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Personalize your custom “Ba Ji Quan” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Ba Ji Quan” title below...
1. Ba Ji Quan
3. Shaolin Chuan / Shao Lin Quan
4. Fist
5. Xing Yi Quan
6. Encourage
7. Dog
8. Kenpo / Kempo / Quan Fa / Chuan Fa
9. Tai Chi Chuan / Tai Ji Quan
10. Tai Chi Chuan Dao / Tai Ji Quan Dao
11. Tai Chi Chuan Fa / Tai Ji Quan Fa
12. Black Tiger Fist
14. Wudang Fist
15. Tai Chi / Tai Ji
16. Eagle Claw Overturning Fist
17. Iron Fist
18. Goddess of Mercy and Compassion
19. Taekwondo
八極拳 is “Ba Ji Quan” or “Eight Extremes Fist.”
Some also translate this as “Eight Extremities Fist,” though I don't feel that's accurate.
八極拳 (Bājíquán) is a Chinese martial art that features explosive, short-range power and is famous for its elbow strikes. It originated in the Hebei Province in Northern China but spread to Taiwan and other places.
The full title is 開門八極拳 (Kāimén Bājíquán), which means Open-Door Bajiquan.
Other romanizations include: BaJiQuan, Pa Chi Ch`üan, or Pa Chi Chuan.
In Japan, this is known as Hakkyokuken.
查拳 is the title for the Chaquan, Chāquán, or Cha Quan style of Chinese martial arts.
The meaning is “Inquisitive Fist,” and it falls under the category of the Northern Schools.
Cha Quan features graceful movements and acrobatic stunts (often flying through the air). Many different forms of weapons are used in Cha Quan.
少林拳 is the title of the martial art (style of Kung Fu) that is taught to the monks and students in the Shaolin Buddhist Monastery.
The addition of Chuan or Quan, which means fist is what signifies that you are talking about this school or form of martial arts.
拳 is the simplest way to express “fist” in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.
Style of Martial Arts
形意拳 is the title for the Xingyiquan style/form of Chinese martial arts involving explosive linear movements.
Some translate this as “shape-of-the-mind fist.”
While pronunciation has never changed in Chinese, the old romanization was “Hsing I Chuan.” This romanization for 形意拳 is still used in Taiwan.
This term is used in some Japanese martial arts circles where it's romanized from Japanese as keīken, keiiken, or keiken.
勸 is the simplest Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja word for encouragement or the act of encouraging someone.
This can also mean: to advise; to urge; to try to persuade; to exhort; to console; to soothe.
(another version)
犬 is another way to write dog in Chinese and Japanese.
Just like we have words like dog, hound, pooch, and canine in English. However, this is NOT the character used to express “Year of the Dog.”
Although it is the most common way to say/write “dog” in Japanese.
See also our Chinese Zodiac page.
拳法 is a form of martial arts that can be translated in several ways.
Some will call it “fist principles,” “the way of the fist,” or even “law of the fist.” The first character literally means fist. The second can mean law, method, way, principle, or Buddhist teaching.
Kempo is really a potluck of martial arts. Often a combination of Chinese martial arts such as Shaolin Kung Fu with Japanese martial arts such as Karate, Jujutsu (Jujitsu), Aikido, and others. You may see the term “Kempo Karate,” which basically means Karate with other disciplines added. In this way, Kempo becomes an adjective rather than a title or school of martial arts.
These facts will long be argued by various masters and students of Kempo. Even the argument as to whether it should be spelled “kenpo” or “Kempo” ensues at dojos around the world (the correct Romaji should actually be “kenpou” if you precisely follow the rules).
The benefit of Kempo is that the techniques are easier to learn and master than pure Kung Fu (wu shu). Students are often taught basic Karate moves, kicks, and punches before augmenting the basic skills with complex Kung Fu techniques. This allows students of Kempo to achieve a level where they can defend themselves or fight in a relatively short amount of time (a few years rather than a decade or more).
Because the definition of this word is so fluid, I should make some notes here:
1. Purists in Okinawa will claim that “Okinawa Kenpo” or “Ryukyu Hon Kenpo” is the original and true version of this martial art from the old kingdom. It is actually little or no connection between Okinawa Kenpo and the way the word is used elsewhere.
