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Your search for Men in Park Birdcages by artist Kang Shou-Sheng found 1120 items
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Gallery Price: $108.00
Your Price: $59.88
Gallery Price: $108.00
Your Price: $59.88
Gallery Price: $108.00
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Gallery Price: $108.00
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Gallery Price: $108.00
Your Price: $59.88
Gallery Price: $108.00
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Gallery Price: $108.00
Your Price: $59.88
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Gallery Price: $108.00
Your Price: $59.88
Gallery Price: $200.00
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Your Price: $111.88
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Your Price: $59.88
Gallery Price: $108.00
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Gallery Price: $108.00
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Your Price: $49.88
Gallery Price: $90.00
Your Price: $49.88
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Gallery Price: $90.00
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Gallery Price: $108.00
Your Price: $59.88
Gallery Price: $108.00
Your Price: $59.88
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Gallery Price: $126.00
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Gallery Price: $108.00
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Gallery Price: $108.00
Your Price: $59.88
Gallery Price: $72.00
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Gallery Price: $100.00
Your Price: $49.88
Gallery Price: $108.00
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Gallery Price: $106.00
Your Price: $58.88
Gallery Price: $119.00
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Gallery Price: $90.00
Your Price: $49.88
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Gallery Price: $83.00
Your Price: $45.88
Gallery Price: $83.00
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Gallery Price: $90.00
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Gallery Price: $178.00
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Gallery Price: $353.00
Your Price: $195.88
Gallery Price: $61.00
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Gallery Price: $108.00
Your Price: $59.88
These 76 Men in Park Birdcages titles can be completely customized and delivered in several weeks. Prices vary widely depending on the calligrapher and other custom options you chose.
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Look up Men in Park Birdcages in my Japanese Kanji & Chinese Character Dictionary(My dictionary is a different system then the calligraphy search you just tried)
If you want a special phrase, word, title, name, or proverb, feel free to contact me, and I will translate your custom calligraphy idea for you.
年年有餘 is a common proverb or wish of prosperity you'll hear around the time of Chinese New Year.
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
苦海無邊, 回頭是岸 can be translated almost directly as “The sea of bitterness has no...
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
冥福 is an unusual Chinese, Japanese, and Korean term that means afterlife happiness, happiness in the next world, or the happiness of the...
Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88
手不釋卷 is a Chinese proverb that literally means “always with a book in hand.
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
所有的成功都無法補償家庭的失敗 is a Chinese proverb that can be translated into...
Typical price range:
$63.88 - $102.88
和美 is a word that means “harmonious” or, “in perfect harmony.
Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88
Any woman with affection for Asian art will love a gift of this Chinese proverb calligraphy on a wall scroll.
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
美しさは見る人の目の中にある means “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” in Japanese.
Typical price range:
$61.88 - $100.88
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
自分を信じる means “believe in yourself,” “have faith in yourself,” or “believe in myself” (can be myself or yourself depending on if...
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
身土不二 (Shindofuni) is originally a Buddhist concept or proverb referring to the inseparability of body-mind and geographical circumstances.
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
佛は衆生の中に在り is “Butsu wa shujo no naka ni ari” and means that the Buddha (potential for Buddhahood) exists...
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
失意泰然 is a very old Japanese proverb that suggests “keeping calm and collected at times of disappointment,” or...
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
把舵的不慌乘船的稳当 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: [If the]...
Typical price range:
$61.88 - $100.88
道場で泣き戦場で笑う is a Japanese phrase that means “Cry in the dojo, laugh on the battlefield.
Typical price range:
$61.88 - $100.88
信仰 means firm belief, faith, persuasion, conviction, and sometimes religion or creed in Chinese,...
Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88
失敗並非一種選擇 is probably the best way to say, “Failure is not an option,” in Chinese.
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
信念 expresses the idea of “having a belief” or “trusting in the unseen.
Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88
深謀遠慮 is a Chinese, Japanese, and Korean proverb that means “deep plans and distant thoughts,” “to plan far ahead,” or...
