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Glory in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy a Glory calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Glory” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Glory” title below...

  1. Glory and Honor

  2. No Guts, No Glory

  3. The Aura of Buddha

  4. Seika / Quintessence

  5. Strength and Honor

  6. Better Late Than Never

  7. The Lord's Prayer / Mathew 6:9-13

  8. Flowers / Blooming / Splendid / China

  9. Yoko / Brilliant / Glorious

10. God in the Glorious Center of Heaven

11. Mutual Welfare and Benefit

Glory and Honor

Glory and Honor Scroll

榮 relates to giving someone a tribute or praise.

It's a little odd as a gift, so this may not be the best selection for a wall scroll.

I've made this entry because this character is often misused as “honorable” or “keeping your honor.” It's not quite the same meaning, as this usually refers to a tribute or giving an honor to someone.

榮 is often found in tattoo books incorrectly listed as the western idea of personal honor or being honorable. Check with us before you get a tattoo that does not match the meaning you are really looking for. As a tattoo, this suggests that you either have a lot of pride in yourself or that you have a wish for prosperity for yourself and/or your family.

栄In modern Japanese Kanji, glory and honor look like the image to the right.

There is a lot of confusion about this character, so here are some alternate translations for this character: prosperous, flourishing, blooming (like a flower), glorious beauty, proud, praise, rich, or it can be the family name “Rong.” The context in which the character is used can change the meaning between these various ideas.

In the old days, this could be an honor paid to someone by the Emperor (basically a designation by the Emperor that a person has high standing).

To sum it up: 榮 has a positive meaning; however, it's a different flavor than the idea of being honorable and having integrity.

No Guts, No Glory

 wú yǒng bù róng
No Guts, No Glory Scroll

While difficult to translate “No guts no glory,” into Mandarin Chinese, 無勇不榮 is kind of close.

The first two characters mean “without bravery,” or “without courage.” In this case, bravery/courage is a stand-in for “guts.”

The last two characters mean “no glory.”

The idea that guts (internal organs) are somehow equal to courage, does not crossover to Chinese. However, translating the phrase back from Chinese to English, you get, “No Courage, No Glory,” which is pretty close to the intended idea.

The Aura of Buddha

 fó guāng
The Aura of Buddha Scroll

佛光 means Buddha's teachings, or Buddha's Light.

This often refers to the aura around the head of Buddha.

Alternate meanings include Spiritual Enlightenment (from Buddha), Buddha's Halo, Light of the Buddha, or Buddha's Glory.

Seika / Quintessence

 jīng huá
 sei ka
Seika / Quintessence Scroll

精華 means best feature, most important part of an object, quintessence, essence, soul, glory

精華 is also a personal name (and the name of a company) in Japan, Seika.

Strength and Honor

 lì liàng yǔ róng yù
Strength and Honor Scroll

力量與榮譽 is “strength and honor” in Chinese.

The first two characters are usually understood as (physical) strength but can also mean power or force.

The middle character is a connecting particle similar to “and.”

The last two characters are a way to say honor but can also be understood as honorable reputation, honorary, or glory.

Better Late Than Never

It's Never Too Late Too Mend

 wáng yáng bǔ láo yóu wèi wéi wǎn
Better Late Than Never Scroll

Long ago in what is now China, there were many kingdoms throughout the land. This time period is known as “The Warring States Period” by historians because these kingdoms often did not get along with each other.

Sometime around 279 B.C. the Kingdom of Chu was a large but not particularly powerful kingdom. Part of the reason it lacked power was the fact that the King was surrounded by “yes men” who told him only what he wanted to hear. Many of the King's court officials were corrupt and incompetent which did not help the situation.

The King was not blameless himself, as he started spending much of his time being entertained by his many concubines.

One of the King's ministers, Zhuang Xin, saw problems on the horizon for the Kingdom, and warned the King, “Your Majesty, you are surrounded by people who tell you what you want to hear. They tell you things to make you happy and cause you to ignore important state affairs. If this is allowed to continue, the Kingdom of Chu will surely perish, and fall into ruins.”

This enraged the King who scolded Zhuang Xin for insulting the country and accused him of trying to create resentment among the people. Zhuang Xin explained, “I dare not curse the Kingdom of Chu but I feel that we face great danger in the future because of the current situation.” The King was simply not impressed with Zhuang Xin's words.
Seeing the King's displeasure with him and the King's fondness for his court of corrupt officials, Zhuang Xin asked permission from the King that he may take leave of the Kingdom of Chu, and travel to the State of Zhao to live. The King agreed, and Zhuang Xin left the Kingdom of Chu, perhaps forever.

Five months later, troops from the neighboring Kingdom of Qin invaded Chu, taking a huge tract of land. The King of Chu went into exile, and it appeared that soon, the Kingdom of Chu would no longer exist.

The King of Chu remembered the words of Zhuang Xin and sent some of his men to find him. Immediately, Zhuang Xin returned to meet the King. The first question asked by the King was “What can I do now?”

Zhuang Xin told the King this story:

A shepherd woke one morning to find a sheep missing. Looking at the pen saw a hole in the fence where a wolf had come through to steal one of his sheep. His friends told him that he had best fix the hole at once. But the Shepherd thought since the sheep is already gone, there is no use fixing the hole.
The next morning, another sheep was missing. And the Shepherd realized that he must mend the fence at once. Zhuang Xin then went on to make suggestions about what could be done to reclaim the land lost to the Kingdom of Qin, and reclaim the former glory and integrity of the Kingdom of Chu.

The Chinese idiom shown above came from this reply from Zhuang Xin to the King of Chu almost 2,300 years ago.
It translates roughly into English as...
“Even if you have lost some sheep, it's never too late to mend the fence.”

This proverb, 亡羊补牢犹未为晚, is often used in modern China when suggesting in a hopeful way that someone change their ways, or fix something in their life. It might be used to suggest fixing a marriage, quitting smoking, or getting back on track after taking an unfortunate path in life among other things one might fix in their life.

I suppose in the same way that we might say, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life” in our western cultures to suggest that you can always start anew.

Note: This does have Korean pronunciation but is not a well-known proverb in Korean (only Koreans familiar with ancient Chinese history would know it). Best if your audience is Chinese.

The Lord's Prayer / Mathew 6:9-13

 wǒ men zài tiān shàng de fù yuàn rén dōu zūn nǐ de míng wèi shèng yuàn nǐ de guó jiàng lín yuàn nǐ de zhǐ yì xíng zài dì shàng rú tóng xíng zài tiān shàng wǒ men rì yòng de yǐn shí jīn rì cì gěi wǒ men miǎn wǒ men de zhài rú tóng wǒ men miǎn le rén de zhài bù jiào wǒ men yù jiàn shì tàn jiù wǒ men tuō lí xiōng è yīn wèi guó dù quán bǐng róng yào quán shì nǐ de zhí dào yǒng yuǎn ā men
The Lord's Prayer / Mathew 6:9-13 Scroll

Here is the Lord's Prayer in Chinese from Mathew 6:9-13.

The Chinese text with punctuation is:
Part of 6:9 ...我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣。
6:10 愿你的国降临,愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。
6:11 我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们。
6:12 免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。
6:13 不叫我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶,因为国度,权柄,荣耀,全是你的,直到永远,阿们。
Note that punctuation is not included in traditional Chinese calligraphy artwork.

From KJV, this is:
Part of 6:9 ...Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.
6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Flowers / Blooming / Splendid / China

Flowers / Blooming / Splendid / China Scroll

華 means blooming flowers or splendid China.

華 is really open to interpretation. 華 meant flowers or blooming in ancient China. It still has that meaning in Japanese, and Buddhist contexts.

In modern China, this means glorious, beautiful, splendid, magnificent, or the best part of something. It can also refer to the country of China or something Chinese (such as people - overseas Chinese are often called “hua ren”). 華 is also a surname in China.

In Japanese, this can be the female given name “Ririka.” It's also the short name for a certain kind of playing cards in Japan.

In Korean, This can be the surname “Hwa.” While it also means splendid, flowery, or the country of China in Korean.

Yoko / Brilliant / Glorious

 you kou
Yoko / Brilliant / Glorious Scroll

燿 means brilliant or glorious in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

I am listing this character as it is a common Japanese given name that is romanized as Yoko or Youkou. It can be romanized as these names as well: Yo, Teru, and Akira.

As with most Japanese names, this is not the only character or only name that romanizes as Yoko. Be sure you are getting the correct character before you order.

God in the Glorious Center of Heaven

 tiān zhī yù zhōng zhǔ shén
God in the Glorious Center of Heaven Scroll

天之御中主神 is a phrase submitted by a customer.

I do not have information on the origin of this phrase.

Mutual Welfare and Benefit


 ji ta kyou ei
Mutual Welfare and Benefit Scroll

自他共栄 can be translated in a few different ways. Here are some possibilities:
Benefit mutually and prosper together.
Mutual welfare and benefit.
A learning concept of mutual benefit and welfare (that applies to all fields of society).
Mutual prosperity.

The first two characters are easy to explain. They are “self” and “others.” Together, these two characters create a word that means “mutual” (literally “me and them”).

The third character can have different meanings depending on context. Here, it means “in common” or “to share.”

The fourth character suggests the idea of “prosperity,” “flourishing,” or becoming “glorious.”

It should be noted that these Kanji are used almost exclusively in the context of Judo martial arts. 自他共榮 is not a common or recognized Japanese proverb outside of Judo.

You may see this romanized as Jita-Kyoei or Jitakyoei.

In modern Japanese Kanji, the last character looks like 栄 instead of 榮. If you want the older/traditional version, please let us know when you place your order.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Glory and Honor
荣 / 栄
eiróng / rong2 / rongjung
No Guts, No Glory無勇不榮
wú yǒng bù róng
wu2 yong3 bu4 rong2
wu yong bu rong
wu yung pu jung
The Aura of Buddha佛光bukkou / bukofó guāng / fo2 guang1 / fo guang / foguangfo kuang / fokuang
sei ka / seikajīng huá / jing1 hua2 / jing hua / jinghuaching hua / chinghua
Strength and Honor力量與榮譽
lì liàng yǔ róng yù
li4 liang4 yu3 rong2 yu4
li liang yu rong yu
li liang yü jung yü
Better Late Than Never亡羊補牢猶未為晚
wáng yáng bǔ láo yóu wèi wéi wǎn
wang2 yang2 bu3 lao2 you2 wei4 wei2 wan3
wang yang bu lao you wei wei wan
wang yang pu lao yu wei wei wan
The Lord's Prayer
Mathew 6:9-13
wǒ men zài tiān shàng de fù yuàn rén dōu zūn nǐ de míng wèi shèng yuàn nǐ de guó jiàng lín yuàn nǐ de zhǐ yì xíng zài dì shàng rú tóng xíng zài tiān shàng wǒ men rì yòng de yǐn shí jīn rì cì gěi wǒ men miǎn wǒ men de zhài rú tóng wǒ men miǎn le rén de zhài bù jiào wǒ men yù jiàn shì tàn jiù wǒ men tuō lí xiōng è yīn wèi guó dù quán bǐng róng yào quán shì nǐ de zhí dào yǒng yuǎn ā men
wo3 men zai4 tian1 shang4 de fu4 yuan4 ren2 dou1 zun1 ni3 de ming2 wei4 sheng4 yuan4 ni3 de guo2 jiang4 lin2 yuan4 ni3 de zhi3 yi4 xing2 zai4 di4 shang4 ru2 tong2 xing2 zai4 tian1 shang4 wo3 men ri4 yong4 de yin3 shi2 jin1 ri4 ci4 gei3 wo3 men mian3 wo3 men de zhai4 ru2 tong2 wo3 men mian3 le ren2 de zhai4 bu4 jiao4 wo3 men yu4 jian4 shi4 tan4 jiu4 wo3 men tuo1 li2 xiong1 e4 yin1 wei4 guo2 du4 quan2 bing3 rong2 yao4 quan2 shi4 ni3 de zhi2 dao4 yong3 yuan3 a1 men
wo men zai tian shang de fu yuan ren dou zun ni de ming wei sheng yuan ni de guo jiang lin yuan ni de zhi yi xing zai di shang ru tong xing zai tian shang wo men ri yong de yin shi jin ri ci gei wo men mian wo men de zhai ru tong wo men mian le ren de zhai bu jiao wo men yu jian shi tan jiu wo men tuo li xiong e yin wei guo du quan bing rong yao quan shi ni de zhi dao yong yuan a men
wo men tsai t`ien shang te fu yüan jen tou tsun ni te ming wei sheng yüan ni te kuo chiang lin yüan ni te chih i hsing tsai ti shang ju t`ung hsing tsai t`ien shang wo men jih yung te yin shih chin jih tz`u kei wo men mien wo men te chai ju t`ung wo men mien le jen te chai pu chiao wo men yü chien shih t`an chiu wo men t`o li hsiung o yin wei kuo tu ch`üan ping jung yao ch`üan shih ni te chih tao yung yüan a men
wo men tsai tien shang te fu yüan jen tou tsun ni te ming wei sheng yüan ni te kuo chiang lin yüan ni te chih i hsing tsai ti shang ju tung hsing tsai tien shang wo men jih yung te yin shih chin jih tzu kei wo men mien wo men te chai ju tung wo men mien le jen te chai pu chiao wo men yü chien shih tan chiu wo men to li hsiung o yin wei kuo tu chüan ping jung yao chüan shih ni te chih tao yung yüan a men

ririkahuá / hua2 / hua
you kou / youkou / yo koyào / yao4 / yao
God in the Glorious Center of Heaven天之御中主神tiān zhī yù zhōng zhǔ shén
tian1 zhi1 yu4 zhong1 zhu3 shen2
tian zhi yu zhong zhu shen
t`ien chih yü chung chu shen
tien chih yü chung chu shen
Mutual Welfare and Benefit自他共榮
自他共荣 / 自他共栄
ji ta kyou ei
ji ta kyo ei
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Glory Kanji, Glory Characters, Glory in Mandarin Chinese, Glory Characters, Glory in Chinese Writing, Glory in Japanese Writing, Glory in Asian Writing, Glory Ideograms, Chinese Glory symbols, Glory Hieroglyphics, Glory Glyphs, Glory in Chinese Letters, Glory Hanzi, Glory in Japanese Kanji, Glory Pictograms, Glory in the Chinese Written-Language, or Glory in the Japanese Written-Language.

71 people have searched for Glory in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Glory was last searched for by someone else on Mar 8th, 2025

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