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Independent in Chinese / Japanese...

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Independent Spirit / Independent Heart

Independent Spirit / Independent Heart Scroll

獨立心 means independent spirit or independent heart in Japanese.

The first two characters mean independent or independence. The third character means spirit, heart, or mind.

獨立心 is a Japanese term, although Chinese people could guess the meaning (the characters make sense individually in Chinese but are not often used this way). Also, the first character would be written 獨 in Traditional Chinese versus 独 which is the Simplified Chinese and modern Japanese version.

Independent Spirit

 dú lì jīng shén
Independent Spirit Scroll

獨立精神 means independent spirit in Chinese.

The first two characters mean independent, independence, or to stand alone.

The last two characters mean spirit, spiritual, vigor, vitality, drive, mind, consciousness, thought, essence, heart, or soul.

With this information, you can make your translation combination such as “independent heart,” “stand-alone spirit,” or more creatively, “the drive to stand alone” in English. There are a lot of ways to interpret 獨立精神.


 dú lì
Independence Scroll

Besides meaning “to be independent,” this can also mean “to stand alone,” self-reliance or self-support.

独Modern Japanese use a simplified version of the first character of independence. it’s the same simplified version currently used in mainland China, so understood by most Chinese and all Japanese people. Click on the character to the right if you want the simplified/Japanese version.

Standing by Oneself / Walking by Oneself

 do kuritsu do ppo
Standing by Oneself / Walking by Oneself Scroll

獨立獨步 is a Japanese proverb that, Dokuritsu-Doppo, is an indication of independence, self-reliance, standing on one's own two feet, or making one's way in life.

 zì yóu jīng shén
Free Spirit Scroll

The first two characters mean freedom or liberty.

The second two characters mean spirit, heart, mind, or soul.

Together, 自由精神 is a title that is very similar to the English term “free spirit.”

See Also:  Freedom | Independence

 ji yuu na sei shin
Free Spirit Scroll

自由な精神 is very similar to the English term “free spirit.”

The first two characters mean freedom or liberty.

The middle character is a connecting Hiragana which is needed for Japanese grammar.

The last two characters mean spirit, heart, mind, or soul.

See Also:  Freedom | Independence

These search terms might be related to Independent:

...And This Above All to Thine Own Self Be True

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

All Hopes Fulfilled

All Tenets of the Noble Eightfold Path

Changing Oneself / Self Reformation

Choose Your Own Destiny

Consciousness of Self

Drain the Pond to Get All the Fish

Fair / Impartial

Free Spirit

Free Will

Impartial and Fair to the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the World

Inner Strength / Self-Improvement

Introspection / Self-Awareness

Jiko No Kansei / Self-Completion

Live Free or Die

Love Conquers All

Loving-Kindness Conquers All

Mind Your Own Business

Peaceful / Tranquil / Calm / Free From Worry

Prideful Mind / Self-Respecting Heart

Self Actualization

Self Awareness Becomes a Buddha

Self Consciousness

Self Sacrifice




Self-Discipline / Will-Power


Self-Love / Love Yourself / Love Oneself


Self-Respect / Self-Esteem

Self-Restraint / Self-Control

Soldier / Private

Tathata / Ultimate Nature of All Things

Time Heals All Wounds

To a Willing Heart, All Things Are Possible

To Be Free / Freedom

To Thine Own Self Be True

Unselfish: Perfectly Impartial

Will-Power / Self-Control

With All the Strength of Your Heart

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Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your independent search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition



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sān dì
    san1 di4
san ti
 santai; sandai
    さんたい; さんだい

