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Light in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy a Light calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Light” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Light” title below...

  1. Light / Bright and Promising Future

  2. Light / Bright / Shine

  3. Warriors of Light

  4. Divine Light

  5. Intuitive Wisdom / Inner Light

  6. Inner Light / Intelligence

  7. Light / Bright

  8. Radiance / Rays of Light

  9. Light of the World

10. Merciful Heart / The Light from a Buddha Mind

11. Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark

12. Moonlight

13. Bright and Promising Future

14. Happy Buddha

15. Diligent Study Proverb

Light / Bright and Promising Future

 guāng míng
 kou mei / mitsu haru
Light / Bright and Promising Future Scroll

光明 is a nice way to say “light” in Chinese and old Korean Hanja.

This is because the word also suggests a bright future or refers to someone who is very promising (great future potential).

The first character means light or bright.

The second character means bright and clear (in this context).

This word appears in most Japanese dictionaries, but it is not the most common Japanese Kanji word for light (more commonly used for the name Mitsuharu).

In old Korean Hanja, this can also mean brightness or brilliance.

In the context of Buddhism, this means “Light emanating from a Buddha or Bodhisattva, symbolizing their wisdom and compassion.”

Light / Bright / Shine

Light / Bright / Shine Scroll

光 is the simplest way to express “light” in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

It can also mean ray or bright. Chinese tend to use a two-character word for light/bright, so this character is probably best if your audience is Japanese. Also, when pronounced Rei, this can be a Japanese female given name.

In the Zen Buddhist context, this is the pure light that everyone possesses at their origin.

Warriors of Light

 hikari no senshi
Warriors of Light Scroll

光の戦士 is the Japanese title for Warrior(s) of Light. This usually refers to the Four Warriors of Light theme from the Final Fantasy series.

Also called Light Warriors, Warriors of the Light, Knights of Light, or Heroes of Light, depending on who is translating.

There are no direct plural forms in Japanese, so warrior or warriors is the same word, 戦士 (which can also be soldier, fighter, combatant, etc.).

Divine Light

 líng guāng
Divine Light Scroll

靈光 is a Chinese word that means “divine light.”

This can refer to the glow or halo around the Buddha. It can also be a miraculous column of light.

In slang, it can be like saying “jolly good!.”

Intuitive Wisdom / Inner Light

 yī dào shén guāng
 ichidou no shinkou
Intuitive Wisdom / Inner Light Scroll

一道神光 is a Buddhist term that means “inner light,” or “intuitive wisdom.”

This actually reads, “[the] one path/way [of] spiritual light.” It implies that your spirit knows the way, and will light the path for you.

Inner Light / Intelligence

 xīn dēng
 shin tou
Inner Light / Intelligence Scroll

心燈 is the Buddhist concept of “The Lamp of the Mind” or “Inner Light.”

It's kind of the Buddhist way to express intelligence.

Directly translated, this means “heart light” or “heart lamp.”
Note: In ancient China, the ideas of heart and mind are interchangeable.

Light / Bright

 mei / myou
Light / Bright Scroll

明 means light, bright, clear, clarity, to understand, or wise.

In Chinese, this can refer to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) where it can also be the surname Ming.

In Japanese, this can be romanized many different ways when used as surnames or given names. 明 is a partial list of those names: Meishuu, Mei, Min, Myoujin, Myou, Hinata, Haru, Toshi, Tooru, Sayaka, Saya, Satoshi, Asumi, Akera, Akemine, Akesaki, Ake, Akuru, Akiraka, and Akira.

In the Buddhist context, this represents vidyā (knowledge). To expand that, Buddhists understand this to mean bright, clear, enlightenment, wisdom, or to understand. It represents Buddha-wisdom and its revelation; also the manifestation of a Buddha's light or effulgence.

Radiance / Rays of Light

 guāng máng
Radiance / Rays of Light Scroll

光芒 is the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja for radiance meaning rays of light, brilliant rays, beams of light, etc.

光芒 is the radiance you feel when the sun hits your face in the morning, bringing you warmth while kickstarting your vitamin D production.

Light of the World

 shì guāng
Light of the World Scroll

世光 means “light of the world” in a Buddhist context in Chinese and Japanese.

This can also be the personal name Toshimitsu in Japanese.

Merciful Heart / The Light from a Buddha Mind

 xīn guāng
 shin kou
Merciful Heart / The Light from a Buddha Mind Scroll

心光 can mean the light from a Buddha's mind or “merciful heart.”

This would especially be the light emanating from Amitābha.

Note that the character 心 can mean mind or heart. 光 means light or brightness - but in this context can suggest a glow of mercy or compassion. This can also be a Japanese surname that is romanized as Shinkou or Shinko.

Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark

 xìn niǎn shì zài lí míng qián de hēi àn zhōng néng gǎn dào guāng míng de niǎo
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark Scroll

信唸是在黎明前的黑闇中能感到光明的鳥 is a philosophical poem/quote from Indian Poet and Philosopher, Rabindranath Tagore.

Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore, 1915

This quote is not sourced, and therefore several variations exist in English. Some suggest the original was in the Bengali language.

This, of course, is the Chinese translation that has the meaning of, “Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”

More about Rabindranath Tagore

 yuè guāng
Moonlight Scroll

月光 is the Chinese, old Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji title for moonlight.

