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Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women in Chinese / Japanese...

Your query resulted in more than 100 results.

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All of these entries contain the word get the fuck off my lower leg and you say there are 3 people on my legs a man and two women in the title, romanization or description:

Abundance and Prosperity

In the Abyss of Infinite Bitterness - Turn to the Shore

Flying Ace / Aviator / Bird Man

Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Adonis / Handsome Young Man

Happiness in the Afterlife

Fix the roof before the rain; Dig the well before you are thirsty

You are Always in My Heart

...And this above all to thine own self be true

Content and Motionless

Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda

Any success can not compensate for failure in the home

No man knows what he owes to his parents until he comes to have children of his own

Passionate Love / Ardent Love and Devotion

The Art of Love

Attack When The Enemy Has Low Morale

The Beatles

The Beatles

Beauty: The art of makeup / cosmetics

You are always a beauty in your lover’s eyes

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

Mind of the Beginner

Beware of the Lawyers

Without a big net, how can you catch fish?

The Big Dipper / Ursa Major

If you cannot bite, do not show your teeth

Blessings on this Home

Blessings and Protection

Blessings and Good Wishes

Blood Sweat and Tears

Blood Sweat and Tears

The Tree of Enlightenment / The Bodhi Tree

The Bodhi Mind

Body and Mind

Body and Earth in Unity

Brahmavihara - The Four Immeasurables

The Brave Have No Fears

Brave the Waves

Brevity: Fewer Words are Best

Brief and to the Point

Bright and Promising Future

You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure

Brother and Sister

Brotherly and Sisterly Love

Brothers and Sisters

Wisdom and Insight of the Buddha

The Aura of Buddha

The Eye of the Buddha

Seeing one’s Nature and becoming a Buddha

The Buddha Realm / Buddhahood

Bushido / The Way of the Samurai

The Principles of Buddhism

The Buddha is in Each Sentient Being

Calm and Collected

Calm and Open Mind

Carpe Diem / Seize the Day

The Catholic Church

Mark the boat to find the lost sword / Ignoring the changing circumstances of the world

