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12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
十戒 see styles |
shí jiè shi2 jie4 shih chieh jukkai じゅっかい |
More info & calligraphy: Ten Commandments(1) (Buddhist term) the 10 precepts; (2) Ten Commandments; Decalogue; Decalog; (surname) Jukkai Śikṣāpada. The ten prohibitions (in Pāli form) consist of five commandments for the layman: (1) not to destroy life 不殺生 pāṇātipātāveramaṇi; (2) not to steal 不倫盜 adinnādānāver; (3) not to commit adultery 不婬慾 abrahmacaryaver.; (4) not to lie 不妄語musāvādāver.; (5) not to take intoxicating liquor 不飮酒 suramereyya-majjapamādaṭṭhānāver. Eight special commandments for laymen consist of the preceding five plus: (6) not to eat food out of regulated hours 不非時食 vikāla-bhojanāver.; (7) not to use garlands or perfumes 不著華鬘好香塗身 mālā- gandha-vilepana-dhāraṇa-maṇḍana-vibhūṣanaṭṭhānā; (8) not to sleep on high or broad beds (chastity) 不坐高廣大牀 uccāsayanā-mahāsayanā. The ten commandments for the monk are the preceding eight plus: (9) not to take part in singing, dancing, musical or theatrical performances, not to see or listen to such 不歌舞倡伎不往觀聽 nacca-gīta-vādita-visūkadassanāver.; (10) to refrain from acquiring uncoined or coined gold, or silver, or jewels 不得捉錢金銀寶物 jātarūpa-rajata-paṭīggahaṇāver. Under the Māhayāna these ten commands for the monk were changed, to accord with the new environment of the monk, to the following: not to kill, not to steal, to avoid all unchastity, not to lie, not to slander, not to insult, not to chatter, not to covet, not to give way to anger, to harbour no scepticism. |
極め see styles |
gime ぎめ kime きめ |
More info & calligraphy: Kiwame |
紅包 红包 see styles |
hóng bāo hong2 bao1 hung pao honbao; honpao ホンバオ; ホンパオ |
More info & calligraphy: Red Envelopered envelope (New Year's gift in Sinic cultures) (chi: hóngbāo) |
フラン see styles |
puran プラン |
More info & calligraphy: Fran |
賃 赁 see styles |
lìn lin4 lin chin ちん |
to rent (n,n-suf) hire (charge); rent; charge; fare; fee; freight; wages; payment |
三輩 三辈 see styles |
sān bèi san1 bei4 san pei sanpai |
The three ranks of those who reach the Pure Land of Amitābha: superior i.e. monks and nuns who become enlightened and devote themselves to invocation of the Buddha of boundless age; medium, i.e. laymen of similar character who do pious deeds; inferior, i.e. laymen less perfect than the last. |
上座 see styles |
shàng zuò shang4 zuo4 shang tso jouza / joza じょうざ |
seat of honor (n,vs,adj-no) chief seat; seat of honor; seat of honour; head of the table; (place-name) Jōza Sthavira; or Mahāsthavira. Old man, or elder; head monk, president, or abbot; the first Buddhist fathers; a title of Mahākāśyapa; also of monks of twenty to forty-nine years standing, as 中座 are from ten to nineteen and 下座 under ten. The 釋氏要覽 divides presiding elders into four classes, those presiding over monasteries, over assemblies of monks, over sects, and laymen presiding over feasts to monks. |
上納 see styles |
jounou / jono じょうのう |
(noun, transitive verb) payment to the government; (place-name) Jōnou |
不納 see styles |
funou / funo ふのう |
non-payment; default |
予納 see styles |
yonou / yono よのう |
(noun, transitive verb) advance payment |
交會 交会 see styles |
jiāo huì jiao1 hui4 chiao hui kōe |
to encounter; to rendezvous; to converge; to meet (a payment) sexual intercourse |
付款 see styles |
fù kuǎn fu4 kuan3 fu k`uan fu kuan |
to pay a sum of money; payment |
代納 see styles |
dainou / daino だいのう |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) payment for another; payment by proxy; (noun, transitive verb) (2) paying in kind; paying with a substitute |
代金 see styles |
daikin だいきん |
price; cost; charge; payment; bill; fee |
会計 see styles |
