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The name Because in Chinese / Japanese...

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My life is complete because of you

 wǒ de shēng mìng yīn wèi yǒu nǐ jiù wán zhěng
My life is complete because of you Scroll

我的生命因为有你就完整 means “My life is complete because of you” in Chinese.

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Not the results for because that you were looking for?

Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your because search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition

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Enso - Japanese Zen Circle
(1) circle (sometimes used for zero); (2) 'correct' (when marking); (3) symbol used as a placeholder (either because a number of other words could be used in that position, or because of censorship); (4) period; full stop; (5) maru mark; semivoiced sound; p-sound

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 mei / me

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Light / Bright
bright; opposite: dark 暗[an4]; (of meaning) clear; to understand; next; public or open; wise; generic term for a sacrifice to the gods
(1) (ant: 暗) brightness; (2) discernment; insight; an eye (for); (3) (See 明を失う) eyesight; vision; (prefix) (4) (abbreviation) (See 明治) nth year in the Meiji era (1868.9.8-1912.7.30); (surname) Meishuu
vidyā, knowledge. ming means bright, clear, enlightenment, intp. by 智慧 or 聰明 wisdom, wise; to understand. It represents Buddha-wisdom and its revelation; also the manifestation of a Buddha's light or effulgence; it is a term for 眞言 because the 'true word' can destroy the obscurity of illusion; the 'manifestation' of the power of the object of worship; it means also dhāraṇīs or mantras of mystic wisdom. Also, the Ming dynasty A. D. 1368-1644.

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 ushi(p); gyuu; ushi / ushi(p); gyu; ushi
    うし(P); ぎゅう; ウシ

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Ox / Bull / Cow
ox; cow; bull; CL:條|条[tiao2],頭|头[tou2]; newton (abbr. for 牛頓|牛顿[niu2 dun4]); (slang) awesome
(1) cattle (Bos taurus); cow; bull; ox; calf; (2) {food} (usu. ぎゅう) (See 牛肉) beef; (3) (ぎゅう only) {astron} (See 二十八宿,玄武・げんぶ・2) Chinese "Ox" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (surname) Niu
go, gaus; ox, bull, bullock, etc. A term applied to the Buddha Gautama as in 牛王 king of bulls, possibly because of the derivation of his name; the phrase 騎牛來牛 (or 騎牛覔牛) to ride an ox, to seek an ox, means to use the Buddha to find the Buddha.



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guān shì yīn
    guan1 shi4 yin1
kuan shih yin

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Guan Shi Yin: Protector Of Life
Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara)
(out-dated kanji) Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva); Avalokitesvara; Kannon; Kwannon; Guanyin; Buddhist deity of compassion
Regarder of the world's sounds, or cries, the so-called Goddess of Mercy; also known as 觀音; 觀世音善薩; 觀自在 (觀世自在); 觀尹; 光世音 (the last being the older form). Avalokiteśvara, v. 阿 8. Originally represented as a male, the images are now generally those of a female figure. The meaning of the term is in doubt; it is intp. as above, but the term 觀自在 (觀世自在) accords with the idea of Sovereign Regarder and is not associated with sounds or cries. Guanyin is one of the triad of Amida, is represented on his left, and is also represented as crowned with Amida; but there are as many as thirty-three different forms of Guanyin, sometimes with a bird, a vase, a willow wand, a pearl, a 'thousand' eyes and hands, etc., and, when as bestower of children, carrying a child. The island of Putuo (Potala) is the chief centre of Guanyin worship, where she is the protector of all in distress, especially of those who go to sea. There are many sūtras, etc., devoted to the cult, but its provenance and the date of its introduction to China are still in doubt. Chapter 25 of the Lotus Sūtra is devoted to Guanyin, and is the principal scripture of the cult; its date is uncertain. Guanyin is sometimes confounded with Amitābha and Maitreya. She is said to be the daughter of king Śubhavyūha 妙莊王, who had her killed by 'stifling because the sword of the executioner broke without hurting her. Her spirit went to hell; but hell changed into paradise. Yama sent her back to life to save his hell, when she was miraculously transported on a Lotus flower to the island of Poo-too'. Eitel.

