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Strong Willed in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy a Strong Willed calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Strong Willed” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Strong Willed” title below...

  1. Strong Willed

  2. Strong Hearted / Strong Willed

  3. Strong-Willed / Strong of Heart

  4. Stay Strong / Iron Will

  5. Perseverance

  6. Perseverance / Will-Power

  7. Perseverance / Fortitude

  8. Patience / Perseverance

  9. Patience / Perseverance / To Endure / Tolerant

10. Perseverance / Fortitude

11. Tenacious / Tenacity

12. Determination to Achieve / Will-Power

13. Will-Power / Self-Control

14. Perseverance

15. Perseverance / Indomitable / Invincible Fortitude

Strong Willed

 yìng qì
Strong Willed Scroll

硬氣 means firm, unyielding, or strong-willed in Chinese.

If you take pride in being strong-willed or a bit stubborn, this could be for you.

Strong Hearted / Strong Willed

 yì zhì jiān qiáng
Strong Hearted / Strong Willed Scroll

意志堅強 can mean either “strong-hearted,” “strong-willed” or “determination.”

The first two characters can be translated as “will,” “willpower,” “determination,” “volition,” “intention,” or “intent.” But, it should be noted that this first part possesses the element of “heart” in the lower portion of both characters (they also partially carry the meaning “with the whole heart”).

The last two characters mean “strong” or “staunch.”

Chinese word order and grammar are a bit different than English, so in this case, they are in reverse order of English but have the correct meaning in a natural form.

See Also:  Discipline | Will-Power

Strong-Willed / Strong of Heart

 ki no tsuyo i
Strong-Willed / Strong of Heart  Scroll

気の強い means strong-willed or strong of heart in Japanese.

Here's the character breakdown of this Japanese title:
気 (ki) spirit; mind; heart; nature; motivation; intention; feelings; essence.
の (no) possessive particle.
強い (tsuyoi) strong; powerful; mighty; potent; resistant; resilient; durable.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Stay Strong / Iron Will

 tesshin sekichou
Stay Strong / Iron Will Scroll

鉄心石腸 is a Japanese proverb that suggests you should have the inner-strength and will as hard and steadfast as iron.

It's the Japanese way of saying, “stay strong.” This is an especially uplifting thing to say to a person in distress or recovering from a disaster. It's kind of the survivor's creed.

If you literally translate this, it means “iron will, stone guts” or “iron heart, rock-hard bowels.”


 see note
Perseverance Scroll

毅 is the simplest way to express perseverance in Chinese and Korean Hanja.
This single-character version leaves a bit of mystery about what kind of perseverance you might want to convey.

In Korean, this is usually associated with “strength of character.”

In Japanese, this character can be pronounced in a dozen different ways (so we have left out the Japanese pronunciation guide that normally appears above). In Japanese, this Kanji would usually be translated as “strong” (perhaps strong-willed).

See Also:  Tenacity | Fortitude | Strength | Undaunted

Perseverance / Will-Power

 yì lì
Perseverance / Will-Power Scroll

毅力 is a way to express “perseverance” with the idea of “willpower” in Chinese and old Korean Hanja. It can also mean “strong-willed.”

The first character means “strong” and “persistent,” while the second means “strength” and “power.”

Perseverance / Fortitude

 jiǎn rěn
 ken nin
Perseverance / Fortitude Scroll

堅忍 means persistent, steadfast, fortitude, and/or perseverance.

The first character means strong, solid, firm, unyielding, or resolute.
The second character means to beat, endure, or tolerate.
Together they speak of the strength from within yourself. Some may also translate this as long-suffering in a more Biblical sense.

堅忍 is a common term in Chinese and Korean Hanja but a little less commonly used in modern Japanese Kanji. For that reason, this selection is best if your audience is Chinese or Korean.

忍忍 Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese will tend to write the second Kanji a little differently. If you select our Japanese master calligrapher, please expect the form where the little horizontal stroke crosses the vertical stroke. See differences in the images to the right. Technically, they are both the same character, and will be read the same in either language.

Patience / Perseverance

Patience / Perseverance Scroll

忍 contains the ideas of patience, equanimity, perseverance, forbearance, and endurance. Alone, this single character can be a bit ambiguous or flexible. It can also mean to endure, to bear, to put up with, or to conceal. If you want to simply decide what this character means to you within the general meaning but keep it a mystery to others, this is a good choice.

If you want to be more direct, you may want to choose one of our other selections that mean perseverance or patience (you will see this character within those larger words/phrases).

There is a secondary meaning in Japanese since this is the first character of the word ninja.

忍Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese will tend to write it in the form shown to the right. If you select our Japanese master calligrapher, please expect this Kanji form (yes, it's just one stroke that is slightly different in location, crossing another stroke in the Japanese Kanji form).

See Also:  Perseverance | Patience | Tenacious

Patience / Perseverance / To Endure / Tolerant

 rěn nài
 nin tai
Patience / Perseverance / To Endure / Tolerant Scroll

忍耐 is patience, the quiet hope, and trust that things will turn out right.

You wait without complaining. You are tolerant and accepting of difficulties and mistakes. You picture the end in the beginning and persevere to meet your goals.