kaikei / kaike かいけい |
(n,adj-no,vs) (1) accounting; finance; account; reckoning; (2) (See お会計) bill (at a restaurant); check; (3) accountant; treasurer; paymaster; cashier; (noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) (4) settlement (of a bill, fee, etc.), payment; (5) economic condition |
俗見 see styles |
zokken ぞっけん |
popular view; laymen's opinion |
俸恤 see styles |
fèng xù feng4 xu4 feng hsü |
payment and pension |
停俸 see styles |
tíng fèng ting2 feng4 t`ing feng ting feng |
to suspend salary payments |
停止 see styles |
tíng zhǐ ting2 zhi3 t`ing chih ting chih teishi(p); chouji / teshi(p); choji ていし(P); ちょうじ |
to stop; to halt; to cease (n,vs,vt,vi) (1) stoppage; coming to a stop; halt; standstill; (n,vs,vt,vi) (2) ceasing (movement, activity, etc.); suspension (of operations); interruption (e.g. of electricity supply); cutting off; (noun, transitive verb) (3) suspension (of payment, a licence, etc.); (temporary) prohibition; ban; (noun, transitive verb) (4) (ちょうじ only) (archaism) suspension of music, dance, etc. as a sign of mourning for a prominent person stop |
催收 see styles |
cuī shōu cui1 shou1 ts`ui shou tsui shou |
to urge sb to provide something; (esp.) to press (for payment of a debt); debt collection |
催討 催讨 see styles |
cuī tǎo cui1 tao3 ts`ui t`ao tsui tao |
to demand repayment of debt |
催逼 see styles |
cuī bī cui1 bi1 ts`ui pi tsui pi |
to press (for a payment) |
僧俗 see styles |
sēng sú seng1 su2 seng su souzoku / sozoku そうぞく |
Buddhist monks and secular people priests and laymen Monks and the laity. |
償却 see styles |
shoukyaku / shokyaku しょうきゃく |
(n,vs,adj-no) (1) repayment; redemption; (n,vs,adj-no) (2) depreciation; (n,vs,adj-no) (3) amortization; amortisation |
償還 偿还 see styles |
cháng huán chang2 huan2 ch`ang huan chang huan shoukan / shokan しょうかん |
to repay; to reimburse (noun, transitive verb) repayment; redemption; amortization; amortisation |
先金 see styles |
sakigane さきがね |
advance payment |
免單 免单 see styles |
miǎn dān mian3 dan1 mien tan |
to let a customer have (a product or service) free of charge; to waive payment |
入金 see styles |
irikane いりかね |
(1) receipt of money; money received; receipts; (n,vs,vt,vi) (2) depositing; deposit; payment; partial payment; (surname) Irikane |
全納 see styles |
zennou / zenno ぜんのう |
(noun, transitive verb) full payment |
出納 出纳 see styles |
chū nà chu1 na4 ch`u na chu na denou / deno でのう |
cashier; to receive and hand over payment; to lend and borrow books (noun, transitive verb) receipts and expenditure (disbursements); (surname) Denou |
出金 see styles |
shukkin しゅっきん |
(n,vs,vt,vi) withdrawal (of money); payment; contribution; investment; financing |
分納 see styles |
bunnou / bunno ぶんのう |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) installment payment (instalment); (noun, transitive verb) (2) installment delivery |
初給 see styles |
shokyuu / shokyu しょきゅう |
starting salary; initial payment |
別納 see styles |
betsunou / betsuno べつのう |
(noun/participle) (1) separate payment; (noun/participle) (2) separate delivery; (surname) Betsunou |
前払 see styles |
maebarai まえばらい |
(noun/participle) payment in advance; prepayment |
前納 see styles |
maenou / maeno まえのう |
(n,vs,vt,adj-no) prepayment; advance payment; (surname) Maenou |
前金 see styles |
qián jīn qian2 jin1 ch`ien chin chien chin maekane まえかね |
Qianjin or Chienchin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan (noun - becomes adjective with の) advance payment; money paid in advance; (surname) Maekane |
割賦 see styles |
kappu; wappu かっぷ; わっぷ |
allotment; quota; payment in installments; payment in instalments; hire-purchase |
力錢 力钱 see styles |
lì qián li4 qian2 li ch`ien li chien |
payment to a porter |
勘定 see styles |