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(classical particle similar to 於|于[yu2]) in; at; from; because; than; (classical final particle similar to 嗎|吗[ma5], 吧[ba5], 呢[ne5], expressing question, doubt or astonishment)
(personal name) Sachio
what? how?

see styles

to use; by means of; according to; in order to; because of; at (a certain date or place)
(female given name) Yue
By means of, by using, by; whereby, in order to.

see styles
(n,n-adv) (1) (kana only) as it is; as one likes; because; as; (2) (kana only) condition; state; (surname) Mama

see styles
to the greatest extent; (when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme; to be within the limits of; to give priority to
(n,n-adv) (1) (kana only) as it is; as one likes; because; as; (2) (kana only) condition; state; (surname) Mama

see styles
cause; reason; because
(1) cause; factor; (2) {Buddh} (See 縁・えん・5) hetu (direct cause, esp. as opposed to indirect conditions); (3) (See 因明) the basis of one's argument (in hetuvidya); (personal name) Yukari
hetu: a cause: because: a reason: to follow, it follows, that which produces a 果 result or effect. 因 is a primary cause in comparison with 緣 pratyaya which is an environmental or secondary cause. In the 十因十果 ten causes and ten effects, adultery results in the iron bed, the copper pillar, and the eight hot hells; covetousness in the cold hells; and so on, as shown in the 楞嚴經. Translit. in, yin. Cf. 印.

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 jou / jo
(n,ctr) (1) article (in a document); clause; section; provision; (counter) (2) counter for lines, stripes, streaks, rays, etc.; (conjunction) (3) (as とは言い条) although; though; (conjunction) (4) (used in letters) since; as; because; inasmuch as; (5) (hist) (See 条坊制) jō; north-south division of an imperial city consisting of west-east streets and their corresponding wards (in the jō-bō system); (given name) Nagashi

see styles
because of; for; to
(vs-c) (kana only) (literary form of する) (See する・1) to do; (female given name) Nari

see styles
variant of 為|为[wei4]
(out-dated kanji) (1) (kana only) good; advantage; benefit; welfare; (2) (kana only) sake; purpose; objective; aim; (3) (kana only) consequence; result; effect; (4) (kana only) affecting; regarding; concerning; (surname) Tame
To do; to make; to effect; to be; because of; for.

see styles
to follow; from; because of; due to; by; via; through; (before a noun and a verb) it is for ... to ...
(1) reason; significance; cause; (2) piece of information that one has heard; I hear that ...; it is said that ...; (personal name) Yoshitsugu
From; by: a cause, motive; to allow, let; translit. yo, yu; e. g. 由乾; 由乾陀羅 由乾陁羅, Yugaṃdhara, idem 踰健達羅.

see styles

uncooked rice; meter (unit of length); (slang) Chinese yuan
(1) (because 米 can be deconstructed into 八十八) 88 years old; (2) (archaism) (See 米・こめ・1) rice; (surname) Yonehama
śāli, rice, i. e. hulled rice. The word śālihas been wrongly used for śarīra, relics, and for both words 舍利 has been used.

see styles
common rue (Ruta graveolens); (used in old compounds relating to books because in former times rue was used to protect books from insect damage)
art; craft; accomplishment; artistic skill; technique; performance; (personal name) Nori

see styles
heavy horse; horse unable to move because of twisted leg; plodding


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(1) symbol used as a placeholder (either because a number of other words could be used in that position, or because of censorship); (prefix noun) (2) certain; unnamed; undisclosed; unidentified


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(particle) (1) from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity); since; (particle) (2) from (originator); by; (particle) (3) (follows verbs, adjectives) because; since; (particle) (4) out of (constituent, part); (particle) (5) through (e.g. window, vestibule); (particle) (6) (following the te-form of a verb) after; since; (particle) (7) (See いいから・1) expresses sympathy or warning; (place-name) Qara (Arab Union)


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(particle) (1) (emphasizes preceding word or phrase) it is ... that ...; precisely; in particular; definitely; for sure; only (when, after, because, etc.); (particle) (2) (as こそあれ, こそすれ, こそするが, etc.) although; while; it is the case that ... but; (particle) (3) (after conditional -ba form of verb) it is precisely because ... that ...; only because ...; (particle) (4) (form) (after -nai stem of verb + ば) not at all; not in the slightest; absolutely not; never


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(particle) (1) (form) even; (particle) (2) (form) even if ...; even though ...; (particle) (3) (form) (oft. as こととて) because ...; as ...; on the grounds that ...; (particle) (4) (form) with the purpose of ...; in order to ...; with a view to ...


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(particle) that being the case; because of ...; the reason is ....; given that...


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(exp,conj) (1) (kana only) given that ... it is only natural that ...; ... being the case, it is unavoidable that ...; (precisely) because ...; as might be expected (from ...); (exp,conj) (2) (kana only) (when used with negatives) contrary to expectations ...


