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Buddha Heart in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy a Buddha Heart calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Buddha Heart” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Buddha Heart” title below...

  1. Buddha Heart / Mind of Buddha

  2. Merciful Heart / The Light from a Buddha Mind

  3. Seishin-Kai / Seishinkai

  4. The Original Mind

  5. The Bodhi Mind

  6. Triple Truth of Japanese Buddhism

  7. Purified Spirit / Enlightened Attitude

Buddha Heart / Mind of Buddha

 fó xīn
Buddha Heart / Mind of Buddha Scroll

佛心 means the Buddha's mind, Buddha-heart, or the spiritually enlightened heart/mind.

The Buddha Heart is detached from good and evil and other such constructs. The Buddha Heart has mercy, compassion, and loving-kindness for all sentient life, the good, the wicked, and all in between.

The heart and mind (心) are the same concepts in the ancient Orient, so you can use heart and mind interchangeably in this context.

Merciful Heart / The Light from a Buddha Mind

 xīn guāng
 shin kou
Merciful Heart / The Light from a Buddha Mind Scroll

心光 can mean the light from a Buddha's mind or “merciful heart.”

This would especially be the light emanating from Amitābha.

Note that the character 心 can mean mind or heart. 光 means light or brightness - but in this context can suggest a glow of mercy or compassion. This can also be a Japanese surname that is romanized as Shinkou or Shinko.

Seishin-Kai / Seishinkai

 sei shin kai
Seishin-Kai / Seishinkai Scroll

聖心会 is the Japanese martial arts title “Seishinkai” or “Seishin-Kai.”

It literally means “Sacred Heart Association” or “Pure-Heart Club.”

聖 can mean holy, sacred, saint, sage, virtuous, expert, wise and good, upright, or correct.
心 can mean heart, mind, center, core, spirit, soul, or vitality.

聖心 creates a word meaning sacred heart, or the holy mind (that of Buddha).
会 in Japanese means association, club, meeting, assembly, party, gathering, conference, athletic meet, or society.

The Original Mind

 běn xīn
 hon shin
The Original Mind Scroll

In Zen Buddhism, 本心 means “original mind” or “original heart,” which refers to one's Buddha-nature present from birth.

This can also be translated as true feelings, real intention, one's own heart, one's right mind, one's senses, one's conscience, or fundamental mind.

Note: 心 can mean heart or mind - thought in ancient Asia to be the same organ.

The Bodhi Mind

 pú tí xīn
 bo dai shin
The Bodhi Mind Scroll

菩提心 means Bodhi-mind or Bodhi-heart.

This title represents the will to realize supreme enlightenment. The awakening of the Bodhi-mind is of utmost importance in Buddhist training.

Other definitions include the mind for or of bodhi, the awakened, enlightened mind, or having Buddha-nature.

Triple Truth of Japanese Buddhism

 ningensei o saisei suruno wa kanyou na kokoro shinsetsu na kotoba houshi to omoi yari no seishin
Triple Truth of Japanese Buddhism Scroll

人間性を再生するのは寛容な心親切な言葉奉仕と思いやりの精神 is known as the Triple Truth of Buddhism in Japanese.

The Buddha ordered that all should know this triple truth...
A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things that renew humanity.

That is the English translation most commonly used for this Japanese Buddhist phrase. You might have seen this on a coffee cup or tee shirt.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Purified Spirit / Enlightened Attitude

A Japanese martial arts title/concept

 xǐ xīn
 sen shin
Purified Spirit / Enlightened Attitude Scroll

The first Kanji alone means to wash, bathe, primness, cleanse or purify.

The second Kanji means heart, mind, soul, or essence.

Together, these two Kanji create a word defined as “purified spirit” or “enlightened attitude” within Japanese martial arts.

洗心 is one of the five spirits of the warrior (budo) and is often used as a Japanese martial arts tenet. Under that context, it's often defined as a spirit that protects and harmonizes the universe. Senshin is a spirit of compassion that embraces and serves all humanity and whose function is to reconcile discord in the world. It holds all life to be sacred. It is the Buddha mind.