kān dìng kan1 ding4 k`an ting kan ting kanjou / kanjo かんじょう |
to demarcate; to survey and determine (noun, transitive verb) (1) calculation; computation; counting; reckoning; count; (noun, transitive verb) (2) bill; check; account; payment (of a bill); settlement (of an account); (noun, transitive verb) (3) consideration; allowance; (surname) Kanjō |
包月 see styles |
bāo yuè bao1 yue4 pao yüeh |
to make monthly payments; monthly payment |
包銀 包银 see styles |
bāo yín bao1 yin2 pao yin |
contracted payment (esp. actors' salary in former times) |
即納 see styles |
sokunou / sokuno そくのう |
(n,vs,vt,adj-no) prompt payment or delivery |
即金 see styles |
sokkin そっきん |
spot cash; cash payment; immediate payment (in cash); cash down |
参着 see styles |
sanchaku さんちゃく |
(n,vs,vi) arrival; payment on sight |
収納 see styles |
shuunou / shuno しゅうのう |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) storage; putting away; (noun, transitive verb) (2) receipt (of funds, payment, etc.); (noun, transitive verb) (3) harvesting; (surname) Shuunou |
受給 see styles |
jukyuu / jukyu じゅきゅう |
(noun, transitive verb) receiving payments (pension, ration) |
囘財 囘财 see styles |
huí cái hui2 cai2 hui ts`ai hui tsai kaizai |
囘祭 Payment by a donor of sums already expended at his request by a monastery. |
回款 see styles |
huí kuǎn hui2 kuan3 hui k`uan hui kuan |
payment of money owing |
報徳 see styles |
houtoku / hotoku ほうとく |
repayment of someone's kindness; showing one's gratitude; moral requital; (place-name) Houtoku |
完済 see styles |
kansai かんさい |
(noun, transitive verb) full payment; liquidation |
完納 see styles |
kannou / kanno かんのう |
(noun, transitive verb) full payment or delivery |
定金 see styles |
dìng jīn ding4 jin1 ting chin sadakane さだかね |
down payment; advance payment (surname) Sadakane |
定銀 定银 see styles |
dìng yín ding4 yin2 ting yin |
deposit; down payment |
實付 实付 see styles |
shí fù shi2 fu4 shih fu |
actually paid; net (payment) |
寬免 宽免 see styles |
kuān miǎn kuan1 mian3 k`uan mien kuan mien |
to reduce payment; to annul (debts, bills, taxes etc); to let sb off paying |
延滞 see styles |
entai えんたい |
(n,vs,vi,adj-no) arrears; (being) overdue; delay (e.g. in payment); procrastination |
延納 see styles |
ennou / enno えんのう |
(noun, transitive verb) deferred payment |
弁済 see styles |
bensai べんさい |
(noun/participle) settlement; payment |
彎入 see styles |
wannyuu / wannyu わんにゅう |
(noun/participle) embayment; gulf; indentation |
当金 see styles |
tougane / togane とうがね |
(archaism) (See 即金) on-the-spot payment; (surname) Tougane |
当銀 see styles |
tougin / togin とうぎん |
(archaism) (See 即金) on-the-spot payment; (surname) Tougin |
後付 后付 see styles |
hòu fù hou4 fu4 hou fu |
payment made afterwards; postpaid |
後納 see styles |
kounou / kono こうのう |
(noun, transitive verb) deferred payment |
後金 后金 see styles |
hòu jīn hou4 jin1 hou chin atokin あときん |
Later Jin dynasty (from 1616-); Manchu Khanate or kingdom that took over as Qing dynasty in 1644 rest of the payment |
戲份 戏份 see styles |
xì fèn xi4 fen4 hsi fen |
scene (in a movie etc); one's part in a movie or play; (archaic) actor's payment |
払い see styles |
harai はらい |
(1) payment; bill; account; (2) sweeping; clearing away; (3) sweeping stroke (e.g. when writing kanji) |
払戻 see styles |
haraimodoshi はらいもどし |
(irregular okurigana usage) (noun/participle) repayment; refund; payback |
払込 see styles |
haraikomi はらいこみ |
(irregular okurigana usage) payment |
承兌 承兑 see styles |
chéng duì cheng2 dui4 ch`eng tui cheng tui |
(commerce) to accept (i.e. acknowledge as calling for payment); to honor (a check, a promise) |
抵充 see styles |
dǐ chōng di3 chong1 ti ch`ung ti chung |
to use in payment; to compensate |
押金 see styles |
yā jīn ya1 jin1 ya chin oshigane おしがね |
deposit; down payment (surname) Oshigane |
