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  1. Wood Ox/Bull

  2. Fire Ox/Bull

  3. Golden/Metal Ox/Bull

  4. Earth Ox/Bull

  5. Water Ox/Bull

  6. Ox / Bull / Cow

Wood Ox/Bull

The Year of the Wood Ox/Bull

 mù niú
Wood Ox/Bull Scroll

木牛 is Wood Ox/Bull in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1865, 1925, 1985, and 2045.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 乙丑.

See Also:  Ox/Bull

Fire Ox/Bull

The Year of the Fire Ox/Bull

 huǒ niú
Fire Ox/Bull Scroll

火牛 is Fire Ox/Bull in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1877, 1937, 1997, and 2057.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 丁丑.

See Also:  Ox/Bull

Golden/Metal Ox/Bull

The Year of the Golden/Metal Ox/Bull

 jīn niú
Golden/Metal Ox/Bull Scroll

金牛 is Golden/Metal Ox/Bull in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1901, 1961, 2021, and 2081.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛丑.

See Also:  Ox/Bull

Earth Ox/Bull

The Year of the Earth Ox/Bull

 tǔ niú
Earth Ox/Bull Scroll

土牛 is Earth Ox/Bull in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1889, 1949, 2009, and 2069.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 己丑.

See Also:  Ox/Bull

Water Ox/Bull

The Year of the Water Ox/Bull

 shuǐ niú
Water Ox/Bull Scroll

水牛 is Water Ox/Bull in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1913, 1973, 2033, and 2093.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 癸丑.

See Also:  Ox/Bull

Ox / Bull / Cow

Year of the Ox / Bull - Zodiac Sign

Ox  /  Bull / Cow Scroll

牛 is the character for bull, cow, ox, or bovine creature in Chinese, old Korean, and Japanese.

If you were born in the year of the ox/bull/cow, you . . .

Are dedicated to your work.
Are discrete, careful and conscientious.
Value work and family.

Note that in this Chinese character, there is no distinction between bull and cow. All bovine creatures fit into the definition of this character. To distinguish between male and female, another sex-designating character is added in front of this character. Therefore, in China, the energy drink “Red Bull” (Hong Niu) is often translated in the minds of Chinese people as “Red Cow” or even “Red Ox.”

See also our Chinese Zodiac page.

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Not the results for ox bull that you were looking for?

Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your ox bull search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition

see styles
 nyuu / nyu

More info & calligraphy:

Ox / Bull / Cow
ox; cow; bull; CL:條|条[tiao2],頭|头[tou2]; newton (abbr. for 牛頓|牛顿[niu2 dun4]); (slang) awesome
(1) cattle (Bos taurus); cow; bull; ox; calf; (2) {food} (usu. ぎゅう) (See 牛肉) beef; (3) (ぎゅう only) {astron} (See 二十八宿,玄武・げんぶ・2) Chinese "Ox" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (surname) Nyū
go, gaus; ox, bull, bullock, etc. A term applied to the Buddha Gautama as in 牛王 king of bulls, possibly because of the derivation of his name; the phrase 騎牛來牛 (or 騎牛覔牛) to ride an ox, to seek an ox, means to use the Buddha to find the Buddha.


see styles
chì guǐ
    chi4 gui3
ch`ih kuei
    chih kuei

More info & calligraphy:

Red Demon
red-horned demon; red ogre; (surname) Akaki
The red demons of purgatory, one with the head of a bull, another with that of a horse, etc.


see styles
 oushiza / oshiza

More info & calligraphy:

Taurus Zodiac Symbol / Sign
Taurus (constellation); the Bull

see styles
(out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (1) jar; pot; vase; (2) dice cup; (3) depression (i.e. the basin of a waterfall); (4) (archaism) target (when aiming an arrow); (5) (kana only) (figurative) bull's-eye; (6) (kana only) key point (of a conversation, etc.); (7) (kana only) acupuncture point; moxibustion point; (8) (kana only) nodes on a fingerboard (of a shamisen, etc.); hu (ancient Chinese vessel shaped like a vase, usually used to store alcohol); (surname) Tsubosaki