This title will only be familiar to Japanese who practice certain martial arts. Others may not recognize this word at all.

洗心 does not show up as a word in too many Chinese dictionaries, but it can be read and has the same meaning in Chinese.

先心 There is an issue with the first character. The original, and probably most correct version is shown above. However, many dojo documents and other sources have used a more simple first character. Arguments ensue about which version is correct. If you want to be correct in the Japanese language, use the "Select and Customize" button above. If you want to match the Kanji used by your dojo, click the Kanji shown to the right. There is a slightly different meaning with this first character which means before, ahead, previous, future, precedence.

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Not the results for buddha heart that you were looking for?

Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your buddha heart search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
fó xīn
    fo2 xin1
fo hsin

More info & calligraphy:

Buddha Heart / Mind of Buddha
Buddha-like heart (full of compassion); spirit of Buddha (awakened to reality and no longer clinging to appearances)
The mind of Buddha, the spiritually enlightened heart. A heart of mercy; a heart abiding in the real, not the seeming; detached from good and evil and other such contrasts.


see styles
xīn guāng
    xin1 guang1
hsin kuang
 shinkou / shinko
(surname) Shinkou
The light from (a Buddha's) mind, or merciful heart, especially that of Amitābha.

see styles
nature; character; property; quality; attribute; sexuality; sex; gender; suffix forming adjective from verb; suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity; essence; CL:個|个[ge4]
(archaism) disposition; nature; character; (surname) Shou
svabhāva, prakṛti, pradhāna. The nature intp. as embodied, causative, unchanging; also as independent or self-dependent; fundamental nature behind the manifestation or expression. Also, the Buddha-nature immanent in all beings, the Buddha heart or mind.


see styles
sān dú
    san1 du2
san tu
{Buddh} (See 煩悩・2) the three kleshas that poison the heart of man (desire, ill will and ignorance)
The three poisons, also styled 三根; 三株; they are 貪 concupiscence, or wrong desire, 瞋 anger, hate, or resentment, and 痴 stupidity, ignorance, unintelligence, or unwillingness to accept Buddha-truth; these three are the source of all the passions and delusions. They represent in part the ideas of love, hate, and moral inertia. v. 智度論 19, 31.



see styles
xià zhǒng
    xia4 zhong3
hsia chung
(adj-na,n,adj-no) (1) low-life; sleazebag; boor; (2) person of humble rank; humble person; peasant; menial; churl; petty official; (place-name) Shimodane
To sow the seed; to preach, or teach. Tiantai defines three periods: (1) 種 when the seed of Buddha's teaching is sown in the heart; (2) 熟 when it ripens; (3) 脫 when it is stripped or harvested, i. e when one abandons all things.


see styles
fó yuè
    fo2 yue4
fo yüeh
 butsu gatsu
The Buddha-moon, Buddha being mirrored in the human heart like the moon in pure water. Also a meaning similar to 佛日.



see styles
fó zhǒng
    fo2 zhong3
fo chung
(1) (Buddhist term) seed of Buddhahood; (2) something that makes it possible to attain Buddhahood; (3) teaching of Buddha which make it possible to be enlightened
The seed of Buddhahood; bodhisattva seeds which, sown in the heart of man, produce the Buddha fruit, enlightenment.



see styles
liun án
    liun4 an2
liun an
The six difficult things— to be born in a Buddha-age, to hear the true Buddha-law, to beget a good heart, to be born in the central kingdom (India), to be born in human form, and to be perfect; see, Nirvana Sutra 23.


see styles
sì zhù
    si4 zhu4
ssu chu
(surname) Shizumi
The four abodes or states in the 智度論 3, i. e. (1) 天住 the devalokas, equivalents of charity, morality, and goodness of heart; (2) 梵住 the brahmalokas, equivalents of benevolence, pity, joy, and indifference; (3) 聖住 the abode of śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, and bodhisattvas, equivalent of the samādhi of the immaterial realm, formless and still; (4) 佛住 the Buddha-abode, the equivalent of the samādhis of the infinite. v. 四住地.


