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There are 70 total results for your Endurance search.

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Power / Strength
power; force; strength; ability; strenuously
(suffix) strength; power; proficiency; ability; (given name) Riki
bala; power, strength, of which there are several categories: 二力 power of choice and of practice; 三力 the power of Buddha; of meditation (samādhi) and of practice. 五力 pañcabala, the five powers of faith, zeal, memory (or remembering), meditation, and wisdom. 六力 A child's power is in crying; a woman's in resentment; a king's in domineering; an arhat's in zeal (or progress); a Buddha's in mercy; and a bhikṣu's in endurance (of despite) . 十力 q.v. The ten powers of Buddhas and bodhisattvas.

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Patience / Perseverance
to bear; to endure; to tolerate; to restrain oneself
(archaism) endurance; forbearance; patience; self-restraint; (given name) Nin
kṣānti, 羼提 (or 羼底); patience, endurance, (a) in adverse circumstances, (b) in the religious state. There are groups of two, three, four, five, six, ten, and fourteen, indicating various forms of patience, equanimity, repression, forbearance, endurance, constancy, or "perseverance of the saints," both in mundane and spiritual things.


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Physical Strength
(1) physical strength; power; stamina; endurance; vigor; resistance to disease; (2) strength (of a business, economy, etc.)


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rěn nài
    ren3 nai4
jen nai
to endure; to bear with; to exercise patience; to restrain oneself; patience; endurance
(noun, transitive verb) endurance; perseverance; patience


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wǒ màn
    wo3 man4
wo man
 gaman(p); gaman
    がまん(P); ガマン

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(noun/participle) (1) endurance; patience; perseverance; bearing (with something); (noun/participle) (2) self-control; self-restraint; (surname) Gaman
abhimāna, ātma-mada. Egoism exalting self and depreciating others; self-intoxication, pride.


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chí jiǔ
    chi2 jiu3
ch`ih chiu
    chih chiu
 jikyuu / jikyu

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lasting; enduring; persistent; permanent; protracted; endurance; persistence; to last long
(noun/participle) endurance; persistence; (place-name) Jikyū


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nài lì
    nai4 li4
nai li

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Stamina / Endurance


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 taikyuuryoku / taikyuryoku

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Stamina / Endurance
durability; persistence; stamina; endurance; staying power


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sān rěn
    san1 ren3
san jen
The tree forms of kṣānti, i.e. patience (or endurance, tolerance). One of the groups is patience under hatred, under physical hardship, and in pursuit of the faith. Another is patience of the blessed in the Pure Land in understanding the truth they hear, patience in obeying the truth, patience in attaining absolute reality; v. 無量壽經. Another is patience in the joy of remembering Amitābha, patience in meditation on his truth, and patience in constant faith in him. Another is the patience of submission, of faith, and of obedience.



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sān guǐ
    san1 gui3
san kuei
The three rules 三法 (三法妙) of the Tiantai Lotus School: (a) 眞性軌 The absolute and real, the 眞如 or bhūtatathatā; (b) 觀照軌meditation upon and understanding of it; (c) 資成軌 the extension of this understanding to all its workings. In the 三軌弘經 the three are traced to the 法師品 of the Lotus Sutra and are developed as: (a) 慈悲室 the abode of mercy, or to dwell in mercy; (b) 忍辱衣 the garment of endurance, or patience under opposition; (c) 法空座 the throne of immateriality (or spirituality), a state of nirvāṇa tranquility. Mercy to all is an extension of 資成軌 , patience of 觀照軌 and nirvāṇa tranquility of 眞性軌 .


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èr rěn
    er4 ren3
erh jen
The two patiences or endurances: 衆生忍 patience towards all under all circumstances; 無生(法)忍 calm rest, as a bodhisattva、in the assurance of no (re-) birth, i.e. in immortality. Also 安受苦忍 patience under suffering, and 觀察法忍 imperturbable examination of or meditation in the law or of all things. Also, physical and mental patience, or endurance.


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wǔ rěn
    wu3 ren3
wu jen
The five stages of bodhisattva-kṣānti, patience or endurance according to the 別教: (1) 伏忍the causes of passion and illusion controlled but not finally cut off, the condition of 十住, 十行, and 十廻向; (2) 信忍 firm belief, i. e. from the 初地 to the 三地; (3) 順忍 patient progress towards the end of all mortality, i. e. 四地 to 六地; (4) 無生忍 patience for full apprehension, of the truth of no rebirth, 七地 to 九地; and (5) 寂滅忍 the patience that leads to complete nirvana, 十地 to 妙覺; cf. 五位.


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xìn rěn
    xin4 ren3
hsin jen
Faith-patience, faith-endurance: (1) To abide patiently in the faith and repeat the name of Amitābha. (2) To believe in the Truth and attain the nature of patient faith. (3) According to Tiantai the 別教 meaning is the unperturbed faith of the Bodhisattva (that all dharma is unreal).


