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Clear Mind in Chinese / Japanese...

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Mind Body Spirit

 shēn xīn líng
 mi shin rei
Mind Body Spirit Scroll

身心靈 is probably the best way to express the idea of “Body, Mind, and Spirit” in Chinese and old Korean Hanja. We are actually using the word “heart” here because, for thousands of years, the heart was thought to be the place where your thoughts, feelings, and emotions came from. We do something similar in the west when we say “warm-hearted” or “I love you with all of my heart.” In this context, heart = mind in Asian language and culture.

The very literal translation of these three characters is “body, heart & spirit,” which could also be interpreted as “body, mind & soul.”

We have arranged these characters in this order because it simply “feels” like the proper order in the Chinese language. Word lists like this are not so common for calligraphy artwork, so we must be careful to put them in the most natural order. It should be noted that this is not a common title in Asia, nor is it considered an actual phrase (as it lacks a clear subject, verb, and object).

霊In Japanese Kanji, they use an alternate form of the character for soul or spirit. If you want this using the Japanese alternate, please click on the Kanji shown to the right instead of the button above.

Japanese disclaimer: This is not a natural phrase/list in Japanese. While not totally-natural in Chinese, this word list is best if your audience is Chinese.

Clarity Scroll

清 is a word that means clarity or clear in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

Looking at the parts of this character, you have three splashes of water on the left, “life” on the top right, and the moon on the lower right.

Because of something Confucius said about 2500 years ago, you can imagine that this character means “live life with clarity like bright moonlight piercing pure water.” The Confucian idea is something like “Keep clear what is pure in yourself, and let your pure nature show through.” Kind of like saying, “Don't pollute your mind or body, so that they remain clear.”

This might be stretching the definition of this single Chinese character but the elements are there, and “clarity” is a powerful idea.

Korean note: Korean pronunciation is given above but this character is written with a slight difference in the "moon radical" in Korean. However, anyone who can read Korean Hanja, will understand this character with no problem (this is considered an alternate form in Korean). If you want the more standard Korean Hanja form (which is an alternate form in Chinese), just let me know.

Japanese note: When reading in Japanese, this Kanji has additional meanings of pure, purify, or cleanse (sometimes to remove demons or "exorcise"). Used more in compound words in Japanese than as a stand-alone Kanji.

Purity of Mind

 xīn chéng jìng
 shin chou jou
Purity of Mind Scroll

心澄淨 is the Buddhist concept of the pure and calm mind. It is believed that once you achieve a meditative state of pure focused thought, the mind becomes clear and calm. Although, others will say this means that achieving a calm mind will allow you to reach pure thought.

From Sanskrit, this is known as citta-prasāda. The concept of citta-prasāda is sometimes defined as “clear heart-mind,” or “the single and definitive aspiration.”

Confidence / Faithful Heart

 xìn xīn
 shin jin
Confidence / Faithful Heart Scroll

信心 is a Chinese, Japanese, and Korean word that means confidence, faith, or belief in somebody or something.

The first character means faith, and the second can mean heart or soul. Therefore, you could say this means “faithful heart” or “faithful soul.”

In Korean especially, this word has a religious connotation.

In the old Japanese Buddhist context, this was a word for citta-prasāda (clear or pure heart-mind).
In modern Japan (when read by non-Buddhists), this word is usually understood as “faith,” “belief,” or “devotion.”

See Also:  Self-Confidence

A Life of Serenity Yields Understanding

 dàn bó yǐ míng zhì, níng jìng ér zhì yuǎn
A Life of Serenity Yields Understanding Scroll

淡泊以明志寧靜而致遠 is a kind of complex ten-character proverb composed by Zhuge Liang about 1800 years ago.

This is a Chinese proverb that means “Leading a simple life will yield a clear mind, and having inner peace will help you see far (into the world).”

What I have translated as “simple life” means NOT being materialistic and NOT competing in the rat race.

The last word means “far” but the deeper meaning is that you will surpass what you can currently see or understand. Perhaps even the idea of opening up vast knowledge and understanding of complex ideas.

The whole phrase has a theme that suggests if you are NOT an aggressive cut-throat person who fights his way to the top no matter how many people he crushes on the way, and instead seek inner peace, you will have a happier existence and be more likely to understand the meaning of life.

See Also:  Serenity

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Not the results for clear mind that you were looking for?

Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your clear mind search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
shí zhù
    shi2 zhu4
shih chu
 jū jū
The ten stages, or periods, in bodhisattva-wisdom, prajñā 般若, are the 十住; the merits or character attained are the 十地 q.v. Two interpretations may be given. In the first of these, the first four stages are likened to entry into the holy womb, the next four to the period of gestation, the ninth to birth, and the tenth to the washing or baptism with the water of wisdom, e.g. the baptism of a Kṣatriya prince. The ten stages are (1) 發心住 the purposive stage, the mind set upon Buddhahood; (2) 治地住 clear understanding and mental control; (3) 修行住 unhampered liberty in every direction; (4) 生貴住 acquiring the Tathāgata nature or seed; (5) 方便具足住 perfect adaptability and resemblance in self-development and development of others; (6) 正心住 the whole mind becoming Buddha-like; (7) 不退住 no retrogression, perfect unity and constant progress; (8) 童眞住 as a Buddha-son now complete; (9) 法王子住 as prince of the law; (10) 灌頂住 baptism as such, e.g. the consecration of kings. Another interpretation of the above is: (1) spiritual resolve, stage of śrota-āpanna; (2) submission to rule, preparation for Sakṛdāgāmin stage; (3) cultivation of virtue, attainment of Sakṛdāgāmin stage; (4) noble birth, preparation for the anāgāmin stage; (5) perfect means, attainment of anāgāmin stage; (6) right mind, preparation for arhatship; (7) no-retrogradation, the attainment of arhatship; (8) immortal youth, pratyekabuddhahood; (9) son of the law-king, the conception of bodhisattvahood; (10) baptism as the summit of attainment, the conception of Buddhahood.