2. In Chinese, where these characters are pronounced “quan fa” (sometimes Romanized as “chuan fa” because the Chinese-pinyin “q” actually sounds like an English “ch” sound), these characters do not hold the connotation of being a mixed martial art. It is simply defined as “the law of the fist.”
3. My Japanese dictionary oddly defines Kenpo as the “Chinese art of self-defense.” I personally don't feel this is the most common way that people perceive the word but just something you should know.
太極拳 is the famous Taoist meditation and martial art exercise. The direct translation of these characters would be something like “grand ultimate fist,” but that does not quite hit the mark for what this title really means.
An early-morning walk through any city in China near a park or an open area will yield a view of Chinese people practicing this ancient technique.
A typical scene is an old man of no less than 80 years on this earth, with a wispy white beard and perhaps a sword in one hand. He makes slow moves that are impossibly smooth. He is steady-footed and always in balance. For him, time is meaningless and proper form, and technique is far more important than speed.
For the younger generation, faster moves may look impressive and seem smooth to the casual observer. But more discipline and mental strength are needed to create perfectly smooth moves in virtual slow motion.
Note: There are two ways to Romanize these Chinese characters, as seen in the title above. The pronunciation and actual characters are the same in Chinese. If you really used English sounds/words to pronounce this, it would be something like “tie jee chew-on” (make the “chew-on” one flowing syllable).
太極 is the shortened title for Tai Chi Chuan or Tai Ji Quan that is sometimes used in Western countries.
Basically just removing the last character which means fist. I don't recommend this two-character selection because it's not really a word without the third character in Japanese and Chinese.
鷹爪翻子拳 is the title of a Chinese martial arts style known as “Ying Zhua Fan Zi Quan” or “Eagle Claw Overturning Fist.”
This style was derived from a combination of 鷹爪派 (Eagle Claw School) and 子母拳 (Son-Mother Fist). The title “son-mother” may seem odd, but it refers to a fist or punches seemingly coming out of another fist or punch. In modern times, 子母彈 is a title for “cluster bomb” (bombs coming out of another bomb).
Tie Quan / Tieh Chuan
鐵拳 is a common theme used by various schools of martial arts.
鐵 means “iron” but, in some cases, can mean “indisputable.”
拳 means fist.
Some schools use the older/Taiwanese way to Romanize the iron fist, so you may have seen it spelled “Tieh Chuan” instead of “Tie Quan.” Neither way is technically incorrect.
Note that in Mandarin, the first part of the first character sounds like the English word “tea,” blending into a soft “-eh” sound. The second character sounds a lot like “chew on” but as if it is one syllable.
After WWII in Japan, the Kanji for iron was simplified. This new Kanji form is shown to the right. If you want this modern Japanese version, please click on the Kanji to the right, instead of the button above. The characters shown to the left would still be considered the old or ancient Japanese version of this title.
This is the long or more formal version of this title
觀世音 is the longer and perhaps more formal title for the Buddhist deity known as the Goddess of Mercy or Bodhisattva of Compassion.
The longer title of this bodhisattva is Romanized in the following ways:
Mandarin Chinese: Guanshi Yin, Kuan-shih Yin.
Japanese: Kanzeon.
Sanskrit: Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.
Korean: Gwan-se-eum.
Vietnamese: Quan Thế Âm.
Thai: Prah Mae Kuan Eim.
English: Bodhisattva of Mercy and Salvation, Goddess of Compassion, Buddha of Mercy, et al.
Please view our more common and shorter version, “Guan Yin” before you make a decision. Also, note that the first character has a slight variation in Japanese. If your audience is specifically Japanese, you may want to select that version.
觀音/観音 is the Buddhist deity known as the Goddess of Mercy or Bodhisattva of Compassion.
In Chinese, the proper name of this being is Guan Yin. There is some debate as to whether Guan Yin is female. The argument comes from some scripture that suggests Buddhist deities take on the male form. Others say that Guan Yin has no sex. And still, others are okay with the female representation of Guan Yin.
This bodhisattva is also known or Romanized in the following ways:
Mandarin Chinese: Guan Yin, Kuan Yin, Kwan Yin.
Japanese: Kannon, Kwannon.
Sanskrit: Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.
Korean: Gwan-eum.
Vietnamese: Quan Âm.
Thai: Kuan Eim.
English: Bodhisattva of Mercy and Salvation, Goddess of Compassion, Buddha of Mercy, et al.