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bā rěn
    ba1 ren3
pa jen
The eight kṣānti, or powers of patient endurance, in the desire-realm and the two realms above it, necessary to acquire the full realization of the truth of the Four Axioms, 四諦; these four give rise to the 四法忍, i.e. 苦, 集, 滅, 道法忍, the endurance or patient pursuit that results in their realization. In the realm of form and the formless, they are called the 四類忍. By patient meditation the 見惑 false or perplexed views will cease, and the八智 eight kinds of jñāna or gnosis be acquired; therefore 智 results from忍 and the sixteen, 八忍八智 (or 觀), are called the 十六心, i.e. the sixteen mental conditions during the stage of 見道, when 惑 illusions or perplexities of view are destroyed. Such is the teaching of the 唯識宗. The 八智 are 苦, 集, 滅,道法智 and 苦, etc. 類智.


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(noun/participle) (1) patience; patient endurance; forbearance; tolerance; (2) forgiveness; pardon


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kān rěn
    kan1 ren3
k`an jen
    kan jen
(noun/participle) (1) patience; patient endurance; forbearance; tolerance; (2) forgiveness; pardon
sahā; to bear, patiently endure.


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jí rěn
    ji2 ren3
chi jen
Calmness and endurance, quiet patience.


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rěn tǔ
    ren3 tu3
jen t`u
    jen tu
The place of patience or endurance, this world.


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rěn jiè
    ren3 jie4
jen chieh
sahā, or sahāloka, or sahālokadhātu. The universe of persons subject to transmigration, the universe of endurance.


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(n,vs,vi) endurance; stoicism


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wù rěn
    wu4 ren3
wu jen
The patience of enlightenment, obtained by Vaidehī, wife of Bimbisāra, 'on her vision of Amitābha,' also known as Joy-perseverance, or Faith-perseverance; one of the ten stages of faith.



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qiáo liáng
    qiao2 liang2
ch`iao liang
    chiao liang
 kyouryou / kyoryo
bridge (lit. and fig.)
A bridge, trampled on by all but patiently bearing them, a synonym for patience, endurance.



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mó liàn
    mo2 lian4
mo lien
to temper oneself; to steel oneself; self-discipline; endurance


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nài jiǔ
    nai4 jiu3
nai chiu
 taikyuu / taikyu
durable; long-lasting
endurance; persistence


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nài shòu
    nai4 shou4
nai shou
to tolerate; endurance


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yāo gǔ
    yao1 gu3
yao ku
lumbar vertebrae
(1) hipbone; innominate bone; (2) fortitude; perseverance; endurance; persistence


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jiā shā
    jia1 sha1
chia sha
kasaya (robe of a Buddhist monk or nun) (loanword from Sanskrit)
(1) {Buddh} kasaya; monk's stole; (2) (abbreviation) (See 袈裟懸け・1) wearing an article of clothing in the same manner as a kasaya (i.e. draped over one shoulder); (female given name) Kesa
kaṣāya, the monk's robe, or cassock. The word is intp. as decayed, impure (in colour), dyed, not of primary colour, so as to distinguish it from the normal white dress of the people. The patch-robe, v. 二十五條. A dyed robe 'of a colour composed of red and yellow' (M. W. ); it has a number of poetic names, e. g. robe of patience, or endurance. Also 迦沙曳 (迦邏沙曳).


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 shinbou / shinbo
(noun/participle) patience; endurance


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 shinbou / shinbo
(ateji / phonetic) (noun/participle) patience; endurance


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(n,vs,vi) (1) patience; endurance; (2) (colloquialism) undercover ninja; embedded ninja



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shùn rěn
    shun4 ren3
shun jen
(given name) Junnin
The third of the five bodhisattva stages of endurance, i.e. from the fourth to sixth stage.


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wǔ rěn fǎ
    wu3 ren3 fa3
wu jen fa
 gonin hō
five kinds of patient endurance


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 koraeshou / koraesho
endurance; perseverance; patience


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kān rěn dì
    kan1 ren3 di4
k`an jen ti
    kan jen ti
 kannin ji
The stage of endurance, the first of the ten bodhisattva stages.


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endurance; perseverance; patience


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(noun/participle) endurance contest; test of endurance


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(noun/participle) endurance contest; test of endurance



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wú gōu rěn
    wu2 gou1 ren3
wu kou jen
 muku nin
The stage of undefiled endurance, the final stage of a bodhisattva, see無垢地.


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(noun/participle) fake stoicism; pretended endurance (for sake of pride); false courage



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kǔ lèi rěn
    ku3 lei4 ren3
k`u lei jen
    ku lei jen
 kurui nin
(苦類智忍) One of the eight forms of endurance arising out of 苦類智, v. 八忍.