see styles
nǚ ren
    nu:3 ren5
nü jen
 nyonin; jojin
    にょにん; じょじん
Woman, described in the Nirvāṇa sūtra 浬槃經 9 as the "abode of all evil", 一切女人皆是衆惡之所住處 The 智度論 14 says: 大火燒人是猶可近, 淸風無形是亦可捉, 蚖蛇含毒猶亦可觸, 女人之心不可得實 "Fierce fire that would burn men may yet be approached, clear breezes without form may yet be grasped, cobras that harbour poison may yet be touched, but a woman's heart is never to be relied upon." The Buddha ordered Ānanda: "Do not Look at a woman; if you must, then do not talk with her; if you must, then call on the Buddha with all your mind"— an evidently apocryphal statement of 文句 8.


see styles
xīn shuǐ
    xin1 shui3
hsin shui
(female given name) Motomi
The mind as a reflecting water-surface; also the mind as water, clear or turbids.



see styles
xīn qiào
    xin1 qiao4
hsin ch`iao
    hsin chiao
the mind; capacity for clear thinking


see styles
xìng xīn
    xing4 xin1
hsing hsin
The perfectly clear and unsullied mind, i. e. the Buddha mind or heart. The Chan (Zen) school use 性心 or 心性 indifferently.



see styles
zhǐ guān
    zhi3 guan1
chih kuan
奢摩他毗婆舍那 (or 奢摩他毗鉢舍那) śamatha-vipaśyanā, which Sanskrit words are intp. by 止觀; 定慧; 寂照; and 明靜; for their respective meanings see 止 and 觀. When the physical organism is at rest it is called 止 zhi, when the mind is seeing clearly it is called 觀 guan. The term and form of meditation is specially connected with its chief exponent, the founder of the Tiantai school, which school is styled 止觀宗 Zhiguan Zong, its chief object being concentration of the mind by special methods for the purpose of clear insight into truth, and to be rid of illusion. The Tiantai work gives ten fields of mediation, or concentration: (1) the 五陰, 十八界, and 十二入; (2) passion and delusion; (3) sickness; (4) karma forms; (5) māra-deeds; (6) dhyāna; (7) (wrong) theories; (8) arrogance; (9) the two Vehicles; (10) bodhisattvahood.



see styles
líng xǐng
    ling2 xing3
ling hsing
(of senses, mind etc) alert; keen; clear-minded



see styles
tiān zhēn dú lǎng
    tian1 zhen1 du2 lang3
t`ien chen tu lang
    tien chen tu lang
 tenshin dokurō
The fundamental reality or bhūtatathatā, is the only illumination. It is a dictum of 道邃 Daosui of the Tang to the famous Japanese monk 傳教 Dengyō. The apprehension of this fundamental reality makes all things clear, including the universality of Buddha- hood. It also interprets the phrase 一心三觀 that 空中假 the void, the 'mean ', the seeming, are all aspects of the one mind.



see styles
tí shén xǐng nǎo
    ti2 shen2 xing3 nao3
t`i shen hsing nao
    ti shen hsing nao
to refresh and clear the mind (idiom); invigorating; bracing


see styles
yǒu dì fàng shǐ
    you3 di4 fang4 shi3
yu ti fang shih
lit. to have a target in mind when shooting one's arrows (idiom); fig. to have a clear objective


see styles
 musoumunen / musomunen
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) being free from all distracting thoughts; keeping one's mind clear of all worldly thoughts; being free from all ideas and thoughts


see styles
 shintoumekkyakusurebahimomatasuzushi / shintomekkyakusurebahimomatasuzushi
(expression) (proverb) if you clear your mind of all worldly thoughts, even fire will feel cool


see styles
 shintouomekkyakusurebahimomatasuzushi / shintoomekkyakusurebahimomatasuzushi
(expression) (proverb) (See 心頭滅却) if you clear your mind of all worldly thoughts, even fire will feel cool

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Mind Body Spirit身心靈 / 身心霊
mi shin rei
shēn xīn líng
shen1 xin1 ling2
shen xin ling
shen hsin ling
Clarityseiqīng / qing1 / qingch`ing / ching
Purity of Mind心澄淨shin chou jou
shin cho jo
xīn chéng jìng
xin1 cheng2 jing4
xin cheng jing
hsin ch`eng ching
hsin cheng ching
Faithful Heart
信心shin jin / shinjinxìn xīn / xin4 xin1 / xin xin / xinxinhsin hsin / hsinhsin
A Life of Serenity Yields Understanding淡泊以明志寧靜而致遠
dàn bó yǐ míng zhì, níng jìng ér zhì yuǎn
dan4 bo2 yi3 ming2 zhi4, ning2 jing4 er2 zhi4 yuan3
dan bo yi ming zhi, ning jing er zhi yuan
tan po i ming chih, ning ching erh chih yüan
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

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single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Clear Mind Kanji, Clear Mind Characters, Clear Mind in Mandarin Chinese, Clear Mind Characters, Clear Mind in Chinese Writing, Clear Mind in Japanese Writing, Clear Mind in Asian Writing, Clear Mind Ideograms, Chinese Clear Mind symbols, Clear Mind Hieroglyphics, Clear Mind Glyphs, Clear Mind in Chinese Letters, Clear Mind Hanzi, Clear Mind in Japanese Kanji, Clear Mind Pictograms, Clear Mind in the Chinese Written-Language, or Clear Mind in the Japanese Written-Language.

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