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The Three Truths
{Buddh} threefold truth (all things are void; all things are temporary; all things are in the middle state between these two) (in Tendai)
The three dogmas. The "middle" school of Tiantai says 卽空, 卽假. 卽中 i.e. 就是空, 假, 中; (a) by 空śūnya is meant that things causally produced are intheir essential nature unreal (or immaterial) 實空無; (b) 假, though thingsare unreal in their essential nature their derived forms are real; (c) 中;but both are one, being of the one 如 reality. These three dogmas arefounded on a verse of Nāgārjuna's— 因緣所生法, 我說卽是空 亦爲是假名, 亦是中道義 "All causally produced phenomena, I say, areunreal, Are but a passing name, and indicate the 'mean'." There are otherexplanations— the 圓教 interprets the 空 and 假 as 中; the 別教 makes 中 independent. 空 is the all, i.e. the totality of all things, and is spokenof as the 眞 or 實 true, or real; 假 is the differentiation of all thingsand is spoken of as 俗 common, i.e. things as commonly named; 中 is theconnecting idea which makes a unity of both, e.g. "all are but parts of onestupendous whole." The 中 makes all and the all into one whole, unifying thewhole and its parts. 空 may be taken as the immaterial, the undifferentiatedall, the sum of existences, by some as the tathāgatagarbha 如來藏; 假as theunreal, or impermanent, the material or transient form, the temporal thatcan be named, the relative or discrete; 中 as the unifier, which places eachin the other and all in all. The "shallower" 山外 school associated 空 and 中 with the noumenal universe as opposed to the phenomenal and illusoryexistence represented by 假. The "profounder" 山内 school teaches that allthree are aspects of the same.


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xīn yìn
    xin1 yin4
hsin yin

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Appreciation of Truth by Meditation
Mental impression, intuitive certainty; the mind is the Buddha-mind in all, which can seal or assure the truth; the term indicates the intuitive method of the 禪 Ch' an (Zen) school, which was independent of the spoken or written word.



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wèn lái
    wen4 lai2
wen lai

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Brunei Darussalam, independent sultanate in northwest Borneo; also written 文萊|文莱



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wú wǒ
    wu2 wo3
wu wo

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anatta (Buddhist concept of "non-self")
(1) selflessness; self-effacement; self-renunciation; (2) {Buddh} anatta; anatman; doctrine that states that humans do not possess souls; (female given name) Muga
anātman; nairātmya; no ego, no soul (of an independent and self-contained character), impersonal, no individual independent existence (of conscious or unconscious beings, anātmaka). The empirical ego is merely an aggregation of various elements, and with their disintegration it ceases to exist; therefore it has nm ultimate reality of its own, but the Nirvāṇa Sūtra asserts the reality of the ego in the transcendental realm. The non-Buddhist definition of ego is that it has permanent individuality 常一之體 and is independent or sovereign 有主宰之用. When applied to men it is 人我, when to things it is 法我. Cf. 常 11.


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Alone / A Lone Person
(adj-no,adj-na,n) (1) original; unique; distinctive; characteristic; peculiar; (adj-no,adj-na,n) (2) independent; one's own; personal



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dú lì
    du2 li4
tu li

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independent; independence; to stand alone
See: 独立



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dú zì
    du2 zi4
tu tzu

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Alone / A Lone Person



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kōng wú
    kong1 wu2
k`ung wu
    kung wu

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Unreality, or immateriality, of things, which is defined as nothing existing of independent or self-contained nature.


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independent spirit

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 shou / sho
nature; character; property; quality; attribute; sexuality; sex; gender; suffix forming adjective from verb; suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity; essence; CL:個|个[ge4]
(archaism) disposition; nature; character; (surname) Shou
svabhāva, prakṛti, pradhāna. The nature intp. as embodied, causative, unchanging; also as independent or self-dependent; fundamental nature behind the manifestation or expression. Also, the Buddha-nature immanent in all beings, the Buddha heart or mind.

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alone; independent; single; sole; only
Only, alone, solitary.

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(coll.) color; used in 色子[shai3zi5]
(counter) counter for colours; (female given name) Shiki
rūpa, outward appearance, form, colour, matter, thing; the desirable, especially feminine attraction. It is defined as that which has resistance; or which changes and disappears, i. e. the phenomenal; also as 顯, 形 and 表色 colour and quality, form or the measurable, and mode or action. There are divisions of two, i. e. inner and outer, as the organs and objects of sense; also colour and form; of three, i. e. the visible object, e. g. colour, the invisible object, e. g. sound, the invisible and immaterial; of eleven, i. e. the five organs and five objects of sense and the immaterial object; of fourteen, the five organs and five objects of sense and the four elements, earth, water, fire, air. rūpa is one of the six bāhya-āyatana, the 六塵; also one of the five skandhas, 五蘊, i. e. the 色身. Keith refers to rūpa as 'material form or matter which is underived (no-utpādā) and which is derived (utpādā)', the underived or independent being the tangible; the derived or dependent being the senses, e. g. of hearing; most of their objects, e. g. sound; the qualities or faculties of feminity, masculinity, vitality; intimation by act and speech, space; qualities of matter, e. g. buoyancy and physical nutriment.