Word of God / The Gospel

You are who you hang out with

Do not shed a tear until you see the coffin

Comparison Leads to Truth and Enlightenment

The True and Complete Enlightenment

The Confident Helmsman Inspires Confidence in the Passengers

The Five Tenets of Confucius

The Foundation of Good Conduct

The Ease of the Scholar

Considerate of the Needs of Others

I Control My Own Destiny

Courage and Strength

The Law of Creation and Destruction

Cry in the Dojo - Laugh on the Battlefield

The Great Path has No Gate

Dana: Almsgiving and Generosity

The Night is Darkest Before the Dawn

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo

I am the Master of My Destiny

Dharma / The Law

Benevolent and Skilled Doctor

Benevolent and Skilled Doctor

Do not fear the task: Cooperation will lead to success

The Spirit of the Dragon Horse

The Spirit of the Dragon Horse and Power of a Tiger

Dragon and Phoenix

Dragon and Phoenix Brings Luck

The Five Animals

The Spirit of Dragon and Tiger

Drain the pond to get all the fish

Drinking the water of a well: One should never forget who dug it

The Eagle Claw School

Eat Drink and Be Merry

Eat Drink and Be Merry, For Tomorrow We Die

Eat Drink and Be Merry

The Eighteen Arhats

Endure and Survive

Eternity / Always and Forever

Experience is the Mother of Wisdom

Failure is the Origin of Success

Failure is the Mother of Success

Failure is the Mother of Success

Faith / Trusting in the Unseen

Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark

Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight

Family and Friends

Family and Friends

The farts of others stink, but one’s own smells sweet

The Mysterious Bond Between People

Father and Daughter

Father and Daughter

Father and Son

Father and Son

Fear No Man / Fear Nothing

Keep Your Feet on the Ground

The one who retreats 50 paces mocks the one to retreats 100

Fight to the End / Fight Until the Bitter End

The Dao of Filial Piety

Fire and Water Have No Mercy

Unswerving Determination / Firm and Persistent

First Turn of the Dharma Wheel

The Five Principles of Reiki

Rise and Fall / Ups and Downs

Flourish and Blossom Everywhere

Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall

Flowers Bloom and Flowers Fall

Flowers Bloom and Flowers Wither

Flowers Fall / The End Comes

Flower in the Mirror, Moon on Water

Forever In My Heart

Always in My Heart

Forever In My Heart

Forever In My Heart

Forever In My Heart

Forgive and Forget

Forgive and Forget

Forgive and Forget

Forgive Me of My Sins

Forgiveness (from the top down)

Fortune favors the brave

Fortune Favors The Brave

Fortune Favors the Bold

Four Noble Truths: Desire and Attachment

The Four Seasons

The Four Seasons

Fruit of the Spirit

The Geisha’s World

I give you my hand

God is Always With You

God Bless You

God Bless You / May God Protect You

God in the Glorious Center of Heaven

God is my Judge

God Loves You

God Bless You / God Be With You

God Is With You Always

Goddess of Mercy and Compassion

Goddess of Mercy and Compassion

God is Always With You

Good and Evil

The Good Life / Beautiful Life

Doing good is the greatest source of happiness

The Book of Five Rings

Go With The Flow

Go With The Flow

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China

Green Plum and Bamboo Horse

The Guts Theory

Hiding in the Leaves - Hagakure

In Flowers the Cherry Blossom, In Men the Samurai

Love and Happiness

The Hawaiian Islands

The Hawaiian Islands

Heart and Soul

Heart and Soul

Heaven and Earth

Heaven Blesses the Diligent

Hell / Kingdom of the Underworld

Man of Remarkable Character / Hero

Hold Hands with You, Grow Old with You

Feel at Ease Anywhere / The World is My Home

Home of the Black Dragon

Home of the Dragon

Home of the Auspicious Golden Dragon

Home is where the heart is

Home is where the heart is

Glory and Honor

Honor and Integrity

The Whole Room Rocks With Laughter

Even The 100-Foot Bamboo Can Grow One More Foot

Husband and Wife

I Adore You

The Book of Changes / I Ching

I Love You

I Love You / Aishiteru

I Miss You

The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering

Impartial and Fair to the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the World

The incompetent boat pilot blames the river for his shortcomings

I Need You

I Need You

To Infinity and Beyond

To Infinity and Beyond

Inner Bliss and Peace from Meditation

Inner Strength / Inner Well-Being and Health

Integrity: Sincere Honest and Faithful

Ip Man

Iron Man

I walk my own path

I Want You

Jesus Christ is my Savior

Jesus Christ is My Savior

Jesus is my Savior

Jesus is my Savior

Jesus is My Life

Jew / Jewish People

Mutual Welfare and Benefit

It is the Journey, Not the Destination

The Destination is Nothing Without the Journey

Journey to the West

Through the Ups and Downs of Life

Hardships and Joys

The Nature of Enlightenment in One's Mind

Safety and Well-Being of the Family

The Karma/Fate/Destiny that Brings Lovers Together

Karma - Cause and Effect

Kendo / The Way of the Sword

Kempo Karate / Law of the Fist Empty Hand

Meet the Buddha, Kill the Buddha

Kindness and Forgiving Nature

Love and Respect / Kindness and Respect

Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself, and You Cannot Lose

Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself, and Win 100 Battles

Hunt Foxes with Stealth, Hunt Wolves in the Open

We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity?