see styles

pot; classifier for bottled liquid
(out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (1) jar; pot; vase; (2) dice cup; (3) depression (i.e. the basin of a waterfall); (4) (archaism) target (when aiming an arrow); (5) (kana only) (figurative) bull's-eye; (6) (kana only) key point (of a conversation, etc.); (7) (kana only) acupuncture point; moxibustion point; (8) (kana only) nodes on a fingerboard (of a shamisen, etc.); hu (ancient Chinese vessel shaped like a vase, usually used to store alcohol); (surname) Tsubosaki

see styles
palace corridor; fig. women's quarters; women
(irregular kanji usage) (1) jar; pot; vase; (2) dice cup; (3) depression (i.e. the basin of a waterfall); (4) (archaism) target (when aiming an arrow); (5) (kana only) (figurative) bull's-eye; (6) (kana only) key point (of a conversation, etc.); (7) (kana only) acupuncture point; moxibustion point; (8) (kana only) nodes on a fingerboard (of a shamisen, etc.); (irregular kanji usage) (out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (1) jar; pot; vase; (2) dice cup; (3) depression (i.e. the basin of a waterfall); (4) (archaism) target (when aiming an arrow); (5) (kana only) (figurative) bull's-eye; (6) (kana only) key point (of a conversation, etc.); (7) (kana only) acupuncture point; moxibustion point; (8) (kana only) nodes on a fingerboard (of a shamisen, etc.)

see styles
bull; see 牤牛[mang1 niu2]

see styles

special; unique; distinguished; especially; unusual; very; abbr. for 特克斯[te4 ke4 si1], tex
A bull, stallion; outstanding, special, alone.

see styles
used in 犍為|犍为[Qian2wei4], a country in Sichuan
A gelded bull, an ox; a creature half man, half leopard.

see styles
castrated bull; bullock

see styles

(bound form) bull's-eye; target
(1) mark; target; (2) object; subject; focus; (3) point (e.g. of argument); (personal name) Yukuha
main point

see styles

a shrike
(1) (kana only) shrike (any bird of family Laniidae); (2) bull-headed shrike (Lanius bucephalus); butcher bird


see styles
(1) cattle (Bos taurus); cow; bull; ox; calf; (2) beef; (personal name) Uzi


see styles
(1) jar; pot; vase; (2) dice cup; (3) depression (i.e. the basin of a waterfall); (4) (archaism) target (when aiming an arrow); (5) (kana only) (figurative) bull's-eye; (6) (kana only) key point (of a conversation, etc.); (7) (kana only) acupuncture point; moxibustion point; (8) (kana only) nodes on a fingerboard (of a shamisen, etc.)


see styles
chǒu niú
    chou3 niu2
ch`ou niu
    chou niu
Year 2, year of the Bull or Ox (e.g. 2009)


see styles
gōng niú
    gong1 niu2
kung niu


see styles
shí èr
    shi2 er4
shih erh
twelve; 12
12; twelve; (given name) Tooji
dvātriṃśa. Thirty-two. 三十二應 (or 三十二身) The thirty-two forms of Guanyin, and of Puxian, ranging from that of a Buddha to that of a man, a maid, a rakṣas; similar to the thirty-three forms named in the Lotus Sūtra. 三十二相三十二大人相 dvātriṃśadvaralakṣaṇa. The thirty-two lakṣaṇas, or physical marks of a cakravartī, or 'wheel-king', especially of the Buddha, i. e. level feet, thousand-spoke wheel-sign on feet, long slender fingers, pliant hands and feet, toes and fingers finely webbed, full-sized heels, arched insteps, thighs like a royal stag, hands reaching below the knees well-retracted male organ, height and stretch of arms equal, every hair-root dark coloured, body hair graceful and curly, golden-hued body, a 10 ft. halo around him, soft smooth skin, the 七處, i. e. two soles, two palms, two shoulders, and crown well rounded, below the armpits well-filled, lion-shaped body, erect, full shoulders, forty teeth, teeth white even and close, the four canine teeth pure white, lion-jawed, saliva improving the taste of all food, tongue long and broad, voice deep and resonant, eyes deep blue, eyelashes like a royal bull, a white ūrnā or curl between the eyebrows emitting light, an uṣṇīṣa or fleshy protuberance on the crown. These are from the 三藏法數 48, with which the 智度論 4, 涅盤經 28, 中阿含經, 三十ニ相經 generally agree. The 無量義經 has a different list. 三十二相經 The eleventh chapter of the 阿含經. 三十二相經願 The twenty-first of Amitābha's vows, v. 無量壽經. 三十三 trayastriṃśat. Thirty-three. 三十三天忉利天; 憺梨天, 多羅夜登陵舍; 憺利夜登陵奢; 憺利耶憺利奢 Trayastriṃśas. The Indra heaven, the second of the six heavens of form. Its capital is situated on the summit of Mt. Sumeru, where Indra rules over his thirty-two devas, who reside on thirty-two peaks of Sumeru, eight in each of the four directons. Indra's capital is called 殊勝 Sudarśana, 喜見城 Joy-view city. Its people are a yojana in height, each one's clothing weighs 六鐵 (1; 4 oz. ), and they live 1, 000 years, a day and night being equal to 100 earthly years. Eitel says Indra's heaven 'tallies in all its details with the Svarga of Brahminic mythology' and suggests that 'the whole myth may have an astronomical meaning', or be connected, with 'the atmosphere with its phenomena, which strengthens Koeppen's hypothesis explaining the number thirty-three as referring to the eight Vasus, eleven Rudras, twelve Ādityas, and two Aśvins of Vedic mythology'. In his palace called Vaijayanta 'Indra is enthroned with 1, 000 eyes with four arms grasping the vajra. There he revels in numberless sensual pleasures together with his wife Śacī... and with 119, 000 concubines with whom he associates by means of transformation'.; dvādaśa, twelve.