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word; statement; speech; lyrics; a form of lyric poetry, flourishing in the Song dynasty 宋朝[Song4chao2] (CL:首[shou3])
(1) words; writing; lyrics; (2) (See 填詞) ci (form of Chinese poetry); (3) (See 辞・3) independent word; (female given name) Kotoba
An expression, phrase, word.

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to leave; to part from; to be away from; (in giving distances) from; without (something); independent of; one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing fire; ☲
li (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: fire, south); (surname) Mato
To leave, part from, apart from. abandon; translit. li, le, r, re, rai.



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sān yè
    san1 ye4
san yeh
 sangou / sango
{Buddh} (See 身口意) three activities (action, speech and thought)
trividha-dvāra. The three conditions, inheritances, or karma, of which there are several groups. (1) Deed, word, thought, 身, 口, 意. (2) (a) Present-1ife happy karma; (6) present-life unhappy karma; (c) 不動 karma of an imperturbable nature. (3) (a) Good; (b) evil; (c) neutral karma. (4) (a) 漏業 Karma of ordinary rebirth; (6) 無漏業 karma of Hīnayāna nirvana; (c) 非漏非無漏 karma of neither, independent of both, Mahāyāna nirvana. (5) (a) Present deeds and their consequences in this life; (b) present deeds and their next life consequences; (c) present deeds and consequences after the next life, There are other groups of three.


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èr wǒ
    er4 wo3
erh wo
(二我見) The two erroneous views of individualism: (a) 人我見 The erroneous view that there is an independent human personality or soul, and (b) 法我見 the like view that anything exists with an independent nature.



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rén zhí
    ren2 zhi2
jen chih
The (false) tenet of a soul, or ego, or permanent individual, i.e. that the individual is real, the ego an independent unit and not a mere combination of the five skandhas produced by cause and in effect disintegrating; v. 我執.


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(1) place containing a Buddhist image; (2) (See 極楽・1,浄土・1) place containing a Buddha; pure land; (3) (See 造仏所) independent workshop of Buddhist sculptors (from the Heian period onward); (place-name) Bussho


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 oreryuu / oreryu
(masculine speech) one's own way of thinking; one's independent approach



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gōng xué
    gong1 xue2
kung hsüeh
elite fee-charging independent school in England or Wales (e.g. Eton College)


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fēn lì
    fen1 li4
fen li
to establish as separate entities; to divide (a company etc) into independent entities; discrete; separate; separation (of powers etc)
(n,vs,vi) segregation; separation; independence



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gē jù
    ge1 ju4
ko chü
to set up an independent regime; to secede; segmentation; division; fragmentation


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shí zhàng
    shi2 zhang4
shih chang
Ten hindrances; bodhisattvas in the stage of 十地 overcome these ten hindrances and realize the十眞如 q.v. The hindrances are: (1) 異生性障 the hindrance of the common illusions of the unenlightened, taking the seeming for real; (2) 邪行障 the hindrance of common unenlightened conduct; (3) 暗鈍障 the hindrance of ignorant and dull ideas; (4) 細惑現行障 the hindrance of the illusion that things are real and have independent existence; (5)下乘涅槃障 the hindrance of the lower ideals in Hīnayāna of nirvāṇa; (6) 細相現行障 the hindrance of the ordinary ideas of the pure and impure; (7) 細相現行障 the hindrance of the idea of reincarnation; (8) 無相加行障 the hindrance of the continuance of activity even in the formless world; (9) 不欲行障 the hindrance of no desire to act for the salvation of others; (10) 法未自在障 the hindrance of non- attainment of complete mastery of all things. v. 唯識論 10.


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(adj-f,n) single-theater; independent (cinema); art-house (film)


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sì lì
    si4 li4
ssu li
The four powers for attaining enlightenment: independent personal power; power derived from others; power of past good karma; and power arising from environment.