see styles
sì děng
    si4 deng3
ssu teng
The four virtues which a Buddha out of his infinite heart manifests equally to all; also called 四無量 q. w. They are: 慈悲喜捨 maitrī, karuṇā, muditā, upekṣā, i. e. kindness, pity, joy and indifference, or 護 protection. Another group is 字語法身, i. e. 字 that all Buddhas have the same title or titles; 語 speak the same language; 法 proclaim the same truth; and 身 have each the threefold body, or trikāya. A third group is 諸法 all things are equally included in the bhūtatathatā; 發心 the mind-nature being universal, its field of action is universal; 道等 the way or method is also universal; therefore 慈悲 the mercy (of the Buddhas) is universal for all.


see styles
nǚ ren
    nu:3 ren5
nü jen
 nyonin; jojin
    にょにん; じょじん
Woman, described in the Nirvāṇa sūtra 浬槃經 9 as the "abode of all evil", 一切女人皆是衆惡之所住處 The 智度論 14 says: 大火燒人是猶可近, 淸風無形是亦可捉, 蚖蛇含毒猶亦可觸, 女人之心不可得實 "Fierce fire that would burn men may yet be approached, clear breezes without form may yet be grasped, cobras that harbour poison may yet be touched, but a woman's heart is never to be relied upon." The Buddha ordered Ānanda: "Do not Look at a woman; if you must, then do not talk with her; if you must, then call on the Buddha with all your mind"— an evidently apocryphal statement of 文句 8.


see styles
miào xīn
    miao4 xin1
miao hsin
The mind or heart wonderful and profound beyond human thought. According to Tiantai the 別教 limited this to the mind 眞心 of the Buddha, while the 圓教 universalized it to include the unenlightened heart 妄心 of all men.


see styles
dìng shuǐ
    ding4 shui3
ting shui
(surname) Sadamizu
Calm waters; quieting the waters of the heart (and so beholding the Buddha, as the moon is reflected in still water).


see styles
xīn fó
    xin1 fo2
hsin fo
The Buddha within the heart: from mind is Buddha hood: the Buddha revealed in or to the mind; the mind is Buddha. 心佛及衆生, 是三無差別 The mind, Buddha, and all the living — there is no difference between the three. i. e. all are of the same order. This is an important doctrine of the 華嚴經 Huayan sutra, cf. its 夜摩天宮品; by Tiantai it is called 三法妙 the mystery of the three things.


see styles
xìng xīn
    xing4 xin1
hsing hsin
The perfectly clear and unsullied mind, i. e. the Buddha mind or heart. The Chan (Zen) school use 性心 or 心性 indifferently.



see styles
cí yún
    ci2 yun2
tz`u yün
    tzu yün
(given name) Jiun
The over-spreading, fructifying cloud of compassion, the Buddha-heart; also Ciyun, the name of a noted Sung monk.


see styles
běn zūn
    ben3 zun1
pen tsun
(Buddhism) yidam (one's chosen meditational deity); the principal object of worship on a Buddhist altar; (of a monk who has the ability to appear in multiple places at the same time) the honored one himself (contrasted with his alternate forms, 分身[fen1 shen1]); (fig.) (jocular) the genuine article; the real McCoy; the man himself; the woman herself; the original manifestation of something (not a spin-off or a clone)
(1) principal object of worship (at a Buddhist temple); principal image; (2) idol; icon; object of adoration; (3) (joc) (usu. as ご〜) the man himself; the person at the heart of the matter
? satyadevatā, 裟也地提嚩多. The original honoured one; the most honoured of all Buddhas; also the chief object of worship in a group; the specific Buddha, etc., being served.



see styles
jìng xīn
    jing4 xin1
ching hsin
The pure heart or mind, which is the original Buddha-nature in every man.


