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Past Lives in Chinese / Japanese...

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Karma (of your past lives)

 sù yè
Karma (of your past lives) Scroll

宿業 is the Buddhist concept of Past Karma. Simply put, it's the sum of all the good and bad from all previous lives (perhaps earlier in your current life). This term is not commonly used outside of the Buddhist faith (you'll have a tough time finding a non-Buddhist Asian person that knows this word).

Other ways to translate this are “The karma of previous existence,” “The karma remaining from prior existences,” or simply “Former karma.”

See Also:  Buddhism

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Not the results for past lives that you were looking for?

Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your past lives search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
sān shēng
    san1 sheng1
san sheng
(surname, given name) Mitsuo
The three births, or reincarnations, past, present, future. Tiantai has (a) 種 planting the seed; (b) 熟 ripening; (c) 脫 liberating, stripping, or harvesting, i.e. beginning, development, and reward of bodhi, a process either gradual or instantaneous. Huayan has (a) 見聞生 a past life of seeing and hearing Buddha-truth; (b) 解行生 liberation in the present life; (c) 證入生 realization of life in Buddhahood. This is also called 三生成佛, Buddhahood in the course of three lives. There is also a definition of three rebirths as the shortest term for arhatship, sixty kalpas being the longest. There are other definitions.


see styles
wǔ guǒ
    wu3 guo3
wu kuo
(1) five fruits (peach, Japanese plum, apricot, jujube, Japanese chestnut); (2) (Buddhist term) five types of effect in cause-and-effect relationships; (3) (Buddhist term) five effects of ignorance and formations on one's current life
The five fruits, or effects; there are various groups, e. g. I. (1) 異熟果 fruit ripening divergently, e. g. pleasure and goodness are in different categories; present organs accord in pain or pleasure with their past good or evil deeds; (2) 等流果 fruit of the same order, e. g. goodness reborn from previous goodness; (3) 土用果 present position and function fruit, the rewards of moral merit in previous lives; (4) 增上果 superior fruit, or position arising from previous earnest endeavor and superior capacity: (5) 離繋果 fruit of freedom from all bonds, nirvana fruit. II. Fruit, or rebirth: (1) 識 conception (viewed psychologically); (2) 名色 formation mental and physical; (3) 六處 the six organs of perception complete; (4) 觸 their birth and contact with the world; (5) 受 consciousness. III. Five orders of fruit, with stones, pips, shells (as nuts), chaff-like (as pine seeds), and with pods.



see styles
shí lái
    shi2 lai2
shih lai
(female given name) Torai
(十來偈) The ten rhymes in "lai", a verse which expresses the Buddhist doctrine of moral determinism, i.e. that the position anyone now occupies is solely the result of his character in past lives; heredity and environment having nothing to do with his present condition, for, whether in prince or beggar, it is the reward of past deeds. The upright from the forbearing come,
The poor from the mean and greedy come,
Those of high rank from worshippers come,
The low and common from the Prideful come,
Those who are dumb from slanderers come,
The blind and deaf from unbelievers come,
The long-lived from the merciful come,
The short-lived from life, takers come,
The deficient in faculties from command-breakers come,
The complete in faculties from command-keepers come.



see styles
wèi lái
    wei4 lai2
wei lai
future; tomorrow; CL:個|个[ge4]; approaching; coming; pending
(female given name) Mirai
當來 anāgata; that which has not come, or will come; the future, e. g. 未來世 a future life, or lives; also the future tense, one of the 三世, i. e. 過, 現, 未 past, present, future.



see styles
sān shí yè
    san1 shi2 ye4
san shih yeh
 sanjigou / sanjigo
{Buddh} (See 順現業,順次業,順後業) karmic retribution through the past, present, and future; three types of karma
The three stages of karma— in the present life because of present deeds; in the next life because of present actions; and in future lives because of present actions.



see styles
sì jù zhí
    si4 ju4 zhi2
ssu chü chih
The four tenets held by various non-Buddhist schools: (1) the permanence of the ego, i. e. that the ego of past lives is the ego of the present; (2) its impermanence, i. e. that the present ego is of independent birth; (3) both permanent and impermanent, that the ego is permanent, the body impermanent; (4) neither permanent nor impermanent; that the body is impermanent but the ego not impermanent.


see styles
sù mìng tōng
    su4 ming4 tong1
su ming t`ung
    su ming tung
 shukumyoutsuu / shukumyotsu
(Buddhism) recollection of past lives; wisdom of past lives (one of six supernatural powers of Buddhas and arhats)
{Buddh} (See 六神通) knowledge of previous lifetimes (one of the six supernormal Buddhist powers)
(宿命智通) pūrvanivāsānusmṛti-(jñāna); buddha-knowledge of all forms of previous existence of self and others; one of the 六通 (六神通).


see styles
(1) person who is socially ostracized (e.g. an ex-convict, mistress, illegitimate child); social outcast; person with a shady past; person with something to hide; (2) obscure person; person who lives in obscurity; person who has been forgotten by the world



see styles
běn shì jīng
    ben3 shi4 jing1
pen shih ching
 Honji kyō
itivṛttaka; ityukta; one of the twelve classes of sutras, in which the Buddha tells of the deeds of his disciples and others in previous lives, cf. 本生經.