see styles
shēng shì
    sheng1 shi4
sheng shih
rising prices; bull market
(surname) Masuichi



see styles
yìn xǐ
    yin4 xi3
yin hsi
official seal; imperial or royal seal; papal bull
imperial seal


see styles
bull's-eye; the mark


see styles
 haigyuu / haigyu
(abbreviation) (See 廃用牛) culled cow; spent cow; spent bull



see styles
jiāo shū
    jiao1 shu1
chiao shu
 kyousho / kyosho
to teach (in a school)
(1) (See 一般教書) message (delivered by the US president or a state governor); address; (2) (papal) bull; decree; (3) (obsolete) (See 教科書) textbook


see styles
restive bull (esp. in bull riding)


see styles
 seikoku; seikou / sekoku; seko
    せいこく; せいこう
bull's-eye; mark; point


see styles
niú shì
    niu2 shi4
niu shih
 ushiichi / ushichi
bull market
(place-name) Ushiichi


see styles
niú nián
    niu2 nian2
niu nien
Year of the Ox or Bull (e.g. 2009)



see styles
niú jī
    niu2 ji1
niu chi
Ox-tracks, i. e. the teaching of a Buddha the 牛王 royal bull.


see styles
niú biān
    niu2 bian1
niu pien
pizzle; bull's penis (served as food)


see styles
 ushizame; ushizame
    うしざめ; ウシザメ
(kana only) (See 大目白鮫・おおめじろざめ) bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas)


see styles
mǔ niú
    mu3 niu2
mu niu
 oushi / oshi
bull; ox; steer

Click here for more ox bull results from our dictionary

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Wood Ox/Bull木牛mù niú / mu4 niu2 / mu niu / muniu
Fire Ox/Bull火牛huǒ niú / huo3 niu2 / huo niu / huoniu
Golden/Metal Ox/Bull金牛jīn niú / jin1 niu2 / jin niu / jinniuchin niu / chinniu
Earth Ox/Bull土牛tǔ niú / tu3 niu2 / tu niu / tuniut`u niu / tuniu / tu niu
Water Ox/Bull水牛shuǐ niú / shui3 niu2 / shui niu / shuiniu
ushiniú / niu2 / niu


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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

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single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Ox Bull Kanji, Ox Bull Characters, Ox Bull in Mandarin Chinese, Ox Bull Characters, Ox Bull in Chinese Writing, Ox Bull in Japanese Writing, Ox Bull in Asian Writing, Ox Bull Ideograms, Chinese Ox Bull symbols, Ox Bull Hieroglyphics, Ox Bull Glyphs, Ox Bull in Chinese Letters, Ox Bull Hanzi, Ox Bull in Japanese Kanji, Ox Bull Pictograms, Ox Bull in the Chinese Written-Language, or Ox Bull in the Japanese Written-Language.

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