拒付 see styles |
jù fù ju4 fu4 chü fu |
to refuse to accept a payment; to refuse to pay; to stop (a check or payment) |
拖欠 see styles |
tuō qiàn tuo1 qian4 t`o ch`ien to chien |
in arrears; behind in payments; to default on one's debts |
振込 see styles |
furikomi ふりこみ |
(1) payment made via bank deposit transfer; (2) (mahj) discarding a tile that becomes another player's winning tile |
掛鉤 挂钩 see styles |
guà gōu gua4 gou1 kua kou |
to couple; to link; to hook together; (fig.) (preceded by 與|与[yu3] + {entity}) to establish contact (with {entity}); (Tw) to collude (with {entity}); (fig.) to link (marketing efforts with production etc); to peg (welfare payments to inflation etc); to tie (remuneration to performance etc); hook (on which to hang something); latch hook; coupling |
支弁 see styles |
shiben しべん |
(noun, transitive verb) payment; defrayal; disbursement |
支払 see styles |
shiharai しはらい |
payment |
支給 see styles |
shikyuu / shikyu しきゅう |
(noun, transitive verb) provision; supply; payment; allowance; grant |
收款 see styles |
shōu kuǎn shou1 kuan3 shou k`uan shou kuan |
to receive payment; to collect money |
收訖 收讫 see styles |
shōu qì shou1 qi4 shou ch`i shou chi |
received in full (goods, payment) |
收銀 收银 see styles |
shōu yín shou1 yin2 shou yin |
to receive payment |
月供 see styles |
yuè gōng yue4 gong1 yüeh kung |
monthly loan repayment; mortgage payment |
月賦 see styles |
geppu げっぷ |
(See 月払い) monthly installment (instalment); monthly payment |
月錢 月钱 see styles |
yuè qián yue4 qian2 yüeh ch`ien yüeh chien |
monthly payment |
有償 有偿 see styles |
yǒu cháng you3 chang2 yu ch`ang yu chang yuushou / yusho ゆうしょう |
paying; paid (not free) (noun - becomes adjective with の) (involving) payment; (involving) compensation; paying a fee |
未納 see styles |
mina みな |
payment default; overdue on a payment; (female given name) Mina |
未進 see styles |
mishin みしん |
nonpayment of tribute |
杏林 see styles |
xìng lín xing4 lin2 hsing lin kyourin / kyorin きょうりん |
forest of apricot trees; (fig.) honorific term for fine doctor (cf Dr Dong Feng 董奉[Dong3 Feng4], 3rd century AD, asked his patients to plant apricot trees instead of paying fees) (1) apricot grove; (2) (poetic term) (from the story of Dong Feng, a Chinese doctor who made patients plant apricot trees in lieu of payment) doctor |
業配 业配 see styles |
yè pèi ye4 pei4 yeh p`ei yeh pei |
(Tw) (media) writing an article or creating a video favorable to a business in return for payment from the business (abbr. for 業務配合|业务配合[ye4 wu4 pei4 he2]) |
欠配 see styles |
keppai けっぱい |
(n,vs,vt,vi) suspension of rations or payments |
決め see styles |
gime ぎめ kime きめ |
(n,n-suf) (kana only) contracted regular payment, e.g. monthly, weekly, etc.; by the (month, week, etc.); (n,n-suf) agreement; rule |
決済 see styles |
kessai けっさい |
(noun, transitive verb) settlement (of an account); liquidation of debts; payment |
減債 see styles |
gensai げんさい |
(noun/participle) partial payment of a debt; reduction of a debt |
湾入 see styles |
wannyuu / wannyu わんにゅう |
(noun/participle) embayment; gulf; indentation |
滞る see styles |
todokooru とどこおる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to stagnate; to be delayed; to be left undone; (v5r,vi) (2) to be overdue (of a payment); to fall into arrears; to be outstanding |
滞納 see styles |
tainou / taino たいのう |
(n,vs,adj-no) non-payment; default |
滯納 滞纳 see styles |
zhì nà zhi4 na4 chih na |
overdue (payment); in arrears |
物納 see styles |
butsunou / butsuno ぶつのう |
(n,vs,vt,vi) payment in kind |
理賠 理赔 see styles |
lǐ péi li3 pei2 li p`ei li pei |
to settle a claim; claims settlement; payment of claims |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "Ayme" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.