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Breath in Breath Out in Chinese / Japanese...

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Breath of Life

 qì xī
Breath of Life Scroll

氣息 can mean breath of life or panting for want of breath in the Buddhist context.

In other contexts, it can mean breath, smell, odor, or flavor.

Life in Every Breath

 shēng huó zhōng de měi yī cì hū xī
Life in Every Breath Scroll

生活中的每一次呼吸 means “life in every breath” in Chinese.

This phrase is more like “every breath in life” as if it's a quantity of breaths that makes up your life.

There are many ways to understand this phrase in English, so this is one of a few ways it could be translated into Chinese. If you’re looking for a different meaning, please contact me.

Life in Every Breath

 hakuiki hitotsu nimo seimei ga yadori
Life in Every Breath Scroll

吐く息一つにも生命が宿り means “life in every breath” in Japanese.

This phrase is more like “every single breath as you live and dwell.”

The characters breakdown this way:
吐く息 (hakuiki) to breathe; exhaled air; one's breath; breathing.
一つ (hitotsu) one; only; just.
にも (nimo) also; too; as well; even.
生命 (seimei) life; existence; living.
が (ga) particle.
宿り (yadori) to lodge; to dwell; lodging; abode; shelter.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

 hū xī
 ko kyuu
Breathe Scroll

呼吸 means to breathe, breathing or breath in Chinese characters, old Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji.

These two characters mean to exhale and inhale. Maybe this will remind you to “just breathe.”

 xī rù
 kyuu nyuu
Inhale Scroll

吸入 is a Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean word that means inhale, inhalation, or to breathe in.

吸 by itself can mean to inhale or suck in.
入 means to enter (in this case, the body), so it clarifies that this is the true inhalation of air into the body.

If you need a reminder to breathe (slow down and take a deep breath), this may be the word you want hanging on your wall.

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If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition

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to wish for; to desire; variant of 慾|欲[yu4]
greed; craving; desire; avarice; wants; (surname) Yoku
rājas, passion. Also kāma, desire, love. The Chinese word means to breathe after, aspire to, desire, and is also used as 慾 for lust, passion; it is inter alia intp. as 染愛塵 tainted with the dust (or dirt) of love, or lust. The three desires are for beauty, demeanour, and softness; the five are those of the five physical senses.

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Ghost Demon
disembodied spirit; ghost; devil; (suffix) person with a certain vice or addiction etc; sly; crafty; resourceful (variant of 詭|诡[gui3]); one of the 28 constellations of ancient Chinese astronomy
(1) ogre; demon; oni; (2) (See 亡魂) spirit of a deceased person; (3) (おに only) ogre-like person (i.e. fierce, relentless, merciless, etc.); (4) (おに only) (See 鬼ごっこ・おにごっこ) it (in a game of tag, hide-and-seek, etc.); (5) (き only) {astron} (See 二十八宿,朱雀・すざく・2) Chinese "ghost" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (prefix) (6) (おに only) (slang) (See 超・1) very; extremely; super-; (surname) Miniwa
preta 薜荔多, departed, dead; a disembodied spirit, dead person, ghost; a demon, evil being; especially a 餓鬼 hungry ghost. They are of many kinds. The Fan-i ming i classifies them as poor, medium, and rich; each again thrice subdivided: (1) (a) with mouths like burning torches; (b) throats no bigger than needles; (c) vile breath, disgusting to themselves; (2) (a) needle-haired, self-piercing; (b) hair sharp and stinking; (c) having great wens on whose pus they must feed. (3) (a) living on the remains of sacrifices; (b) on leavings in general; (c) powerful ones, yakṣas, rākṣasas, piśācas, etc. All belong to the realm of Yama, whence they are sent everywhere, consequently are ubiquitous in every house, lane, market, mound, stream, tree, etc.


see styles
xī rù
    xi1 ru4
hsi ju
 kyuunyuu / kyunyu

More info & calligraphy:

to breathe in; to suck in; to inhale
(n,vs,adj-no) inhalation


see styles
hū xī
    hu1 xi1
hu hsi
 kokyuu / kokyu

More info & calligraphy:

to breathe
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) breathing; respiration; (2) knack; trick; secret (of doing something); (3) harmony; balance; synchronization; accord; (4) (See 一呼吸) short interval; short pause
Exhale and inhale.



see styles
qì xī
    qi4 xi1
ch`i hsi
    chi hsi

More info & calligraphy:

Breath of Life
breath; smell; odor; flavor

see styles
"breath" or "sigh" component in Chinese characters

see styles

to breathe; to suck in; to absorb; to inhale
To suck up, inhale.

see styles

to rest
to breathe

see styles

breathe on; yawn; roar

see styles

expel breath; my goodness
he, ko. Breathe out, yawn, scold; ha, laughter; used for 訶 and 阿.

see styles

to call; to cry; to shout; to breath out; to exhale
(surname) Ko
Call; breathe out.