see styles
gǒu xīn
    gou3 xin1
kou hsin
A dog's heart, satisfied with trifles, unreceptive of Buddha's teaching.



see styles
shèng xīn
    sheng4 xin1
sheng hsin
 seishin; hijirigokoro; mikokoro / seshin; hijirigokoro; mikokoro
    せいしん; ひじりごころ; みこころ
Sacred Heart (Christian)
{Christn} Sacred Heart; (female given name) Mimiko
The holy mind, that of Buddha.



see styles
xié yún
    xie2 yun2
hsieh yün
Clouds of falsity or heterodoxy, which cover over the Buddha-nature in the heart.



see styles
yuàn xīn
    yuan4 xin1
yüan hsin
a wish; a request (to a deity)
The heart of resolve (of Buddha to save all beings).


see styles
(1) principal object of worship at a temple (usu. a buddha or bodhisattva); principal image; idol; (2) (joc) the man himself; the person at the heart of the matter


see styles
fó xīn yìn
    fo2 xin1 yin4
fo hsin yin
 busshin in
The seal of the Buddha heart or mind, the stamp of the universal Buddha-heart in every one; the seal on a Buddha's heart, or breast; the svastika.


see styles
fó xīn zōng
    fo2 xin1 zong1
fo hsin tsung
 Busshin Shū
The sect of the Buddha-heart, i.e. the Chan (Zen) or Intuitive sect of Bodhidharma, holding that each individual has direct access to Buddha through meditation.


see styles
dà shèng xīn
    da4 sheng4 xin1
ta sheng hsin
 daijō shin
The mind or heart of the Mahāyāna; seeking the mind of Buddha by means of Mahāyāna.


see styles
(1) principal object of worship at a temple (usu. a buddha or bodhisattva); principal image; idol; (2) (joc) the man himself; the person at the heart of the matter



see styles
wú gēn xìn
    wu2 gen1 xin4
wu ken hsin
 mukon shin
Faith produced not of oneself but by Buddha in the heart.


see styles
tāi zàng jiè
    tai1 zang4 jie4
t`ai tsang chieh
    tai tsang chieh
 taizō kai
Garbhadhātu, or Garbhakośa-(dhātu), the womb treasury, the universal source from which all things are produced; the matrix; the embryo; likened to a womb in which all of a child is conceived— its body, mind, etc. It is container and content; it covers and nourishes; and is the source of all supply. It represents the 理性 fundamental nature, both material elements and pure bodhi, or wisdom in essence or purity; 理 being the garbhadhātu as fundamental wisdom, and 智 acquired wisdom or knowledge, the vajradhātu. It also represents the human heart in its innocence or pristine purity, which is considered as the source of all Buddha-pity and moral knowledge. And it indicates that from the central being in the maṇḍala, viz. the Sun as symbol of Vairocana, there issue all the other manifestations of wisdom and power, Buddhas, bodhisattvas, demons, etc. It is 本覺 original intellect, or the static intellectuality, in contrast with 始覺 intellection, the initial or dynamic intellectuality represented in the vajradhātu; hence it is the 因 cause and vajradhātu the 果 effect; though as both are a unity, the reverse may be the rule, the effect being also the cause; it is also likened to 利他 enriching others, as vajradhātu is to 自利 enriching self. Kōbō Daishi, founder of the Yoga or Shingon 眞言 School in Japan, adopted the representation of the ideas in maṇḍalas, or diagrams, as the best way of revealing the mystic doctrine to the ignorant. The garbhadhātu is the womb or treasury of all things, the universe; the 理 fundamental principle, the source; its symbols are a triangle on its base, and an open lotus as representing the sun and Vairocana. In Japan this maṇḍala is placed on the east, typifying the rising sun as source, or 理. The vajradhātu is placed west and represents 智 wisdom or knowledge as derived from 理 the underlying principle, but the two are essential one to the other, neither existing apart. The material and spiritual; wisdom-source and intelligence; essence and substance; and similar complementary ideas are thus portrayed; the garbhadhātu may be generally considered as the static and the vajradhātu as the dynamic categories, which are nevertheless a unity. The garbhadhātu is divided into 三部 three sections representing samādhi or quiescence, wisdom-store, and pity-store, or thought, knowledge, pity; one is called the Buddha-section, the others the Vajra and Lotus sections respectively; the three also typify vimokṣa, prajñā, and dharmakāya, or freedom, understanding, and spirituality. There are three heads of these sections, i. e. Vairocana, Vajrapāṇi, and Avalokiteśvara; each has a mother or source, e. g. Vairocana from Buddha's-eye; and each has a 明王 or emanation of protection against evil; also a śakti or female energy; a germ-letter, etc. The diagram of five Buddhas contains also four bodhisattvas, making nine in all, and there are altogether thirteen 大院 or great courts of various types of ideas, of varying numbers, generally spoken of as 414. Cf. 金剛界; 大日; 兩部.