Kowtow - The deepest bow

Kyojitsu: Falsehood and Truth

Live Together and Help Each Other

Law of the Fist Karate / Kempo Karate

You May Learn from Victory, You Will Learn from Failure

Life Goes On

Life Goes On

A Life of Happiness and Prosperity

A Life of Happiness and Prosperity

Life is What You Make It

Life is What You Make of It

Light / Bright and Promising Future

Listen to Both Sides and be Enlightened, Listen to One Side and be in the Dark

Live For The Day

Live For The Day / Seize The Day

Live for What You Love

Live In The Moment / Live In The Now

Live in Peace and Contentment

Live and Let Die

Live and Let Die

Live By The Sword Die By The Sword

Live Long and Prosper

The LORD is my Shepherd

Lost / Dazed and Confused

Love and Affection

Love and Hate

Love and Hate

Love and Devotion

Love the Flower, Love the Pot also

Love and Honor

Love and Honor

Love and Honor

Love and Honor

Love the House and Its Crow

Love and Protect

Love and Respect

Love and Respect

Love and Respect

The Lord's Prayer / Luke 11:2-4

The Supreme Mahayana Truth

Man of Character

Marine / Soldier of the Sea

The Planet Mars

The Lord's Prayer / Mathew 6:9-13

The Month of May

Mentor: Teacher and Friend

Merciful Heart / The Light from a Buddha Mind

The Middle Way

A House Might be Worth 1 Million Dollars, But Good Neighbors are Worth 10 Million

People’s Livelihood and Welfare

Miss You Forever

If you have not been a monk, how can you know what it is like to be a vegetarian?

Moral and Virtuous

Mother and Daughter

Mother and Daughter

Mother and Son

Where There is a Will, There is a Way

Accept the Situation and Move On

Move On / Change Way of Thinking

Mumonkan / The Gateless Gate

My Son

My True Love

My True Love

My Hero Academia

My life is complete because of you

My Life, My Rules

Nail Shop / Manicure and Pedicure Salon

The Nature of Martial Arts

The Planet Neptune

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today

There is always a way out

Facing the Wall Nine Years

Freedom from Anger and Worry Yields Longevity

There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger

There’s No Place Like Home

There is No Royal Road to Learning

The Noble Eightfold Path

All Tenets of the Noble Eightfold Path

No one knows a son better than the father

The Sea of Knowledge Has No Limits

The Old Way / Old School

One Heart / One Mind / Heart and Soul

One who walks by the river may end up with wet feet

Oneness of Heaven and Humanity

Open and Calm Mind

Open the Minds of the Next Generation To Stimulate Thinking

The Original Mind

Overcome the Devil

The Pain of Love / Love Troubles

The Pain of Separation from Your Loves

Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body

Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body

Love Between Child and Parents

Appreciation and Love for Your Parents

Past experience is the teacher for the future

Past Future and Present

Do not take action until the time is right

Peace and Good Health

Peace and Love

Peace and Tranquility

Peace and Tranquility

Pearl in the Palm

Phoenix Rise from the Ashes

There is no pleasure without pain

Power of Understanding and Wisdom

Realize Your Ambitions / Ride on the Crest of Success

Prosperity and Happiness

Duty to Defend and Protect Country

Blessings and Protection

I’d Rather Be With You

Reach Peace and Calm Through Meditation

Reality and Illusion

Reality and Illusion

Realization and Knowledge

The Red String

The Red Thread of Fate

Remember What Is Important To You

Remember What Is Important To You

Repel Evil / Expel the Devil

Resilient in the Face of Adversity

Respect and Loyalty

Strength and Love in Unity

Rise Up with Thrift and Diligence

The Roar of the Lioness

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Rose Flowers Given, Frangrance Remains on Hands of Giver