see styles
shí èr yīn yuán
    shi2 er4 yin1 yuan2
shih erh yin yüan
 jūni innen
Dvādaśaṅga pratītyasamutpāda; the twelve nidānas; v. 尼 and 因; also 十二緣起; 因緣有支; 因緣率連; 因緣棘園; 因緣輪; 因緣重城; 因緣觀; 支佛觀. They are the twelve links in the chain of existence: (1) 無明avidyā, ignorance, or unenlightenment; (2) 行 saṃskāra, action, activity, conception, "dispositions," Keith; (3) 識 vijñāna, consciousness; (4) 名色 nāmarūpa, name and form; (5) 六入 ṣaḍāyatana, the six sense organs, i.e. eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind; (6) 觸 sparśa, contact, touch; (7) 受 vedanā, sensation, feeling; (8) 愛 tṛṣṇā, thirst, desire, craving; (9) 取 upādāna, laying hold of, grasping; (10) 有 bhava, being, existing; (11) 生 jāti, birth; (12) 老死 jarāmaraṇa, old age, death. The "classical formula" reads "By reason of ignorance dispositions; by reason of dispositions consciousness", etc. A further application of the twelve nidānas is made in regard to their causaton of rebirth: (1) ignorance, as inherited passion from the beginningless past ; (2) karma, good and evil, of past lives; (3) conception as a form of perception; (4) nāmarūpa, or body and mind evolving (in the womb); (5) the six organs on the verge of birth; (6) childhood whose intelligence is limited to sparśa, contact or touch; (7) receptivity or budding intelligence and discrimination from 6 or 7 years; (8) thirst, desire, or love, age of puberty; (9) the urge of sensuous existence; (10) forming the substance, bhava, of future karma; (11) the completed karma ready for rebirth; (12) old age and death. The two first are associated with the previous life, the other ten with the present. The theory is equally applicable to all realms of reincarnation. The twelve links are also represented in a chart, at the centre of which are the serpent (anger), boar (ignorance, or stupidity), and dove (lust) representing the fundamental sins. Each catches the other by the tail, typifying the train of sins producing the wheel of life. In another circle the twelve links are represented as follows: (1) ignorance, a blind woman; (2) action, a potter at work, or man gathering fruit; (3) consciousness, a restless monkey; (4) name and form, a boat; (5) sense organs, a house; (6) contact, a man and woman sitting together; (7) sensation, a man pierced by an arrow; (8) desire, a man drinking wine; (9) craving, a couple in union; (10) existence through childbirth; (11) birth, a man carrying a corpse; (12) disease, old age, death, an old woman leaning on a stick. v. 十二因緣論 Pratītya-samutpāda śāstra.


see styles
sù zuò wài dào
    su4 zuo4 wai4 dao4
su tso wai tao
 shukusa gedō
One of the ascetic sects who sought release from penalties for the deeds of a former life by severe austerities now.


see styles
xuě shān tóng zǐ
    xue3 shan1 tong2 zi3
hsüeh shan t`ung tzu
    hsüeh shan tung tzu
 sessendouji / sessendoji
{Buddh} (See 釈迦) young ascetic of the Himalayas; one of the Buddha's past lives
young ascetic of the Himâlayas


see styles
yī dì mù duō qié
    yi1 di4 mu4 duo1 qie2
i ti mu to ch`ieh
    i ti mu to chieh
(or 伊帝日多伽 or 伊帝越多伽) ityuktas, so said, or reported; itivṛttakam, so occurring; the Buddha's discourses arising out of events; intp. as 本事 q. v. personal events, or Jātaka stories, one of the twelve classes of Buddhist literature, i. e. 十二部經 biographical narratives.



see styles
sù shì yīn yuán zhōu
    su4 shi4 yin1 yuan2 zhou1
su shih yin yüan chou
 shukuse innen shū
preaching by means of the stories of the lives of past Buddhas



see styles
sù zhù suí niàn zhì
    su4 zhu4 sui2 nian4 zhi4
su chu sui nien chih
 shukujū zuinen chi
cognition of the remembrance of past lives



see styles
sù zhù suí niàn zhì lì
    su4 zhu4 sui2 nian4 zhi4 li4
su chu sui nien chih li
 shukujū zuinen chiriki
the power of knowledge of remembrance of past lives


see styles
(1) person who is socially ostracized (e.g. an ex-convict, mistress, illegitimate child); social outcast; person with a shady past; person with something to hide; (2) obscure person; person who lives in obscurity; person who has been forgotten by the world

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Karma (of your past lives)宿業
shukugou / shukugosù yè / su4 ye4 / su ye / suyesu yeh / suyeh
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

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A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Past Lives Kanji, Past Lives Characters, Past Lives in Mandarin Chinese, Past Lives Characters, Past Lives in Chinese Writing, Past Lives in Japanese Writing, Past Lives in Asian Writing, Past Lives Ideograms, Chinese Past Lives symbols, Past Lives Hieroglyphics, Past Lives Glyphs, Past Lives in Chinese Letters, Past Lives Hanzi, Past Lives in Japanese Kanji, Past Lives Pictograms, Past Lives in the Chinese Written-Language, or Past Lives in the Japanese Written-Language.

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