忍耐 can also mean “to endure,” “restrain oneself,” or “forbearance,” and in some contexts, it can mean “perseverance” or “endurance.”

忍耐 is also used as a tenet of Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do, and other Korean martial arts where it's titled “Endurance” and romanized as “In Neh.”

忍Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese will tend to write the first character in the form shown to the right. If you select our Japanese master calligrapher, please expect this Kanji form (yes, it’s just one stroke that is slightly different in location, crossing another stroke in the Japanese Kanji form).

See Also:  Peace | Harmony | Perseverance

Perseverance / Fortitude

 jiān rèn
Perseverance / Fortitude Scroll

堅韌 is a short word meaning “fortitude,” “steadfast,” and “persistent.”

Tenacious / Tenacity

 wán qiáng
 gan kyou
Tenacious / Tenacity Scroll

頑強 means “Tenacious,” “Hard to Defeat,” or “Dogged.”

Alone, the first character means mischievous, obstinate, or stubborn. But it loses some of the mischievous meaning when the second character is added.

The second character means strength, force, power, or better.

See Also:  Determination | Dedication | Devotion | Never Give Up

Determination to Achieve / Will-Power

 yì zhì
Determination to Achieve / Will-Power Scroll

意志 is a Chinese, Korean, and Japanese word that means “determination to achieve.” It can also be translated as: will; willpower; determination; volition; intention; or intent.

In Japanese, this can also be the given name, Ishi.

Will-Power / Self-Control

 yì zhì lì
 ishi ryoku
Will-Power / Self-Control Scroll

意志力 is a form of willpower or self-control and is about having the determination or tenacity to keep going.

In Japanese, this is the power of will, the strength of will, volition, intention, intent, or determination.


 jiān rèn bù bá
Perseverance Scroll

堅韌不拔 is about perseverance, being steadfast and persistent.

堅韌不拔 is a great phrase for you if you commit to your goals and overcome obstacles, no matter how long it takes.

The translation of this proverb literally means “something so persistent or steadfast, that it is not uprootable, movable, or surpassable.”

Other translations include being firm and indomitable or tenacious and unyielding.

See Also:  Tenacious | Devotion | Persistence | Indomitable

Perseverance / Indomitable / Invincible Fortitude

 jiān rěn bù bá
Perseverance / Indomitable / Invincible Fortitude Scroll

堅忍不抜 means determined, steadfast, unswerving, or unshakable in Japanese.

This is the Japanese version of an old Chinese 4-character perseverance proverb.
This would be understood in Chinese, but it's not commonly written this way in Chinese.

忍Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese calligraphers sometimes write the second Kanji in the form shown to the right. Yes, it’s just one stroke that is slightly different in location, crossing another stroke in this alternate Japanese Kanji form. If you have a preference, let us know when you order.

Due to some odd computer coding conventions, these two character forms were combined/merged into the same code point - thus, you will not see Kanji images of more Japanese form as you select options for your scroll.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Strong Willed硬氣
yìng qì / ying4 qi4 / ying qi / yingqiying ch`i / yingchi / ying chi
Strong Hearted
Strong Willed
yì zhì jiān qiáng
yi4 zhi4 jian1 qiang2
yi zhi jian qiang
i chih chien ch`iang
i chih chien chiang
Strong of Heart
ki no tsuyo i
Stay Strong
Iron Will
鉄心石腸tesshin sekichou
teshin sekicho
Perseverancesee note / seenote / se noteyì / yi4 / yii
毅力yì lì / yi4 li4 / yi li / yilii li / ili
ken nin / kenninjiǎn rěn / jian3 ren3 / jian ren / jianrenchien jen / chienjen
ninrěn / ren3 / renjen
To Endure
忍耐nin tai / nintairěn nài / ren3 nai4 / ren nai / rennaijen nai / jennai
jiān rèn / jian1 ren4 / jian ren / jianrenchien jen / chienjen
gan kyou / gankyou / gan kyowán qiáng
wan2 qiang2
wan qiang
wan ch`iang
wan chiang
Determination to Achieve
意志ishiyì zhì / yi4 zhi4 / yi zhi / yizhii chih / ichih
意志力ishi ryoku / ishiryokuyì zhì lì
yi4 zhi4 li4
yi zhi li
i chih li
jiān rèn bù bá
jian1 ren4 bu4 ba2
jian ren bu ba
chien jen pu pa
Invincible Fortitude
堅忍不抜 / 堅忍不拔
kenninfubatsujiān rěn bù bá
jian1 ren3 bu4 ba2
jian ren bu ba
chien jen pu pa
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Strong Willed Kanji, Strong Willed Characters, Strong Willed in Mandarin Chinese, Strong Willed Characters, Strong Willed in Chinese Writing, Strong Willed in Japanese Writing, Strong Willed in Asian Writing, Strong Willed Ideograms, Chinese Strong Willed symbols, Strong Willed Hieroglyphics, Strong Willed Glyphs, Strong Willed in Chinese Letters, Strong Willed Hanzi, Strong Willed in Japanese Kanji, Strong Willed Pictograms, Strong Willed in the Chinese Written-Language, or Strong Willed in the Japanese Written-Language.

95 people have searched for Strong Willed in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Strong Willed was last searched for by someone else on Mar 16th, 2025

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