Safe and Sound

Safe and Sound

The Saint

The Saint

Holy Man / Saint

Correct and Proper

If you love your child, send them out into the world

Senpai / The Elder or Master

Shakyamuni / The Buddha

Shakyamuni / The Buddha

Light of the World

The Wisdom of the Many

Sincerity and Devotion

Sincerity and Faithfulness

The Single Life

Perseverance is the Key

Only the sleepless know the length of night

Smooth and Steady

Soldier of the Gods

Soldiers Adapt Actions to the Situation

Warriors Adapt and Overcome

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child

Spirit Of The Dragon Martial Arts

Stability / Calm and Orderly / Equilibrium

Star Man

Star Man

Stir the Chaos

Strength and Honor

Strength and Honor

Strength and Love

Strength and Courage

Strength and Courage

Strength: Strong and Solid

Strike While the Iron is Hot

Strong and Beautiful

With all the strength of your heart

The Strong One

The Sun, Moon, and Stars

Sunny / Clear and Bright

When the sun rises it first shines on the highest mountain

Survival of the Fittest

The More We Sweat in Training, The Less We Bleed in Battle

Swift Fierce and Daring

Take Refuge in the Three Treasures

Take Refuge in the Three Treasures

The Tao or Dao of Being Human / Humanity

Tao / Dao of the Heart / Soul

Teach A Man To Fish

Tension and Relaxation

Iron Man

Thank You / Xie Xie

Thank You / Arigato

Simply the Best

The Chosen One

The Force

The Force

The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity

When Three People Gather, One Becomes a Teacher

When Three People Gather, Wisdom is Multiplied

How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the lair of the tiger?

How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the lair of the tiger?

The White Hairs of Old Age

Time and Tide Wait for No Man

Time and Tide Wait for No Man

Tomorrow / The Next Sun

Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago

The Three Truths

Trust No One / Trust No Man

Trust No One / Trust No Man

Truth Flashed Through The Mind

Truth Goodness and Beauty

In Wine there is Truth

Tsuki no Kokoro / Mind like the Moon

Turks and Caicos Islands


The two most important days in your life...

Carry On, Undaunted

Under the Protection of the Dragon Saint

The Universe in Balance / Balanced Universe

Unwavering Determination and Resolve

Distinguish Good and Evil

Schooled by Experience and Hard Knocks

There is one single thread binding my Way together

Elements of the Tea Ceremony

Walk in the Way

Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble

Walking 100 Miles: Stopping at 90 miles, is the same as stopping half-way

Warrior of the Heavenly Realm

The Warrior Within

The Warrior’s Word, Dependable as Gold and Steel

The Value of Warriors Lies in Their Quality

Year of the Water Rabbit

The Way of Five Pecks of Rice

The Way of the Wave

The Way of Tea

The Way of the Dragon

The Way of the Dragon

The Way of the Wave

The Weak are Meat, The Strong Eat

Overcome: Regardless of the Rain and Wind

Regardless of the Weather, We Overcome Troubles Together

The Game of Weiqi / Weichi / Go

Welcome to the Dojo

To a Willing Heart, All Things Are Possible

Where there’s a will there’s a way

Where There is a Will, There is a Way

Wind and Rain

You must endure a harsh winter to appreciate the warmth of springtime

Each Time You Stumble and Fall, You Gain Experience and Wisdom

A Wise Man Changes His Mind (but a fool never will)

Wise and Virtuous

Sisterhood / Association of Women

Words and Deeds

Work Unselfishly for the Common Good

The World

Worldwide Wish for Peace and Prosperity

The Whole World at Peace

The Gateless Gate

Year Of The Water Rabbit

You Only Live Once

You Only Live Once

You are only as old as you feel

Alert / On Guard / Lingering Mind

Zendo / The Zen Way

Those Who Understand are Clever, Those Who Know Themselves are Truly Wise

Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women Kanji, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women Characters, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women in Mandarin Chinese, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women Characters, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women in Chinese Writing, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women in Japanese Writing, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women in Asian Writing, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women Ideograms, Chinese Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women symbols, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women Hieroglyphics, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women Glyphs, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women in Chinese Letters, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women Hanzi, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women in Japanese Kanji, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women Pictograms, Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women in the Chinese Written-Language, or Get the Fuck Off My Lower Leg and You Say There Are 3 People on My Legs a Man and Two Women in the Japanese Written-Language.