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sān shèng
    san1 sheng4
san sheng
(surname) Minori
Triyāna, the three vehicles, or conveyances which carry living beings across saṁsāra or mortality (births-and-deaths) to the shores of nirvāṇa. The three are styled 小,中, and 大. Sometimes the three vehicles are defined as 聲聞 Śrāvaka, that of the hearer or obedient disciple; 緣覺Pratyeka-buddha, that of the enlightened for self; these are described as 小乘 because the objective of both is personal salvation; the third is 菩薩Bodhisattva, or 大乘 Mahāyāna, because the objective is the salvation of all the living. The three are also depicted as 三車 three wains, drawn by a goat, a deer, an ox. The Lotus declares that the three are really the One Buddha-vehicle, which has been revealed in three expedient forms suited to his disciples' capacity, the Lotus Sūtra being the unifying, complete, and final exposition. The Three Vehicles are differently explained by different exponents, e.g. (1) Mahāyāna recognizes (a) Śrāvaka, called Hīnayāna, leading in longer or shorter periods to arhatship; (b) Pratyeka-buddha, called Madhyamayāna, leading after still longer or shorter periods to a Buddhahood ascetically attained and for self; (c) Bodhisattva, called Mahayana, leading after countless ages of self-sacrifce in saving others and progressive enlightenment to ultimate Buddhahood. (2) Hīnayāna is also described as possessing three vehicles 聲, 緣, 菩 or 小, 中, 大, the 小 and 中 conveying to personal salvation their devotees in ascetic dust and ashes and mental annihilation, the 大 leading to bodhi, or perfect enlightenment, and the Buddha's way. Further definitions of the Triyāna are: (3) True bodhisattva teaching for the 大; pratyeka-buddha without ignorant asceticism for the 中; and śrāvaka with ignorant asceticism for the 小. (4) (a) 一乘 The One-Vehicle which carries all to Buddhahood: of this the 華嚴 Hua-yen and 法華 Fa-hua are typical exponents; (b) 三乘法 the three-vehicle, containing practitioners of all three systems, as expounded in books of the 深密般若; (c) 小乘 the Hīnayāna pure and simple as seen in the 四阿合經 Four Āgamas. Śrāvakas are also described as hearers of the Four Truths and limited to that degree of development; they hear from the pratyeka-buddhas, who are enlightened in the Twelve Nidānas 因緣; the bodhisattvas make the 六度 or six forms of transmigration their field of sacrificial saving work, and of enlightenment. The Lotus Sūtra really treats the 三乘. Three Vehicles as 方便 or expedient ways, and offers a 佛乘 Buddha Vehicle as the inclusive and final vehicle.


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xià pǐn
    xia4 pin3
hsia p`in
    hsia pin
(noun or adjectival noun) vulgar; indecent; coarse; crude; (place-name) Shimoshina
The three lowest of the nine classes born in the Amitābha Pure Land, v. 無量壽經. These three lowest grades are (1) 下品上生 The highest of the three lowest classes who enter the Pure Land of Amitābha, i.e. those who have committed all sins except dishonouring the sūtras. If at the end of life the sinner clasps hands and says "Namo Amitābha", such a one will be born in His precious lake. (2) 下品中生 The middle class consists of those who have broken all the commandments, even stolen from monks and abused the law. If at death such a one hears of the great power of Amitābha, and assents with but a thought, he will be received into paradise. (3) 下品下生 The lowest class, because of their sins, should have fallen into the lowest gati, but by invoking the name of Amitābha, they can escape countless ages of reincarnation and suffering and on dying will behold a lotus flower like the sun, and, by the response of a single thought, will enter the Pure Land of Amitābha.


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èr zì
    er4 zi4
erh tzu
two characters; name; (surname) Niji
Double-letters, i.e. a monk-because a monk's name consists of two characters.


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wǔ shān
    wu3 shan1
wu shan
 gosan; gozan
    ごさん; ござん
(rare) five most important temples of a region; (surname) Goyama
Five mountains and monasteries: (1) in India, sacred because of their connection with the Buddha: 鞞婆羅跋怒 Vaibhāra-vana; 薩多般那求呵 Saptaparṇaguhā; 因陀羅勢羅求呵 Indraśailaguhā; 薩簸恕魂直迦鉢婆羅 Sarpiṣ kuṇḍikā-prāgbhāra; 耆闍崛 Gṛdhrakūṭa; (2) in China, established during the Five Dynasties and the Southern Sung dynasty, on the analogy of those in India; three at Hangzhou at 徑山 Jingshan, 北山 Beishan, and 南山 Nanshan and two at Ningbo at 阿育王山 King Aśoka Shan and 太白山 Taiboshan. Later the Yuan dynasty established one at 全陵 Chin Ling, the 天界大龍翔隻慶寺 which became chief of these under the Ming dynasty.