This can also be used to describe a moonbeam and can be a given name in all three languages (pronounced as Rumi when used as a female given name in Japanese).

Bright and Promising Future

 akarui mirai
Bright and Promising Future Scroll

明るい未来 is a Japanese proverb that means “Bright Future.”

It suggests a lot of possibilities and potential awaits in your future. A great gift for a graduate.

The first part of this proverb literally means bright or light. The second part means the future but can also be translated as “the world to come.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Happy Buddha

Buddha of Joyful Light

 huān xǐ guāng fó
 kan gi kou butsu
Happy Buddha Scroll

This title is Buddha of Joyful Light.

歡喜光佛 is Amitābha from Sanskrit but pronounced very differently in Chinese and Japanese.

Diligent Study Proverb

Drill a hole in the wall to get light to read by.

 záo bì tōu guāng
Diligent Study Proverb Scroll

鑿壁偷光 is a Chinese proverb that means “Bore a hole in the wall to make use of the neighbor's light to study.”

This is a nice gift for a very studious person.

Kuang Heng was born during the Western Han period. He has been very fond of reading ever since he was young. However, he could not attend school since his family was poor, and he had to borrow books from people to learn.

To borrow these books, he normally did chores for people who had them. When he became older, he had to work in the field from sunrise to sunset since his family's financial situation did not improve. Thus, he tried to study at night, but he had no lamp.

One day, he noticed the light from the neighbor's house coming through a crack in the wall. This made him very happy, so he dug a larger hole from the crack and read in the light that shone through. This diligent study eventually made him an accomplished person.

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These search terms might be related to Light:

100 Years of Happy Marriage

A Bright Future

Be Happy

Better to Be Happy Than Rich

Bright and Promising Future

Bright Pearl

Don't Worry, Be Happy


Elegant / Exquisite / Grace

Fair / Impartial

Firefly / Glow Worm

Great Illumination of Wisdom

Happiness / Joyful / Joy


Happy / Laughter / Cheerful Bliss

Happy Birthday

Happy Buddha

Happy Family

Happy Laughter

Happy Marriage

Happy New Year

Holding Flowers With Subtle Smile

Impartial and Fair to the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the World

Japanese Snapping Turtle / Chinese Soft Shell Turtle


Knee Strike

Life is Fun

Light / Bright

Light / Bright / Shine

Light / Bright and Promising Future

Optimism / Happy With Your Fate


Radiance / Rays of Light

Relax / Take It Easy

Scarlet / Bright Red

Serendipity / Happy Coincidence

Strike While the Iron is Hot


Sunny / Clear and Bright

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Bright and Promising Future
光明kou mei / mitsu haru
koumei / mitsuharu
ko mei / mitsu haru
guāng míng
guang1 ming2
guang ming
kuang ming
hikariguāng / guang1 / guangkuang
Warriors of Light光の戦士hikari no senshi
Divine Light靈光
líng guāng
ling2 guang1
ling guang
ling kuang
Intuitive Wisdom
Inner Light
一道神光ichidou no shinkou
ichido no shinko
yī dào shén guāng
yi1 dao4 shen2 guang1
yi dao shen guang
i tao shen kuang
Inner Light
shin tou / shintou / shin toxīn dēng / xin1 deng1 / xin deng / xindenghsin teng / hsinteng
mei / myou / mei / myomíng / ming2 / ming
Rays of Light
光芒koubou / koboguāng máng
guang1 mang2
guang mang
kuang mang
Light of the World世光toshimitsushì guāng
shi4 guang1
shi guang
shih kuang
Merciful Heart
The Light from a Buddha Mind
心光shin kou / shinkou / shin koxīn guāng
xin1 guang1
xin guang
hsin kuang
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark信唸是在黎明前的黑闇中能感到光明的鳥
xìn niǎn shì zài lí míng qián de hēi àn zhōng néng gǎn dào guāng míng de niǎo
xin4 nian3 shi4 zai4 li2 ming2 qian2 de hei1 an4 zhong1 neng2 gan3 dao4 guang1 ming2 de niao3
xin nian shi zai li ming qian de hei an zhong neng gan dao guang ming de niao
hsin nien shih tsai li ming ch`ien te hei an chung neng kan tao kuang ming te niao
hsin nien shih tsai li ming chien te hei an chung neng kan tao kuang ming te niao
Moonlight月光gekkou / gekoyuè guāng
yue4 guang1
yue guang
yüeh kuang
Bright and Promising Future明るい未来akarui mirai
Happy Buddha歡喜光佛
kan gi kou butsu
kan gi ko butsu
huān xǐ guāng fó
huan1 xi3 guang1 fo2
huan xi guang fo
huan hsi kuang fo
Diligent Study Proverb鑿壁偷光
záo bì tōu guāng
zao2 bi4 tou1 guang1
zao bi tou guang
tsao pi t`ou kuang
tsao pi tou kuang
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Light Kanji, Light Characters, Light in Mandarin Chinese, Light Characters, Light in Chinese Writing, Light in Japanese Writing, Light in Asian Writing, Light Ideograms, Chinese Light symbols, Light Hieroglyphics, Light Glyphs, Light in Chinese Letters, Light Hanzi, Light in Japanese Kanji, Light Pictograms, Light in the Chinese Written-Language, or Light in the Japanese Written-Language.

69 people have searched for Light in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Light was last searched for by someone else on Mar 8th, 2025