Guan Gong Saint of Warriors Painting

Guan Gong Saint of Warriors Painting
Guan Gong Saint of Warriors Painting

Typical Gallery Price: $110.00

Your Price: $49.88

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Guan Gong Saint of Warriors Painting living room view

After you frame it, this warrior artwork will look great in your home or office.

You will need a picture frame to properly display this artwork.

Framing is not included!

A silk brocade border is included, as shown. This border will save you a lot of money if you use that traditional border instead of matting when you have this framed.

See Larger Image of this Painting

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 65.7cm x 43.7cm ≈ 25¾" x 17¼"

Silk/Brocade Border: 85.7cm x 52.7cm ≈ 33¾" x 20¾"

Information about how this Asian painting is mounted

Guan Gong Warrior Saint

This warrior's name is 關 公 or Guan Gong (at least that is what his friends call him). He was born with the name Guan Yu, but he earned the name "Gong" which is used to refer to a most respected person (You could also translate "Gong" as "Duke" in old English).

Much as Confucius is seen in China as the Saint of Philosophy, Guan Gong is known as the Saint of War.

He is known not only for his status as a great warrior but also for being full of wisdom and knowledge.

He is the essence of what Chinese people call 勇 or "yong" which means brave, courageous, and not afraid of difficulty.

Note: Along with the title, date, and artist's signature, this artwork contains a Chinese poem of sorts about Guan Gong's high esteem and abilities in both civil and military matters.


Please note that the xuan paper used for the painting on this wall scroll may have some embedded fibers, husks, or specks. This is not a defect, but a natural part of this handmade paper.

About the Art...

This is a very detailed painting. A lot of work went into this. It actually takes the artist about a half day to complete.

You won't be disappointed if you become the owner of this work of art. I guarantee it personally or your money back.

About the Artist...

The artist's name is ??? (Qing Jing-Bin). He was born in Guanxi Province (southern China). His specialty is paintings of mythological and historical figures of ancient China.

This item was listed or modified
Dec 11th, 2024

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Typical Gallery Price: $110.00

Your Price: $49.88

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