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rén yīn
    ren2 yin1
jen yin
The causative influences for being reborn as a human being, i.e. a good life. Those in positions of honour have obtained them by former deeds of benevolence, reverence to Buddhas and monks, patience, humility, devotion to the sutras, charity, morality, zeal and exhortation, obedience, loyalty - hence they have obtained affluence, long life, and are held in high regard. Those in mean condition are thus born because of the opposite characteristics in previous incarnation.


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(conj,exp) (1) (kana only) with; by; (2) (kana only) by means of; because; in view of


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yǐ cǐ
    yi3 ci3
i tz`u
    i tzu
with this; thereby; thus; because of this
by this...


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fó zǐ
    fo2 zi3
fo tzu
(surname) Busshi
Son of Buddha; a bodhisattva; a believer in Buddhism, for every believer is becoming Buddha; a term also applied to all beings, because all are of Buddha-nature. There is a division of three kinds: 外子 external sons, who have not yet believed; 度子 secondary sons, Hīnayānists; 眞子 true sons, Mahāyānists.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
My life is complete because of you我的生命因為有你就完整
wǒ de shēng mìng yīn wèi yǒu nǐ jiù wán zhěng
wo3 de sheng1 ming4 yin1 wei4 you3 ni3 jiu4 wan2 zheng3
wo de sheng ming yin wei you ni jiu wan zheng
wo te sheng ming yin wei yu ni chiu wan cheng
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

1 Corinthians 13:4-8A Journey of a Thousand MilesAadhyaAaronAartiAbdelAbeerAbrhamAbsolute ZeroAbubakarAddisonAdinaAdonicaAgapitoAhmedAidenAiki JujutsuAikidoAileeAimanAjayAjmalAkashAkimAkiraAlbertineAlexandraAliaAliciaAlinAlishaAlissiaAlonzoAmanAmayaAmelAmeliaAmilaAmirAmmarAnalynAnandAndreasAnoukAntonAnupAnuragAriaAriasAriellaArionArjunArleyArmanArmandoArshadArunArunaArvanArvinAsayama Ichiden-RyuAsheAspenAsunaAudreyAugustinAurelianoAyanAzkaAzraBalanced LifeBe Like WaterBe True to YourselfBeccaBelieve in YourselfBenaBenicioBennettBerserkerBertoBettyBibekBible VerseBinitaBlacksmithBlessed by GodBlessingsBob WhatBodhicittaBogdanBohaiBoyceBradenBrajaBrave the Wind and the WavesBreatheBroken SoulBuddhaBuddhismBuddyBujutsuBurmaBushido CodeByronCadeCamieCampbellCapricornCarlsonCarltonCarolineCarpe DiemCasperCastroCecileCelineCharanCharleneCharleyChellChoiChristinaClementineCliftonCocoCompassionCompassionate HeartConradConvictionCoraCornwallCosetteCougarCraneCreativityCristianoCurtisDaltonDamiDaniDaniaDannahDarcieDark AngelDarrenDarshanDaveDavidDeath Before DishonorDedicationDeepikaDeniseDennisDennyDerrickDeterminationDevotionDexterDiahDiamondDickDickinsonDidierDivine BlessingDivine GraceDixieDogenDojoDominicDoodDragonDream BigDrunken MonkeyDulceDustinEdouardEdsonEduardaEduardoEighteen ArhatsEikoElaineElenaEliasElineEllenElliotElmoElodieEmelyEmilyEmonEnduranceEnochEricEricaEricsonErinErvinEsme

All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Because Kanji, Because Characters, Because in Mandarin Chinese, Because Characters, Because in Chinese Writing, Because in Japanese Writing, Because in Asian Writing, Because Ideograms, Chinese Because symbols, Because Hieroglyphics, Because Glyphs, Because in Chinese Letters, Because Hanzi, Because in Japanese Kanji, Because Pictograms, Because in the Chinese Written-Language, or Because in the Japanese Written-Language.

91 people have searched for Because in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Because was last searched for by someone else on Jun 8th, 2024