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sì zhí
    si4 zhi2
ssu chih
The four erroneous tenets; also 四邪; 四迷; 四術; there are two groups: I. The four of the 外道 outsiders, or non-Buddhists, i. e. of Brahminism, concerning the law of cause and effect: (1) 邪因邪果 heretical theory of causation, e. g. creation by Mahesvara; (2) 無因有果 or 自然, effect independent of cause, e. g. creation without a cause, or spontaneous generation; (3) 有因無果 cause without effect, e. g. no future life as the result of this. (4) 無因無果 neither cause nor effect, e. g. that rewards and punishments are independent of morals. II. The four erroneous tenets of 內外道 insiders and outsiders, Buddhist and Brahman, also styled 四宗 the four schools, as negated in the 中論 Mādhyamika śāstra: (1) outsiders, who do not accept either the 人 ren or 法 fa ideas of 空 kong; (2) insiders who hold the Abhidharma or Sarvāstivādāḥ tenet, which recognizes 人空 human impersonality, but not 法空 the unreality of things; (3) also those who hold the 成實 Satyasiddhi tenet which discriminates the two meanings of 空 kong but not clearly; and also (4) those in Mahāyāna who hold the tenet of the realists.



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sì jìng
    si4 jing4
ssu ching
(surname) Yotsukagami
The four resemblances between a mirror and the bhūtatathatā in the Awakening of Faith 起信論. The bhūtatathatā, like the mirror, is independent of all beings, reveals all objects, is not hindered by objects, and serves all beings.


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tǔ bāng
    tu3 bang1
t`u pang
    tu pang
native state (term used by British Colonial power to refer to independent states of India or Africa)



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duō luó
    duo1 luo2
to lo
(1) (abbreviation) (See 多羅樹) palmyra; (2) (abbreviation) (See 多羅葉) lusterleaf holly; (3) patra (silver incense dish placed in front of a Buddhist statue); (surname, female given name) Tara
tārā, in the sense of starry, or scintillation; Tāla, for the fan-palm; Tara, from 'to pass over', a ferry, etc. Tārā, starry, piercing, the eye, the pupil; the last two are both Sanskrit and Chinese definitions; it is a term applied to certain female deities and has been adopted especially by Tibetan Buddhism for certain devīs of the Tantric school. The origin of the term is also ascribed to tar meaning 'to cross', i. e. she who aids to cross the sea of mortality. Getty, 19-27. The Chinese derivation is the eye; the tara devīs; either as śakti or independent, are little known outside Lamaism. Tāla is the palmyra, or fan-palm, whose leaves are used for writing and known as 具多 Pei-to, pattra. The tree is described as 70 or 80 feet high, with fruit like yellow rice-seeds; the borassus eabelliformis; a measure of 70 feet. Taras, from to cross over, also means a ferry, and a bank, or the other shore. Also 呾囉.


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gū gāo
    gu1 gao1
ku kao
 kokou / koko
(adj-no,n,adj-na) aloof; proudly independent; standing apart; solitary

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Independent Spirit
Independent Heart
Independent Spirit獨立精神
dú lì jīng shén
du2 li4 jing1 shen2
du li jing shen
tu li ching shen
dokuritsudú lì / du2 li4 / du li / dulitu li / tuli
Standing by Oneself
Walking by Oneself
do kuritsu do ppo
do kuritsu do po
Free Spirit自由精神zì yóu jīng shén
zi4 you2 jing1 shen2
zi you jing shen
tzu yu ching shen
Free Spirit自由な精神ji yuu na sei shin
ji yu na sei shin
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
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Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Independent Kanji, Independent Characters, Independent in Mandarin Chinese, Independent Characters, Independent in Chinese Writing, Independent in Japanese Writing, Independent in Asian Writing, Independent Ideograms, Chinese Independent symbols, Independent Hieroglyphics, Independent Glyphs, Independent in Chinese Letters, Independent Hanzi, Independent in Japanese Kanji, Independent Pictograms, Independent in the Chinese Written-Language, or Independent in the Japanese Written-Language.

84 people have searched for Independent in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
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