao wang hsiang
Upside-down and delusive ideas.


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(1) collusion; conspiracy; (2) common-law marriage; illicit intercourse; liaison



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huáng liáng měi mèng
    huang2 liang2 mei3 meng4
huang liang mei meng
dream of golden millet; fig. illusions of wealth and power; pipe dream


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(adj-no,n) (1) original; (adj-no,adj-na,n) (2) unique (e.g. product); signature; exclusive; one-of-a-kind; custom


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(1) engaging or meshing (of gears); (2) occlusion (of teeth)


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(exp,v5r) to conspire; to act in collusion; to be hand-in-glove


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allusive form (of waka)


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 nuuoo / nuoo
(adj-no,n) (1) modern (fre: nouveau); up-to-date; (2) (abbreviation) art nouveau; (adj-t,adv-to) (3) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) vague; fuzzy; elusive; slippery; mysterious; (personal name) Nouveau


see styles
 pakkuryoukin / pakkuryokin
all-in price; all-inclusive price; package price


see styles
 faigenshou / faigensho
phi phenomenon (optical illusion)


see styles
magician; illusionist

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Lusi" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary