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The name Time in Chinese / Japanese...

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If you want a special phrase, word, title, name, or proverb, feel free to contact me, and I will translate your custom calligraphy idea for you.

  1. Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea

  2. Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight

  3. Time is as Precious as Gold

  4. A Moment of Time is as Precious as Gold

  5. Hearing a Hundred Times is Not as Good as Seeing Once

  6. Once in a Lifetime

  7. Do not take action until the time is right

  8. Time

  9. Time is more valuable than Jade

10. Time is Money

11. Time and Tide Wait for No Man

12. Time Waits For No One

13. Time Heals All Wounds

14. Time is Gold

15. Timeless Beauty

16. Timeo

17. You must endure a harsh winter to appreciate the warmth of springtime

18. Each Time You Stumble and Fall, You Gain Experience and Wisdom

Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea

 qiān lǜ yī dé
Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea Scroll

千慮一得 means “1000 tries, one success,” or “[a] thousand tries [leads to] one success.”

This proverb is a humble way to express your success, ideas, or accomplishments. As if you are a fool who just got lucky in inventing or creating something.

Translations for this proverb include:
Even without any notable ability on my part, I may still get it right sometimes by good luck.
Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea.

Compare this to the English idiom, “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight

Always rising after a fall or repeated failures

 shichi ten hakki / nana korobi ya oki
Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight Scroll

七転八起 is a Japanese proverb that relays the vicissitudes of life, with the meaning “seven times down eight times up.”

Some would more naturally translate it into English as “Always rising after a fall or repeated failures” or compare it to the English, “If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again.”

The first Kanji is literally “7.” The second means “fall down” (sometimes this Kanji means “turn around,” “revolve” or “turn over” but in this case, it holds the meaning of “fall”). The third is “8.” And the last is “get up,” “rouse,” or “rise.”

Basically, if you fail 7 times, you should recover from those events and be prepared to rise an 8th time. This also applies if it is the world or circumstances that knock you down seven times...
...just remember that you have the ability to bounce back from any kind of adversity.

Note: This can be pronounced in two ways. One is “shichi ten hakki” or “shichitenhakki.” The other is “nana korobi ya oki” also written, “nanakorobi-yaoki.”

Special Note: The second character is a Kanji that is not used in China. Therefore, please select a Japanese calligrapher for this title.

Time is as Precious as Gold

 xī shí rú jīn
Time is as Precious as Gold Scroll

This proverb can be translated as “Cherish Time as if it was Gold” or “Time is as Valuable as Gold.”

This basically suggests that time is gold, and you should value the time you have (and use it well).

A Moment of Time is as Precious as Gold

A Moment of Time is as Precious as Gold Scroll

春宵一刻 is a Japanese proverb that means “A moment of time in a spring evening (is worth a thousand pieces of gold).”

Hearing a Hundred Times is Not as Good as Seeing Once

 bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn
Hearing a Hundred Times is Not as Good as Seeing Once Scroll

百聞不如一見 is a Chinese proverb that means “Seeing once is better than hearing one hundred times” which is similar to the idea of “Seeing is believing.”

You can also get the idea, “Seeing for oneself is better than hearing from many others.”

If you break it down directly, you get “100 hears/listens (is) not as-good (as) one sight.”

Once in a Lifetime

 yī qī yī huì
 ichigo ichie
Once in a Lifetime Scroll

This Japanese title can be translated as “for this time only,” “chance meeting,” “one meeting, one opportunity,” “never again,” or “one chance in a lifetime.”

The characters literally mean “one time one meeting” - of course, the Kanji characters have meaning far beyond a direct translation like this.

Some might use this proverb to talk of an opportunity that presents itself just once in your life. It could also be a one-and-only chance meeting with your true soul mate. An expression of any event that might happen once in a lifetime.

This is primarily a Japanese title, however, there is also a Traditional Chinese (and old Korean) version of this proverb. Just the last character is different.
會The traditional form was used in Japan before WWII and in Korea prior to 1900. This title is somewhat known in China.

If you want the older traditional form, just click on the character to the right.

Do not take action until the time is right

 bù dào huǒ hou bù jiē guō
Do not take action until the time is right Scroll

不到火候不揭锅 translates as: Don't take the lid off the pot until the food is done.

Figuratively, this means: Don't take action until the time is right.

You can take this as a call to be patient or pick just the right time to do something (not too early, not too late).

 shí guāng
Time Scroll

時光 is a Chinese and Japanese word that means time, era, period of time, etc.

時光 is used as part of other words like “time machine” (時光機) or “happy time” (歡樂時光) (happy hour) in bars.

This can also be a surname or given name, Tokimitsu, in Japan.

Time is more valuable than Jade

 bù guì chǐ zhī bì ér zhòng cùn zhī yīn
Time is more valuable than Jade Scroll

不贵尺之壁而重寸之阴 literally translates as: Treasure not a foot long [piece of] jade, [rather] treasure an inch of time.

Figuratively, this suggests that time is the most important/valuable thing in life.

Time is Money

 toki wa kane nari
Time is Money Scroll

時は金なり is the Japanese phrase meaning “Time is Money.”

It matches the use and meaning of the same idiom as used in English.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Time and Tide Wait for No Man

 suì bù wǒ yǔ
Time and Tide Wait for No Man Scroll

歲不我與 is a Chinese proverb that means is a way to express, “Time and tide wait for no man.”

The literal meaning of these Chinese characters is, “Years don't [for] oneself wait.” In more natural English, it's more like, “Years will pass by, with or without you.”

There is also an alternate version, 时不我待, which literally means “Time doesn't [for] oneself, wait.” In natural English, it's more like, “Time waits for no man.”

Time and Tide Wait for No Man

 kouinya no goto shi
Time and Tide Wait for No Man Scroll

光陰矢の如し is a Japanese proverb that means “time flies like an arrow.” It's very similar to the English idiom, “time and tide wait for no man,” or “life is short.”

The Kanji breakdown:
光陰 = Time (the cycle of light and dark).
[and an]
矢 = Arrow
の = are
如し = Alike

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Time Waits For No One

 sai getsu hito o ma ta zu
Time Waits For No One Scroll

歳月人を待たず is a Japanese idiom “Saigetsu hito o matazu” which means “Time waits for no one.”

Another way to put it is, “Time and tide stay for no man.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Time Heals All Wounds

Time Heals All Wounds Scroll

This is the Japanese ways to express the idea that time will cure all or time heals all wounds.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Time is Gold

 yī kè qiān jīn
 ikko ku sen kin
Time is Gold Scroll

一刻千金 is a Chinese and Japanese proverb that can be translated as “time is gold,” “every minute counts,” “every moment is precious,” “time is money,” or “precious time.”

Timeless Beauty

 yǒng héng zhī měi
Timeless Beauty Scroll

永恆之美 means Timeless Beauty, Eternal Beauty, or Beauty Forever in Chinese.

 dì méi ōu
Timeo Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the male French name Timeo.

Timeo Scroll

ティメオ is the name Timeo in Japanese (Katakana).

Note: Because this title is entirely Japanese Katakana, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

You must endure a harsh winter to appreciate the warmth of springtime

You must know hardship to appreciate happiness

 bù jīng dōng hán bù zhī chūn nuǎn
You must endure a harsh winter to appreciate the warmth of springtime Scroll

This literally translates as: Without having experienced the cold of winter, one cannot appreciate the warmth of spring.

Figuratively, this means: One cannot truly appreciate happiness without having gone through hardship.

There are many contrasts in life. One simply cannot fully know what joy is without having experienced misery, difficulty, and pain. How could you explain “light” if you did not have “darkness” to compare it to?

Embrace hardship, as it makes the good times seem even better.

Each Time You Stumble and Fall, You Gain Experience and Wisdom

 chī yí qiàn, zhǎng yí zhì
Each Time You Stumble and Fall, You Gain Experience and Wisdom Scroll

吃一塹長一智 is a Chinese proverb that means “Fall into a moat, and you will gain wisdom from the experience.”

It really suggests that the failures, troubles, frustrations, and setbacks that you encounter in your life are actually helping you to find wisdom. Some would also translate this proverb as “Learn from your mistakes” or “Learn from your experience.”

If you are studying Chinese, you will recognize the first character as “eat,” but in this case, it means to “experience” (as used in this proverb, it is suggesting that you have fallen into a moat and/or had a hard time crossing it).
Translated character by character, this whole proverb is, “Experience one moat, gain one wisdom/knowledge.”

Note: This can be pronounced in Korean, but it's not a commonly used phrase.

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These search terms might be related to Time:

A Moment of Time is as Precious as Gold

Birth Old-Age Sickness Death

Bounce Back / Stage a Comeback

Brief and to the Point


From This Moment Forward

From This Moment Forward / From This Day Forward

Live in the Moment / Live in the Now

Open the Minds of the Next Generation to Stimulate Thinking

Sandaiyu - Three Generation Soup

Strike While the Iron is Hot

The White Hairs of Old Age

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea千慮一得
senryonoittokuqiān lǜ yī dé
qian1 lv4 yi1 de2
qian lv yi de
ch`ien lü i te
chien lü i te
Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight七転八起shichi ten hakki / nana korobi ya oki
shichi ten haki / nana korobi ya oki
Time is as Precious as Gold惜時如金
xī shí rú jīn
xi1 shi2 ru2 jin1
xi shi ru jin
hsi shih ju chin
A Moment of Time is as Precious as Gold春宵一刻shunshouikkoku
Hearing a Hundred Times is Not as Good as Seeing Once百聞不如一見
bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn
bai3 wen2 bu4 ru2 yi1 jian4
bai wen bu ru yi jian
pai wen pu ju i chien
Once in a Lifetime一期一會
ichigo ichie
yī qī yī huì
yi1 qi1 yi1 hui4
yi qi yi hui
i ch`i i hui
i chi i hui
Do not take action until the time is right不到火候不揭鍋
bù dào huǒ hou bù jiē guō
bu4 dao4 huo3 hou bu4 jie1 guo1
bu dao huo hou bu jie guo
pu tao huo hou pu chieh kuo
tokimitsushí guāng
shi2 guang1
shi guang
shih kuang
Time is more valuable than Jade不貴尺之壁而重寸之陰
bù guì chǐ zhī bì ér zhòng cùn zhī yīn
bu4 gui4 chi3 zhi1 bi4 er2 zhong4 cun4 zhi1 yin1
bu gui chi zhi bi er zhong cun zhi yin
pu kuei ch`ih chih pi erh chung ts`un chih yin
pu kuei chih chih pi erh chung tsun chih yin
Time is Money時は金なりtoki wa kane nari
Time and Tide Wait for No Man歲不我與
suì bù wǒ yǔ
sui4 bu4 wo3 yu3
sui bu wo yu
sui pu wo yü
Time and Tide Wait for No Man光陰矢の如し
kouinya no goto shi
koinya no goto shi
Time Waits For No One歳月人を待たずsai getsu hito o ma ta zu
Time Heals All Wounds時が解決するtokigakaiketsusuru
Time is Gold一刻千金ikko ku sen kin
iko ku sen kin
yī kè qiān jīn
yi1 ke4 qian1 jin1
yi ke qian jin
i k`o ch`ien chin
i ko chien chin
Timeless Beauty永恆之美
yǒng héng zhī měi
yong3 heng2 zhi1 mei3
yong heng zhi mei
yung heng chih mei
dì méi ōu
di4 mei2 ou1
di mei ou
ti mei ou
You must endure a harsh winter to appreciate the warmth of springtime不經冬寒不知春暖
bù jīng dōng hán bù zhī chūn nuǎn
bu4 jing1 dong1 han2 bu4 zhi1 chun1 nuan3
bu jing dong han bu zhi chun nuan
pu ching tung han pu chih ch`un nuan
pu ching tung han pu chih chun nuan
Each Time You Stumble and Fall, You Gain Experience and Wisdom吃一塹長一智
chī yí qiàn, zhǎng yí zhì
chi1 yi2 qian4 zhang3 yi2 zhi4
chi yi qian zhang yi zhi
ch`ih i ch`ien chang i chih
chih i chien chang i chih
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Time Kanji, Time Characters, Time in Mandarin Chinese, Time Characters, Time in Chinese Writing, Time in Japanese Writing, Time in Asian Writing, Time Ideograms, Chinese Time symbols, Time Hieroglyphics, Time Glyphs, Time in Chinese Letters, Time Hanzi, Time in Japanese Kanji, Time Pictograms, Time in the Chinese Written-Language, or Time in the Japanese Written-Language.

191 people have searched for Time in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Time was last searched for by someone else on Jun 24th, 2024