see styles
fó jù shí shēn
    fo2 ju4 shi2 shen1
fo chü shih shen
 butsugu jūshin
The ten perfect bodies or characteristics of Buddha: (1) 菩提身 Bodhi-body in possession of complete enlightenment. (2) 願身 Vow-body, i.e. the vow to be born in and from the Tuṣita heaven. (3) 化身 nirmāṇakāya, Buddha incarnate as a man. (4) 住持身 Buddha who still occupies his relics or what he has left behind on earth and thus upholds the dharma. (5) 相好莊嚴身 saṁbhogakāya, endowed with an idealized body with all Buddha marks and merits. (6) 勢力身 or 心佛 Power-body, embracing all with his heart of mercy. (7) 如意身 or 意生身 At will body, appearing according to wish or need. (8) 福德身 or 三昧身 samādhi body, or body of blessed virtue. (9) 智身 or 性佛 Wisdom-body, whose nature embraces all wisdom. (10) 法身 dharmakāya, the absolute Buddha, or essence of all life.

Click here for more buddha heart results from our dictionary

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Buddha Heart
Mind of Buddha
佛心busshin / bushinfó xīn / fo2 xin1 / fo xin / foxinfo hsin / fohsin
Merciful Heart
The Light from a Buddha Mind
心光shin kou / shinkou / shin koxīn guāng
xin1 guang1
xin guang
hsin kuang
聖心会 / 聖心會
sei shin kai
The Original Mind本心hon shin / honshinběn xīn / ben3 xin1 / ben xin / benxinpen hsin / penhsin
The Bodhi Mind菩提心bo dai shin
pú tí xīn
pu2 ti2 xin1
pu ti xin
p`u t`i hsin
pu ti hsin
Triple Truth of Japanese Buddhism人間性を再生するのは寛容な心親切な言葉奉仕と思いやりの精神ningensei o saisei suruno wa kanyou na kokoro shinsetsu na kotoba houshi to omoi yari no seishin
ningensei o saisei suruno wa kanyo na kokoro shinsetsu na kotoba hoshi to omoi yari no seishin
Purified Spirit
Enlightened Attitude
sen shin / senshinxǐ xīn / xi3 xin1 / xi xin / xixinhsi hsin / hsihsin
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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A professional Chinese Calligrapher

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Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

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A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

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Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Buddha Heart Kanji, Buddha Heart Characters, Buddha Heart in Mandarin Chinese, Buddha Heart Characters, Buddha Heart in Chinese Writing, Buddha Heart in Japanese Writing, Buddha Heart in Asian Writing, Buddha Heart Ideograms, Chinese Buddha Heart symbols, Buddha Heart Hieroglyphics, Buddha Heart Glyphs, Buddha Heart in Chinese Letters, Buddha Heart Hanzi, Buddha Heart in Japanese Kanji, Buddha Heart Pictograms, Buddha Heart in the Chinese Written-Language, or Buddha Heart in the Japanese Written-Language.

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