Note: The first character has a slight variation in Japanese. If your audience is specifically Japanese, you may want to select that version.
See Also: Buddhism | Goddess | Namo Amitabha | Bodhisattva
跆拳道 is one of the most widespread types of martial arts in the world as well as being an Olympic sport. Taekwondo was born in Korea with influences of Chinese and Japanese styles combined with traditional Korean combat skills. Some will define it as the “Korean art of empty-handed self-defense.”
In the simplest translation, the first character means “kick,” the second character can mean either “fist” or “punching,” and the third means “way” or “method.” Altogether, you could say this is the “Kick Punch Method.” When heard or read in various Asian languages, all will automatically think of this famous Korean martial art. It is written the same in Japanese Kanji, Chinese, and Korean Hanja characters - so the appearance of the characters is universal. However, you should note that there is another way to write this in modern Korean Hangul characters, which looks like the image to the right.
We suggest the original Korean Hanja (Chinese characters) for a wall scroll, but if you need the Hangul version, you must use master calligrapher Cao Bin: Order Taekwondo in Korean Hangul
Note: Taekwondo is sometimes Romanized as Tae-Kwondo, Tae Kwon Do, Taekwon-do, Taegwondo, Tae Gweon Do, Tai Kwon Do, Taikwondo, Taekwando, Tae Kwan Do and in Chinese Taiquandao, Tai Quan Dao, Taichuando, or Tai Chuan Tao.
Wing Chun Kuen Kuit
This text is the chant or poem of Wing Chun.
I call it a “chant” because it was meant to be a somewhat rhythmic poem to help practitioners memorize many aspects of Wing Chun.
You will see this referred to as “Wing Chun Kuem Kuit.” This Cantonese romanization is popular in the west (and there is no official way to romanize Cantonese, so many variations exist). In Mandarin, it would be, “Yong Chun Quan Jue.” The last character (kuit or kyut from Cantonese, jue or chüeh from Mandarin) kind of means “secrets of the art.” It's a short way to write 口訣, meaning “mnemonic chant” or “rhyme for remembering.”
In the west (especially in the military), we often use acronyms to remember things. There are no initials to make acronyms in Chinese, so in ancient times, chants like this are used to remember vast amounts of information.
I will presume you already know the meaning of the 10 maxims, so I will skip that to keep this calligraphy entry from getting too large.
Some think 练拳者必记 is the title but that just says, “(When) training (the) fist, people should remember:.” Therefore, I've not included that in the calligraphy. However, you can put a note in the special instructions if you want it added.
Note: On a traditional calligraphy wall scroll, the characters will be written in vertical columns, starting from the right, and proceeding left.
Note: This is an except and variation from a huge 口訣. These 10 maxims are used extensively in Wing Chun training, and you’ll find them all over the internet. Just know there is a much longer version out there, along with several variations and excepts like this one. If you know of, or want a different version, just contact me, and I will add it for you.
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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...
Title | Characters | Romaji (Romanized Japanese) | Various forms of Romanized Chinese | |
Ba Ji Quan | 八極拳 八极拳 | hakkyo ku ken hakkyokuken hakyo ku ken | bā jí quán ba1 ji2 quan2 ba ji quan bajiquan | pa chi ch`üan pachichüan pa chi chüan |
Chaquan Cha Quan | 查拳 | chá quán / cha2 quan2 / cha quan / chaquan | ch`a ch`üan / chachüan / cha chüan | |
Shaolin Chuan Shao Lin Quan | 少林拳 | shǎo lín quán shao3 lin2 quan2 shao lin quan shaolinquan | shao lin ch`üan shaolinchüan shao lin chüan |