see styles

to breathe upon

see styles

breath; news; interest (on an investment or loan); to cease; to stop; to rest; Taiwan pr. [xi2]
(form) son; (personal name) Yasumu
To breathe; breath; rest, stop, settle, cease; produce, interest.

see styles
to choke; to stifle; to restrain; to hold back; to hold in (urine); to hold (one's breath)

see styles

(literary) to blow or breathe upon; happy

see styles
giant clam; (mythology) clam-monster said to breathe out a vapor that forms a mirage of buildings
Mirage; sea-serpent; frog.


see styles
 fuu / fu
(adv,adv-to) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) huffing and puffing; gasping; with a deep breath; (female given name) Fū


see styles
yī xī
    yi1 xi1
i hsi
(1) one breath; (2) time of one breath; (3) pause; break; rest; breather; (4) (as 一息に) (doing in) one go; doing without stopping; (5) small amount of effort; a little more effort
A breath, i.e. inspiration-cum-expiration; a rest, or cessation.


see styles
(1) one breath; (interjection) (2) (chanted repeatedly as a party cheer) chug!; drink!; (personal name) Kazuki


see styles
wǔ xīn
    wu3 xin1
wu hsin
see 五葷|五荤[wu3 hun1]
(See 五葷) five pungent roots (in Buddhism or Taoism)
The five forbidden pungent roots, 五葷 garlic, three kinds of onions, and leeks; if eaten raw they are said to cause irritability of temper, and if eaten cooked, to act as an aphrodisiac; moreover, the breath of the eater, if reading the sutras, will drive away the good spirits.


see styles
rén jīng
    ren2 jing1
jen ching
sophisticate; man with extensive experience; child prodigy; Wunderkind (i.e. brilliant child); spirit within a person (i.e. blood and essential breath 血氣|血气 of TCM)


see styles
rén dān
    ren2 dan1
jen tan
Jintan mouth refresher lozenge, produced by Morishita Jintan company from 1905
Jintan (brand-name breath mint marketed as having various medicinal properties); refreshing candies resembling BBs or metallic dragees; (surname, female given name) Nitan



see styles
xiān qì
    xian1 qi4
hsien ch`i
    hsien chi
ethereal quality; (Chinese folklore) a puff of breath from the mouth of a celestial being, which can magically transform an object into something else


see styles
rù xī
    ru4 xi1
ju hsi
income (Hong Kong)


see styles
chū xi
    chu1 xi5
ch`u hsi
    chu hsi
future prospects; profit; to mature; to grow up
To breathe out.



see styles
chū qì
    chu1 qi4
ch`u ch`i
    chu chi
to vent one's anger; to breathe out; to exhale


see styles
 kouki / koki
bad breath; intimation


see styles
kǒu chòu
    kou3 chou4
k`ou ch`ou
    kou chou
 koushuu / koshu
bad breath; halitosis
bad breath; halitosis


see styles
xū xū
    xu1 xu1
hsü hsü
to pant; to gasp for breath


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to vomit; to throw up; to spit up; (transitive verb) (2) to emit; to send forth; to breathe out; (transitive verb) (3) to give (an opinion); to make (a comment); to express; to tell; (transitive verb) (4) to confess

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Breath of Life氣息
kisokuqì xī / qi4 xi1 / qi xi / qixich`i hsi / chihsi / chi hsi
Life in Every Breath生活中的每一次呼吸shēng huó zhōng de měi yī cì hū xī
sheng1 huo2 zhong1 de mei3 yi1 ci4 hu1 xi1
sheng huo zhong de mei yi ci hu xi
sheng huo chung te mei i tz`u hu hsi
sheng huo chung te mei i tzu hu hsi
Life in Every Breath吐く息一つにも生命が宿りhakuiki hitotsu nimo seimei ga yadori
Breathe呼吸ko kyuu / kokyuu / ko kyuhū xī / hu1 xi1 / hu xi / huxihu hsi / huhsi
Inhale吸入kyuu nyuu / kyuunyuu / kyu nyuxī rù / xi1 ru4 / xi ru / xiruhsi ju / hsiju
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Breath in Breath Out Kanji, Breath in Breath Out Characters, Breath in Breath Out in Mandarin Chinese, Breath in Breath Out Characters, Breath in Breath Out in Chinese Writing, Breath in Breath Out in Japanese Writing, Breath in Breath Out in Asian Writing, Breath in Breath Out Ideograms, Chinese Breath in Breath Out symbols, Breath in Breath Out Hieroglyphics, Breath in Breath Out Glyphs, Breath in Breath Out in Chinese Letters, Breath in Breath Out Hanzi, Breath in Breath Out in Japanese Kanji, Breath in Breath Out Pictograms, Breath in Breath Out in the Chinese Written-Language, or Breath in Breath Out in the Japanese Written-Language.

72 people have searched for Breath in Breath Out in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
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