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tenacity; endurance


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 koraeshou / koraesho
endurance; perseverance; patience


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(noun/participle) fake stoicism; pretended endurance (for sake of pride); false courage



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bù shèng qí fán
    bu4 sheng4 qi2 fan2
pu sheng ch`i fan
    pu sheng chi fan
to be pestered beyond endurance


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bù qǐ fǎ rěn
    bu4 qi3 fa3 ren3
pu ch`i fa jen
    pu chi fa jen
 fukihō nin
The stage of endurance, or patient meditation, that has reached the state where phenomenal illusion ceases to arise, through entry into the realization of the Void, or noumenal; also 生法忍 (or 起法忍) .



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èr zhǒng rěn rù
    er4 zhong3 ren3 ru4
erh chung jen ju
Two kinds of patience, or endurance: (a) of the assaults of nature, heat, cold, etc.; (b) of human assaults and insults.



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shí fā qù xīn
    shi2 fa1 qu4 xin1
shih fa ch`ü hsin
    shih fa chü hsin
 jū hosshu shin
The ten directional decisions: (1) renouncement of the world; (2) observance of the commandments; (3) patience or endurance; (4) zealous progress; (5) meditation; (6) wisdom or understanding; (7) 願心 the will for good for oneself and others; (8) 護心 protection (of Buddha, Dharma, Sangha); (9) 喜心 joy; (10) 頂心 highest wisdom. v. 梵綱經, 心地品.



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shí jīn gāng xīn
    shi2 jin1 gang1 xin1
shih chin kang hsin
 jū kongō shin
Ten characteristics of the "diamond heart" as developed by bodhisattva: (1) complete insight into all truth; (2) saving of all creatures; (3) the glorifying of all Buddha-worlds; (4) supererogation of his good deeds; (5) service of all Buddhas; (6) realization of the truth of all Buddha-laws; (7) manifestation of all patience and endurance; (8) unflagging devotion to his vocation; (9) perfection of his work; (10) aiding all to fulfill their vows and accomplish their spiritual ends. 華嚴經 55.



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shí cháng yǎng xīn
    shi2 chang2 yang3 xin1
shih ch`ang yang hsin
    shih chang yang hsin
The ten kinds of well-nourished heart, essential to entry into the cult of the higher patience and endurance: a heart of kindness; of pity; of joy (in progress toward salvation of others); renunciation; almsgiving; delight in telling the doctrine; benefiting or aiding others to salvation; unity, or amity; concentration in meditation; wisdom; v. 梵綱經,心地品.


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kān rěn shì jiè
    kan1 ren3 shi4 jie4
k`an jen shih chieh
    kan jen shih chieh
 kannin sekai
The sahā world of endurance of suffering; any world of transmigration.


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contest of endurance


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(noun/participle) endurance contest; test of endurance



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miè fǎ zhì rěn
    mie4 fa3 zhi4 ren3
mieh fa chih jen
 metsuhō chi nin
One of the 八忍, the endurance and patience associated with the last.


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(noun/participle) fake stoicism; pretended endurance (for sake of pride); false courage


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 kouzokujikan / kozokujikan
duration of a cruise (flight); endurance


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(noun/participle) (1) patience; forbearance; endurance; tolerance; (noun/participle) (2) forgiveness; pardon


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 taikyuureesu / taikyureesu
endurance race (motorsport)


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(adjective) (1) (kana only) unable to finish (on time, etc.); (2) (kana only) unbearable; intolerable; beyond endurance; too much


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(adjective) (1) (kana only) unable to finish (on time, etc.); (2) (kana only) unbearable; intolerable; beyond endurance; too much


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 koraeshou / koraesho
endurance; perseverance; patience


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(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) patience; forbearance; endurance; tolerance; (n,vs,vt,vi) (2) forgiveness; pardon


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(n,vs,vi) (1) patience; endurance; (2) (colloquialism) undercover ninja; embedded ninja


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(n,vs,vi) endurance contest; test of endurance


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 peeshensu; peishensu / peeshensu; peshensu
    ペーシェンス; ペイシェンス
(1) {cards} (See ソリティア) patience; solitaire; (2) patience; endurance; perseverance


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 peishensu; peeshensu / peshensu; peeshensu
    ペイシェンス; ペーシェンス
(1) {cards} (See ソリティア) patience; solitaire; (2) patience; endurance; perseverance


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 shinbou / shinbo
(n,vs,vt,vi) patience; endurance


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(adjective) (1) (kana only) unable to finish (on time, etc.); (adjective) (2) (kana only) unbearable; intolerable; beyond endurance; too much


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 shinbou / shinbo
(n,vs,vt,vi) patience; endurance; perseverance


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(expression) (proverb) to endure what is unendurable is true endurance


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 gamankurabe(我慢比be, 我慢kurabe, 我慢競be); gamankurabe(gaman比be)
    がまんくらべ(我慢比べ, 我慢くらべ, 我慢競べ); ガマンくらべ(ガマン比べ)
test of patience; battle of wills; endurance contest

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.

This page contains 70 results for "Endurance" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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