Fist | 拳 | kobushi | quán / quan2 / quan | ch`üan / chüan |
Xing Yi Quan | 形意拳 | ke i ken / keiken | xíng yì quán xing2 yi4 quan2 xing yi quan xingyiquan | hsing i ch`üan hsingichüan hsing i chüan |
Encourage | 勸 劝 | kan | quàn / quan4 / quan | ch`üan / chüan |
Dog | 犬 | inu | quǎn / quan3 / quan | ch`üan / chüan |
Kenpo Kempo Quan Fa Chuan Fa | 拳法 | kenpou / kenpo | quán fǎ / quan2 fa3 / quan fa / quanfa | ch`üan fa / chüanfa / chüan fa |
Tai Chi Chuan Tai Ji Quan | 太極拳 太极拳 | tai kyoku ken taikyokuken | tài jí quán tai4 ji2 quan2 tai ji quan taijiquan | t`ai chi ch`üan taichichüan tai chi chüan |
Tai Chi Chuan Dao Tai Ji Quan Dao | 太極拳道 太极拳道 | tài jí quán dào tai4 ji2 quan2 dao4 tai ji quan dao taijiquandao | t`ai chi ch`üan tao taichichüantao tai chi chüan tao |
Tai Chi Chuan Fa Tai Ji Quan Fa | 太極拳法 太极拳法 | tài jí quán fǎ tai4 ji2 quan2 fa3 tai ji quan fa taijiquanfa | t`ai chi ch`üan fa taichichüanfa tai chi chüan fa |
Black Tiger Fist | 黑虎拳 | hēi hǔ quán hei1 hu3 quan2 hei hu quan heihuquan | hei hu ch`üan heihuchüan hei hu chüan |
Changquan Long Fist | 長拳 长拳 | cháng quán chang2 quan2 chang quan changquan | ch`ang ch`üan changchüan chang chüan |
Wudang Fist | 武當拳 武当拳 | wǔ dāng quán wu3 dang1 quan2 wu dang quan wudangquan | wu tang ch`üan wutangchüan wu tang chüan |
Tai Chi Tai Ji | 太極 太极 | taikyoku | tài jí / tai4 ji2 / tai ji / taiji | t`ai chi / taichi / tai chi |
Eagle Claw Overturning Fist | 鷹爪翻子拳 鹰爪翻子拳 | yīng zhuǎ fān zi quán ying1 zhua3 fan1 zi5 quan2 ying zhua fan zi quan yingzhuafanziquan | ying chua fan tzu ch`üan yingchuafantzuchüan ying chua fan tzu chüan |
Iron Fist | 鐵拳 铁拳 / 鉄拳 | tekken / teken | tiě quán / tie3 quan2 / tie quan / tiequan | t`ieh ch`üan / tiehchüan / tieh chüan |
Goddess of Mercy and Compassion | 觀世音 观世音 | guān shì yīn guan1 shi4 yin1 guan shi yin guanshiyin | kuan shih yin kuanshihyin |
Goddess of Mercy and Compassion | 觀音 / 観音 观音 | kan non / kannon | guān yīn / guan1 yin1 / guan yin / guanyin | kuan yin / kuanyin |
Taekwondo | 跆拳道 | te kon do / tekondo | tái quán dào tai2 quan2 dao4 tai quan dao taiquandao | t`ai ch`üan tao taichüantao tai chüan tao |
Wing Chun Fist Maxims | 有手黐手無手問手來留區送甩手直沖怕打終歸打貪打終被打粘連迫攻絕不放鬆來力瀉力借力出擊步步追形點點朝午以形補手敗形不敗馬腰馬一致心意合一拳由心發動法無形活人練活死功夫 有手黐手无手问手来留区送甩手直冲怕打终归打贪打终被打粘连迫攻绝不放松来力泻力借力出击步步追形点点朝午以形补手败形不败马腰马一致心意合一拳由心发动法无形活人练活死功夫 | |||
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line. In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese. |
Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...
All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.
When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.
Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!
When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.
The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.
Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.
There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form
of art alive.
Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.
The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.
Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.
Some people may refer to this entry as Ba Ji Quan Kanji, Ba Ji Quan Characters, Ba Ji Quan in Mandarin Chinese, Ba Ji Quan Characters, Ba Ji Quan in Chinese Writing, Ba Ji Quan in Japanese Writing, Ba Ji Quan in Asian Writing, Ba Ji Quan Ideograms, Chinese Ba Ji Quan symbols, Ba Ji Quan Hieroglyphics, Ba Ji Quan Glyphs, Ba Ji Quan in Chinese Letters, Ba Ji Quan Hanzi, Ba Ji Quan in Japanese Kanji, Ba Ji Quan Pictograms, Ba Ji Quan in the Chinese Written-Language, or Ba Ji Quan in the Japanese Written-Language.
70 people have searched for Ba Ji Quan in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Ba Ji Quan was last searched for by someone else on Jan 11th, 2025