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
鏡花水月 is an old Asian proverb that means “flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake” or “flowers...
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
永駐我心 is one of a few ways to write “always in my heart” or “forever in my heart” in Chinese.
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$55.88 - $94.88
Typical price range:
$61.88 - $100.88
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
園 is a single character that means garden in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
Typical price range:
$39.88 - $78.88
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
整 is a single Chinese character that can mean: in good order, whole, complete, entire, in order, orderly, to repair, to mend, to renovate, and/or to fix...
Typical price range:
$39.88 - $78.88
整然 is orderly, systematic, well-organized, trim, neat, tidy, and accurate in Japanese Kanji and old Korean Hanja.
Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88
葉隠れ is the Japanese word hagakure, which means “hidden in the leaves.
Typical price range:
$47.88 - $86.88
This Japanese proverb simply reads, “[In] Flowers it's Cherry Blossoms, [In] Men it's Warriors.
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
覺性 represents “The enlightened mind free from all illusion,” “The nature of enlightenment in one's...
Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88
闇打狐狸明打狼 is a Chinese proverb that translates as: Hunt foxes stealthily, [and] hunt wolves...
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
This 和諧生活 title suggests that you have, or want to get your life in balance.
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
This 平衡人生 title suggests that you are actively trying to keep your life in balance.
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
調和生活 is a Japanese title that suggests that you have, or want to get your life in balance.
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
Typical price range:
$61.88 - $100.88
兼聽則明偏聽則暗 is an ancient Chinese proverb about...
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
現世 is a very short way to write “live in the moment” or “live in the now” in Japanese.
Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88
安居樂業 is the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja proverb for “living in peace and working happily,” or “to live in...
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
人為財死鳥為食亡 is a Chinese proverb that literally states that human beings will die for riches, just as birds...
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
气剑体一致 often gets translated as “Mind Sword Body,” or “Spirit, Sword, and Body as One.
Typical price range:
$55.88 - $94.88
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
Typical price range:
$55.88 - $94.88
決して諦めるな is a Japanese term that informally means “never give up.
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
勝不驕敗不餒 is a Chinese proverb suggesting you should have no arrogance when you experience a victory and...
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
老當益壯 is a Chinese proverb that means “old but vigorous” or “hale and hearty despite the years.
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
This Japanese title can be translated as “for this time only,” “chance meeting,” “one meeting, one opportunity,” “never again,” or “one...
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
被雨淋過的人不怕露水 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as “One who has...
Typical price range:
$61.88 - $100.88
輪廻転生 is a Japanese Zen quote or proverb that expresses the idea of all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth,...
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$55.88 - $94.88
力愛不二 is a proverb that literally means:
“Strength [and] Love [are] Not Two [separate ideas/concepts/things].
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88
入靜 is used in Taoism and Qi Gong to describe the state you can reach while sitting quietly in meditation.
Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88
There is more than one way to translate the ancient Chinese military proverb,...
Typical price range:
$61.88 - $100.88
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
This is Tao Yuanming's poem, “Returning to Dwell in Gardens and Fields.
Typical price range:
$97.88 - $136.88
Typical price range:
$59.88 - $98.88
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$55.88 - $94.88
酒后吐真言 / 酒後吐真言 is a nice Asian proverb if you know a vintner or wine seller - or wine lover - although the actual meaning might...
Typical price range:
$55.88 - $94.88
Typical price range:
$69.88 - $108.88
宇宙平衡 is a proverb that is simply Universe Balanced (we might say “Balanced Universe” in English).
Typical price range:
$51.88 - $90.88
Typical price range:
$43.88 - $82.88
花園里的戰士好過戰場上的園丁 is the Chinese for the phrase, “It is...
Typical price range:
$61.88 - $100.88
This literally means: [The value of] soldiers/warriors lies in [their] quality.
Typical price range:
$47.88 - $86.88